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我国电镀行业危险废物环境管理对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文系统研究分析了我国电镀行业危险废物产生、利用处置现状及主流的电镀污泥利用处置技术,从技术和管理角度探讨了电镀行业危险废物管理存在的堵点和盲点。2017年我国电镀行业共产生226万吨电镀污泥,除黑龙江和天津外,其他各省区市电镀行业危险废物利用处置能力充足。针对电镀行业危险废物管理存在的问题,提出了加强对非法转移倾倒行为的打击力度、建立产生者责任延伸制、鼓励电镀行业危险废物源头减量、推进危险废物精细化以及物联网智能化过程管控、完善危险废物利用处置标准体系等政策建议。  相似文献   

围绕新近出台的《废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》,借鉴欧盟等国家对废旧物资的管理理念和具体措施,探讨了我国废旧电器电子产品的界定及管理制度建设,提出建设社区试点网络管理体系、建立由市场主导的生产者责任延伸体系等建议。  相似文献   

2020年9月1日修订实施的《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》在工业固体废物管理中强化了企业自主管理,并提出全过程管理要求。合成树脂行业在我国工业领域中占有重要位置,从事生产的企业以大型石化企业为主,其有能力也有责任科学管理固体废物,以实现固体废物无害化、减量化、资源化。阐述了合成树脂行业中聚乙烯、聚丙烯和聚氯乙烯的生产工艺过程和生产环节特点,详细介绍了固体废物的产生节点、废物属性及管理措施,对所产生的固体废物进行分类梳理,总结企业固体废物处理处置措施,并针对合成树脂行业固体废物产生现状提出管理建议,以期为我国危险废物环境管理及《国家危险废物名录》动态修订提供科学依据,也为企业自主管理方式提供指导方向。  相似文献   

炼焦过程中会产生大量的废气、废水和危险废物,炼焦行业是重污染行业,也是我国重点管控行业。炼焦行业危险废物的精准管控和安全利用处置,既可改善生态环境,也可保障人类健康。炼焦行业危险废物的产生现状是产生节点多样、产生量大、污染物种类繁杂,采取的主要利用处置方式包括从高温煤焦油和中低温煤焦油中提取多种化工原料、以脱硫废液为原料进行提盐和制酸、现阶段无法有效利用的炼焦危险废物水泥窑协同处置和焚烧处置。对当前利用处置方式存在的主要问题进行了剖析,提出了3个提高炼焦危险废物利用率和加强安全处置的建议:1)遵循《危险废物豁免管理清单》利用环节豁免条件,促进高温煤焦油和中低温煤焦油利用;2)通过制定污染控制标准或技术规范、“点对点”利用、开发高效的提盐和制酸技术、园区统一规划集中利用等方式,合力提高脱硫废液提盐和制酸的利用水平;3)在环境风险可控和利用新型干法回转窑工艺以及危险废物科学配伍的前提下,将现阶段无法有效利用的炼焦危险废物进行水泥窑协同处置和焚烧处置。  相似文献   

While the literature over the last ten years has dealt with the implementation of quality, environmental and other management systems in terms of the interest aroused and results obtained, little has been written about organisational behaviour and the extent to which such standards have been adopted in the service sector. The present article explores these variables in the hotel industry, based on information collected from 403 hotels. The empirical analysis conducted evinces significant differences in behaviour and penetration between the service and manufacturing sectors, as well as between the implementation of management systems and the introduction of other business practices in the hotel industry. The results shed light on the importance of implementing certified management systems for conducting the hotel business.  相似文献   

随着我国铝冶炼行业的迅猛发展,每年会产生上百万吨炭渣、大修渣和铝灰等危险废物。为推进我国危险废物精细化管理,经过深度调研,梳理了当前我国铝冶炼行业危险废物产生工艺环节、污染特性、利用处置情况及管理现状;分析了当前铝冶炼行业危险废物利用处置现状,探讨了其环境管理面临的问题,尤其是利用处置先进适用技术以及污染控制标准缺乏,综合利用产品质量标准缺失等突出瓶颈问题;并从完善标准体系、优化利用处置技术等方面,提出铝冶炼行业危险废物污染防治建议,以期助力铝冶炼行业绿色健康发展。  相似文献   

城市酒店业的碳排放核算及低碳指标分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着中国的快速城市化和服务业的发展,旅游业逐渐成为主要的温室气体排放者之一,酒店面临节能减排的压力并缺乏相关的评价标准.本文建立了生命周期的酒店业碳排放核算框架和低碳指标,并以宁波市为案例城市,对其3种类型的酒店进行碳排放核算和低碳指标的分析.结果表明,能源消费是酒店业最大的碳排放源,占93.5%~94.1%;各类酒店的碳排放量在2013—2015年间有约8.2%~9.2%的减少;从低碳指标看,五星级酒店的单位建筑面积的碳排放最小,单位出租间天数和单位旅客的碳排放最大,而四星级酒店的单位营业额碳排放最小.优化区域电力碳排放水平和酒店的软硬件设施是减少酒店碳排放的有效措施,碳标签是有效的酒店业低碳管理的政策工具.  相似文献   

The impact of environmental practices on firm performance raises an ongoing debate in which the review of the existing literature yields no conclusive results. Different methods have been used to study this relationship and most of the analyses have focused on manufacturing companies. This paper examines the link between environmental practices and firm performance in the Spanish hotel industry using two methods: a cluster analysis and a regression analysis. First, three groups were defined according to their environmental proactivity, and hotels showing a stronger commitment to environmental practices proved to reach higher performance levels. Second, through the regression analysis, findings showed that environmental practices impact significantly on several performance variables.  相似文献   

Waste management is viewed as part of a generation, collection and disposal system. A systems approach that reveals its relationship to other parts of the system is examined in the light of producing more sustainable practice.The move to a more sustainable society requires greater sophistication to manage waste. A traditional reductionist approach is unsustainable as it lacks flexibility and long term thinking.A sustainable waste management system incorporates feedback loops, is focused on processes, embodies adaptability and diverts wastes from disposal.Transitioning to a sustainable waste management system requires identification and application of leverage points which effect change.  相似文献   

The global waste sector produces, on average, 2–5 % of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The amount of GHG emissions has grown steadily and is predicted to increase considerable in the forthcoming decades because of the increases in population and gross domestic product (GDP). However, the GHG mitigation opportunities for the sector are still fully not exploited, in particularly in developing countries. A series of initiatives were highly successful and showed that large reductions in emissions are possible. This study aims to propose a holistic quantification model, which can be used for estimation of waste generation and evaluation of the potential reduction of GHG emissions in waste sector for developing countries with a particular application to Vietnam. The two scenarios set for the study were business as usual (BaU) which waste management is assumed to follow past and current trends and CounterMeasure (CM) which alternative waste treatment and management are assessed. Total emissions in the BaU scenario are projected to increase from 29.47 MtCO2eq in 2010 to 85.60 MtCO2eq by 2030 and 176.32 MtCO2eq by 2050. The highest emissions are due to methane (CH4) released by disposal sites, accounting for about 60 % of the GHG emissions from waste in Vietnam in 2030. This emission is projected to increase significantly (67 % in 2050), unless more of the methane is captured and used for energy generation. The CM scenario gives emission reductions from 25.7 % (2020), 40.5 % (2030) to 56.6 % (2050) compared to the BaU scenario. The highest GHG reduction is achieved through recycling, followed by methane recovery to optimize the co-benefit for climate change mitigation.  相似文献   

Just as the application of technology in mining processes can cause pollution, it can also be harnessed to minimise, and sometimes eliminate, mine-related contaminants. Waste minimisation can be achieved through decreased waste production, waste collection, waste recycling, and the neutralisation of pollutants into detoxified forms. This article reviews examples of how technology can be used to minimise air, water, land and noise pollution in the mining industry.  相似文献   

废纸回收企业的竞争和国家再生资源税收政策的实施,对我国废纸回收行业影响很大,分析了产业环境的变化对废纸行业的影响,以及废纸回收行业面临的困境,被提出废纸回收行业走出困境的做法和建设。  相似文献   

论培育废物再利用产业的意义和途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
固体废物包括加工过程中产生的和消费以后所产生的,它们不但污染了环境,而且由于其中的绝大多数未能得到再次利用而成为阻断了自然生态系统物质循环的废物.本文依据可持续发展的基本理论(3种生产理论) 进行了分析,指出废物的再利用在人类社会的可持续发展中的重要地位,提出将其作为一个新的产业门类( 第四产业) 的见解,并对培育该产业的具体做法提出了建议.  相似文献   

废物原料主要是指经初加工再生、边角料、残次品等可以作为再生利用原料的废物。加强进口废物原料管理就显得尤为重要。本文首先分析了进口废物原料管理中存在的问题,其次,就如何加强进口废物原料管理进行了较为深入的探讨。  相似文献   

报道了对长沙市5所医院为期一个月的研究结果,内容包括:医疗垃圾管理处置现状;医疗垃圾类型及产量;门诊人数、住院人数及垃圾量的变化规律;住院病人和门诊病人的垃圾产率及中药渣产率;传染性垃圾与生活垃圾的比例及医疗垃圾的组成,指出了现行医疗垃圾管理处置需要改进和提高之处,为建立长沙市医疗垃圾集中处理示范工程提供了依据。  相似文献   

Water and wastewater management constitutes a practical problem for the food and beverage industry including the brewing industry. In spite of significant improvement over the last 20 years, water consumption and disposal remain critical from an environmental and economic standpoint. This paper gives an overview of the world beer market in order to highlight the heterogeneity in capacity of global beer production. From a synthesis of existing literature, water consumption is analysed and the most common treatments and the associated costs are reported. Finally, biological and technical alternatives including membrane operation processes and economic reality are described.  相似文献   

水泥工业的废弃物利用与CO2排放控制探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水泥工业不仅通过能源利用排放CO2 ,而且还是工业生产工艺过程中CO2 的最大非能源利用排放源。分析了水泥工业的发展现状及其能源消耗状况 ,计算了水泥工业的CO2 排放总量和分途径CO2 排放量 ,介绍了水泥工业的废弃物利用和控制水泥工业CO2 排放方面的一些具体技术 ,提出了一些针对水泥工业的CO2 排放控制措施和新型富氧燃烧技术应用于水泥工业的设想。  相似文献   

Waste minimization is slowly being adopted in the wine industry, owing to a combination of powerful drivers, which are either internally or externally motivated. However, these waste minimization practices in the wine industry are still carried out in an ad hoc fashion and have proven to be inefficient in many cases. The lack of a systematic methodology of synthesizing and targeting specific waste streams by the industry has been identified as a major cause of failure in realizing the full potential of waste minimization in the wine industry. This paper discusses a systems approach framework based on three fundamental concepts, viz. the identification of waste sources, detailed causative analysis of the wastes, as well as the derivation of feasible waste minimization alternatives based on the qualitative data and information obtained during process flowsheet evaluations. The application of the qualitative waste minimization methodology described in this study, led to the identification of 90 waste minimization strategies. Approximately 48% of the total number of strategies targeting intrinsic and extrinsic wastes falls in the category of process execution and management (operating practices). On the basis of these findings, waste minimization can yield considerable benefits to the wine industry on condition that it is incorporated as an integral part of the entire vinification process.  相似文献   

介绍了韩国固体废物的管理中针对包装废物的管理体制和制度。韩国固体废物的主要监管执行部门是环境资源公社。韩国固体废物管理制度按照循环经济3R原则,制订了生产者责任延伸制度、废物付费制度、押金返还制度、分类排放标识制度及事业场废物减量化制度,在控制韩国包装废物产量和提高回收中起到了很好的作用。  相似文献   

德国是城市生活垃圾管理最为成功的国家之一。从德国垃圾处理的发展过程、法律法规框架、管理体系、管理措施及实施成果等方面介绍了德国城市生活垃圾的管理现状,从而为解决我国现有的城市垃圾管理问题提供管理思路和方法。  相似文献   

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