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从生命周期的角度出发,以1m2房屋每日的供热量为基准,对散煤采暖,电锅炉,低温空气源热泵,燃气壁挂炉,热电联产集中供热,燃气锅炉集中供热,洁净型煤等7种采暖方式的生命周期污染物排放和能源利用效率进行对比分析.结果发现:相比散煤取暖,清洁采暖方式可有效地降低大气污染物排放量,尤其是PM10和PM2.5.其中,以天然气为热源的燃气锅炉集中供热和燃气壁挂炉最为清洁,可减排SO2和NOx 85%左右,减排PM10和PM2.5 99%左右;洁净型煤和电锅炉的减排效率相对较低.低温空气源热泵和热电联产集中供热对能源利用效率最高,可达到80%以上,而电锅炉仅30%左右.此外,改善建筑围护结构保温性能可有效降低农村地区采暖的大气污染物排放.  相似文献   

中国钢材生命周期清单分析   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
采用生命周期清单分析方法分析了我国普通钢材生产过程中的能源消耗,物料消耗以及对环境的排放,研究表明我国钢铁生产生命周期过程中值得关注的环境问题有:能源消耗远高于发达国家平均水平,其主要存在于各相连工艺间及内部的运输过程水循环利用率较低,造成大量淡水资源浪费;废气排放主要是CO2和SOx,其主要来源于煤的燃烧和工艺过程,十分巨大的工业固体废弃物将造成严峻的局地环境问题。  相似文献   

Data uncertainty is a critical issue in life cycle inventory analysis (LCI). Recent work has demonstrated that fuzzy mathematics provides a computationally efficient alternative to probabilistic methods for representing data uncertainty. One specific problem is the utilization of different, and potentially conflicting, LCI data sources such as physical measurements, estimates or databases. A fundamental requirement of a valid LCI is that the data must not violate material and energy balance principles; however, data from diverse sources may result in inconsistencies. Normally such inconsistencies in LCI data can be addressed through the use of data reconciliation methods based on probability theory. This paper presents an alternative data reconciliation method based on fuzzy mathematical programming. Two LCI case studies are included to illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

中国化石能源生命周期清单分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
丁宁  杨建新 《中国环境科学》2015,35(5):1592-1600
利用生命周期评价方法,建立了我国化石能源的生命周期清单模型,详述了模型相关因子的确定方法,计算了原煤、原油、天然气等初级能源及汽油、焦炭等几类主要次级能源的生命周期清单,揭示了我国能源生产的环境负荷,为工业系统分析和材料、产品的生命周期评价提供基础数据.清单分析表明我国化石能源清单的主要特点为能源消耗的97%以上主要来自生产过程,运输占到3%左右的比例;通过与2002年清单相比,我国化石能源生产的总能耗和排放出现不同程度变化;通过与国外能源清单相比,我国能源投入及排放整体处于较高水平.  相似文献   

The comparison of the environmental performance of contrasting agricultural production systems using life cycle assessment (LCA) requires very specific data for each production mode, especially for direct emissions on the farm. In a case study of pig production, three contrasting production scenarios were defined: conventional good agricultural practice (GAP), organic agriculture (OA), and red label (RL). An expert panel produced methods for the estimation of emissions for key-processes of these scenarios. Clear differences were obtained for these emissions between the three scenarios. Finally, the summation of the main emissions for the entire life cycle allowed the identification of weak points for each scenario, which can be explained by the differences obtained for the emissions of the key-processes studied.  相似文献   

The Chinese government is developing biomass ethanol as one of its automobile fuels for energy security and environmental improvement reasons. The cassava is an alternative feedstock to produce this ethanol fuel. Its performance of environmental impacts and energy efficiency is the critical issue. Life cycle assessment has been used to identify and quantify the environment emissions, energy consumption and energy efficiency of the system throughout the life cycle. This study investigates the entire life cycle from cassava plantation, ethanol conversion, transport, Fuel ethanol blending and distribution to its end-use. Product system of cassava-based ethanol fuel is described and it is divided into six unit processes. The environmental impacts and energy consumption of each unit process are quantified and some of the potential effects are assessed.  相似文献   

几种典型高分子材料的生命周期评价   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
利用生命周期评价方法(Life Cycle Assessment,LCA)讨论了PE、PP、GPPS及PVC 4种高分子材料的环境影响问题.结果表明,材料生产的环境影响不仅与资源消耗有关,而且与其各自的工艺环节有着密切的关系.此外,采用不同的LCA方法得到的4种高分子材料的环境负荷的相对值虽然相差很大,但其不同环境负荷之间的排序基本一致.  相似文献   

Materials selection is a multidisciplinary activity, which integrates a large number of knowledge fields and professional domains. In fact a material selection decision should capture not only the functional performance required for the application but should also consider the economical and environmental impacts originated all along the product life cycle. In this paper a life cycle engineering (LCE) approach is proposed to support material selection, integrating the performance of the material for the specific application in technological, environmental and economical dimensions throughout the duration of the product. The methodology proposed compares a set of candidate materials and, through the aggregation of the three dimensions (technical, economical and environmental), identifies the “best material domains”. These “best material domains” are presented in a ternary diagram, which allows a global comparison of the candidate materials and supports an informed decision as regards the selection of the “best material” according to different business scenarios and corporate strategies. The methodology was applied to a case study aiming the use of new metallic materials (high strength steels and aluminium alloys) for an automobile fender currently made of mild steel and the evaluation of potential benefits as regards the global performance of the material.  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2005,13(13-14):1211-1224
Waste solvent incineration is an important issue in life cycle assessments (LCAs) dealing with chemical products and/or processes. Nearly all chemical products and processes involve organic solvents, and incineration is often the favoured solution to waste solvent treatment as it can deal with a large variety of solvent types and quantities. At present, there are no generic models for waste solvent incineration which allow integrating this technology as a unit process in LCA. As waste solvents as a rule are incinerated as a mixture of several solvents, an allocation problem occurs: measurements of the consumption of ancillaries and energy carriers, and of emission of pollutants and generation of co-products, always refer to the mixture of waste solvents. However, in LCAs usually waste specific data is needed. To solve this problem we developed a multi-input allocation model of the incineration process. A comprehensive case study on a waste solvent incineration plant from chemical industry provided the necessary data. The results from the multi-input allocation modelling are consumption and emission factors which facilitate the calculation of solvent specific life cycle inventory results.  相似文献   

孙锌  张鹏  赵明楠 《环境科学学报》2016,36(8):3059-3065
本研究应用生命周期评价方法,依据ISO 14040和ISO 14044等国际标准,通过中国某汽车生产企业的实地调研,核算了汽油发动机的累积能源需求(CED)、全球增温潜势(GWP 100 a)、酸化潜势(AP)、光化学氧化剂形成潜势(POCP)和富营养化潜势(EP)这5个方面的环境影响.结果表明,各类型的环境影响指标中,均是使用阶段的贡献最大,占贡献总量的48%~94%;其次是原材料的获取阶段,原材料的获取阶段对于AP与EP的贡献大于44%,而对于其他类别的环境影响的贡献在9%~27%之间;生产阶段对各种环境影响的贡献小于8%.本研究辨识了汽油发动机全生命周期重大环境影响过程和关键贡献因素,为绿色发动机的设计研发及政府政策的制定提供决策支持.  相似文献   

根据实际需求,通过对原有单机版腐蚀防护查询系统进行技术改进和增补数据,采用ASP+SQL Server的网络数据库方案开发了一个网络腐蚀防护查询系统,应用它可以加快腐蚀数据的查询速度,拓宽用户获取腐蚀数据及相关信息的渠道,扩大腐蚀数据的应用范围.撰写了该系统的设计与实现过程.  相似文献   

为证明采用秸秆压块燃料替代煤炭进行供热的可持续性,对秸秆压块和燃煤供热系统的生命周期环境排放进行了对比分析.基于我国2012年投入产出表,构建了投入产出生命周期评价(IO-LCA)和过程生命周期评价(PLCA)相结合的混合生命周期评价(Hybrid-LCA)模型,核算了玉米秸秆压块和燃煤供热系统供应1 GJ热的生命周期CO2、SO2、NOx和PM2.5排放.结果显示,秸秆压块供热系统的生命周期CO2排放量为7 kg·GJ-1热,比燃煤供热排放减少121 kg.此外,秸秆压块供热系统比燃煤供热系统可以分别减少SO2排放98%、NOx排放76%和PM2.5排放58%.控制原料水分,通过减少原料收集和能源转化过程中的耗损,减少能源转化过程的电力消耗以及控制原料收集半径等可以有效改进秸秆压块供热系统环境表现.  相似文献   

华北高产粮区夏玉米生命周期环境影响评价   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
以山东省桓台县夏玉米生产体系为例,应用生命周期评价方法,以单位产量为评价功能单元,把夏玉米生命周期分为原料开采与运输、农资生产与运输、作物种植3个生产阶段,对不同施氮水平下夏玉米生命周期的资源消耗与污染物排放进行了清单分析和影响评价.结果表明,随着施氮量的增加,夏玉米生命周期环境影响呈指数上升趋势,其中,主要影响类型为水资源耗竭,这与农作物需水量较大、水分生产率较低有关.在低氮量条件下,主要污染影响类型是全球变暖,随着施氮量的增加,富营养化上升为主要污染影响类型.提高作物种植阶段水肥利用效率是控制夏玉米生命周期环境影响的关键,它可减少夏玉米对水资源和氮肥的需求,从而直接减少农田氮素损失污染影响,也间接降低了上游生产环节的资源消耗与污染物排放影响,进而有助于降低夏玉米生命周期环境影响总潜力.  相似文献   

聊城冬小麦测土配方施肥项目生命周期环境效益分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
测土配方施肥行动已在全国范围内开展,其实施效果还有待评估,而生命周期分析有助于系统地评估其实施的直接与间接环境效益.因此,本研究以山东省聊城市2006—2010年冬小麦的测土配方施肥项目为例,对冬小麦施肥生命周期资源消耗与污染物排放进行清单分析,并以常规施肥区为参照对象评估测土配方施肥项目的环境净效益.结果表明,测土配方施肥通过化肥减量使用和合理搭配,提高了单产,显著减少了冬小麦生命周期资源消耗与污染物排放量,其富营养化、环境酸化的减缓效益和节能效益分别相当于2000年世界人均影响潜力的6.90%、1.38%和0.89%.环境效益年际间总体上呈下降趋势,表明测土配方施肥项目起到了一定的示范推广作用,常规施肥区农户对氮肥的使用趋于理性,但磷肥投入尚有减量潜力,是继续改善项目实施效益的关键.  相似文献   

通过现场采样和过程模型模拟等方法研究了典型退役工业固废填埋场地(DISWL)原位开发条件下的健康风险及长期演化规律.结果表明,经过近20a的浸出和降解,86%的废物浸出浓度依然处于有害水平,70%的废物不宜直接作为建设用地土壤.直接作为建筑用地开发利用条件下,由于DISWL的性能退化会导致有害组分的浸出和渗漏增加,由此导致地下水水质超标概率经历从无(短期)到有(中期,个别物质如总氰化物T-CN和易释放氰化物F-CN),再到后期的较大概率超标(T-CN和F-CN)的渐变过程;同时,场地利用过程的健康风险也逐步增加,来自于As的致癌风险和自于T-CN的非致癌风险,分别超过风险可接受水平的81~179倍和55.32~224.3倍.上述结果提示DISWL场地开发再利用的风险评估和管控策略应重点考虑长期风险.对于长期风险不可接受的场地,通过降低废物中毒性物质的浸出浓度可实现长期风险可接受,并提出了相应浸出浓度限值的计算框架和方法.  相似文献   

通过现场采样和过程模型模拟等方法研究了典型退役工业固废填埋场地(DISWL)原位开发条件下的健康风险及长期演化规律.结果表明,经过近20a的浸出和降解,86%的废物浸出浓度依然处于有害水平,70%的废物不宜直接作为建设用地土壤.直接作为建筑用地开发利用条件下,由于DISWL的性能退化会导致有害组分的浸出和渗漏增加,由此导致地下水水质超标概率经历从无(短期)到有(中期,个别物质如总氰化物T-CN和易释放氰化物F-CN),再到后期的较大概率超标(T-CN和F-CN)的渐变过程;同时,场地利用过程的健康风险也逐步增加,来自于As的致癌风险和自于T-CN的非致癌风险,分别超过风险可接受水平的81~179倍和55.32~224.3倍.上述结果提示DISWL场地开发再利用的风险评估和管控策略应重点考虑长期风险.对于长期风险不可接受的场地,通过降低废物中毒性物质的浸出浓度可实现长期风险可接受,并提出了相应浸出浓度限值的计算框架和方法.  相似文献   

The environmental impact of hydrogen production in a 2-step fermentation process from potato steam peels was identified. Based on the ISO 14040, ISO 14044, ecoinvent data base and SimaPro 7.1 software, a life cycle inventory analysis was performed. Reflecting the current state of process development, the LCA shows an impact of 4.3 points (pts) which is at least 5.7 times higher than the selected reference technologies regarded as state-of-the-art. Over half (53.5%) of the environmental impact is generated by the use of phosphate in the fermentation processes. A sensitivity analysis shows a potential impact reduction of 65.8% due to recirculation of sewage or reduction of buffer concentration. The analysis also demonstrates that the production of the process ingredients cause 98.3% of the environmental impact. The impact of the process itself is 0.07 pts which is up to 10 times lower than the reference technologies.  相似文献   

王寿兵 《中国环境科学》2016,36(11):3508-3520
准确可靠的工艺单元数据是开展产品生命周期清单分析和影响评价最重要的基础.目前开展的相关研究,由于数据获得性的问题,大多集中在结构或成分较为简单的工业产品.而利用相关数据库开展的生命周期清单分析,不能很好地满足对外公开的对比性评价或商业性应用需要.本文以国产轿车为例,研究提出了其制造阶段生命周期清单分析数据的获取方法,并通过理论研究和实践完善,设计出了一套系统化的数据收集表格,可用于机动车及类似复杂工业产品制造阶段生命周期清单数据获取.  相似文献   

With the economic growth,the environmental pollution is still a challenge for sustainable development all over the world.In order to prevent,reduce and remediate the various environmental problems,it is crucial to develop innovative and efficient materials to remove and decompose pollutants from air or water in that the efficient adsorbents and catalysts are playing an important role in the process of physical and chemical reactions.Therefore,the editors of FESE proposed to publish one special issue,and report the original research and review papers about advanced adsorbents and catalysts that are potentially or widely applied in environmental protection.  相似文献   

The paper indicates how a few innovative actions of companies to reduce emission in the chain of products save costs of pollution control and even provide net benefits for companies in some cases. Costs and savings in the chains of products are assessed with a decision support model by comparing compliance and preventative corporate strategies regarding the far-reaching emission reduction. Ten cases are presented: tomatoes, an animal fat, a vegetable spread, a washing powder, a men's shirt, an office armchair, a kitchen block, a television set, a copier, and a car. The costs of pollution control can in several cases be avoided or reduced through focused actions in the life cycle, including changes in suppliers, adaptation of the manufacturing process and in consumers' behaviour. A distinction is made between consumption of the short-cycle and durable products. For consumption of the short-cycle products, the high compliance costs and the cost-saving innovations are usually found in the primary steps of supply (e.g. agriculture in food and mining of minerals) and in disposal (e.g. packaging). For consumption of the durable products, the high compliance costs and cost-saving innovations are mainly found in manufacturing of some components, during use of products because of electricity and fuel use and disposal of voluminous products.  相似文献   

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