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《Journal of Cleaner Production》2006,14(9-11):994-1002
Characteristics and education techniques of the education framework in Hai Hua Circular Economy Pilot Zone (HHCEPZ) project are described. In the project, a three-level education framework was set up to meet the theoretical and technological needs of implementing the circular economy towards sustainable society. In this educational framework, different information and technology was provided for different target groups using different educational techniques. The educational framework was flexible and comprehensive, endeavoring to ensure a demand-oriented and need-based approach to the local sustainability improvement. The results showed that the education framework was successful and served as the basis of implementation and capacity building of sustainable development. The article also presents the achievements of the HHCEPZ project and gives some suggestions on how to improve the current education framework for further implementation.  相似文献   

货币化可持续发展指标的评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
可持续发展指标是评价和监测可持续发展状态和程度的基础工程 ,是实施可持续发展管理的依据。本文通过几种货币化可持续发展指标的内容介绍 ,分析了货币化可持续发展指标存在的优缺点  相似文献   

Dynamic analysis and assessment for sustainable development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The assessment of sustainable development is crucial for constituting sustainable development strategies.Assessment methods that exist so far usually only use an indicator system for making sustainable judgement.These indicators rarely reflect dynamic characteristics.However,sustainable development is influenced by changes in the social-economic system and in the eco-environmental system at different times.Besides the spatial character,sustainable development has a temporal character that can not be neglected;therefore the research system should also be dynamic.This paper focuses on this dynamic trait,so that the assessment results obtained provide more information for judgements in decision-making processes.Firstly the dynamic characteristics of sustainable development are analyzed,which point to a track of sustainable development that is an upward undulating curve.According to the dynamic character and the development rules of a social,economic and ecological system,a flexible assessment approach that is based on tendency analysis,restrictive conditions and a feedback system is then proposed for sustainable development.  相似文献   

2012年,诺维信再次荣登道琼斯可持续发展指数生物技术行业分榜榜首,这是诺维信第十一次获此殊荣。入围道琼斯可持续发展指数排行榜并保持排名对任何公司而言都是一个挑战,了解一下道琼斯可持续发展指数的情况就可略见一斑。道琼斯可持续发展指数是由全球领先的股市、金融和经济信息提供商道琼斯,以及瑞士投资公司SAM控股集团联合推出的一个得到全球认可的可持续  相似文献   

如何在发展经济的同时保持生态体系的平衡?如何在工业化、城镇化的过程中维护、乃至优化生活环境、提高生活天然质量?如何继承前人生态遗产并为子孙后代的进一步发展预留广阔空间?这些都是当代人必须认真思考的问题,并需要我们提出具体的解决方案.它山之石可以攻玉.中国的现代化进程就是中国对外开放度进一步提高、不断借鉴这个星球上现代化先行国家经验和教训的过程.在治理环境问题方面,我国也在不断地扩大与其他国家的交流,取长补短.交流是需要平台的,有影响的国际展览会就是促进交流的好平台,法国国际环保工业展览会(Pollutec)为其中之一.  相似文献   

New emergy indices for sustainable development   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The emergy indices for the evaluation of system‘ s sustainable development ability were studied. Results indicated that the emergy indices are simplified and merged, and a new emergy index for sustainable development(EISD) is deduced. Employing EISD, two cases areconducted. The first one is to compare three different dike-pond agro-ecological engineering modes, which are: melon-melon-cabbage-four domestic fishes (mode I ), melon-melon-cabbage-pig-four domestic fishes (mode H ) and melon-melon-cabbage-pig-four domestic fishes combined with Siniperca chuatsi B. ( mode Ⅲ ).The result is that the EISD of mode I is 0.53. Mode Ⅱ‘ s EISD is 5.26 times of mode I ,and mode Ⅲ‘s EISD is 6.83 times of mode I The second one is to evaluate the development of Zhongshan City, Pearl Delta, during 1996 to 2000.The result indicated that the EISD of Zhongshan had appreciably declined from 1996 to 1998, and quickly improved from 1998 to 2000, partly because of its environment protection and product construction. Both of the two cases studies showed that EISD can assessment the sustainable development ability more roundly, with the consideration of environmental impact and social-economic effect at the same time.  相似文献   

Indicator system and evaluation framework for sustainable development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
IntroductionThenotionofsustainabledevelopmentwasproposedintheWorldConservationStrategy(IUCN,1980).Itispointedoutthattheconservationandthesustainabledevelopmentaremutuallydependentandtheyshouldbeintegrated,wheretheconservationmeansthemanagementofhuman…  相似文献   

InterpretingsustainabledevelopmentManChinSum,PeterHilsTheCentreofUrbanPlanningandEnvironmentalManagement,TheUniversityofHongK...  相似文献   

在市场经济影响下,很多人过分追求经济的快速增长,而忽略对环境和后代产生的影响,使得环境问题日益突出,也使得资源短缺的情形越来越为严重,为了缓解或是遏制这样的不良现象,对环境保护和可持续发展的需求愈来愈迫切,所以环境保护和可持续发展的概念被提出了。  相似文献   

可持续发展见报频繁 ,因为它关系到全人类的生存和发展。新世纪要走可持续发展之路 ,这是人们在付出沉重代价后作出的不二选择。地热能储量大、无污染、可再生 ,被认为是一种很有潜力同时也是十分现实的绿色新能源。当前 ,地热能已广泛应用于社会的方方面面 ,它的最大的好处是能满足社会可持续发展。地热能的最新发展趋势是最大限度地用以替代化石能源 ,减轻环境污染。  相似文献   

Territorial resources and sustainable development   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  

1 IntroductionIthasbeenarguedthatChinahaspressedagainstorexceededthelimitsofsustainabledevelopmentonmanyoccasionsoverthepast3000yearswithseriousconsequencesfortheenvironment(Elvin,1993).HenceChina○scurrentenvironmentalproblemsarenotanewconstrainttode…  相似文献   

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has successfully demonstrated that market-based mechanisms can achieve some cost effective emissions reductions in developing countries. However the distribution of CDM projects has been extremely uneven across countries and regions, and a few technologies and sectors have dominated the early stages of CDM experience. This has caused some to question whether the CDM has fallen short of its potential in contributing to sustainable development. We review the broad patterns of CDM project approvals and evaluate 10 CDM projects according to their sustainability benefits. The difficulty of defining “sustainable development” and the process of defining criteria by individual non-Annex 1 governments has meant that sustainable development concerns have been marginalized in some countries. Given these observed limitations, we present possible CDM policy futures, focusing on the main proposals for a post-2012 climate regime. Five options for enhancing the sustainable development benefits in the CDM are discussed, including proactive approaches to favour eligibility of emission reduction projects which ensure such co-benefits.  相似文献   

Natural resources are being depleted at faster rates than ever; this highlights the need for global audits and actions to reverse the depletion. Coordinated efforts by various organizations are essential to quantify reserves and demands in such audits in order to enable the development and implementation of strategies for sustainable recovery, usage, and recycling of natural resources. This paper discusses such audits in several industries and puts forward analytical and technical methods and policies for sustainable recovery, usage and recycling of resources in those industries. Scenario analysis can help to provide better future directions for industries whilst eco-industrial parks could improve the efficiency of usage of available resources and waste products through synergies among different industries on a regional basis. Sustainable manufacturing within industries such as micromachining, cement and leather could further reduce consumption of natural resources. New technologies in mineral recovery could help to recover valuable minerals present in concentrates generated by various processes such as reverse osmosis of sea water, chemical processing of minerals, and domestic and industrial wastewater treatments. These areas are discussed in this special issue of the Journal of Cleaner Production. It is imperative that the efforts by various organizations toward sustainable management of natural resources should compliment each other to minimize duplication; furthermore policy makers should play greater roles in developing and implementing policies and procedures to support such sustainable development oriented approaches simultaneously throughout the world in a coordinated and proactive manner for the short and long term future.  相似文献   

Technological system for sustainable development of Chinese agriculture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TechnologicalsystemforsustainabledevelopmentofChineseagricultureZhangRenwu;JiWenying;ZhangTong(Agro-EnvironmentalProtectionIn...  相似文献   

IntroductionResearchershavebeenpayingmoreandmoreattentionstoecosystemtosupporttheresearchofsustainabledevelopment.Chinesescholarsfavortoexpandthescopeofecosystemfromitsnaturalnesstoitssociality ,fromlocaltoglobal,frommaterialtoabstract,etc .Infact,theatt…  相似文献   

University research is pivotal for sustainable development, but to succeed, new ways of conducting research are needed. Only recently has the field of “sustainability and higher education” (SHE) started to deal with the issue. In this paper we define “university research for sustainable development” comprehensively as “all research conducted within the institutional context of a university that contributes to sustainable development”, and propose a set of twenty two preliminary characteristics of this concept. We provide foundational information in particular for various university stakeholders, and those of higher education in general, considering the (re)orientation of research towards sustainable development and offer a beginning of dialogue on the subject, within SHE.  相似文献   

The methodologies are fundamental in the design process, tracing guidelines for the new products development. In this sense, the present work “Methodology of ecodesign for the development of more sustainable electro-electronic equipments” considers the application of a methodology with emphasis in the Design for Environment.  相似文献   

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