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为探讨粪肥携带的微生物对土壤微生物的影响,以长期施用粪肥和化肥的土壤为研究对象,耦合传统微生物学培养方法和现代分子微生物学方法,分析了猪粪和灭菌猪粪对2种土壤的细菌数量、群落结构和热代谢活性的影响.结果表明,以9.0t/hm2的用量施入时,猪粪和灭菌猪粪对两种土壤中的可培养细菌数量以及细菌16S-rRNA拷贝数均无明显影响;土壤中的土著微生物对猪粪携带的外源细菌在土壤中定殖具有明显的抑制作用,将2种土壤灭菌后添加猪粪,可培养细菌平均数量较未灭菌土壤分别增加45.96和96.21倍.粪肥输入的化学物质未导致土壤细菌群落结构和相对丰度发生明显变化;而粪肥输入的外源细菌Marinilabiaceae、Porphyromonadaceae、Bacteroidale和Pseudomonadaceae则可以在长期施用化肥的土壤中定殖并对相应的细菌丰度造成影响,但是在长期施用粪肥的土壤中,这些细菌在最开始就被抑制.添加粪肥提高了长期施用化肥土壤的微生物热代谢活性,但对长期施用粪肥的土壤无明显影响.长期施用化肥的土壤受粪源细菌的影响较大,而长期施用粪肥的土壤对粪肥的敏感度降低,对粪肥携带的外源细菌的抑制作用增强.  相似文献   

翻堆对强制通风静态垛混合堆肥过程及其理化性质的影响   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
为了了解翻堆对堆肥过程及理化性质的影响,开展了城市污泥、猪粪强制通风静态垛堆肥试验,试验共设4个处理,分别为升温期(3d)、高温期(10d)、降温期(20d)翻堆处理和不翻堆的对照处理.结果表明:翻堆处理能降低堆肥的挥发性固体含量,减轻其在堆体剖面的差异.升温期翻堆不利于堆体DOC含量的降低及腐熟度的提高.降温期翻堆会减小再次升温速率及其所达到的最高温度.升温期和降温期翻堆,虽然有利于堆体内湿度的均匀分布,但却会缩短高温持续时间、降低堆肥的减容率和脱水率.不同时期翻堆,堆肥的pH和EC有降低的趋势,但总体而言其影响并不是特别明显.在高温期翻堆的处理中高温期持续时间长达15d,堆体减容率高达29%,再次升温的升温速率和所达到的最高温度分别为4℃·d-1和60 5℃,且与其它处理相比,其堆肥的VS、DOC和湿度都较低,GI较大.由此试验表明,高温期翻堆的堆肥处理能提高强制通风静态垛堆肥的堆肥效率和质量.  相似文献   

生物沥浸去除污泥重金属及改善脱水性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从天然矿山酸性废水中富集制备了3种嗜酸性细菌混培物,开展了污泥生物沥浸实验,研究了沥浸去除污泥重金属(Cu、Zn、Cd)同时改善脱水性能的效果.结果表明,3种嗜酸性细菌混培物均可有效去除污泥中的重金属(P<0.01).沥浸12d后,改进型Starkey培养基富集的嗜酸性细菌混培物对Cu和Cd的去除率分别达到82.0%和82.9%,9K培养基富集的嗜酸性细菌混培物进行生物沥浸处理对Zn的去除率可达到87.5%.同时,生物沥浸还可以显著改善污泥的脱水性能(P<0.01).经过12d沥浸,污泥的离心脱水率可由73.1%上升到90.0%.显微观察和能谱分析结果显示,污泥脱水性能的改善是因为生物沥浸能使污泥结构由絮体状变成明显的颗粒状,并可形成以铁、氧和硫为主要元素组成的次生矿物规则晶体.  相似文献   

In order to better understand land application of sewage sludge, the characterization of heavy metals and organic pollutants were investigated in three different sewage sludges in Shanghai City, China. It was found that the total concentrations of Cd in all of sewage sludge and total concentrations of Zn in Jinshan sewage sludge, as well as those ofZn, Cu, and Ni in Taopu sludge are higher than Chinese regulation limit of pollutants for sludge to be used in agriculture. Leachability of rig in all of studied samples and that of Cd in Taopu sewage sludge exceed the limit values of waste solid extraction standard in China legislation. Based on the characteristics for three kinds of sewage sludge, a pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of soil amended with Quyang sewage sludge on the accumulation of heavy metalo.by Begonia semperfloreas-hybr; Ophiopogon japonicas (L.F.) Ker-Gaw; Loropetalum chindense-var, rubrum; Dendranthema morifolium; Viola tricolor; A ntirrhinum majas; Buxas radicans Sieb; Viburnum macrocephalum; Osmanthas fragrans Lour; Cinnamomum camphora siebold and Ligustrum lucidum ait. Results showed that 8 species of plant survived in the amended soil, and moreover they flourished as well as those cultivated in the control soil. The heavy metal concentration in plants varied with species, As, Pb, Cd and Cr concentration being the highest in the four herbaceous species studied, particularly in the roots of D. morifolium. These plants, however, did not show accumulator of As, Pb, Cd and Cr. The highest concentration of Ni and Hg was found in the roots ofD. morifolium, followed by the leaves ofB. semperflorens-hybr. Levels of Zn and Cu were much higher in D. morifolium than in the other plant species. D. morifolium accumulated Ni, Hg, Cu and Zn, which may contribute to the decrease of heavy metal contents in the amended soil. Treatment with sewage sludge did not significantly affect the uptake of heavy metals by the L. chindense-var, rubrum, however, it significantly affected the uptake of heavy metals by D. morifolium.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine and compare the heavy metal (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb) and bacterial (E. coli, coliform and Salmonella spp.) contamination between swine farms utilizing biogas and non-biogas systems in the central part of Thailand. Results showed that average levels of E. coli, coliform, BOD, COD, Zn, Cu and Pb in sludge from the post-biogas pond were higher than the standard limits. Moreover, the levels of E. coli, coliform, Cd and Pb were also higher than the standard limits for dry manure. The levels of E. coli, coliform and BOD on biogas farms were lower than on non-biogas farms. Following isolation of Salmonella spp:; it was found that Salmonella serovars Rissen was the most abundant at 18.46% (12/65), followed by Anatum 12.31% (8/65), and Kedougou 9.23% (6/65). The pathogenic strains of Salmonella serovars Paratyphi B var. java and Typhimurium were present in equal amounts at 4.62% (3/65) in samples from all swine farms. This study revealed that significant reduction in E. coli and coliform levels in sludge from covered lagoon biogas systems on swine farms. The presence of Salmonella as well as Cd and Pb, in significant amount in dry manure, suggests that there is a high probability of environmental contamination if it is used for agricultural purposes. Thus, careful waste and manure disposal from swine farms and the regular monitoring of wastewater is strongly recommended to ensure the safety of humans, other animals and the environment.  相似文献   

IntroductionNitrousoxide (N2 O)isaveryimportantgreenhousegasintheatmosphere.InterestintheincreaseofatmosphericN2 OhasbeenrecentlystimulatedbytheunderstandingthatN2 Ogasplaysanimportantroleinthechemistryandozonelayerdestructionofthestratosphere.Theradiativ…  相似文献   

广州城市污泥中重金属的存在特征及其农用生态风险评价   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:17  
分析了广州7种城市污泥中Zn、Cu、Pb、Cr、Mn、Ni的含量,研究了其中5种污泥中重金属的形态特征,并利用地累积指数(Igeo)和潜在生态危害指数法(RI)对污泥农用过程中重金属的潜在生态风险进行了综合性评价. 结果表明,广州不同来源城市污泥中Cu、Zn、Mn、Ni含量较高,变化幅度较大,而Pb、Cr含量较低. 除一种污泥中Cu超标外,其他重金属基本符合国家农用控制标准(GB18918-2002),但所有污泥中重金属含量都超过珠江三角洲耕地土壤均值.不同重金属在不同污泥中的形态分布差异较大. 其中,含工业污水污泥中Cu、Cr还原态占很大的比例,Pb、Fe主要以还原态和残渣态存在;生活污水污泥中重金属主要以可氧化态和残渣态存在,酸可交换态中Mn的比例较高,易还原态中Zn的比例较高;5种污泥中Cu、Zn、Mn潜在迁移性最强.Igeo和RI评价结果表明,污泥中Cu、Zn、Mn是潜在的强生态风险元素,污泥在农用过程中具有一定生态风险性. Igeo和RI用于污泥农用过程中重金属的生态风险评价是可行的,与其它评价方法相比较, RI能更好地反映污泥中重金属对生态环境的综合影响.  相似文献   

通过GC-MS分析,研究了气化温度和气料比S/B(水蒸气与污泥的质量比)对污泥气化焦油中芳香烃、含氮化合物、含氧化合物和含硫化合物分布特征的影响变化规律.结果表明:污泥气化焦油中芳香烃的化学组分主要为菲类、萘类、芴类和联苯类化合物,其中S/B值1.1、1.5和1.9时菲类和萘类化合物的产率在850℃均达到最大值,S/B值1.5和1.9时芴类产率随气化温度的升高而呈先升高后降低,而800℃时联苯类产率则随S/B值的增加而呈先升高后降低,其最高产率为1.284g/kg.含氮化合物以吲哚类化合物为主,其产率在S/B值为1.5和1.9时均随气化温度的升高而呈降低趋势;含氧化合物中主要为酚类化合物,其产率在750℃时随S/B值的升高而升高,其最高产率3.103g/kg;含硫化合物主要为4,4'-双(四氢噻喃),且仅在850℃、S/B值为1.9气化条件下检出产率为0.263g/kg的萘并[1,2-b]噻吩.  相似文献   

大宝山矿区重金属污染对人体健康风险的研究   总被引:30,自引:5,他引:30  
以广东省大宝山重金属污染矿区癌症高发村上坝为研究区域,测定了上坝村31户饮用井水,13种58个蔬菜样品,26户大米样品中Pb、Zn、Cd、Cu的含量以及人体尿样、血样中Cd的含量.系统地评价了通过饮食途径(井水、蔬菜和大米)重金属暴露接触对人体的健康风险.研究结果表明,上坝污染区31户井水中分别有12口井水的Zn和14口井水的Cd含量超过生活饮用水水质标准; Pb、Zn、Cd在蔬菜中的含量分别为国家蔬菜卫生标准限值的4.0、1.1、5.6倍,在大米中的含量为国家粮食卫生标准限值的7.0、3.4、2.9倍.重金属暴露接触对人体健康风险评价结果表明,通过大米摄入的Pb、Zn、Cd、Cu的THQ(Target hazard quotients)靶标危害系数均大于1,饮食摄入重金属途径中大米对人体健康已构成巨大的潜在风险,蔬菜中Cd和Pb也具有潜在风险;饮用井水中几种重金属的THQ值均小于1,说明井水中重金属对污染区居民健康风险很低,因而Pb、Cd和Zn通过大米的摄入是造成当地居民健康风险的主要原因.重金属暴露接触对儿童的健康风险高于成年人.上坝村居民血Pb负荷水平远低于国家卫生部Pb接触限值,但尿Cd和血Cd含量平均值分别为3.41 μg·g-1(肌酐Creatine,Cr)和4.69 μg·L-1,略高于国内外其它非污染地区的平均水平.  相似文献   

Sorption of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) by soil influences its fate and transport in the environment. The presence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) may complicate the sorption process in soil. The effects of DOM from sewage sludge on TBBPA sorption by three soils were investigated using batch equilibration experiments in the study. DOM was observed to be sorbed on the soils and the isotherms could be fitted by the Langmuir model. The effects of DOM on TBBPA sorption were dependent on the characteristics ...  相似文献   

猪粪重金属脱除及脱水性提升对其资源化利用具有重要意义.本研究以氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans,A.f)作为生物沥浸微生物,探究了多批次生物沥浸对猪粪重金属脱除及养分和脱水性的影响.研究表明,当A.f菌液与原始猪粪(含固率为3.5%)体积比为1∶1时,生物沥浸进程缓慢,而将猪...  相似文献   

RemovalofheavymetalsfromsewagesludgebylowcostingchemicalmethodandrecyclinginagricultureWuQitang,NyirandegePascasie,MoCehuiF...  相似文献   

A bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. cv. ‘Alicia’) sod was top-dressed with nutrient rates of 0-0-0, 180-78-20, 360-156-40 and 540-234-60 kg ha−1 N, P and K, respectively, from commercial fertilizer and dried anaerobically digested sewage sludge. Mean seasonal dry matter production was similar regardless of nutrient source, but higher rates generally resulted in significantly higher yields. Treatment of forage with sludge rather than commercial fertilizer gave a higher crude protein content only at the 360-156-40 rate. In vitro dry matter digestibility was significantly lower at the medium and high sludge rates. All other treatments were not significantly different. Total Zn levels in forage from all sludge treatments were relatively uniform. Cr concentration was highest in the medium sludge rate and was lowest with the highest rate of commercial fertilizer among plots treated with supplemental nutrients. Hg concentration did not vary with nutrient source. Cu concentrations were generally twice as high in sludge-treated compared to conventionally fertilized forage. In no case did the metal concentration pose a threat to grazing animals.  相似文献   

株洲城郊农田土壤重金属污染特征与Pb同位素示踪   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过采集湖南株洲城郊农田区表层土壤(A层),并分析其Cd、Hg、Pb、Zn等重金属元素含量,研究了土壤中重金属元素的污染特征.为示踪这些金属元素的来源,选择农田区典型土壤样品及湘江沉积物、污染源区土壤样品,进行重金属元素含量和Pb同位素组成测定.结果表明,农田区A层土壤受到不同程度的重金属污染,其中,Cd、Hg、Pb、Zn含量最高,分别为21.71、24.52、261.49、577.94 mg·kg-1,且Cd、Pb、Zn元素之间显著相关,而研究区附近湘江水体和沉积物中这些元素含量没有增高,说明这些重金属不是来自湘江,而是可能主要来自冶炼厂;铅同位素显示,冶炼厂附近A层土壤206Pb/207Pb值(1.150~1.164)低于周边区域A层土壤(1.164~1.169),208Pb/206Pb值(2.108~2.122)高于周边地区(2.106~2.119),说明受到人为污染的影响.从污染区分布空间位置和铅同位素源解析的结果看,农田区土壤中Cd、Hg、Pb、Zn等重金属的主要污染源是冶炼厂的冶炼烟气粉尘及与农耕活动有关的其他人为污染.  相似文献   

为了探明植物处理后污泥作为肥料施用后对后续作物和土壤的影响,将植物处理后的污泥混于土壤,种植后续作物玉米(Zea mays),测定作物产量以及土壤和作物的重金属含量.结果表明,污泥施用2a后仍有肥效,其玉米生物量显著大于无污泥的对照处理,且单种植物处理后的污泥肥效要优于无植物或套种处理的污泥.施用污泥后的2a内,4季玉米的茎叶和籽粒Zn、Cd、Cu和Pb含量均符合饲料标准;但第3季以后玉米籽粒才可作为食用.施用污泥后土壤重金属含量随时间而下降,Zn的年消失率为32%~35%,Cd为28%~33%,Cu为18%~30%,Pb为15%~23%;施用污泥的土壤重金属年下降率高于对照和化肥处理.污泥施用于土壤2a后,表层土壤全Zn和全Pb含量与对照处理已无明显差异.  相似文献   

广东省土壤重金属溯源及污染源解析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
近年来土壤重金属污染问题日益加剧,而土壤重金属溯源解析对土壤重金属污染防治具有重要的指导意义.本文采集并测试了广东省土壤表层(0~20 cm)1000个样本中的As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb和Zn 8种重金属元素的含量,选取了可能影响这些重金属元素在土壤中含量的106个因子,将其分为自然和人为两大类,基于回归模型树方法,通过R语言及Cubist模型定量计算这些影响因子对8种重金属元素在土壤中含量的贡献率,筛选不同元素的主要影响因子,进行溯源及污染源解析.结果表明:广东省土壤中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb和Zn来源受自然因素作用大于人为因素,土壤中Hg则相反,其主要来源于工业生产,部分来源于农业生产.土壤中Cd和Hg元素的人为源具有同源性.广东省土壤重金属人为源贡献率由大到小分别为土壤As为工业农业交通人口其他;Cd为工业农业交通其他;Cr为农业工业交通、人口其他;Cu为工业农业交通其他;Hg为工业农业交通、矿区人口建筑;Ni为工业农业交通其他;Pb为工业农业其他;Zn为工业农业人口其他.本研究结果有利于指导相关产业减少污染排放,降低土壤环境质量受到的污染风险.  相似文献   

The metal-binding capacities of two regional soils of southern Italy were evaluated. A volcanic soil and a sample of “terra rossa” were treated with sewage sludge spiked with CdSO4 to obtain 0, 2, 4, 8 and 16 ppm of total cadmium in the soil. Cadmium uptake and cadmium effects on dry-matter production of rye grass, spinach, dwarf bean and radish grown in the two soils and the effects of cadmium on soil microflora were investigated. Plant and microbial responses were considered in relation to three different analytical methods for evaluating the biologically-effective concentration of cadmium in soil.  相似文献   

表面活性剂强化污泥生物淋滤Cu、Zn的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过接种经Tween-80驯化培养的污泥混合硫杆菌,研究了不同浓度表面活性剂Tween-80对污泥生物淋滤过程中重金属Cu、Zn溶出效果的影响.同时探讨了Tween-80对混合硫杆菌氧化元素硫能力的影响.结果表明,投加0.5~8.0g/L Tween-80能促进硫杆菌氧化元素硫,并随着投加量的增加,元素硫的氧化率提高.但是在污泥生物淋滤实验中,随着Tween-80投加量增加,这种促进作用先加强后被抑制.Tween-80最佳投加量为6.0g/L,这时元素硫的生物氧化率显著提高,污泥酸化加快,经过8d的淋滤,Cu和Zn的淋滤效果可达到最佳,溶出率分别为91.9%和90.4%,而对照组在第10d淋滤效果达到最佳,分别为80.1%和85.2%.但是当Tween-80浓度大于6.0g/L时,硫杆菌的生长和繁殖受到抑制,使生物淋滤反应速度减缓,去除效率较低.  相似文献   

中国城市污泥的重金属含量及其变化趋势   总被引:160,自引:9,他引:160  
对相关研究结果的系统统计表明,Zn是我国城市污泥中平均含量最高的重金属元素,其次是Cu,再次是Cr,而毒性较大的元素Hg、Cd、As含量往往较低,通常在几个到十几个mg/kg范围内;70%统计样本的As含量在20ms/kg以内,而Cd、Cr、Ca、Hg、Ni、Pb、Zn含量则分别在2.8、250、417、5、75、130、1701ms/kg以内.我国城市污泥中的重金属含量普遍低于英美等发达国家,而且其中的重金属含量呈现逐渐降低的趋势.按照1984年颁布的《农用污泥污染物控制标准》(GB4284-84),Zn是我国城市污泥中超标问题最突出的重金属,其超标率为55%;但按照2002年新修订的《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准(报批稿)》,Zn的超标率仅为9%.一方面,我国的土壤和儿童普遍缺Zn,另一方面,我国现行的农用污泥污染物控制标准对城市污泥中的Zn控制过于严格,而且也不尽合理,急需对其进一步完善,以合理解决城市污泥的处理处置途径,推动城市污泥的资源化和无害化利用.  相似文献   

A batch composting study was performed to evaluate the feasibility of co-composting sewage sludge with sodium sulfide and lime (SSL) mixture (Na2S/CaO= 1:1), aiming at reducing the availability of heavy metals in the sludge compost. Sewage sludge with sawdust as a bulking agent was amended with SSL at 3% (w/w, dw), and composted for 15 d in laboratory batch reactors. The four stages of the Tessier sequential extraction method was employed to investigate changes in heavy metal fractions of Cu, Zn, and Ni in sewage sludge composted with SSL. For all the three metals, the mobile fractions, such as, exchangeable and carbonate bound were mainly transformed into low availability fractions (organic matter and sulfide, Fe-Mn oxides bound and residual forms), and the addition of SSL enhanced this transformation. Therefore, SSL is a suitable material to co-compost with sewage sludge to reduce the availability of heavy metals. According to the cabbage seed germination test, a SSL amendment of ≤3% (w/w, dw) is recommended to co-compost with sewage sludge.  相似文献   

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