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随着科学技术的日新月异和计算机应用的广泛普及,学术期刊编辑工作应用计算机已势在必行。学术期刊编辑工作现代化,就是将编辑出版过程中的手工操作变成由计算机控制的信息处理。  相似文献   

由中国科学技术期刊编辑学会主办的《编辑学报》已经正式出版。《编辑学报》是有关编辑学的综合性学术期刊,报道国内外有关编辑学,主要是科技期刊编辑理论研究成果,交流编辑实践经验,发培养编辑人才,提高期刊质量,促进科技交流服务。本刊设有理论研究、专题报告、编辑工程、期刊管理、出版知识、科技文章写作、海外信息、书刊评介等。  相似文献   

高校学报组稿是每位高校学报编辑工作者缠绕思维、挥之不去的常伴课题,组稿工作要从策划、自然投稿、选题、约稿等几个方面下功夫,要阶段性、连续性和动态性地组织高水平稿件。  相似文献   

近日,中央深入学习实践科学发展观活动领导小组向全国参加第一批学习实践活动的单位派出23个指导检查组,其中向省区市和新疆生产建设兵团派出7个指导检查组,向中央和国家机关部委、中管金融机构、人民团体派出16个指导检查组。中央深入学习买践活动领导小组要求各指导检查组要加强自身建设。要加强学习,把思想和行动统一到中央关于学习实践活动的指示精神上来,努力掌握指导检查工作的主动权。要团结协作,发挥各自优势,形成整体合力。要严格遵守纪律、坚持廉洁自律,发扬优良作风,树立良好形象。要切实增强做好指导检查工作的责任感、使命感,振奋精神,扎实工作,圆满完成中央交给的光荣任务。各地区环保部门按照中央的统一部署,认真贯彻落实中央决策,积极支持中央学习实践活动指导检查组的工作,为指导检查组开展工作提供必要的条件,确保学习实践活动目标要求的实现。  相似文献   

“2013中国最具国际影响力学术期刊”、“2013中国国际影响力优秀学术期刊”谴选工作已由中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社、清华大学图书馆、中国学术文献国际评价研究中心完成。现予发布。《中国学术期刊影响因子年报(2013版)》&《中国学术期刊国际引证报告(2013版)》也己正式发布。  相似文献   

近日,中央深入学习实践科学发展观活动领导小组向全国参加第一批学习实践活动的单位派出23个指导检查组,其中向省区市和新疆生产建设兵团派出7个指导检查组,向中央和国家机关部委、中管金融机构、人民团体派出16个指导检查组。中央深八学习实践活动领导小组要求各指导检查组要加强自身建设。要加强学习,把思想和行动统一到中央关于学习实践活动的指示精神上来,努力掌握指导检查工作的主动权。要团结协作,发挥各自优势,形成整体合力。要严格遵守纪律、坚持廉洁自律,发扬优良作风,树立良好形象。要切实增强做好指导检查工作的责任感、使命感,振奋精神,扎实工作,圆满完成中央交给的光荣任务。  相似文献   

今年环境宣传工作任务很重,除了要搞些全国性的活动外,各地还要结合当地情况,安排些有地方特色的活动;环境宣传除了要突出重点,抓好重大节日、纪念日的宣传外,还要做好大量的日常宣传。工作确实千头万绪,但是安排工作却不可能面面俱到。因此,下面我就如何围绕“人类环境宣言”20周年和联合国第二次人类环境会议的中心,搞好环境宣传,谈几点意见: 首先,要提高对搞好明年环境宣传工作意义的认识。  相似文献   

多年来通过组织内容丰富、形式多样、寓教于乐的环境宣传教育活动和绿色创建活动,强力推进公众环境保护参与机制,在提高公众环境意识的实际工作中取得显著成绩。汪璞自1992年调入武汉市环境宣传教育中心工作至今,历任《武汉环境》编辑、编辑部主任、武汉电视台环保记者站副站长、宣传科副科长、科长、中心办公室主任、中心副主任,分管中心办公室、教育科,具体负责行政管理、环境教育、绿色创建、精神文明建设、目标管理、环保社团管理等相关工作。他长年工作在环境宣传教育的第一线,为武汉市环境宣传教育事业的发展作出积极贡献。  相似文献   

(接上期 )问 :目前新闻出版管理部门有无制定衡量学术期刊质量的权威标准 ?答 :迄今为止 ,我国新闻出版管理部门尚未从各类学术期刊的学术水平这一角度制定过标准 ,因为衡量学科众多的学术期刊的学术水准是一件非常复杂、难度非常大的工作 ,不是新闻出版管理部门可以简单地作出评价的。而且据我们所知 ,即使一些发达国家 ,也没有出版行政管理部门制定衡量自己国家的学术期刊学术水平的客观标准。 1 992年国家科委、中共中央宣传部、新闻出版署共同发布了《科学技术期刊质量要求》 ,1 995年 ,新闻出版署发布了《社会科学期刊质量管理标准》 ,…  相似文献   

正德育工作是学校的核心,基本任务就是要培养学生热爱社会主义祖国,具有社会公德、文明行为习惯、遵纪守法的好公民。这与环保教育的内容、实践是相通的。因此,在学校德育工作中,青岛重庆路第二小学借助环保教育活动,来激发学生强烈的责任感和身体力行的智慧火花,让学生学会关心、热心与爱心,学会保护地球、保护环境。融环保教育活动与校风建设之中,形成学校德育工作的教育链,使环保教育成为学校德育工作不可分割的一部分。激发爱国热情青岛重庆路第二小学以因地适宜的环保教育活动为抓手,紧跟形势,抓住热点,开展教育,让学生  相似文献   

基于WebGIS的水环境管理信息发布系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
殷传斌  张寅  毛永明  付辉 《四川环境》2005,24(6):99-101
本文论述了如何运用ARCIMS作为网络地图发布平台,结合先进的ASP技术,建立一个基于Web GIS的水环境管理信息发布系统,以实现水环境信息资源的共享,为水环境管理和水环境决策提供强有力的信息支持。该系统的主要功能是空间与属性数据的编辑与更新,信息的检索与查询,矢量数据的显示、缩放、漫游,缓冲区分析以及专题图制作等。  相似文献   

Several solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques were used to characterize soil organic matter spiked with 13C-labeled organic compounds spanning a range of hydrophobicities (benzoic acid, benzophenone, naphthalene, phenanthrene, and palmitic acid). The chemical shifts of NMR resonances of the sorbed species were shifted by up to 3 ppm relative to those of the neat compounds. Sorption also resulted in increased resonance linewidth for the compounds containing a single 13C label, indicating the presence of a range of different chemical environments at the sites of sorption. On the other hand, sorption decreased the linewidth of the resonance of naphthalene, which was uniformly 13C-labeled. This was attributed to the removal of intermolecular 13C-13C dipolar coupling. Heterogeneity of the organic matter was demonstrated using the spectral editing technique proton spin relaxation editing (PSRE), which enabled the identification and quantification of charcoal-rich domains characterized by rapid rates of proton spin-lattice relaxation in the static frame (T1H), and humic domains characterized by slow rates of T1H relaxation. Furthermore it was demonstrated that the sorbed 13C-labeled molecules "inherit" the T1H "signature" of the organic matrix in their immediate vicinity. Thus PSRE on the spiked soils enabled evaluation of the relative affinity of the two domain types for the sorbate molecules. The charcoal-rich domains were shown to have a twofold to tenfold greater affinity for the organic compounds, with greater differences found for the more hydrophobic compounds.  相似文献   

水质报表是水环境监测领域内系统的重要组成部分,为加快水质报表的开发,增强水质报表的可维护性,设计独立于系统并且符合水质报表特性的报表工具。该报表工具分为报表设计器和报表服务器两部分,设计器提供可视化的报表编辑界面,允许用户自己设计报表函数,服务器负责报表的调用和解析并且采用缓存机制提高报表的运行效率,将该报表工具应用于水质环境监测及分析系统以验证其实用性,结果证明,该水质报表工具具有较高的灵活性和可扩展性。  相似文献   

This paper proposes that there is a need to quantify the value of void-to-solid ratio in residential facades. When quantified, void-to-solid ratio is expected to influence preference for these facades. To test this hypothesis, computer-simulated facades were created using a number of mesh editing and photo-editing software packages. The independent variable, void-to-solid ratio, was varied at three levels of windows' orientations and four levels of buildings' heights, resulting in 60 stimuli. A total of 174 participants were randomly sampled from Mutah University, Jordan, who input a total of 10,440 preference responses to the stimuli. The simulated facades were able to convey the values of void-to-solid ratios to participants. Responses revealed that there is an inverted U-shape relationship between preference for residential facades and their void-to-solid ratio, and that the most preferred range of void-to-solid ratios was (0.4–0.5).  相似文献   

Six sewage sludges from five sewage treatment plants in Australia were incubated for up to 21 months. Carbon losses at the end of the 21-mo incubation varied substantially. The remaining organic matter was isolated by treatment with hydrofluoric acid (HF) and characterized using a range of solid-state (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopic techniques. By every measure (signal distribution in cross polarization [CP] and Bloch decay [BD] spectra, carbon NMR observability determined by spin counting, and the appearance of proton spin relaxation editing subspectra), the chemical composition of the residual organic matter appeared to be little different from that of the original sludges, even for those sludges that experienced the greatest carbon losses. Importantly, these NMR properties distinguish sewage sludge organic matter from soil organic matter. Thus, it should be possible to follow the decomposition of sewage sludge organic matter applied to soils in the field using solid-state (13)C NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Ten pairs of snow sensors were analyzed to investigate the feasibility of predicting snow water equivalent at high-elevation, telemetered snow sensor sites from lower-elevation sensors. The need for this analysis stems from an agreement between the California Department of Water Resources and the USDA Forest Service to temporarily allow snow sensors in California's wilderness areas so that a predictive relationship can be developed. After 10 or 15 years, the agreement calls for the sensors to be removed. Initial efforts to a priori select sensor pairs were based on proximity, colocation within a basin, and annual precipitation amount, but regression yielded poor fits (R2 < 0.65) and high standard errors in eight of the ten cases. Analysis of the results suggested that eleva-tional similarity was the most important selection criteria, and that all available sensors near the target site should be analyzed via a regression screening. Using elevation for selection and the regression screening, five sensors that initially had poor fits were reanalyzed. Each of the five sensors was paired with between two and five new sensors, and R2 values improved between 27 and 46 percent. Various data smoothing and editing algorithms were evaluated, but they rarely resulted in improved fits.  相似文献   

Habitat suitability maps are commonly created by modeling a species’ environmental niche from occurrences and environmental characteristics. Here, we introduce the hyper-envelope modeling interface (HEMI), providing a new method for creating habitat suitability models using Bezier surfaces to model a species niche in environmental space. HEMI allows modeled surfaces to be visualized and edited in environmental space based on expert knowledge and does not require absence points for model development. The modeled surfaces require relatively few parameters compared to similar modeling approaches and may produce models that better match ecological niche theory. As a case study, we modeled the invasive species tamarisk (Tamarix spp.) in the western USA. We compare results from HEMI with those from existing similar modeling approaches (including BioClim, BioMapper, and Maxent). We used synthetic surfaces to create visualizations of the various models in environmental space and used modified area under the curve (AUC) statistic and akaike information criterion (AIC) as measures of model performance. We show that HEMI produced slightly better AUC values, except for Maxent and better AIC values overall. HEMI created a model with only ten parameters while Maxent produced a model with over 100 and BioClim used only eight. Additionally, HEMI allowed visualization and editing of the model in environmental space to develop alternative potential habitat scenarios. The use of Bezier surfaces can provide simple models that match our expectations of biological niche models and, at least in some cases, out-perform more complex approaches.  相似文献   

Two novel solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopic techniques, PSRE (proton spin relaxation editing) and RESTORE [Restoration of Spectra via T(CH) and T(1rho)H (T One Rho H) Editing], were used to provide detailed chemical characterization of the organic matter from six Australian sewage sludges. These methods were used to probe the submicrometer heterogeneity of sludge organic matter, and identify and quantify spatially distinct components. Analysis of the T1H relaxation behavior of the sludges indicated that each sludge contained two types of organic domains. Carbon-13 PSRE NMR subspectra were generated to determine the chemical nature of these domains. The rapidly relaxing component of each sludge was rich in protein and alkyl carbon, and was identified as dead bacterial material. The slowly relaxing component of each sludge was rich in carbohydrate and lignin structures, and was identified as partly degraded plant material. The bacterial domains were shown, using the RESTORE technique, to also have characteristically rapid T(1rho)H relaxation rates. This rapid T(1rho)H relaxation was identified as the main cause of underrepresentation of these domains in standard 13C cross polarization (CP) NMR spectra of sludges. The heterogeneous nature of sewage sludge organic matter has implications for land application of sewage sludge, since the two components are likely to have different capacities for sorbing organic and inorganic toxicants present in sewage sludge, and will decompose at different rates.  相似文献   

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault provides a backup of seed collections from genebanks around the world. It’s unique character has made it iconic in the public imagination as a ‘Noah’s Ark’ for crop plants. Its remote location and strict controls on access have, however, also lent it an air of mystery, swirling with conspiracy theories. In this paper, I first clarify the aims of the Vault, the history of its development and the policies and practices of its current operation. Given concerns around its potential links to the biotechnology industry, I go on to ask whether GM crops are currently stored in the Vault. Presenting several reasons for why GM crops are formally excluded, while indicating the potential for both change and unintentional contamination, I am compelled to question whether GM crops should be excluded. Answering this requires an interrogation of their potential conservation value as modern contributors to crop biodiversity. In exploring this issue, I suggest that there has been surprisingly little discussion of the moral status and conservation value of bio-technological crop plants and indeed, of how we care for all the techno-lifeforms we are currently engaged in co-creating. I suggest that these are becoming important issues as biotechnological techniques and applications begin to rapidly evolve and diversify (e.g. through genome editing and synthetic biology). Emphasizing the scope for a refreshed interdisciplinary research agenda exploring the interface between biotechnology and biodiversity conservation, I conclude the article by proposing new concepts of synbiodiversity and symbiodiversity to encourage further debate.  相似文献   

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