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The effects of different process temperatures (40, 55, and 67 degrees C) during composting of source-separated household waste were studied in a 200 L compost reactor at an oxygen concentration of 16%. The overall decomposition measured as carbon mineralization, decomposition of different carbon constituents, and the dynamics of nitrogen mineralization and the microbial community, are reported. Ammonia emissions at 67 degrees C were more than double those at lower temperatures, and they were lowest at 40 degrees C. The decomposition rate, measured as CO2 emission, was highest at 55 degrees C. Decomposition of crude fat was slower at 40 degrees C than at 55 and 67 degrees C. The peak in microbial biomass was largest in the run at 40 degrees C, where substantial differences were seen in the microbial community structure and succession compared to thermophilic temperatures. Biowaste composting can be optimized to obtain both a high decomposition rate and low ammonia emissions by controlling the process at about 55 degrees C in the initial, high-rate stage. To reduce ammonia emissions it seems worthwhile to reduce the temperature after an initial high-temperature stage.  相似文献   

Land application of coal combustion by-products (CCBs) mixed with solid organic wastes (SOWs), such as municipal sewage sludge, has become increasingly popular as a means of productively using what were once considered waste products. Although bulk chemical and physical properties of several of these CCB-SOW materials have been reported, detailed information about their synthesis and mineralogy of the CCB-SOW materials has not been reported. In this paper, chemical and mineralogical properties of a soil-like material obtained from composting a mixture of CCBs with a pharmaceutical fermentation by-product (FB) were investigated at the laboratory and field scale. All starting materials and products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), fourier transform infrared (FFIR) spectroscopy, and elemental analyses. The results showed that the FB was strongly bound to the CCBs and could not be removed by washing. Within 2 wk of the start of a composting study, there was a rapid drop in pH from 12 to 8, an increase in temperature to 70 degrees C, and a reduction in the dissolved oxygen content, attributed to the rapid establishment of a highly active microbial population. Composting produced a soil-like material with high levels of plant nutrients, a high nutrient retention capacity, and metal contents similar to median levels of those metals reported for soils. The levels of boron and soluble salts are such that sensitive plants may initially show toxicity symptoms. However, with adequate rainfall, leaching should rapidly remove most of the B and soluble salts. With care, the material produced is safe for use as a synthetic topsoil.  相似文献   

Commercial composting operations generally do not accept organic wastes with plastic twines from the greenhouse vegetable industry and the bulk of the waste materials ends up in landfills. The objectives of this paper are to identify environmentally compatible substitutes that could replace the current use of petrochemically derived plastic twines in greenhouse vegetable production, thus diverting them from landfills, and to assess the extent of their degradation via composting. Physical properties of the twines, including linear density, percent weight loss and tensile strength were monitored for the biodegradation tests. A pilot-scale composting trial was conducted in an in-vessel composting system. Results showed that the three biodegradable twine materials (cotton, jute and EcoPLA) could degrade readily in a composting environment within a reasonable time frame. Specifically, at the end of 105 days of composting, 85.3%, 84.8% and 81.1% of weight loss was observed for cotton, jute and EcoPLA, respectively. Furthermore, EcoPLA exhibited a slower decline in tensile strength with time, when compared to jute and cotton.  相似文献   

Research has shown that aluminum sulfate (alum) and phosphoric acid greatly reduce ammonia (NH3) volatilization from poultry litter; however, no studies have yet reported the effects of these amendments on field-scale composting of poultry litter. The objectives of this study were to (i) evaluate NH3 volatilization from composting litter by measuring both NH3 volatilization and changes in total nitrogen (N) in the litter and (ii) evaluate potential methods of reducing NH3 losses from composting poultry litter. Poultry litter was composted for 68 d the first year and 92 d the second year. Eleven treatments were screened in Year 1, which included an unamended control, a microbial mixture, a microbial mixture with 5% alum incorporated into the litter, 5 and 10% alum rates either surface-applied or incorporated, and 1 and 2% phosphoric acid rates either surface-applied or incorporated. Treatments in Year 2 included an unamended control, a microbial mixture, alum (7% by fresh wt.), and phosphoric acid (1.5% by fresh wt.). Alum and phosphoric acid reduced NH3 volatilization from composting poultry litter by as much as 76 and 54%, respectively. The highest NH3 emission rates were from microbial treatments each year. Compost treated with chemical amendments retained more initial N than all other treatments. Due to the cost and N loss associated with composting poultry litter, composting is not economical from an agronomic perspective compared with the use of fresh poultry litter.  相似文献   

We used statistical data including specific calculations to show how the productivity of different biomass categories varies with land use, environmental conditions and land management at national and local level in Slovakia. Three different study sites were selected. Averaged annual productivity of the total biomass from one hectare ranged from 5.96 to 12.03 t on arable land, from 4.02 to 15.20 t on grasslands and from 11.72 to 13.56 t on forest land. Although the biomass productivity varied among the various biomass categories and the study sites, the average annual values of the total biomass per hectare from productive land was about the same at all three study sites (11.62, 11.68, 11.78 t/ha). Detailed quantification of different biomass categories offered a variety of possibilities to use them for further applications in economy and ecosystem services. At the national level, the unused biomass could have produced 29.8 PJ (petajoule) of heat energy.  相似文献   

Odor pollution is a major problem facing mushroom [Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach] compost production. Techniques for quantifying mushroom composting odors are needed to assess the effectiveness of odor control measures. Odor samples were obtained in nalophane bags from 11 mushroom composting sites. Samples were collected 0.2 m downwind from the pre-wetting heaps (aerated or unaerated) of raw composting ingredients (wheat straw, poultry and horse manures, and gypsum) and subsequent Phase I composting windrows or aerated tunnels. The odor concentrations (OCs) of the samples were assessed using serial dilution olfactometry and the chemical composition of the samples was determined using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), both 24 h after sampling. Gas detector tubes were used for on-site measurement of gaseous compounds. Odorants that exceeded their published olfactory detection thresholds by the greatest order of magnitude, in decreasing order, were: H2S, dimethyl sulfide (DMS), butanoic acid, methanethiol, and trimethylamine. Concentrations of NH3 were not significantly correlated with OC, and they were not significantly affected by the use of aeration. Aeration reduced the OC and the combined H2S + DMS concentrations by 87 and 92%, respectively. There was a very close correlation (r = 0.948, P < 0.001) between the OC of bag samples and the combined H2S + DMS concentrations, measured on-site with detector tubes. This relationship was unaffected by the NH3 concentration or the type of compost: aerated or unaerated, pre-wet or Phase I, poultry manure-based or horse and poultry manure-based compost. Prediction of the OC will enable rapid and low-cost identification of odor sources on mushroom composting sites.  相似文献   

The present article deals with the production of bio-oil from algal biomass as well as the preparation and characterization of noble CaO-based heterogeneous catalyst for upgradation of bio-oil to biodiesel. The bio-oil has been extracted from algal biomass using hexane as solvent in soxhlet apparatus and upgraded to biodiesel by transesterification using noble CaO-based heterogeneous catalysts. Catalyst with TiO2:CaO molar ratio of 0.25 and calcination temperature of 700°C has been found to be most suitable among all the catalysts developed. Characterization of the catalysts has been done by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA). The input--output model has been developed to correlate experimental and predicted value of biodiesel yield. Optimization of process parameters has been done using response surface methodology. Various properties and elemental composition of algal bio-oil and biodiesel have been determined and compared with biodiesel.  相似文献   

/ To understand the total impact of humans on the carbon cycle, themodeling and quantifying of the transfer of carbon from terrestrial pools tothe atmosphere is becoming more critical. Using previously published data,this research sought to assess the change in carbon pools caused by humans inthe Lower Fraser Basin (LFB) in British Columbia, Canada, since 1827 anddefine the long-term, regional contribution of carbon to the atmosphere. Theresults indicate that there has been a transfer of 270 Mt of carbon frombiomass pools in the LFB to other pools, primarily the atmosphere. The majorlosses of biomass carbon have been from logged forests (42%), wetlands(14%), and soils (43%). Approximately 48% of the forestbiomass, almost 20% of the carbon of the LFB, lies within old-growthforest, which covers only 19% of the study area. Landfills are nowbecoming a major sink of carbon, containing 5% of the biomass carbonin the LFB, while biomass carbon in buildings, urban vegetation, mammals, andagriculture is negligible. Approximately 26% of logged forest biomasswould still be in a terrestrial biomass pool, leaving 238 Mt of carbon thathas been released to the atmosphere. On an area basis, this is 29 times theaverage global emissions of carbon, providing an indication of the pastcontributions of developed countries such as Canada to global warming andpossible contributions from further clearing of rainforest in both tropicaland temperate regions.KEY WORDS: Carbon pools; Global warming; Carbon release to atmosphere;Greenhouse effect  相似文献   

An emissions inventory and the AERMOD View dispersion model were used to estimate the concentrations and the potential effects of carbon monoxide (CO) from diesel engine electric power generators operated by and providing electricity to a textile factory in Nigeria on its host air shed. The CO emissions from simultaneous operations of all of the electric power generators in the factory resulted in: 1‐hr average CO emissions of 4.2 to 54.5 micrograms per cubic meters (μg/m3) and 24‐hr average CO emissions of 0.3 to 20.9 μg/m3. The estimated 1‐hr averaging period maximum ground‐level concentrations of CO were deposited within the factory, while the 24‐hr maximum ground‐level concentrations are estimated at a distance 90 meters (m) from the factory in a southeast direction. The ground‐level concentrations of CO emanating from the textile factory are within the stipulated ambient air quality standards.  相似文献   

Every year, nurseries waste about 40 t of residual biomass for each ha of potted plants cultivation. The European nursery sector deals with about 90,000 ha of cultivated land and 120,000 ha of nurseries, with a turnover of 19.8 billion Euros in 2011. In recent years, a number of Italian projects highlighted that GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions for the nursery sector range between 37 tCO2eq/ha/year and 45 tCO2eq/ha/year for potted plants, mainly due to the consumption of electric energy, plastics and peat. Moreover, other studies analyse the impacts associated to nurseries, recommending best practices for energy reductions and waste recycle or reuse. Therefore, the present work focused its attention to the possible environmental benefits associated to the reuse of residues (wood and substrate) of potted plants that are discarded from the nursery production chain. GHG emissions and fossil energy requirement were quantified by considering the CO2eq (CO2 equivalent) and the CER (cumulative energy requirement) respectively, in order to assess the environmental impacts of two different scenarios proposed for the materials recovery. Final results highlighted that the solutions which are able to recover the substrate and the wood allow impact reductions compared to landfill disposal. In particular, the scenario consisting in the immediate separation of the substrate from the root-plant system and the successive chipping of wood for energetic reuse, allows higher savings than those obtainable through shredding and subsequent wind separation. Moreover, for what concerns the CO2eq, an adequate use of the residual biomass make it possible to compensate the GHG emissions of the nurseries up to 15%.  相似文献   


The introduction of the new biomass industry exerts influences that change the interactions among economic sectors by drawing the resources for generating electricity, pricing alterations from the existing market and competitively selling electricity to the power grid. These influences should be described and identified to ensure the benefits to the local economy. In this article, we deem to test the potential of hybrid I-O analysis to analyze the economic impacts and address the change in characteristics of the economic impacts of the biomass power plant. The resource utilization data from the existing biomass power plant located in Kochi Prefecture (Japan) is collected and then analyzed by a hybrid input-output (I-O) analysis. We found that (1) the use of cutoff function could determine the new economy’s structure included the biomass power plant where the allocation of resource in the economy is changed according to the consumption and production of the biomass power plant, (2) The power plant increases the total production of Kochi prefecture’s economy, and this benefit overthrows the negative effect of the loss of resource demand of the existing economic sectors. The use of the hybrid I-O to forecast the economic impacts on the local economy could enhance the decision made by the policymaker.  相似文献   

Contamination of heavy metals in fish and vegetables is regarded as a major crisis globally, with a large share in many developing countries. In Bogra District of Bangladesh, concentrations of six heavy metals, i.e., chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb), were evaluated in the most consumed vegetables and fish species. The sampling was conducted during February–March 2012 and August–September 2013. The levels of metals varied between different fish and vegetable species. Elevated concentrations of As, Cd and Pb were observed in vegetable species (Solanum tuberosum, Allium cepa and Daucus carota), and fish species (Anabas testudineus and Heteropneustes fossilis) were higher than the FAO/WHO permissible limits, indicating these three metals might pose risk from the consumption of these vegetable and fish species. The higher concentration of heavy metals in these vegetable species might be due to the higher uptake from soil and sediment ingestion behavior in fish species. Multivariate principal component analysis (PCA) showed significant anthropogenic contributions of Cr, Ni, Cu and Pb in samples as the PCA axis scores were correlated with scores of anthropogenic activities. Target hazard quotients showed that the intakes of Cu, As and Pb through vegetables and fish were higher than the recommended health standards, indicated non-carcinogenic risk. Therefore, intakes of these elements via fish and vegetables for Bangladeshi people are a matter of concern.  相似文献   

Herbicides applied to soils potentially affect soil microbial activity. The quantity and frequency of Roundup Ultra [RU; N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine; Monsanto, St. Louis, MO] applications have escalated with the advent of Roundup-tolerant crops. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of Roundup Ultra on soil microbial biomass and activity across a range of soils varying in fertility. The isoproplyamine salt of glyphosate was applied in the form of RU at a rate of 234 mg active ingredient kg(-1) soil based on an assumed 2-mm glyphosate-soil interaction depth. Roundup Ultra significantly stimulated soil microbial activity as measured by C and N mineralization, as well as soil microbial biomass. Cumulative C mineralization as well as mineralization rate increased above background levels for all soils tested with addition of RU. There were strong linear relationships between C and N mineralized, as well as between soil microbial C and N (r2 = 0.96 and 0.95, respectively). The slopes of the relationships with RU addition approximated three. Since the isopropylamine salt of glyphosate has a C to N ratio of 3:1, the data strongly suggest that RU was the direct cause of the enhanced microbial activity. An increase in the C mineralization rate occurred the first day following RU addition and continued for 14 d. Roundup Ultra appeared to be rapidly degraded by soil microbes regardless of soil type or organic matter content, even at high application rates, without adversely affecting microbial activity.  相似文献   

The growing interest in geologic carbon sequestration has highlighted the need for more data on how well cements react to CO2 exposure. This paper describes a series of experiments that was conducted to examine the effects of flowing carbonated brine on well cements. Class H cement pastes were exposed to the ranges of temperature (20–50 °C) and pH (2.4–5) characteristic of geosequestration conditions at a depth of about 1 km. The exposed cements and the reactor effluents were analyzed using multiple techniques including optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, EPMA, and ICP-OES. The results showed that if the solution was pre-equilibrated with calcium carbonate, as would be expected in a limestone formation, there was no detectable attack. However, under the pH and temperature conditions to be expected in a sandstone formation, the initial rate of attack was on the order of millimeters per month. The outer layers of the cements reacted under sandstone-like conditions were fully degraded based on the results of the XRD and EPMA analyses. Inside the degraded layers there was a calcium carbonate-rich layer, a layer depleted of calcium hydroxide, and an unreacted cement core. The rate of degradation of the cement in these experiments was controlled by the rate of dissolution of the calcium carbonate-rich layer, after its formation, and diffusion through the fully degraded layers.  相似文献   

A method is presented by which an upper limit of the adverse health effect of existing ambient CO concentrations on the U. S. population can be estimated. The method is based upon estimating the primary human physiological response to CO concentrations (COHb%) for the population in terms of person-hour-COHb>1.5% resulting from the time exposure of the population to CO concentrations in excess of the federally designated ambient air quality standard. The estimates of person-hour-COHb>1.5% are for exposures only to ambient CO concentrations and do not take into account the additional CO exposure for people who smoke or have occupational exposures.We estimate that there were up to 30.9×109 person-hour-COHb>1.5% in 1973 due to ambient concentrations in excess of the ambient 8-hour CO standard, with approximately 5×109 person-hour-COHb>1.5% occurring West of the Continental Divide and 25.9>109 person-hour-COHb>1.5% occuring East of the Continental Divide; of these 21.3×109 personhour-COHb>1.5% occurred in New York City. It was also estimated that a 60% reduction in 1973 ambient concentrations of CO (corresponding to an automotive emmision standard of less than 15 g/mile) would be needed to reduce to zero the person-hour-COHb>1.5%. The maximum estimated effects on the U.S. population of increases in ambient CO concentration above 1973 levels are also presented.  相似文献   

Higher heating values on a dry basis (HHV2), measured and calculated from elemental analyses, of more than 140 biomass and waste component materials have been compared. The data were evaluated by six higher heating value formulas. The Vondracek formula was found to give the best agreement between calculated and measured heating values over a wide range (10–47 MJ/kg), judged by good linear correlation between measured and calculated HHV2 values. Standard reference materials also have been evaluated and shown generally to give good agreement. The calculation of higher heating values form elemental analyses is a good check for the reliability of a material's composition and heating value measurements in most cases. Materials with differences between calculated and measured higher heating values in excess of 6% should be considered suspect and examined closely.  相似文献   

Solid waste management is one of the challenging problems worldwide and it is becoming more complex by the increase in population and subsequently the waste generated. In Malaysia, among industrial solid waste palm oil mill waste (POMW) contributes the highest share. Wastes from the oil palm mill includes palm oil mill effluent (POME), decanter cake, empty fruit bunches, seed shells and the fibre from mesocarp. Generally most of the waste generated is either disposed of via open dumping or used as fertilizers as such or as animal feed. Land application of POMW and POME is very common practice as it contains numbers of plant nutrients. Direct application of POMW into agricultural soil can result in a number of problems such as water pollution, leaching etc. To deal with these problems, vermicomposting of palm oil mill waste may be a sustainable waste management option.There are number of researches going on management of biomass residues from palm oil mill, but very few works are going on vermicomposting of these agro-industrial waste. Vermicomposting of POMW can be a good practice as it will also be helpful in recycling the useful plant nutrients and it is better than that of composting process. Present review deals with the various aspects of vermicomposting of POMW and its importance. Review also put forward the effect of potential application of vermicompost on plant growth. On the whole it looks for the possibility of vermicomposting of waste from palm oil mill as a sustainable waste management alternative.  相似文献   

Environmental Agencies require Decision Support Systems, in order to plan Air Quality Policies considering the cost of emission reduction measures and the human health effects (with related social costs). The use of Decision Support Systems is also useful to spread information to general public, explaining the effectiveness of proposed air quality plans. In this paper, a multi-objective approach to control PM10 concentration at a regional level is presented. The problem considers both the internal costs (due to the implementation of emission reduction measures) and the external costs (due to population exposure to high PM10 concentrations). To model PM10 concentrations, a single surrogate model is used for the entire domain, allowing the implementation of a very efficient optimization procedure. The surrogate model is derived through a set of 10 simulations, performed using a Chemistry Transport Model fed with different emission reduction scenarios. The methodology is applied to Northern Italy, a region affected by very high PM10 concentrations that exceed the limit values specified by the EU legislation.  相似文献   

It is well known that dilute sulfuric acid pretreatment of the lignicellulosisc biomass is an effective approach used for the production of the ethanol. However, there are less studies on the biogas production from the pretreated lignocellulosics and hardly data available on the codigestion of cattle manure with the pretreated lignocellulosisc material. The aim of this study was to evaluate biomethane production potential of codigestion of cattle manure with dilute acid pretreated lignocellulosic biomass. Sugarcane bagasse and rice husk was pretreated with dilute sulfuric acid or phosphoric acid at 121°C for 20 minutes and subsequently subjected to anaerobic digestion alone or codigested with cattle manure.

The results showed that codigestion of 1% phosphoric acid pretreated rice husk with cattle manure led to the highest methane production of 115 Nmlg?1VS while monodigestion of cattle manure and phosphoric acid pretreated rice husk produced 98 and 87 Nmlg?1VS, respectively. An inhibition was observed in anaerobic digestion of sulfuric acid pretreated rice husk and sugarcane bagasse during monodigestion and codigestion with cattle manure.

The study concludes that dilute phosphoric acid pretreated lignocellulosics like sugarcane bagasse and rice husk can be used as a cosubstrate with cattle manure in anaerobic digestion for enhanced methane production. Dilute sulfuric acid pretreatment, which is effective method for the bioethanol production, causes inhibition during anaerobic digestion of the pretreated lignocellulosics.  相似文献   

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