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魏后凯 《绿叶》2010,(8):20-24
新能源产业存在一定的产能过剩是正常的,适度的过剩是市场经济的必然结果。在新能源产业的投资上,应区分政府投资和民间投资,以民间投资为主体,但政府也应加强引导,规范民间投资行为,杜绝恶性圈地、盲目扩张,实现新能源产业的良性发展和合理区域分工。在资源配置上.政府规划和市场配置要有机地结合起来.以高效的市场配置为基础,以政府规划弥补市场配置的弊端.创造一个良好的投资环境,推进新能源产业的大发展。  相似文献   

曹建海 《绿叶》2011,(2):74-79
住房改革是从1998年开始的,但刚开始的住房政策基本上还是以保障机制为主,市场调节为辅。2003年以后推进的市场化改革,标志着一个以市场调节为主、保障机制为辅的新的机制的确立。中国当前房地产业畸形发展的原因,在于不受约束的权力与过度市场化的结合。过于单一的房地产业,迫切需要在政府提供的保障房之外,有一个真正的来自民间的力量来跟他们抗衡,这个民间的力量就应该是自建房。现阶段改革的顶层设计需要把过去以经济建设为抓手的改革,变为以民生为抓手的改革。  相似文献   

难以确定的是民间投资,而民间投资将是决定经济长期发展最重要的因素之一。国家信息中心副主任刘鹤说:“这取决于鼓励民营经济的政策实施到什么程度,取决于制度变革的进程”。“现在大家都越来越认识到,制约经济增长的因素来自生产关系和上层建筑。中央关于‘十五’计划的建议明确提出,未来五年的工作重心是结构调整,结构调整的关键是经济结构的调整和所有制结构的调整。改造国有经济的同时大力发展非国有经济,并且要通过法律确定这一格局。这个理念中央巳经有了,大势是不可逆转的。”但是,刘鹤对改革的前景还是表示了一丝忧虑:“…  相似文献   

难以确定的是民间投资,而民间投资将是决定经济长期发展最重要的因素之一。国家信息中心副主任刘鹤说:“这取决于鼓励民营经济的政策实施到什么程度,取决于制度变革的进程”。“现在大家都越来越认识到,制约经济增长的因素来自生产关系和上层建筑。中央关于‘十五’计划的建议明确提出,未来五年的工作重心是结构调整,结构调整的关键是经济结构的调整和所有制结构的调整。改造国有经济的同时大力发展非国有经济,并且要通过法律确定这一格局。这个理念中央已经有了,大势是不可逆转的。”   但是,刘鹤对改革的前景还是表示了一丝忧虑:“因为每解决一个具体问题都充满了困难,都会引起既得利益者的强烈反弹。因此,如何利用WTO的机会创造改革动力,实现真正意义上的投资和贸易政策自由化,是经济学者最关心的战略性问题。这一点比短期的经济波动要重要的多”。  相似文献   

文章介绍了环保工程项目建设全过程投资计算方法和控制手段,并着重阐述了设计阶段投资控制的方法和技术经济分析的指标。  相似文献   

一、简易分析法建设项目环评报告书均应有环境经济损益分析专题内容。但是,对于项目不太大或项目污染不严重的环评报告书来说,只需做出简易的环境经济损益分析。简易分析的主要内容为环保投资估算、投资比例及环境效益分析。以“湖北艾森一天发油脂项目环境影响评价”(以下简称“文发项目”,荆沙市环科所编写)为例:1.环保投资估算及投资比例首先阐明拟建工程环保设施的划分结果。不同的行业对环保设施的划分有不同规定,如石油化工行业对环保设施的划分在SHJ24-90中作了原则性划分。’‘艾发项目”环保投资估算包括:污水处理站23…  相似文献   

中国社科院西部发展研究中心副主任陈耀提出,目前西部投资呈现“四多四少” 的特点:一是投资增长多.占全国份额少;二是国有投资多,民间投资少;二是基础设施投入 多,生产领域投入少;四是外资关注的多,实际投入的少。 陈耀分析说,民间资本及外商投资等非国有投资不足的原因有3点:一是西部自然条件差,基础设施尚不完善;二是在西部交易成本大,软环境仍不尽人意;三是政府对西部投资的双重效应所致,即“拉动”与“挤出”并存。 基于此,未来10年的西部投资格局是:国有投资虽为主体,但总量有限;外资在大陆“北上”和“中进…  相似文献   

采用灰色关联分析,找出了影响工业固废量的主要社会经济因素,认为第二产业是影响工业固废的主要因素。第二产业结构比重加大,工业固废量增加。从减少工业固废的角度来看,调整产业结构已是当务之急;环境污染治理投资与工业固废因子关联度最小,说明环保投资已远不能满足环境治理的实际需要,需加大环保投资。  相似文献   

但愿“绿房子”一路走好,成为中国民间投资垃圾处理的“领头羊”,为政府破解垃圾围城提供示范与经验。  相似文献   

张伟 《绿叶》2011,(5):84-89
为稳定新疆而提出设立喀什经济特区是必要的,但"特区"之举与"治疆"根本不能仅局限于经济层面。改革之初的"特区"发展具有经济和政治的双重内涵,经济的发展就是某种意义上的体制突破和政治进步。"新特区"应统筹经济发展与体制改革之整体框架,尤需突出三个重点:开展民族区域自治机制创新、开辟民间资本投资特区的通道以及以户籍改革为突破口实质推进城乡一体化建设。边疆的综合改革对内地亦将具有一定的经验性价值。  相似文献   

Securing flows for environmental purposes from an already fully utilized river is an impossible task--unless users are either coerced into freeing up water, or offered incentives to do so. One sensible strategy for motivating users to liberate volumes is to offer them economic compensation. The right amount for that compensation then becomes a key environmental management issue. This paper analyses a proposal to restore and maintain ecosystems on a stretch of the Río Conchos in northern Mexico, downstream from a large irrigation district that consumes nearly all local flows. We present here estimates of environmental flow requirements for these ecosystems and compute compensation figures for irrigators. These figures are derived from crop-specific irrigation water productivities we statistically estimate from a large set of historical production and irrigation data obtained from the district. This work has general implications for river ecosystem management in water-stressed basins, particularly in terms of the design of fair and effective water sharing mechanisms.  相似文献   

瑞典的生态税收规模较大,种类较多,并具有特色,主要是对能源及其他与环境有关的税基的征税。近年我国能源的消耗量逐渐增大,以及废旧电池等对环境污染较大,应该借鉴瑞典的经验,开征独立的环境保护税,并配合其他措施,将取得的税收用于环境的保护。  相似文献   

Economic sustainability or intergenerational equity entails maintaining social well-being by decisions about investments in different types of assets. Under certain conditions, consumption can be sustained by depleting resources, or various kinds of natural capital, while building up other kinds of capital. Theoretically, the choices involve the use of a set of accounting prices. The question becomes one of finding and implementing accounting prices that express the roles of the various capital goods in achieving the objective of the economy.Hartwick's rule holds that an economy can be sustained if the value of the total, net investment in the economy, evaluated at those accounting prices, is zero. The rule applies to a special, abstract economic model which expresses a social objective different from the discounted-utilitarian objective on which national accounting is based. Different objectives give rise to different accounting prices. Because the prices may not be right, the zero net-investment rule using available national-accounting prices cannot generate a condition for sustaining an economy.Still, environmental accounting is a tool which, used prudently, can make an important contribution to social decision-making. This paper expands upon these ideas by discussing the incorporation of natural resource and intangible environmental costs and benefits into green accounting at the firm as well as the economy level. Common techniques of mine valuation and standard corporate accounting are the bases for this extension to the valuation of and accounting for decisions concerning the environment.  相似文献   

Incorporation of aesthetic considerations in the process of landscape planning and development has frequently met with poor results due to its lack of theoretical basis, public involvement, and failure to deal with spatial implications. This problem has been especially evident when dealing with large areas, for example, the Adirondacks, Scenic Highways, and National Forests and Parks. This study made use of public participation to evaluate scenic quality in a portion of the Niagara Escarpment in Southern Ontario, Canada. The results of this study were analyzed using thevisual management model proposed by Brown and Itami (1982) as a means of assessing and evaluating scenic quality. Themap analysis package formulated by Tomlin (1980) was then applied to this assessment for the purpose of spatial mapping of visual impact. The results of this study illustrate that it is possible to assess visual quality for landscape/management, preservation, and protection using a theoretical basis, public participation, and a systematic spatial mapping process.  相似文献   

We performed a sociocultural preference assessment for a suite of ecosystem services provided by the Kiamichi River watershed in the south‐central United States, a region with intense water conflict. The goal was to examine how a social assessment of services could be used to weigh tradeoffs among water resource uses for future watershed management and planning. We identified the ecosystem services beneficiaries groups, analyzed perception for maintaining services, assessed differences in the importance and perceived trends for ecosystem services, and explored the perceived impact on ecosystem services arising from different watershed management scenarios. Results show habitat for species and water regulation were two ecosystem services all beneficiaries agreed were important. The main discrepancies among stakeholder groups were found for water‐related services. The identification of potential tradeoffs between services under different flow scenarios promotes a dynamic management strategy for allocating water resources, one that mitigates potential conflicts. While it is widely accepted the needs of all beneficiaries should be considered for the successful incorporation of ecosystem services into watershed management, the number of studies actually using the sociocultural perspective in ecosystem service assessment is limited. Our study demonstrates it is both possible and useful to quantify social demand of ecosystem services in watershed management.  相似文献   

The next stage in the process will be to obtain the views of as many people working in as many different fields as possible, to see whether the proposed scheme suits their needs and how it should be modified. With a few modifications, such a scheme could easily be appended to an existing land cover classification scheme, such as the FAO system, greatly increasing the usefulness and accessability of the results of the landcover classification.  相似文献   

Studies show a direct relationship between occurrence of asthma and increases of particulate matter in the air. Private transportation is found to be a significant contributor to this problem. The objective of this article is to explore this link between air pollution, asthma and vehicular dependency in order to provide recommendations for health and transport policy. This article focuses on the survey of literature on the relationship between vehicular air pollution and asthma; combining it with the literature on vehicular dependency or ‘car culture’ in the global context and in The Netherlands. This article exposes the imbalance of power between patient groups and polluting industries, and the government failure to protect the weaker party can be explained by corporate pressures. It will be argued that since air pollution is tied to the corporate support for the car industry and vested interests in promoting a ‘car culture’, strategic policy that claims to be concerned with public health should explicitly link the present pattern of mobility to public health. This article concludes with a recommendation for raising environmental health awareness by explicitly linking vehicular dependency to respiratory health through a combination of holistic and citizenship education.  相似文献   

Options for National Parks and Reserves for Adapting to Climate Change   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Past and present climate has shaped the valued ecosystems currently protected in parks and reserves, but future climate change will redefine these conditions. Continued conservation as climate changes will require thinking differently about resource management than we have in the past; we present some logical steps and tools for doing so. Three critical tenets underpin future management plans and activities: (1) climate patterns of the past will not be the climate patterns of the future; (2) climate defines the environment and influences future trajectories of the distributions of species and their habitats; (3) specific management actions may help increase the resilience of some natural resources, but fundamental changes in species and their environment may be inevitable. Science-based management will be necessary because past experience may not serve as a guide for novel future conditions. Identifying resources and processes at risk, defining thresholds and reference conditions, and establishing monitoring and assessment programs are among the types of scientific practices needed to support a broadened portfolio of management activities. In addition to the control and hedging management strategies commonly in use today, we recommend adaptive management wherever possible. Adaptive management increases our ability to address the multiple scales at which species and processes function, and increases the speed of knowledge transfer among scientists and managers. Scenario planning provides a broad forward-thinking framework from which the most appropriate management tools can be chosen. The scope of climate change effects will require a shared vision among regional partners. Preparing for and adapting to climate change is as much a cultural and intellectual challenge as an ecological challenge.  相似文献   

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