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亢河流域是大巴山自然保护区的重要组成部分,亢河沿岸植被因城巫公路建设和居民伐薪等而受到强烈的干扰。为更有效地保护亢河流域植被及其生态系统的稳定性,通过样方和线路勘察的方法对亢河沿岸的植被现状进行调查,调查结果表明:该地区常见植物有23科32属53种,并有国家I级和2级保护植物;地带性植被类型为针阔叶混交林,共有植被型5个,群系7个;植被多样性的分布与人类干扰强度密切相关。为了从根本上解决对植被多样性的强干扰问题,除加强自然保护区的管理外,还应采取积极、科学的发展方式提高当地居民的生活水平.  相似文献   

通过对2003-2005年在距新疆乌鲁木齐市58 km、海拔1 922 m的南山地区白杨沟处采集的23个雾水样品和2005年采集的7个雨水样品的分析,对静态雾水采集器的性能进行了评估.并对雾水的化学组成进行了分析讨论.  相似文献   

通过统计分析及空间插值等方法,使用气象和遥感数据,分析2001—2021年黑龙江省林区主要植被生长季的气候条件及植被生态质量变化特征。结果表明:2001—2021年黑龙江省林区生长季降水量、平均气温和日照时数分别呈增加、增加和减少趋势。在水分、热量整体逐步增加的背景下,气候条件有利于改善植被生态质量。2021年生长季大部分林区植被生态质量为优和良等级;与多年平均比较,85%以上的林区呈偏好趋势,尤其是中部、东南部部分林区呈很好趋势。植被生态质量指数平均每10 a增大43,99%以上的林区呈提高趋势,特别是北部、东南部及中部部分林区改善明显。  相似文献   

基于分层抽样法、非度量多维标度排序和皮尔逊相关性分析等方法对浙江庆元国家森林公园康养资源进行研究。结果显示,挥发性有机物与常绿阔叶林呈正相关,与杉木林、黄山松林等森林类型呈负相关;与湿度、温度、灌草覆盖率等环境因子呈正相关,与乔木层盖度呈负相关。四氯乙烯与杉木黄山松混交林呈正相关,与阔叶林呈负相关;与温度、湿度等环境因子呈负相关,表明不同森林类型的森林康养环境差异显著。相关性分析显示,针叶林、阔叶林、竹林的主要森林康养指标具有显著差异。在森林康养资源共享优化中,针对不同森林资源类型分别构建负氧离子康养、运动休闲、探险旅游相结合的资源共享模式,以及与林果、林茶、林药等产业相融合的资源优化模式。  相似文献   

基于2018—2021年太湖地区哨兵2号(Sentinel-2)卫星遥感影像和随机森林算法,结合植被敏感指数,开展太湖水生植被分布监测,综合分析了水生植被的时空变化特征,初步揭示了太湖水生植被的动态变化。结果表明,太湖水生植被分布面积有逐年上升的趋势,且年间变化具有明显的单峰型特征,表现为春季沉寂,夏季快速增长,秋季达到暴发期,冬季面积开始减退;太湖水生植被主要分布于东太湖、东部沿岸和贡湖,类型以沉水植被为主,其中浮叶植被主要分布于东太湖,挺水植被主要分布于东太湖沿岸的浅水区域;沉水植被主要分布于东部沿岸和贡湖;水生植被主要分布的东太湖水域,其水质总体优于太湖其他水域。  相似文献   

常州地区植被排放VOC的估算研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对2011年常州地区各类植物VOC排放因子,以及各类植被分布面积等数据统计分析,采用BEIS模型为参考的估算方法,建立起常州地区植被VOC的排放清单。结果表明,植被所排放VOC的变化规律既与植物本身有关又与气温和太阳辐射有关,区域内年植被VOC的总排放量为1.13×104 t。  相似文献   

新疆艾比湖流域平原区景观植被属性特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李新琪  朱海涌 《干旱环境监测》2009,23(4):236-240,F0004
在对新疆艾比湖流域平原区进行景观生态分类的基础上,利用“3S”技术叠置研究区草地资源类型图与景观类型图,对研究区景观植被属性特征进行分析。结果表明,研究区主要为荒漠、草原和草甸,共有33个植物群落类型,小蓬荒漠、梭梭荒漠、刚毛柽柳荒漠等各类荒漠面积合计约占研究区总面积的74.10%,芦苇草甸、含胡杨的芦苇草甸及矮嵩草草甸等各类草甸及草原面积也较大,占研究区总面积的18.34%。  相似文献   

以废弃矿山生态修复区为研究对象,将研究区分为天然原生林地区(A)、人工生态修复区(B)、自然恢复区(C)3种样地,采用典型样地抽样调查法和对比分析法,对不同样地物种组成、群落结构、多样性进行对比研究。结果表明:B区物种丰富度最大,有31种,隶属19科29属;不同样地植物生活型存在显著差异,A区以高位芽植物为主,B区以一年生植物为主,C区高位芽和一年生植物相当;筛选优势物种,试提出以本土物种为主、灌草结合的马桑+火棘+戟叶酸模+狗尾草植被配置模式修复研究区域。  相似文献   

随着中国森林的过度砍伐,森林面积急剧减少,对植被的保护刻不容缓。但由于人力物力有限,无法对大量的野生植被进行实时巡视,造成大量野生植被的滥砍滥伐。采用数字摄像头作为采集终端,利用太阳能电池作为可移动电源,结合 GPS 和 GSM的智能控制板,实现植被状况的前端智能判断与实时监控。  相似文献   

2001-2005年新疆植被覆盖动态变化及原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘蕾 《干旱环境监测》2007,21(3):146-148
利用2001-2005年新疆归一化植被指数NDVI,得出该时间段新疆植被覆盖整体呈增加趋势,但局部有退化现象.对2001 - 2005年植被覆盖变化原因进行了分析,阐明降水是新疆植被覆盖变化的主要驱动因子之一.  相似文献   

张家界国家森林公园地表水污染综合分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
随着旅游业的快速发展,张家界国家森林公园水环境保护、水污染治理及水资源利用问题已成为张家界旅游可持续发展中突出的问题.文章利用大量监测数据,对公园地表水污染状况进行模糊数学法综合评价,进行污染特征与污染规律分析,从而提出严格控制排污,科学规划水资源、严格控制景区客流量等对策及建议,以期为张家界国家森林公园水环境保护及张家界旅游业的持续健康发展提供决策参考.  相似文献   

Assessment of Climate Change Effects on Canada's National Park System   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
To estimate the magnitude of climate change anticipated forCanada's 38 National Parks (NPs) and Park Reserves, seasonaltemperature and precipitation scenarios were constructed for 2050and 2090 using the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling andAnalysis (CCCma) coupled model (CGCM1). For each park, we assessed impacts on physical systems, species, ecosystems andpeople. Important, widespread changes relate to marine andfreshwater hydrology, glacial balance, waning permafrost, increased natural disturbance, shorter ice season, northern andupward altitudinal species and biome shifts, and changed visitation patterns. Other changes are regional (e.g., combinedEast coast subsidence and sea level rise increase coastal erosionand deposition, whereas, on the Pacific coast, tectonic upliftnegates sea level rise). Further predictions concern individualparks (e.g., Unique fens of Bruce Peninsular NP will migratelakewards with lowered water levels, but structural regulation of Lake Huron for navigation and power generation would destroythe fens). Knowledge gaps are the most important findings. Forexample: we could not form conclusions about glacial massbalance, or its effects on rivers and fjords. Likewise, for theEast Coast Labrador Current we could neither estimate temperature and salinity effects of extra iceberg formation, nor the further effects on marine food chains, and breeding park seabirds. We recommend 1) Research on specific large knowledge gaps; 2) Climate change information exchange with protected area agencies in other northern countries; and 3) incorporating climate uncertainty into park plans and management. We discuss options for a new park management philosophy in the face of massive change and uncertainty.  相似文献   

Acadia National Park was one of the 14 sites included in the Park Research and Intensive Monitoring of Ecosystems network (PRIMENet). For eight years the EPA monitored ultraviolet (UV) radiation at this site, with the National Park Service (NPS) sponsoring a total climate and air monitoring station. Under the auspices of PRIMENet, research projects were initiated that investigated the effects of UV on amphibians, determined watershed mass balances, and developed a model of deposition along an elevational gradient. The monitoring data and research results have been used by park management to protect vegetation and water resources from ozone and deposition. These data are now being used to develop a “vital signs” monitoring program under the NPS’ Inventory and Monitoring Program. These data sets have been used in regional, national and international programs to protect human health and resources from air pollution. Public outreach has been accomplished through web site resources and via the Schoodic Education and Research Center.  相似文献   

Fall and spring streamwater samples were analyzed for total mercury (Hg) and major ions from 47 locations on Mount Desert Island in Maine. Samples were collected in zones that were burned in a major wildfire in 1947 and in zones that were not burned. We hypothesized that Hg concentrations in streamwater would be higher from unburned sites than burned watersheds, because fire would volatilize stored Hg. The Hg concentrations, based on burn history, were not statistically distinct. However, significant statistical associations were noted between Hg and the amount of wetlands in the drainage systems and with streamwater dissolved organic carbon (DOC). An unexpected result was that wetlands mobilized more Hg by generating more DOC in total, but upland DOC was more efficient at transporting Hg because it transports more Hg per unit DOC. Mercury concentrations were higher in samples collected at lower elevations. Mercury was positively correlated with relative discharge, although this effect was not distinguished from the DOC association. In this research, sample site elevation and the presence of upstream wetlands and their associated DOC affected Hg concentrations more strongly than burn history.  相似文献   

Throughfall and bulk precipitation samples were collected for two watersheds at Acadia National Park, Maine, from 3 May to 16 November 2000, to determine which landscape factors affected mercury (Hg) deposition. One of these watersheds, Cadillac Brook, burned in 1947, providing a natural experimental design to study the effects of forest type on deposition to forested watersheds. Sites that face southwest received the highest Hg deposition, which may be due to the interception of cross-continental movement of contaminated air masses. Sites covered with softwood vegetation also received higher Hg deposition than other vegetation types because of the higher scavenging efficiency of the canopy structure. Methyl mercury (MeHg) deposition was not affected by these factors. Hg deposition, as bulk precipitation and throughfall was lower in Cadillac Brook watershed (burned) than in Hadlock Brook watershed (unburned) because of vegetation type and watershed aspect. Hg and MeHg inputs were weighted by season and vegetation type because these two factors had the most influence on deposition. Hg volatilization was not determined. The total Hg deposition via throughfall and bulk precipitation was 9.4 μg/m2/year in Cadillac Brook watershed and 10.2 μg/m2/year in Hadlock Brook watershed. The total MeHg deposition via throughfall and bulk precipitation was 0.05 μg/m2/year in Cadillac Brook watershed and 0.10 μg/m2/year in Hadlock Brook watershed.  相似文献   

Precipitation and streamwater samples were collected from 16 November 1999 to 17 November 2000 in two watersheds at Acadia National Park, Maine, and analyzed for mercury (Hg) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN, nitrate plus ammonium). Cadillac Brook watershed burned in a 1947 fire that destroyed vegetation and soil organic matter. We hypothesized that Hg deposition would be higher at Hadlock Brook (the reference watershed, 10.2 μg/m2/year) than Cadillac (9.4 μg/m2/year) because of the greater scavenging efficiency of the softwood vegetation in Hadlock. We also hypothesized the Hg and DIN export from Cadillac Brook would be lower than Hadlock Brook because of elemental volatilization during the fire, along with subsequently lower rates of atmospheric deposition in a watershed with abundant bare soil and bedrock, and regenerating vegetation. Consistent with these hypotheses, Hg export was lower from Cadillac Brook watershed (0.4 μg/m2/year) than from Hadlock Brook watershed (1.3 μg/m2/year). DIN export from Cadillac Brook (11.5 eq/ha/year) was lower than Hadlock Brook (92.5 eq/ha/year). These data show that ∼50 years following a wildfire there was lower atmospheric deposition due to changes in forest species composition, lower soil pools, and greater ecosystem retention for both Hg and DIN.  相似文献   

This paper is an overview of this special issue devoted to watershed research in Acadia National Park (Acadia NP). The papers address components of an integrated research program on two upland watersheds at Acadia NP, USA (44° 20′ N latitude; 68° 15′ E longitude). These watersheds were instrumented in 1998 to provide a long-term foundation for regional ecological and watershed research. The research was initiated as part of EPA/NPS PRIMENet (Park Research and Intensive Monitoring of Ecosystems Network), a system of UV-monitoring stations and long-term watershed research sites located in US national parks. The initial goals at Acadia NP were to address research questions about mercury, acid rain, and nitrogen saturation developed from prior research. The project design was based on natural differences in forests and soils induced by an intense wildfire in one watershed in 1947. There is no evidence of fire in the reference watershed for several hundred years. We are testing hypotheses about controls on surface water chemistry, and bioavailability of contaminants in the contrasting watersheds. The unburned 47-ha Hadlock Brook watershed is 70% spruce-fir mature conifer forest. In contrast, burned 32-ha Cadillac Brook watershed, 4 km northeast of the Hadlock watershed, is 20% regenerating mixed northern hardwoods and 60% shrub/rocky balds. Differences in atmospheric deposition are controlled primarily by forest stand composition and age. The watersheds are gauged and have water chemistry stations at 122 m (Cadillac) and 137 m (Hadlock); watershed maximum elevations are 468 and 380 m, respectively. The stream water chemistry patterns reflect, in part, the legacy of the intense fire, which, in turn, controls differences in forest vegetation and soil characteristics. These factors result in higher nitrogen and mercury flux from the unburned watershed, reflecting differences in atmospheric deposition, contrasting ecosystem pools of nitrogen and mercury, and inferred differences in internal cycling and bioavailabilty.  相似文献   

We monitored nest boxes during 1997–1999 at Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, ME and at an old-field site in Orono, ME to determine mercury (Hg) uptake in tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) eggs, tissues, and food boluses. Also, in 1998–1999 we monitored nest boxes at Grove Pond and Plow Shop Pond at a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Superfund site in Ayer, MA. We recorded breeding success at all locations. On average among locations, total mercury (THg) biomagnified 2 to 4-fold from food to eggs and 9 to 18-fold from food to feathers. These are minimum values because the proportion of transferable methyl mercury (MeHg) of the THg in insects varies (i.e., 35%–95% of THg) in food boluses. THg was highest in food boluses at Aunt Betty Pond at Acadia, whereas THg in eggs was highest at the Superfund site. A few eggs from nests at each of these locations exceeded the threshold (i.e., 800–1,000 ng/g, wet wt.) of embryotoxicity established for Hg. Hatching success was 88.9% to 100% among locations, but five eggs failed to hatch from 4 of the 11 clutches in which an egg exceeded this threshold. MeHg in feathers was highest in tree swallows at Aunt Betty Pond and the concentration of THg in bodies was related to the concentration in feathers. Transfer of an average of 80%–92% of the Hg in bodies to feathers may have enhanced nestling survival. Residues of Hg in tissues of tree swallows in the Northeast seem higher than those of the Midwest.  相似文献   

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