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探究喀斯特地区农业生态经济系统的耦合协调关系与演变趋势,对科学评价该地区生态治理效益与实现农业生态经济协调发展具有重要意义。以典型喀斯特生态脆弱区贵州省为例,基于农业生态环境与农业经济发展数据,构建农业生态系统与农业经济系统的评价指标体系,采用熵权法、耦合协调度模型与耦合度模型定量分析了二者的综合评价指数、耦合协调状态与耦合度演变趋势。结果表明:2000~2019年,贵州省农业生态系统综合评价指数呈现先降后升的变化趋势,农业经济系统综合评价指数则保持稳步上升态势,二者之间由“经济滞后型”逐步演变为“生态滞后型”。农业生态经济系统耦合协调度指数整体呈上升趋势,从0.268 0增长至0.660 6,耦合协调状态由中度失调水平演变为初级协调水平。耦合度呈现由大到小的变化趋势,系统经历了从耗损发展向协调发展的转变,说明贵州省农业生态经济系统显现出趋向协调的发展态势。研究表明,贵州省应继续践行生态优先、绿色发展理念,优化生态环境与经济发展的关系,实现农业生态经济系统的高水平协调发展。  相似文献   

利用经济学上的“投入—产出”分析方法 ,结合气候变化对农业产量影响的计算机模拟系统 ,研究了当气候变化影响农业生产和产量时 ,江苏省农业产值的变化及与农业部门相联系的国民经济各个部门产出量的变化。考虑江苏省的经济发展速度和产业结构 ,预测了未来不同气候变化情景下 ,为使经济发展达到预期目标 ,社会需对各经济部门追加的资金投入量及各经济部门之间相互投入量的变化 ,提出了适应气候变化的相应对策。研究结果反映了国民经济各部门之间及部门与整体的相互联系 ,从而对制定区域经济平衡发展规划提供了理论依据和建议。  相似文献   

气候变化对江苏省经济的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用经济学上的“投入-产出”分析方法,结合气候变化对农业产量影响的计算机模拟系统,研究了当气候变化影响农业生产和产量时,江苏省农业产值的变化及与农业部门相联系的国民经济各个部门产出量的变化。考虑江苏省的经济发展速度和产业结构,预测了未来不同的气候变化情景下,为使经济发展达到预期目标,社会需对各经济部门追加的资金投入量及各经济部门之间相互投入量的变化,提出了适应气候变化的相应对策。研究结果反映了国民经济各部门之间及部门与整体的相互联系,从而对制定区域经济平衡发展规划提供了理论依据和建议。  相似文献   

不同生态经济类型区生态农业模式与技术研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
开展区域生态农业建设,是推进农业结构战略性调整,加速农业由资源数量型向技术效益型转化,实现农业可持续发展的必然选择。根据湖南省近10年生态农业研究成果与实践经验,针对全省不同生态经济类型区的自然资源特点和社会经济发展水平,系统研究阐明了山地“林-药-果”、丘陵“草-粮-牧”、岗地“果-粮-猪”、平湖“粮-经-牧-渔”、水域“水生经济作物-水禽-水产”共生、蓄洪垸“林-草-牧-渔”、庭园“猪-沼-果”、城郊(或旅游区)“农业观光园”等区域生态农业实用模式的建设重点与技术要点,并实例分析了推广应用上述高效生态农业模式所产生的经济、生态与社会效益。  相似文献   

国家环境保护“十五”规划确定 ,长江、黄河、渤海将成为“十五”规划中环境保护的重点区域。“十五”环境保护的主要任务是继续推行总量控制 ,确保污染物排放总量稳定下降 ;抓住经济结构调整契机 ,全面推进清洁生产 ;以改善环境质量为核心 ,推进城市的可持续发展 ;生态保护与污染防治并重 ,实施“三区”(特殊生态功能区、重点资源开发区和生态良好区 )生态保护战略 ;加大农村环境保护力度 ,有效控制农业环境污染 ;大力发展环保产业 ,保障环保产品有效供给 ;强化核环境安全管理 ,积极防治电磁辐射污染 ;加强能源建设 ,提高环境管理现代化水…  相似文献   

为贯彻落实党的十五届五中全会提出的资源战略 ,实施可持续发展战略 ,促进经济与资源、环境协调发展 ,国家经贸委组织制定了 7个可持续发展相关规划。这 7个可持续发展相关规划分别是 :①《能源节约与资源综合利用“十五”规划》 ;②《工业节水“十五”规划》 ;③《节约和替代燃料油“十五”规划》 ;④《新能源和可再生能源产业发展“十五”规划》 ;⑤《环保产业发展“十五”规划》 ;⑥《墙体材料革新“十五”规划》 ;⑦《散装水泥发展“十五”规划》。上述规划提出了工业节水、能源节约、资源综合利用、新能源和可再生能源产业化发展、墙体…  相似文献   

以“四湖”地区典型湖垸(新兴垸)为背景,给出了典型湖垸水利系统满足综合设计排涝标准的评价准则。用大系统理论与方法,建立了该湖垸水利规划的大系统数学模型,提出了根据子系统之间的关联变量修建节制闸的设计思想,从而使排涝灌溉一体化。最后,用动态规划方法,给出了递推关系式。  相似文献   

以“四湖”地区典型湖垸(新兴垸)为背景,给出了典型湖垸水利系统满足综合设计排涝标准的评价准则。用大系统理论与方法,建立了该湖垸水利规划的大系统数学模型,提出了根据子系统之间的关联变量修建节制闸的设计思想,从而使排涝灌溉一体化。最后,用动态规划方法,给出了递推关系式。  相似文献   

通过对都市发展区绿线划定对比,制订技术规定来划定农业生态区绿线,并系统研究农业生态区绿线划定的方法与标准,力求在规划层面上找到促进农业生态区绿线规划、建设与保护的方法,从而对农业生态区可持续发展起到切实有效地指导作用。  相似文献   

日本工业化、城市化进程中的"农地非农化"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在人多地少的国家里,如何正确处理“农地非农化”与保障农业发展和粮食安全的相互关系,是顺利推进工业化、城市化必须合理解决的难题之一。日本战后工业化、城市化与“农地非农化”的历程和经验教训表明:“农地非农化”与“农民非农化”和“市民化”应该基本同步,“农地非农化”必须与耕地保护相结合,实现农地的合理流转,促进农业的规模化经营,“农地非农化”主要应该通过市场机制的作用实现,政府进行必要的合理的规划和调控等。  相似文献   

当前。科技进步已经成为推动经济发展的决定性因素。而基层科技工作薄弱的事实无疑制约着我国社会主义新农村建设的进程。本文以嘉兴市社会经济和科技发展为切入点。以1998-2004年嘉兴市社会经济和科技发展相关数据为依据。通过深入分析社会经济与科技发展的互动关系。力求总结我国基层科技工作的发展轨迹及其模式。为地方科技工作政策的制订提供参考与依据。  相似文献   

In the current media landscape, organizations often communicate about science directly with publics through online channels rather than relying on journalist gatekeepers. Online platforms present organizations with the opportunity to participate in two-way communication in order to increase engagement with science. The present study examined how the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) utilizes social media to interact with publics. Results suggest that NOAA does not fully utilize the dialogic potential of social media, which could enhance both the public’s science literacy and trust in science regarding climate change specifically. This study informs how public relations theory may complement science communication theory and practice as deficit model-thinking transitions to contemporary approaches for public engagement with science.  相似文献   

Currently, the progress of science and technology has become a key factor in promoting economic development. And the backwardness of science and technology at the grassroots level has undoubtedly restricted the process of China's construction of socialist new countryside. Taking socio-economy and the development of science and technology in Jiaxing as a breakthrough point, and based on the related data of Jiaxing during 1998-2004, this paper analyzes thoroughly the interactive relationship between socio-economy and the development of science and technology. This paper strives to summarize the development track and model of the grassroots work of science and technology so as to provide local governments with references and grounds for drawing up policies for the local work of science and technology.  相似文献   

试论土地复垦学在环境科学中的地位和作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土地复垦学是一门新兴的综合性应用学科,是土地科学和环境科学的重要分支。本文从土地与环境关系的角度,阐述了土地复垦的必要性,并从土地复垦学的研究对象、任务等方面论述了其在环境科学中的地位和作用。  相似文献   

21世纪资源环境科学面临的挑战   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
21世纪资源与环境科学面临的重大挑战是正确认识经济建设与资源、环境的协调关系,这方面地质科学将发挥重大的作用。本文分析了地质科学对社会经济发展的巨大推动作用,指出了21世纪地质科学面临的重大任务。  相似文献   

Modern economics is a market economic theory and a necessary knowledge for people to understand market economy. However, when modern economic science puts in a “great economic system”, modern economic science seems to be little convincing and even deviates from the science of sustainable development. This shows that modern economic science has relativity, and must be transformed by the idea of sustainable development.  相似文献   

Modem economics is necessary knowledge for people a market economic theory and a to understand market economy. However, when modem economic science puts in a "great economic system", modem economic science seems to be little convincing and even deviates from the science of sustainable development. This shows that modem economic science has relativity, and must be transformed by the idea of sustainable development.  相似文献   

资源效率与科技创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技创新是解决资源效率低下的根本途径之一。一方面科技创新可以通过提高生产要素的边际生产力、研制和开发先进的技术设备和科学的生产方法提高不同品位资源转化率来提高资源使用效率 ,另一方面产业结构是“资源的转换器” ,而科技创新对产业结构的优化升级起着主导和决定性作用 ,科技创新通过促进产业结构的优化升级 ,实现资源在不同部门、产业间的优化配置 ,从而提高资源的配置效率。本文在分析科技创新动力来源的基础上 ,对如何为科技创新创造良好的外部环境提出了建议。  相似文献   

Learning for change: an educational contribution to sustainability science   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Transition to sustainability is a search for ways to improve the social capacity to guide interactions between nature and society toward a more sustainable future and, thus, a process of social learning in its broadest sense. Accordingly, it is not only learning that is at issue but education and educational science, of which the latter is about exploring the preconditions of and opportunities for learning and education—whether individual or social, in formal or informal settings. Analyzing how educational science deals with the challenge of sustainability leads to two complementary approaches: the ‘outside-in’ approach sees the idea of sustainability influencing educational practice and the way the relationship of learning and teaching is reviewed, theoretically as well as within the social context. In an ‘inside-out’ approach, an overview is given of how educational science can contribute to the field of sustainability science. An examination of the literature on education and sustainability shows that, while sustainability features prominently in one form or another across all sectors, only little work can be found dealing with the contributions of educational science within sustainability science. However, as sustainability is a concept that not only influences educational practices but also invites disciplinary contributions to foster inter- and transdisciplinary research within the sustainability discourse, the question remains as to how and to what extent educational science in particular can contribute to sustainability science in terms of an ‘inside-out’ approach. In this paper, we reconstruct the emergence of education for sustainable development as a distinctive field of educational science and introduce and discuss three areas of sustainability research and throw into relief the unique contribution that educational science can make to individual action and behavior change, to organizational change and social learning, and, finally, to inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration.  相似文献   


In science communication, a prerequisite for reaching different parts of a society is to find out how these publics experience and interpret science. Since rural South African publics are perceived to exhibit a large cultural distance to science, the present exploratory study aimed to know in more detail how rural South Africans perceive and understand science in their local and social contexts. Theoretical notions on cultural distance and the methodological approach of segmentation studies were considered. Semi-structured interviews with rural South Africans were carried out in four towns (n?=?52) that differ with respect to having a large scientific installation in their vicinity, or not. Sensitively comparing local and social contexts helped identifying three different publics who differed regarding their perceptions of science; however, the large scientific installations only made a difference in perceptions for those publics who were generally less exposed to and less knowledgeable about science.  相似文献   

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