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Fromeconomicprosperitytoecologicalsustainability──AtheoreticalandpracticalconcernofsustainabledevelopmentinChinaWangRusong,Hu...  相似文献   

AcomparativeassessmentofalternativeapproachestosustainabledevelopmentPanJiahuaInstituteofWorldEconomicsandPolitics,ChineseAca...  相似文献   

1 IntroductionIthasbeenarguedthatChinahaspressedagainstorexceededthelimitsofsustainabledevelopmentonmanyoccasionsoverthepast3000yearswithseriousconsequencesfortheenvironment(Elvin,1993).HenceChina○scurrentenvironmentalproblemsarenotanewconstrainttode…  相似文献   

Naturalresources(landform ,geology ,hydrology,creature ,ecologyetc .) ,humanresources (culture ,economy,locationetc .)andlandscapeecologicalspatialstructureofacertainplacecandetermineitsdevelopmentpatternsandlandscapearchitectureaswellasitslimitationofdevelopm…  相似文献   

1IntroductionRisingpopulationscompetingforlimitedlandresourceshavefocusedatentionontheneedforincreasingfoodproduction,whilepr...  相似文献   

objectiveofcouplingshouldbedecidedbecausethefactorsofwaterandlandresourceshavevariedefectsondiferentpurposes,forexample,tobui...  相似文献   

Technological system for sustainable development of Chinese agriculture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TechnologicalsystemforsustainabledevelopmentofChineseagricultureZhangRenwu;JiWenying;ZhangTong(Agro-EnvironmentalProtectionIn...  相似文献   

This article draws lessons from a seven-year project on conservation and use of remaining coffee forests in the highlands of South-west Ethiopia. The project investigated the genetic diversity of Coffea arabica in its place of origin as well as economic perspectives of quality coffee marketing. With initially broad multidisciplinary natural and social sciences research a basis was laid for a second phase of praxis and implementation-oriented research in the same region.As a key innovative approach an NGO was established to take over all project management and implementation-oriented work in Ethiopia at the beginning of the second phase. This initiative helped decisively to solve the kind of problems identified in RESCUE (2012): ownership of results developed within R&D, the often missing mandate for science to actively contribute to solutions ‘on the ground’, and problems of cultural and social unsuitability and misunderstanding, which often are at the core of the problem when solutions from scientists are expected.The NGO operated as an intermediary between the involved scientists and other stakeholders from the coffee industry as well as from public administration and the Ethiopian polity. Its overall target was to contribute toward establishment of a biosphere reserve following the UNESCO MAB scheme and to use this scheme for the conservation and use of the remaining Ethiopian coffee forests. This target was achieved: the biosphere reserve has been accepted and accredited by UNESCO and is in operation. In addition, quality coffee from the development zones of the biosphere reserve is being sold on local markets in Yayu, SW Ethiopia.There are important lessons for the future of transdisciplinary and transformative sustainability science that can be drawn from this experience. These lessons concern concrete challenges and chances of research and development geared toward sustainable development:
  • •Working with implementation-targets as project organizing elements,
  • •communication and transfer of responsibility to involved stakeholders,
  • •challenges for praxis-oriented syntheses from research results,
  • •practical challenges of management and coordination for transdisciplinary projects, as well as.
  • •chances for long-term sustainability and use of research and implementation work.
These lessons are described in this article with the overall intention to draw conclusions and to make them more widely available for scientists and project coordinators working in transdisciplinary projects that aim to contribute toward (more) sustainable development.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionChinaisendowedwithrichnaturaltouristresourcesandboastsofnumerousnaturalscenicspots.Duringthelongtimedevelopmentofthesescenicareas,scenerycitiesofvarioussizeshavebeenformed.Aboutonefourthofthe300citiesunderprovincialgovernmentarefamousfo…  相似文献   

PromotingsustainableagriculturedevelopmentbyimprovingtheefficiencyofchemicalfertilizersandsoilnutritionsLiJiyun;LiuXiudi;Zhou...  相似文献   

IntroductionUrbanizationandindustrialization,thekeystodevelopment,havedistortedenvironmentandtheintensityofthisdistortionwasfeltwhenitexceededthelimitbeyondwhichitbecameirreparable.Water,thegreatestsolvent,hasmanyrolestoplayinbothurbanandindustrialdeve…  相似文献   

AcousticalenvironmentofurbanarearelatedtothecitydevelopmentLiuXiaotuDepartmentofArchitecture,SoutheastUniversity,Nanjing210...  相似文献   

Water pollution from the pulp and paper industry is one of the most serious environment problems in China. In order to prevent and treat pollution of the pulp and paper industry, the following works have been done in recent years: 1. Making necessary policies, measures and regulations; 2. Making overall planning and rational layout; 3. Relying mainly on internal treatment developing external treatment as supplement; 4. Improving the technology of treating wastewater of the pulp and paper industry.  相似文献   

The relationship between urban development and noise pollution was analyzed. The analysis, based on a wide range of measurements and statistical data,revealed the changes of the ambient noise resulting from city development. In conclusion, some fundamental measures for improving the acoustical environment were suggested, such as the division of cities into functional areas and the development of a well designed road network. In addition, the town planning, architecture and the implementation of appropriate regulations could also help to reduce noise levels was suggested as well.  相似文献   

Ahuman-ecologyapproachtoenvironmentaldesign──Anintegrativehuman-ecologydesignderivedfromChineseagriculturalcultureexperiences...  相似文献   

AnevaluationofqualityassurancetomonitoracidprecipitationbyusingionbalanceinGuizhou,ChinaKangDemeng(ResearchCenterforEco-Envir...  相似文献   

Populationgrowth,economicgrowth,technologychangesinrelationtoenvironmentalchanges──Atheoreticalmodellinganalysisofenvironment...  相似文献   

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