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刘隆有 《环境教育》2012,(10):90-91
在苇丛坐下,打开随身携带的《诗经》,翻到《秦风·蒹葭》。蒹葭丛中读《蒹葭》,真是亲切,就觉得是回到了诗的故乡,回到那个遥远而古老的年代。一有时候,就觉得,假日行走,若是随身携带一卷《诗经》,也许常常会在不经意间,就撞醒一个沉睡千年的美丽意象,闯进一片久蕴心头的奇妙意境,让你的旅行多一种诗意的愉悦和难以言表的快感。呱呱——唧啾,呱呱一一唧啾,……一串清脆的鸟呜,将您从酣睡中唤醒。睁开眼,窗前已是阳光灿烂。这是一个春天的假日,原计划要读读《诗经》的,何不到室外去读呢?于是操书出门,乘着和风,循着鸟声,不知不觉间,已来到一条河边。河心沙洲上,正有一对美丽的小鸟,相对而鸣。呱  相似文献   

贵州省铜仁市的梵净山是五陵山脉主峰,凡九十九溪,八面射出,水随山势,湍急异常。它们泛着泡沫,一刻不息,遇到百尺高坎,也像早有准备,从容跳下。水落石出,巨如房、细似末,被溪流冲得千奇百怪,刷得干干净净。这坦率、纯洁、热情的溪,则永远呐喊、狂奔……  相似文献   

黄风 《绿叶》2014,(12):74-76
正豆叶黄,谷又熟。中秋节刚过,连绵的秋雨就至,被雨雾笼罩的乡野,无边无际地寂静,唯有雨脚在沙沙行走。戴着一顶斗笠,背着一个背篓,拿着一把银镰,从繁华的初秋走来,走过丰硕的中秋,向萧瑟的深秋走去,像一株老腰了的高粱。那秋雨的身影,伴随着我一路前行,直至消失在了那乡野的尽头。前方出现一座静穆的古城,雄浑壮阔的城垣,肃立挺拔的马面,绵延凸凹的女墙,昂扬高亢的城楼,一如既往的雄姿,哦,让我又见平遥。  相似文献   

正如果是春天,根河会从厚厚的冰层中泛起春潮,河的生命力会巨大地进发开来,它推去坚冰,欢快地伸晨腰肢,向远方而去。与大兴安岭公路同行的是那条流动着的根河,它像一个信心满满的情人,紧紧相依相随,时而弯曲,时而浩荡,时而又隐入葱茏的绿树丛中,豪迈、率真、娇羞,兼而有之。让人诧异的是,河水看上去竟然是黑的,醇厚地放着光,就如皮肤黝黑的  相似文献   

地球,曾经是多么美丽的地方:群山环绕,无数棵苍翠挺拔的大树驻守在这片广阔的土地上,小鸟在歌唱,鱼儿在嬉戏,成双成对的蝴蝶翩翩起舞,蜜蜂也在争奇斗艳的花朵中辛勤劳动。一切都是那么美好,充满活力,充满生机。当然,这是过去的地球。现在的地球,因为科技越来越发达,万丈高楼随着棵棵大树的倾倒拔地而起,小鸟没有了家园;波光  相似文献   

11月30日,部分志愿军空军老战士、解放军第四野战军和空军领导同志的后代聚集一堂,隆重纪念60年前为国捐躯的牟敦康烈士,深切缅怀他的英雄事迹。60年前的今天,在抗美援朝的大和岛空战中,牟敦康烈士英勇作战,奋勇杀敌,不幸坠海,壮烈牺牲。牟敦康烈士,山东省日照市人,1942年参加革命,1944年参加八路军,1948年加入中国共产党,是东北老航校第一期  相似文献   

王从茹 《环境教育》2011,(12):75-76
在我童年的时候,家乡有一条长长的小溪,向南不知从何处流来,向北不知流向何处。就这样日日夜夜的流着。春秋冬夏,日出日落,唱着那只永不疲倦的歌。小溪边,留下了我童年的足迹,小溪里,洒下了我们童年的歌声,洒下了我们无尽的欢乐,我们无尽的情趣,我们无限的向往……  相似文献   

过年,有些人往往又加一个"大"字,称之为"过大年"。这里所说的"大",有超过一般、非常重要的意思,意味着过年是一年中最重大的节日。老话这样说:小孩盼过年,大人盼插田。在孩童时代对过年充满着兴奋和惊喜,每到过年,有新衣服穿,有好戏看,有糖果吃,还有压岁钱,初一崽,初二郎,初三初四拜街坊,那种过大年的热闹和喜庆令人难以忘怀。  相似文献   

抬起头看灰蒙蒙的天空,浓厚的尘埃遮蔽了洁白的云彩。听说,在遥远的太古时代,天空也经常是灰蒙蒙的,可那是因为成群的飞鸟,阻挡了太阳的光线。而现在,寥寥无几的鸟儿,偶尔飞过天空,也是在急切的寻找巢穴。如果我是一只鸟,看到不再纯洁的天空,我会流下悲伤的眼泪。那曾经是我们天然的乐园,我和兄弟姐妹们在那里游荡嬉闹,有时会追着轻飘飘的云彩飞出好远,回来的  相似文献   

碧绿的草,巍峨的山,秀丽的河,五颜六色的花朵,洁白的云朵。与我们同行,与我们同住。怎么才能留住身边的美丽呢?首先,我们要植树造林。现在社会经济发展起来,就开始砍伐树木,盖高大的楼房。楼房虽然高大美丽,但还是不如树木重要,树为我们遮荫,为我们净化空气,为我们绿化世界。众所周知,以前翠绿的树林是鸟儿们安心的小窝,可这几年的树木越来越少,鸟儿也越来越少,新鲜的空气一去不复返了。  相似文献   

泵站树状给水管网流量具有随机性,而这种随机性变化会直接影响管网的建设费用和动力费用.针对这-特点,应用随机规划原理,建立泵站树状给水管网机会约束模型,编写基于随机模拟的遗传算法程序求解该模型.机会约束模型能较客观地反映该管网的实际工况,使优化设计结果更符合实际.  相似文献   

The increase in the number of tourists visiting a coast is desired by most of the countries for economic reasons. However, this increase in tourism may cause pollution of the sea. This can be only avoided by proper planning and by predicting the carrying capacity of the coast in terms of sea pollution. This is especially important for developing countries where part of the wastewater is discharged without any treatment into the sea.In the present study the beaches were classified according to their use — and consequently the amount of waste discharged into the sea — into four groups: (1) coasts that are used only for swimming and recreational purposes; (2) coasts used simultaneously for dwelling, swimming, and recreational purposes; (3) coasts along which only dwellings exist; and (4) natural and man-made harbors, i.e., coasts used as shelters. During the survey,40,320 observations were made between December 1985 and February 1988 to determine the effect of the number of tourists on seawater quality. The results obtained were analyzed by a multilinear regression program to obtain an empirical equation giving the extent of the sea pollution in terms of coliform concentration as a function of population density and some other environmental factors.The equations derived in this study enable the determination of the carrying capacity of a beach in terms of pollution as well as the expected degree of pollution corresponding to a given population density. Furthermore, it allows the prediction of the extra carrying capacity that can be obtained by improving the waste-disposal conditions.  相似文献   

燃煤二氧化硫控制技术应用概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由燃煤引起的二氧化硫污染已成为大气环境中最主要的污染因子。为解决这个问题,我国结合国外的技术成果,进行了各种脱硫技术的研究。介绍了各种治理技术应用情况,并结合实际经验对其中应注意的问题给予评述。  相似文献   

采用资料收集、实地调研、调查问卷等方法,对环境保护领域人才需求情况以及岗位知识技能的要求、环境专业毕业生的就业意向进行调查和分析。结果表明,企业对高职环保人才需求量较大,环保人员应具备的素质以分析问题能力和沟通能力为主;高职院校环境专业毕业生对目前环境保护行业就业形势认识清楚,对就业单位的环保人才素质需求分析正确,但求职过程中存在目标设定偏高等问题,因此,从课程设置、教学方法和就业指导方面提出措施。  相似文献   

提出了一种通用的定量计算方法,即用规范化指数表示各地区的资源丰度,用“度”作为资源丰度的计量单位。指数表示法计算的资源丰度值实现了资源丰度在可比尺度上的综合评价。它概念明确,简单易行,具有可比性和可传递性,从理论和应用方面来说都具有许多优点。  相似文献   

人类社会从农业文明时代的崇俭消费模式到工业文明时代的高消费、浪费型消费、过度消费等不合理消费模式的发展过程中产生了严重的全球性环境污染和破坏,能源、土地、淡水等资源性产品供给日益趋紧约束.生态文明型消费模式所具有的适度消费、公平消费和责任消费等内在规定性及其发挥的重要作用说明它是资源性供给紧约束条件下有利于能源资源节约和生态环境保护的居民消费模式.为了适应21世纪生态文明时代人与自然和谐发展的客观要求,突破消费增长、经济发展与资源性供给紧约束之间的发展困境要求我们必须从政府、企业和消费者等三个层面构建生态文明型消费模式.  相似文献   

通过研究银川市的环境监测资料、国民经济统计资料等,借鉴与银川市实际情况比较符合的参数,运用人力资本法、市场价值法、土地价值损失法、收益还原法、机会成本法等环境经济学方法,以2009年为例估算了大气污染、水污染、固体废弃物污染、噪声污染对银川市造成的经济损失。初步估算出银川市2009年因环境污染造成的直接经济损失为45.279亿元,环境污染状况严峻,城市环境保护成为银川市经济可持续发展的基础。  相似文献   

城镇化是推动我国经济社会发展的重要动力,在高速发展的同时,带来大量污染排放,威胁乡村环境质量与可持续发展。在对乡村生态环境问题剖析的基础上,从战略、实施、方式等层面探索解决思路,围绕科学规划、发展方式、基础建设、管理机制、宣传教育等方面分析关键点,加强乡村环境保护,保障城镇化建设健康发展,为促进农村农业持续发展提供持久动力。  相似文献   

Removal of cadmium from aqueous solutions using 20 species of plant leaves and combinations of these leaves have been studied. Several factors affecting the removal efficiency have been studied. The most efficient types of plant leaves for the removal of cadmium are those of styrax, plum, pomegranate and walnut. The interaction effect of the combined leaf samples on the efficiency of removal of cadmium has been found to be additive in combinations involving styrax plant leaves but seems to be antagonistic in all other combinations. The optimum experimental conditions for removal of cadmium have been found to be at pH 4.1, using high concentrations of naturally dried plant leaves, using ground leaves and to remove cadmium from agitated aqueous solutions. The percentage of metal removed at an initial cadmium concentration of 10mg/l by the most efficient types of leaves have been found to be 85% for styrax leaves, 85% for plum leaves, 80% for pomegranate leaves, 78% for walnut leaves and 77% for meddler leaves. The presence of foreign ions or complexing agents has been found to reduce the efficiency of removal of cadmium by plant leaves. About 80-85% of the cadmium in charged plant leaves has been released under the influence of changing the pH of the solution, addition of competing ions and the addition of EDTA. The results of removal of cadmium by plant leaves have been found to follow the Freundlich adsorption isotherm, first-order reaction with respect to cadmium and to have intra-pore diffusion as the rate-limiting step.  相似文献   

In the present work, degradation of rhodamine B, a typical dye effluent commonly observed in chemical processing wastewaters has been investigated using a sonochemical reactor with capacity of 7 L. The reactor consists of an ultrasonic bath equipped with a single large transducer having longitudinal vibrations with operating frequency of 25 kHz and rated power output of 1 kW. The effect of operational conditions such as the rhodamine B initial concentration, operating pH and use of additives such as H(2)O(2), CCl(4) and TiO(2) has been investigated initially. A mathematical model has also been fitted to estimate the rate constant for rhodamine B removal under different operating conditions. Intensification studies have been carried by combining sonochemical oxidation with photocatalytic oxidation under optimized conditions. In all the investigated systems, complete removal of rhodamine B (10 ppm initial concentration) was obtained using a combination of sonochemical reactor and CCl(4). Sonocatalysis (in the presence of TiO(2)) of rhodamine B showed 92% degradation, while sonophotocatalysis gave degradation of 93%. TOC analysis at various optimum conditions was also performed to quantify the extent of mineralization and it was observed that the extent of mineralization is always lower than the extent of removal of parent compound.  相似文献   

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