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通过分析建筑施工特种作业人员培训方面现状和存在的问题,从培训方式、培训机构考核、加强宣传力度、加大执法力度、鼓励企业建立投资回报机制等方面提出解决方案。  相似文献   

镡志伟  柳红卫 《安全》2013,34(2):44-46
正目前,特种作业范围共11个作业类别、51个工种。国家法律法规明确要求,对特种作业人员必须进行安全知识教育和安全技术培训,经主管部门考核合格,方可上岗。1特种作业人员培训中存在的问题《特种作业人员安全技术培训考核管理规定》(国家安全监管总局令第30号)对特种作业人员的培训、考核、发证、复审以及用人单位都有了明确的规定,但在实际的工作过程中存在一些问题。1.1培训机构存在的问题(1)未取得培训资质从事培训工作。在我国目前培训机构数量偏少,存在未具备资质的单位或机构  相似文献   

特种作业人员培训考核是安全生产培训教育的重要内容,也是搞好安全生产工作的重要方法。近几年随着安全生产监管体系的进一步完善,特种作业培训考核工作逐步得到加强。但由于多方面的原因.特种作业培训考核工作中还存在一些不容忽视的问题,基层特种作业培训机构面临许多困境,必须采取有效措施加以解决。  相似文献   

针对煤矿安全培训质量反馈跟踪落实难,多数培训机构仅做到反应层和学习层的评估,提出一种基于现代化网络技术的信息交互平台。通过培训机构建立完善的培训成果转化机制,即根据煤矿安全培训质量反馈信息特点,分为反应层、学习层、行为层和效果层四个层次,派专人负责,利用座谈会、QQ、微信、远程教育网等形式,获取反馈信息,构建煤矿安全培训质量反馈平台。并将其应用到某一期煤矿井下特种作业人员培训中,结果表明:反馈信息收集及时,并能有效反应培训成果的转化能力,促进培训目标的实现。  相似文献   

专业安全生产培训机构一、安全生产培训(一)安全资格培训1、主要负责中、省、市直和其他生产经营单位(危险化学品、非煤矿山、烟花爆竹)主要负责人、安全管理人员、安全员的安全资格培训;2、负责特殊工种培训。如电工、焊工、登高作业工、制冷工等51个特种作业人员操作证培训。省安监部门考核、发证,全国通用。(二)特种设备管理和作业人员培训1、负责特种设备安全管理负责人培训;2、负责特种设备作业人员培训。如起重机械作业、锅炉作业(1、2、3级,水质化验)、压力容器(管道)作业、电梯作业、厂内机动车作业(叉车)、气瓶作业等47个特种设备作业工种培训。  相似文献   

为加强特种作业人员培训考核工作,规范作业人员考核发证程序,用人单位应当加强对作业人员的安全教育和培训,保证特种作业人员具备必要的特种设备安全作业知识、作业技能,并及时进行知识更新,从而确保单位的安全生产。如果单位没有培训能力的,也可以委托具有培训资质的机构组织培训。  相似文献   

山东省东营市安监局在特种作业人员培训工作中,严格实行培训单位资格认可制度,全市确定了9家特种作业培训单位,对特种作业人员培训严把“四关”。一是培训教师关。为保证培训工作的顺利实施,专门成立了各工种考核小组,建立了相对稳定的培训教师队伍,任课教师先后参加了省安监局组织的培训,取得了特种作业人员培训教师资格证书。二是培训教材关。建立了专门的教材发行站,实行统一培训大纲,培训教材,统一考核、发证,做到理论考核和实际操作考核规范化。三是健康体检关。在市防疫站专门设立了特种作业人员健康查体定点单位。四是教…  相似文献   

多年来,盐城市各安全培训机构的特种作业人员培训工作为全市各行各业提供了大批合格的安全生产技术人才,为全市安全生产工作和减少伤亡事故作出了一定的贡献。随着盐城市工业的发展、港口的建设、大量项目的引进,全市特种作业人员的年培训量已从80年代后期的年培训千余人扩展到年培训2万人左右,  相似文献   

涂力强 《安全》1996,17(3):37-38
特种作业不安全因素较多,危险性较大,因此要加强对特种作业人员的培训,考核工作,使特种作业人员熟练地掌握本工种的安全技术理论和实际操作技能。要达到这种目的,笔者提出:要建立一套系统的特种作业人员培训,考核工作的管理体系和监察体系,以提高我国特种作业人员培训、考核工作的质量和力度,使我国特种作业人员培训、考核工作走向科学化、现代化的轨道。  相似文献   

特种作业人员培训考核是安全生产培训教育的重要内容,也是搞好安全生产工作的重要内容。近几年随着安全生产监管体系的进一步完善,特种作业培训考核工作逐步得到加强。  相似文献   

跨世纪安全科学技术人才培养模式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
针对二十一世纪对安全科技人才的素质需求及我国现行安全科技人才培养模式的状况,从安全工程专业教学方法和课程体系两方面对我国跨世纪安全科技人才培养模式进行探讨  相似文献   

通过对当今安全工作和人才培养的现状进行分析和讨论,提出有关对策和办法。以促使安全工作上一个新台阶,保障企业安全生产,促进国民经济迅猛发展。  相似文献   

通过英特网进行基于虚拟现实的矿山安全模拟培训   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
良好的人员素质和有效的救护策略是矿山灾害处理过程中最关键的要素。在矿山生产过程中完全避免伤害是很难做到的 ,甚至在救护过程中 ,突发事件也时有发生。应用目前计算机技术及信息网络技术相结合的系统综合手段 ,通过英特网采用基于虚拟现实的方法 ,对矿山人员进行模拟培训具有逼真、有效、经济、快速的特点和重要的实用价值。这种培训方式是减少矿山事故率和死亡率的很好手段 ,并且能使各大矿井之间互相学习 ,扬长避短  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: This study evaluated the implementation of a second phase training program for novice drivers in Spain, which puts the primary focus of the training on the higher hierarchical levels of driver behavior. METHOD: Two hundred and sixty-three participants took part throughout the study, which was implemented as an experimental design with the test and control groups assessed before and after the one day safety training. Measurement of the impact of the training program focused on the participants' self-evaluation and self-reporting of some driving behavior indicators related to accident risk. RESULTS: Data analysis showed a change in the expected direction in the scale related to the skills for careful driving, but not for the other four scales considered. A feedback survey about the training course offered some important input for evaluating the organization, contents, tuition, and results of the three parts of the training program (discussion group, on-road and track training) as reported by the participants in the test group. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS: The results of the experiment show that using a one day driver safety course, it is possible to change some of the drivers' evaluations connected to safe driving style into safe direction. The follow-up period was exceptionally long (9 months) and the design (randomly divided experimental and control groups with before and after measurements) was reliable. More effort should be devoted to improving the on-road part of the training, which was often perceived as a typical driving lesson rather than a feedback drive. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The findings suggest consideration of a mandatory 2nd phase driver training programme as a means to raise awareness of the full range of risks encountered by novice drivers, and as already introduced in 5 EU countries: Austria, Estonia, Finland, Luxembourg and Switzerland.  相似文献   

地方安全生产条例与《安全生产法》比对分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对全国31个省、自治区和直辖市的安全生产条例进行了收集整理,并与《安全生产法》进行了逐条对比分析。从安全理念、安全规划、监管模式、机构和人员、管理制度和方法、安全经费、处罚和其他8个方面,对地方安全生产条例中具有代表性的、新的提法或改进的做法进行了总结。在此基础上,从建立"以人为本"安全理念、将"综合治理"纳入安全生产方针;明确要求各级政府编制安全生产规划,并将其纳入国民经济和社会发展规划;清晰界定政府综合监管、行业监管和其他监管部门的职责分工;细化各类企业安全管理机构和人员配备要求;明确注册安全工程师法律地位,并在高危行业强制配备;明确劳务派遣人员的培训职责,完善从业人员培训制度;建立安全生产信息系统,构建安全生产诚信体系;明确工伤保险基金、安全生产风险抵押金、安全生产责任险等费用的缴纳及管理要求;加大对尚未导致事故发生的违法行为的处罚力度;将隐患排查治理纳入《安全生产法》10个方面提出了对《安全生产法》的修改建议。  相似文献   

关于国家职业安全卫生培训的战略思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业安全卫生培训是开展职业安全卫生工作的基础。如何充分发挥培训的作用是众所关心的问题。笔者在研究我国职业安全卫生培训工作发展的历史及现状的基础上 ,指出了职业安全卫生培训与目前社会需求的差距 ;提出了在当前培训工作中存在的主要问题 ;论述了如何建立起从资格培训规定、培训大纲、培训教材到考核标准的培训体系和职责明确、层次清楚的培训程序 ;特别强调 ,要建立起适应市场经济发展和现代工业安全生产的有效的职业安全卫生培训机制 ,是使职业安全卫生培训工作进一步走向正规化的核心问题。  相似文献   

The study reports the results of a follow-up evaluation, conducted in 1994, of the impact of a training program for female unskilled metal workers that was implemented at the end of the 1970s. The program was designed to promote occupational skills development, and was first evaluated in 1979. On both occasions of evaluation the investment in training was examined from two perspectives, those of the training participants and management. Data were collected through semistructured personal interviews with key members of personnel management and through a group conversation session with a majority of the original course attendees. Supplementary background information was obtained from documents and records maintained by the organization. At some points, there was a convergence of views on the significance of the training program for occupational skills development, at others a divergence. These convergences and divergences are finally discussed and the findings of the study are related to other research on this particular kind of intervention.  相似文献   

陈勇刚  张天来  孙新 《安全》2021,42(1):37-44
为有效提高直升机电力作业安全评价能力,落实通用航空作业标准化和规范化管理,本文以直升机电力作业中人员因素、直升机设备因素、电力作业设备因素、自然环境因素、机场环境因素、组织因素、规章管理因素7个模块为一级指标建立安全评价指标体系。结合多位专家给出的概率语义值,基于模糊集与改进的证据融合理论量化各指标风险程度,同时采用三角模糊数法确定中间节点条件概率,最后利用贝叶斯网络模型灵活推理能力,提出直升机电力作业非线性动态安全评价模型。通过对某通用航空公司直升机电力作业安全状况评价分析可知,企业组织因素、电力作业设备因素以及人员因素为主要薄弱环节,需加强管理,可通过提高从业人员的安全防范意识、提高设备可靠性以及加强人员培训等措施对风险进行预防。  相似文献   

We theorized that organization–environment adaptation, the interaction between external demands and personnel resources, predicts distress and morale. We tested this hypothesis in 29 stations within one state police department, and combined three data sources. We measured environmental demands for policing via census data pertaining to the station precinct (e.g., per cent unemployed; per cent in public housing). We assessed resources via personnel numbers within stations. Outcomes were employee's perceptions of staff distress and morale at the station (N = 247), assessed twice, 14 months apart. Using hierarchical linear modeling, we found that environmental demands predicted perceptions of workgroup distress and morale and that the relationships were moderated by personnel resources. For distress, when resources were low, demands were positively associated with distress; when resources were high, demands were negatively associated with distress. For morale, when resources were high, demands were positively associated with morale; there was no relationship when resources were low. Results show that aversive and pleasurable reactions at work may be traced to how resources are employed to manage external demands. Results support a macro‐level shift in modeling distress and morale, incorporating external demands, and strategic management decisions regarding personnel resourcing. Our research suggests that rather than being a result of individual failure to adapt, compromised work ability may result from an organizational failure to adapt to the environmental context. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: The rapid growth of teleworking has raised several social and legal issues regarding an employer's responsibility for the safety of an employee's home office. In this paper, researchers discuss the need for safety training for teleworkers and the effectiveness of a home office ergonomics training program. METHOD: Study participants (N = 50) were randomly assigned into a treatment or control group. The treatment group completed the ergonomics training and a pre- and posttest. The control group completed the pre- and posttests without training. RESULTS: The study demonstrated the need for teleworker ergonomics training. More than 85% of participants had not received teleworker training before, and 44% had experienced pain or discomfort while teleworking. Participants who completed the training significantly improved their scores on knowledge, attitude, and practices subtests. In a follow-up survey, participants indicated that they had made ergonomic changes to their offices based on the training. Several participants indicated that the pain or discomfort that they had been experiencing was eliminated or reduced as a result of the training.  相似文献   

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