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一、按照国务院《建设工程安全生产管理条例》规定,工程监理单位具有下列安全责任: 1.工程监理单位应当审查施工组织设计中的安全技术措施或专项施工方案是否符合工程建设强制性标准。  相似文献   

安全生产是建筑企业首要和永恒的主题.施工现场是建筑企业安全生产的主体.通过分析施工现场安全生产的特点,论述建立施工现场安全保障体系的管理手段和技术措施,为施工实践提供借鉴.  相似文献   

薛航  韩路 《环境与发展》2020,(4):221-222
随着我国建筑建设的城镇化、现代化进程加快,为提升人民的生活质量带来了保障,由于建筑规模以及项目的增加,加剧了环境问题。在强调低碳经济的现代化社会,应该加强对建筑项目竣工验收工作的环保监测,针对竣工验收不环保的问题采取对策,促进建筑施工的绿色化发展。基于此,本文将针对当前建筑项目环保验收存在的问题展开探讨,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

结合历年来对建筑工程施工现场起重机械设备安装工作的监督管理,提出施工现场建筑起重机械使用中存在的常见安全问题,提出行之有效的应对措施,从而有效控制和降低施工现场建筑起重机械的安全事故,有效保证建筑起重机械设备的安全正常运行。  相似文献   

当前,建筑企业面临着建筑施工企业深化改革、新的生产力和生产关系的大调整等问题,企业的安全管理如何适应新形势的要求,如何提高安全管理水平,是摆在我们面前的一项新课题。笔者结合安全生产法律法规的相关规定,针对目前我国企业安全生产现状,对这些问题进行了认真的分析和探讨,提出了企业在安全生产管理过程中存在的一些突出问题,提出了如何做好建筑施工现场安全生产管理工作的对策。  相似文献   

王袁 《环境与发展》2020,(2):249-250
环境保护工程建设对于我国来说,是一个新的课题,如何加强环境保护工程建设,有效实现环保工程的目的是国家建设部门比较重视的问题。本文对环保工程项目管理存在的问题及对策进行了分析研究,希望能给环保工程建设部门带来一点启示。  相似文献   

结合建筑施工现场安全生产检查现状,分析现有安全生产检查过程中存在的主要问题,这些问题导致安全检查成本过高,效率低下,检查流于形式,建筑施工企业在安全生产检查上缺乏主动性。在此基础上提出通过政府调整安全管理组织体系,采用少检查,大处罚的方式,结合计分制度,加强群众舆论监督,充分调动企业内部的积极性,逐步把安全生产检查转变成企业主导行为,从而提高建筑施工现场安全管理水平。  相似文献   

现阶段,我国通过对建筑业市场实行有效的管理措施,规范建筑施工企业的主体行为,安全生产状况呈现总体稳定、趋于好转的发展态势。但由于建筑业生产施工存在生产周期长、作业面变化频繁、操作人员流动性大、环境条件恶劣、安全生产管理较粗放等诸多不利因素,给生产安全埋藏了诸多问题、隐患,对人民群众生命财产的安全构成严重威胁,安全生产形势依然严峻。  相似文献   

我国建筑安全管理存在的主要问题及对策建议   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对建筑安全生产状况,从分析建筑安全管理存在的主要问题入手,认真研究和总结建筑安全生产管理的规律和特点,提出在经济日益市场化条件下,强化建筑安全监督管理,促进建筑业安全发展的对策建议.  相似文献   

在改革开放高速的社会发展环境下,各行各业都在不断的变化,随着我国经济与科技的飞速发展,我国对各行业的环境保护越发重视,其中建筑行业是环境保护中的重要一环。本文对于建筑施工过程中环境保护技术的重要性进行了阐述,研究现代房建工程施工中普遍存在的环境问题,从而提出改善方案,保障建筑施工过程中环境保护技术措施的有效应用。  相似文献   

谭芬芳 《环境与发展》2020,(4):71-71,73
本文主要从施工周边环境与结构层次、光污染与水污染的防治措施、噪音污染、固体废弃物污染以及扬尘污染的处理方法等方面,深入分析了房屋建筑施工中环境污染防治措施,以期为如何防治房屋建筑施工中的环境污染问题提供一定的理论借鉴。  相似文献   

社会进步的前提下,城市建设加快了步伐,市政工程的施工项目也越来越多,随之产生了诸多的污染问题。为了改善这种情况,我国要求施工企业针对粉尘、废水、废气等对环境造成破坏的因素进行相应的处理。施工企业结合项目与周边环境的实际情况,设计出以环保为原则的绿色施工方式,从而逐一解决各种不同的污染问题。环保型施工策略的应用,在促进了城市建设的同时,也实现了与环境的可持续发展,具有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the influential safety factors that governed the success of a safety management system for construction sites. The number of incidences among construction workers and the level of awareness on matters concerning safety were also determined. The study involved a self-administered three-part questionnaire among the workers and interviews with industry experts involved in brick-laying, concreting and in related assorted trades. Part A of the questionnaire concerned personal particulars, Part B involved training and experience and Part C was based on 28 industry-accepted safety factor elements. The construction sites ranged from high rise buildings, landed houses and infrastructure renovation. The sample size was 275. From the survey it was found that the most influential safety factor was personal awareness followed closely by communication. Suggestions and recommendations on equipment design and improved work practices and procedures to improve the efficiency and productivity of construction workers were proposed. Management was urged to get their workers better informed about safety matters.  相似文献   

闫浩天 《环境与发展》2020,(1):183-183,185
质量管理在环境监测工作中占有重要的地位。确保环境监测质量管理水平,才能为环保工作提供有效的数据信息支持,为实际工作的开展提供良好的保障。当前我国的环境监测质量管理方面还存在着很多的问题,需要相关部门及人员进行有针对性的解决,做好强化意识、完善制度、引入技术、全面掌控的工作,对于各环节都不能放松,才能促进质量管理工作水平实现增强,为生态文明建设做出重要贡献。  相似文献   

胡玉霞 《环境与发展》2020,(1):168-168,170
随着我国城市化及工业化进程的不断加快,给我们的经济带来了飞速的发展的同时,也给我们生产生活环境带来了污染。土壤污染、空气污染和水污染等污染问题极大的降低了我们的生活品质,给人们的身体健康埋下了安全隐患。因此,在当今社会中,对于环境保护的问题越来越受到大家的关注和重视。而环境监测工作和数据是环境治理的一个重要参考依据,环境监测工作对于能否做好环境管理有着十分重要的意义。本文就当前环境监测存在的一部分问题影响环境管理的情况进行简要分析。  相似文献   



The often applied engineering approach to safety management in the construction industry needs to be supplemented by organizational measures and measures based on how people conceive and react to their social environment. This requires in-depth knowledge of the broad preconditions for high safety standards in construction. The aim of the study was to comprehensively describe the preconditions and components of high safety standards in the construction industry from the perspective of both experienced construction workers and first-line managers.


Five worker safety representatives and 19 first-line managers were interviewed, all strategically selected from within a large Swedish construction project. Phenomenographic methodology was used for data acquisition and analysis and to categorize the information. Nine informants verified the results.


The study identified four main categories of work safety preconditions and components: (1) Project characteristics and nature of the work, which set the limits of safety management; (2) Organization and structures, with the subcategories planning, work roles, procedures, and resources; (3) Collective values, norms, and behaviors, with the subcategories climate and culture, and interaction and cooperation; and (4) Individual competence and attitudes, with the subcategories knowledge, ability and experience, and individual attitudes.


The results comprehensively describe high safety standards in construction, incorporating organizational, group, individual, and technical aspects. High-quality interaction between different organizational functions and hierarchical levels stood out as important aspects of safety. The results are discussed in relation to previous research into safety and into the social-psychological preconditions for other desired outcomes in occupational settings.

Impact on Industry

The results can guide construction companies in planning and executing construction projects to a high safety standard.  相似文献   

In this research Risk Assessment of Safety and Health RASH method for building construction has been developed with risks classified into Safety Risks and Health Risks. 11 factors representing safety risks and 8 factors representing health risks were identified based on field survey in Oman. 40 Safety and Health specialists were involved in carrying out risk assessment using the existing method of risk analysis RA and the proposed RASH method. It was found that RASH method resulted in superior accuracy for assessment of risk zones than the existing RA method. The accuracy by RASH was almost twice the accuracy by RA. The overall percentages of the correct answers for the four scenarios using the RASH method and the RA method were 72.5 percent and 40 percent respectively. The proposed RASH method gave fewer errors than the existing RA method for all scenarios. Two scenarios were found to be the most problematic ones with largest overestimation of risks occur when using the existing RA method. Wilcoxon Ranked Test showed that the two methods are significantly different (z = −3.357, p > 0.01). The new method RASH is statistically acceptable and it resulted in better response in terms of estimating the risk than the RA method.  相似文献   

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