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随着经济的高速发展,我国机动车拥有量快速增长,机动车给予了人们的生产与生活带来方便的同时,机动车尾气污染对城市空气质量的影响日益增大。目前,机动车尾气所造成的环境污染及其危害性已经引起社会的关注,并成为各大城市居民投诉的热点之一。  相似文献   

衣枝梅 《环境与发展》2020,(1):63-63,65
机动车尾气成分中包含着许多种类的化合物,而绝大多数化合物不仅威胁人体健康而且极易造成空气污染。现阶段,我国机动车尾气排放特征为排放量大、短期、局部污染极为严重与集中排放等,对此我国应提高对机动车尾气检测问题的重视程度,并采取相应的措施防治机动车尾气排放。基于此,文章简要分析机动车尾气的有关检测方法及其防治路径。  相似文献   

张丁楠 《环境与发展》2020,(4):88-88,90
伴随着国民经济的高速发展,越来越多的人拥有了私家车,随之而来的天气污染问题也越来越严重。基于此,本文针对重污染天气应对工作中机动车污染减排措施进行研究。通过加强机动车尾气排放管理、发展太阳能汽车和推动公交出行这三个措施,带动广大市民参与到机动车污染减排的工作中。  相似文献   

铊是一种剧毒重金属元素,随着环保研究的深入,铊污染的危害逐渐显露和受重视起来。本文就铊污染来源、对人体的危害、分析测定方法进行了介绍,并通过检测钢厂废水、原料和产物中的铊含量,分析研究了钢铁企业铊污染现状及转化方式,并提出了钢铁企业防治铊污染的对策。  相似文献   

机动车尾气污染现状及防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济的高速发展,我国机动车拥有量快速增长,机动车给予了人们的生产与生活带来方便的同时,机动车尾气污染对城市空气质量的影响日益增大。目前,机动车尾气所造成的环境污染及其危害性已经引起社会的关注,并成为各大城市居民投诉的热点之一。  相似文献   

佛山禅城区机动车尾气排放特征及分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对禅城区不同道路类型交通流进行调查分析,运用COPERT模式计算出2008年佛山地区机动车排放因子,分析出禅城区机动车尾气排放的主要来源及主要特征,得到了禅城区机动车尾气排放总量及排放分担率.根据佛山市辖区区间出行车辆较多的特点,采用源强估算总量的方法计算区内机动车污染排放.结果表明,禅城区2008年CO、NOx、VOC、PM的排放量分别为72 356.86 t、7 288.38 t、9 991.68 t和366.80 t.不同车型对不同污染物的排放贡献率差别明显,尤以摩托车的CO、VOC排放贡献较高,分别占机动车排放污染物总量的85%和77%.道路局部污染最严重的道路类型为国道,整体污染最为严重的为主干路.区内机动车劣化严重,占机动车总量37%的国0车的CO、NOx、VOC、PM排放分担率分别占机动车排放总量的68%、45%、58%、63%.不同车型、不同排放标准的排放因子存在较大差别,轻型车的CO、VOC较高而重型车的NOx、PM排放因子较高.  相似文献   

通过对杭州市重金属污染情况的分析可知,杭州水体和土壤受到了重金属不同程度的污染,提出杭州重金属污染防治要通过调整产业结构,优化空间布局,提高准入门槛,淘汰落后产能,实施清洁生产,提高“三废”治理水平,从源头控制到末端治理全过程控制污染源.同时要加大受重金属污染水体和土壤的生态修复,确保环境及群众生命安全.  相似文献   

据悉,投资610万元、由青岛市环境监控指挥中心负责的机动车尾气排放视频监控系统于日前开工,并将于今年9月底建成,届时,这一“数字环保工程”不但会把市区内主要排污口的情况一览无余,更把所有经过道路监控区的“黑尾巴”尽收眼底。  相似文献   

土地是生存的根本,日趋严重的重金属污染不仅污染了地下水,对食品安全也带来了严峻的影响。文章基于此,首先从监测工作、污染源头、修复技术、质量评估四个角度分析了农田土壤重金属防治中的挑战,然后就如何应对农田土壤重金属污染提出了对策,包括健全土壤污染监测制度、加强土壤污染源头管控、创新土壤污染修复技术、完善土壤修复质量评估等。  相似文献   

油烟污染危害及防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着社会经济的快速发展及人民生活水平的提高,在许多地区油烟污染已经成为仅次于工业污染和交通污染的第三大空气污染,引起了公众的关注.本文就油烟污染对健康、环境的影响进行分析并提出相应的防治对策.  相似文献   



The aims of the study were to evaluate information on motor-vehicle crashes with injuries provided in newspaper reports and to assess the frequency of thematic and episodic reporting of motor-vehicle crashes.


The study used Fatal Analysis Reporting System (FARS) derived variables to code a nationally representative sample of U.S. newspaper reports of motor-vehicle crashes from 1999-2002. A total of 473 newspaper reports of motor-vehicle crashes with injuries were included. Information on the crash event, people involved, and vehicles was extracted. The reports were coded for episodic and thematic news framing.


A majority of newspaper reports used episodic framing. The majority of reports included information on the type of crash, but characteristics about people and vehicles were rarely reported.


Lack of information in newspapers makes them an incomplete source from which to influence public perceptions and attitudes.

Impact on industry

This provides an opportunity for news print media to improve public health content.

Impact on industry

Newspapers represent an important source of public information; they are, however, an incomplete source [Voight, B., Lapidus, G., Zavoski, R., & Banco, L. (1998). Injury reporting in Connecticut newspapers. Injury Prevention, 4, 292-294.; Baullinger, J., Quan, L., Bennett, E., Cummings, P., & Williams, K. (2001). Use of Washington state newspaper for submersion injury surveillance. Injury Prevention, 7, 339-342]. To increase the accuracy of information provided to the public through media sources, there is a need for increased communication between public health professionals and reporters.The results of this study raise concerns about the contents of motor-vehicle crash information provided in newspapers and suggest that newspapers do not provide information to allow public perception to be in accord with the importance of motor-vehicle crash injuries and health promoting actions to reduce risk of injury. More balanced and detailed information in newspapers would provide an opportunity for news print media to improve public health programs and public perception about the impact of motor-vehicle crashes on safety for all.  相似文献   

陈浩 《环境与发展》2020,(2):122-124
石化工业园区造成的累积环境影响随着其蓬勃发展而逐步显现,其污染物质在周边土壤与河流底质中的积累影响较为显著[1],目前,我国已有不少关于化工园区环境污染的研究,多集中在水和空气污染问题的研究[2-5],较少针对石油化工园区土壤累积影响的研究[6-7]。本文以我省某石化园区为调查对象,通过该园区废气污染物排放监测及土壤环境现状调查,了解我省新型石化工业园区环境污染状况,对提高石化行业土壤污染防控有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

机动车数量的增加严重威胁城市环境,本文在不同减排情境下,开展城市机动车污染防治措施研究。使用清洁能源代替不可再生能源作为机动车动力燃料;明确责任制度,强化机动车管理体制,提升空气质量;布设城市监控设备优化交通结构,减少排放源;完善法律制度,协调经济发展与环保关系;发展公共交通,倡导绿色出行理念,降低城市机动车尾气排放污染。  相似文献   

热污染及其防治   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对热污染状况进行了介绍.概括了热污染的危害,包括危害人体健康、影响全球气候变化、污染大气、污染水体、加快水分蒸发、增加能量消耗等.分析了热污染的原因,自然气候的异常变化和人为因素是热污染产生的两大原因.最后提出了几点防治热污染的措施.  相似文献   

Introduction: Drivers with medical conditions and functional impairments are at increased collision risk. A challenge lies in identifying the point at which such risk becomes unacceptable to society and requires mitigating measures. This study models the road safety impact of medical fitness-to-drive policy in Ontario. Method: Using data from 2005 to 2014, we estimated the losses to road safety incurred during the time medically-at-risk drivers were under review, as well as the savings to road safety accrued as a result of licensing decisions made after the review process. Results: While under review, drivers with medical conditions had an age- and sex-standardized collision rate no different from the general driver population, suggesting no road safety losses occurred (RR = 1.02; 95% CI: 0.93–1.12). Licensing decisions were estimated to have subsequently prevented 1,211 (95% CI: 780–1,730) collisions, indicating net road safety savings resulting from medical fitness to drive policies. However, more collisions occurred than were prevented for drivers with musculoskeletal disorders, sleep apnea, and diabetes. We theorize on these findings and discuss its multiple implications. Conclusions: Minimizing the impact of medical conditions on collision occurrence requires robust policies that balance fairness and safety. It is dependent on efforts by academic researchers (who study fitness to drive); policymakers (who set driver medical standards); licensing authorities (who make licensing decisions under such standards); and clinicians (who counsel patients on their driving risk and liaise with licensing authorities). Practical Applications: Further efforts are needed to improve understanding of the effects of medical conditions on collision risk, especially for the identified conditions and combinations of conditions. Results reinforce the value of optimizing the processes by which information is solicited from physicians in order to better assess the functional impact of drivers’ medical conditions on driving and to take suitable licensing action.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: The expected substantial increase in people aged 65 or older is important for those concerned about transportation injuries. However, much of the previous research concentrates on older drivers and overlooks the fact that vehicle and crash factors may provide significant explanations of older occupant injury rates. METHOD: Differences across age groups are explored using two nationwide travel surveys, crash involvement, fatalities, and injuries from crash databases and an ordered probit model of injury severity. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Two noticeable differences that help explain injury risk are that older people are more likely to travel in passenger cars than younger people who frequently use light trucks, and that seriously injured older occupants are more likely to be involved in side-impact crashes than their younger counterparts. IMPACT: Increased attention to vehicle engagement in side-impact crashes and to vehicle technologies that can help drivers avoid side collisions would be particularly helpful for older occupants.  相似文献   

新时期的背景下,地质灾害是危害人民群众生命财产安全、国家社会和谐稳定的重要因素。本文对地质灾害防治现状进行分析,从政府、技术两个层面提出解决策略,以期为我国地质灾害的防治工作提供有利参考。  相似文献   

冉光普 《环境与发展》2020,(1):30-30,32
随着我国社会经济的发展速度不断加快,城市化建设层次越来越高,大量中央空调设备的冷却塔噪声影响到了人们的日常生活质量。基于此,本文重点针对冷却塔噪声环境的影响进行了分析和研究,提出了相关的有效防治策略,以此有效提高人们的生活质量和舒适度。  相似文献   

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