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The current study determined behavioral and electrophysiological photosensitivities for three species of mesopelagic crustaceans: Pasiphaea multidentata Esmark, 1866 (Decapoda: Pasiphaeidae), Sergestes arcticus Kröyer, 1855 (Decapoda: Sergestidae), and Meganyctiphanes norvegica M. Sars, 1857 (Euphausiacea: Euphausiidae). In addition, in situ quantifications of the species vertical distributions in relation to downwelling irradiances were also determined in two locations in the northwest Atlantic Ocean, Wilkinson Basin (WB) and Oceanographer Canyon (OC). Data are from six 2-week cruises between June and September from 1995 to 2001. P. multidentata and M. norvegica were the most abundant large crustaceans in WB, and S. arcticus and M. norvegica were the most abundant large crustaceans in OC. The behavioral light sensitivity thresholds of P. multidentata and M. norvegica from WB were both 107 photons cm–2 s–1 and those of S. arcticus and M. norvegica from OC were both 108 photons cm–2 s–1. Electrophysiologically, P. multidentata was significantly more sensitive than M. norvegica from either location, S. arcticus was significantly more sensitive than M. norvegica from OC, and M. norvegica from WB was significantly more sensitive than M. norvegica from OC. A correlation was found between electrophysiologically measured photosensitivity and downwelling irradiance, with the most sensitive species, P. multidentata and S. arcticus, associated with the lowest irradiance at daytime depths. The photosensitivities of M. norvegica collected from the clearer waters of OC were significantly lower than those of individuals collected from the more turbid WB waters. These results indicate that downwelling irradiance has a significant impact on interspecies and intraspecies vertical distribution patterns in the mesopelagic realm.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

The day/night vertical distributions of mesozooplankton and micronekton biomass and that of a large number of copepod species to a depth of 1 000 m are described and contrasted in detail from two eastern tropical Pacific stations, the DOME station, in a region of continuous upwelling and the BIOSTAT station, in a non-upwelling area. The effects of various biological parameters such as the zones of primary production and chlorophyll maxima plus physical parameters, such as temperature, salinity and oxygen concentrations, on the distributions of the species and mesozooplankton and micronekton biomass are examined. The thermocline depth appeared to have the greatest influence of all the physical factors on the vertical distribution of the copepod species. The vertical distribution of many species was truncated in the region of the oxygen minimum layer with very few species found below this layer. The vertical distribution of copepod molts in the top 1 000 m showed that the molts probably originated at the depths at which they were found and that the molts from the euphotic zone did not reach the deep water. Copepod species association at different depths showed that few species had common depth distributions during both day and night. The highest degree of association occurred at night in the region of the thermocline. At depths below the thermocline, the degree of similarity in vertical distributions was greatly reduced. The biomass of mesozooplankton at these two stations is compared to other regions of the tropical oceans described in the literature and shown to be among the highest values recorded. The oxygen minimum layer and the thermocline had the greatest impact on species vertical distribution. The biomass of mesoplankton was about twice as high and the number of copepods between three and four times as high at the DOME site as compared to the BIOSTAT site, and evidence suggested that this was influenced by the higher primary production in this region. The difference in micronekton biomass between sites was less, with DOME having about 1.2 to 2.2 the biomass. This suggests that the influence of the higher level of primary productivity at the DOME was evidence of the higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Four variants of the Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) have been constructed to sample a broad size spectrum of oceanic animals from microzooplankton to micronekton. The systems differ in mouth opening dimensions (ranging from 1/4 to 20 m2), the number of nets carried (from 5 to 20), and the mesh size of the netting (from 64 m to 3.0 mm). A new electronics package enables an operator to send commands down a single conductor, armored cable to open/close the nets and provides 12-bit resolution for the environmental (temperature, depth, conductivity) and net operation data (flow, net-frame angle, net-bar release), which are transmitted up the cable to the deck unit at 2-s intervals. A microcomputer system, interfaced to the deck unit, calculates salinity, volume filtered by a net, net trajectory velocity, and vertical velocity. The data are printed out and stored on disc, and profiles of temperature and salinity versus depth are plotted during the course of the tow. Analysis of the relationship between the geometry of the MOCNESS under tow and the past and present methods used to estimate the water filtered by a net revealed that significant bias is introduced when the ascent or descent angle of a net is disregarded. The bias is a function of the ratio of vertical velocity to net trajectory velocity and results in an underestimate of volume filtered while shooting a net and an overestimate while hauling.  相似文献   

The presence of mesopelagic organisms in the guts of surface-foraging seabirds feeding in open areas within seasonal pack ice in the Antarctic has given rise to questions regarding the effects of pack ice on the underlying mesopelagic community. Bottom-moored free-vehicle acoustic instruments were used in concert with midwater trawls and baited traps to examine the abundance, size distribution and vertical distribution of pelagic organisms in the uppermost 100 m of the water column during the austral spring of 1992 in two areas of the northwestern Weddell Sea, one covered by seasonal pack icc and the other free of ice cover. Acoustic largets were more abundant and significantly larger at the open-water station than beneath pack ice. However, targets at the ice-covered site exhibited a pronounced diel pattern, with the largest targets detected only at night. Samples from night trawls at the icecovered site contained several species of large, vertically-migrating mesopelagic fishes, whereas these species were absent from trawls taken during the day. In addition, baited traps deployed in pack ice just beneath the ice-water interface collected large numbers of scavenging lysianassoid amphipods, while deeper traps beneath the ice and traps at the open-water station were empty, indicating the presence of a scavenging community associated with the undersurface of the ice. These results sapport the idea that mesopelagic organisms migrate closer to the surface beneath pack ice than in open water, exposing them to possible predation by surface-foraging seabirds.  相似文献   

Seasonal sampling was carried out based on day/night, vertically stratified tows (100 or 125 m strata) in the upper 900 m of the water column over the mid-slope commercial fishing grounds south of Tasmania. A large midwater trawl (105 m2 mouth area) was used with an opening/closing cod-end. Subtropical convergence and subtropical species dominated the fauna, but many less abundant, more widely-distributed species were also present. Fishes, which contributed 89% of micronekton biomass and 135 of 178 species, were dominated by the Myctophidae (48% biomass and 48 species). Twenty micronekton species made up 80% of the total biomass. Overall, the micronekton fish biomass in this region was 2.2 g m−2 wet weight. A pronounced day/night shift in the distribution of biomass was attributable to diel migratory species. During the day, <0.2% of the total micronekton biomass was found in 0 to 300 m; most biomass was below 400 m, with peaks at 400 to 525 m and 775 to 900 m. At night, 53% of the biomass was found in 0 to 300 m, with progressively less in each deeper stratum. The vertical ranges of individual species typically exceeded 400 to 500 m during the day and night and were non-coincident, although nyctoepipelagic migrators were concentrated in the surface 200 m at night. Distinct epipelagic, lower and upper mesopelagic assemblages were identified, and patterns of epipelagic migration, limited migration and non-migration were categorised for species from each of the lower and upper mesopelagic assemblages. The vertical distribution of these assemblages was coincident with the primary water masses: subantarctic mode water (∼250 to 600 m) and antarctic intermediate water (below ∼700 m). The flux of migrating micronekton, estimated at 0.94 to 3.36 g C m−2 yr−1 to the lower mesopelagic and 1.14 to 4.06 g C m−2 yr−1 to the upper mesopelagic, appeared to be considerably outweighed by the consumption needs of aggregated mid-slope benthopelagic predators. We suggest that advection of mesopelagic prey in antarctic intermediate water may sustain aggregated populations of orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) and other predators on the micronekton in mid-slope depths at this site. Received: 2 April 1997 / Accepted: 21 August 1997  相似文献   

Five standing stocks were measured together at similar latitudes and longitudes on seasonally repetitive cruises in 3 areas — western, eastern, and southern — of the eastern tropical Pacific. The stocks were chlorophyll a at 0 to 150 m depth (mg/m2), night and day zooplankton at 0 to 200 m depth (ml/1000 m3), and night crustacean micronekton and fish-pluscephalopod micronekton at 0 to 200 m depth (ml/1000 m3). The logarithms of the measurements of each stock in each area were subjected to analysis of variance with the following factors: season (2 month period), latitude, and longitude. Seasonal coverage was most comprehensive, with 7 successive periods, in the western area (approximately 16° N to 3° S latitude, 100° to 122° W longitude). Most stocks in most parts of the western area had a simple seasonal cycle of low amplitude, with a single maximum and minimum that usually differed by a factor <2; some stocks in some parts of the area exhibited no seasonal cycle; all statistically significant cycles, except for fish-plus-cephalopod micronekton, were similar in phase. In the other two areas, located broadly to the east and south of the western area, suitable measurements were made at only 2 periods (opposite seasons) of the year. There were indications of phase differences between chlorophyll a and zooplankton in the eastern area, which should be further investigated. Most standing stocks declined gradually from east to west, and were higher in known upwelling areas and areas of shoal thermocline than elsewhere.  相似文献   

A mechanistic model was applied to study the influence of diurnal vertical migration (DVM) of planktonic crustaceans on the succession and composition of the phytoplankton community. While zooplankton was restricted to only one functional group, the phytoplankton community was divided into two functional groups which are distinguished by their maximum growth rates and vulnerability to zooplankton grazing. DVM causes a pulsed grazing regime and may also entail a corresponding reduction of the cumulative daily rates of ingestion and losses of zooplankton. To study the relative importance of these two mechanisms of DVM to phytoplankton we performed a scenario analysis consisting of 5 different scenarios. The results show that DVM has a strong influence on the phytoplankton community. Well edible algae benefit during the first 3–4 weeks of summer stratification by reduced daily grazing. The typical shift from small, well edible algae to larger, poorly or non-edible phytoplankton is distinctly delayed. Under the assumption of unchanged daily grazing, however, a pulsed grazing regime has nearly no influence on the resulting phytoplankton composition. As similar effects are also found for completely non-edible phytoplankton, indirect effects via phosphorus availability must be assumed. Thus, the scenario analysis reveals that the observed effects of DVM on phytoplankton can be explained by a combination of two mechanisms: (1) reduction of the daily zooplankton grazing, and (2) changed assimilation and remineralisation of phosphorus. Surprisingly and in contradiction to earlier reports there is almost no DVM effect on phytoplankton due to the sole action of a pulsed grazing regime.  相似文献   

Stomach content analyses are commonly used to study both fish feeding behaviour and trophic conditions. However, the interpretation of such data depends on fish foraging behaviour for a given environment and how representative the stomach contents are to the prey distribution. Tuna feeding behaviour was studied within the context of a research programme conducted in French Polynesia. Tuna prey distribution was characterised using acoustic measurements and pelagic trawls; thereafter, this distribution was compared with the stomach contents of tuna caught using an instrumented longline. Acoustic, pelagic trawling and stomach content analyses give complementary elements to describe the pelagic trophic habitat and to better understand tuna-prey relationships. The classic concept of a reduced food availability for tunas in the tropical pelagic environment seems relative. Tunas able to dive enough during daytime to exploit the migrant micronektonic species secure a source of regular food. This is particularly true of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), which have ecophysiological capacities for this purpose. The behaviour of albacore tuna (T. alalunga), which dive >400 m in depth, remains less clear, as little is known about their vertical behaviour. Lastly, yellowfin tuna (T. albacares), which are distributed in more superficial waters, can better exploit the biomass of juvenile fish and crustaceans exported from the reefs. Analysis of the stomach fullness of tuna caught by longline, a passive gear, generally showed an empty state. This result suggests that most tuna foraging on large prey aggregations present in the study area are quickly satiated and escape longline capture and sampling. A consequence is that studies of tuna feeding behaviour based on longlining may be biased, particularly when large aggregations of prey are present such as in convergence zones. Another potential consequence is that longline tuna catch rates could differ according to prey richness. Longline tuna catch rates may sometimes reflect the relative abundance of prey rather than relative tuna abundance. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer LINK server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-001-0776-3.  相似文献   

The contribution of fecal pellets to the benthos of the southeastern shelf of the USA is investigated through an analytic model which considers pellet production by different stage groups of the genus Paracalanus. Model results indicate that the concentration and vertical flux of pellets is a function of producer size and consumer size and abundance. Nauplii and adults, respectively, produce daily on the average 50 and 13% of total pellet mass, yet contribute 4 and 63%, respectively, to the daily pellet flux. Most of the pellets produced are consumed or degraded in the water column, with only 0.2% of the average daily primary production reaching the seafloor (35 m) as fecal pellets. This contributes to an impoverished benthos, such as that found on the southeastern continental shelf.  相似文献   

Inhomogeneous vertical distributions of the cyanobacterial biomass are widely observed during the summer season in stratified lake ecosystems. Among these are surface maxima characterized by surface scum formation and deep or subsurface maxima also known as deep chlorophyll maxima (DCM). The former occurs at the epilimnion in eutrophic lakes, and are usually caused by colonial cyanobacteria such as Microcystis. On the other hand, the latter occurs at the metalimnion and the upper part of the hypolimnion near the thermocline in oligotrophic lakes, and are referred to filamentous cyanobacteria such as Oscillatoria. The aim of this paper is to present a simple mathematical model that can simultaneously describe these phenomena including the annual and diurnal variations, emphasizing the roles of buoyancy regulation, transparency of the lake and zooplankton feeding on cyanobacteria. According to our computer analyses, the increased buoyancy, the low clarity of the lake and the low rate of zooplankton feeding take significant roles in formation of surface maxima, while the reversal of these factors makes deep maxima predominant. Our two-component model with nutrients and cyanobacteria can distinguish between two phenomena by changing the parameters for these factors, without altering the model itself.  相似文献   

Zooplankton were collected with Van Dorn bottles at two estuarine stations near Savannah, Georgia, USA, during summer, 1974, from the surface, 2 m, 4 m, and at the bottom of the water column at 2-h intervals for 11 days. Acartia tonsa occurred at the surface at night and during high and rising tides in higher concentrations than at the same depth during daylight and other tide stages. The highest bottom concentrations of this calanoid copepod occurred at high tide. A negative phototaxic response was also apparent in this species. While not quantitatively sampled by Van Dorn bottles, harpacticoid copepods and Pseudodiaptomus coronatus Were distributed in a manner similar to that of A. tonsa. Copepod nauplii, on the other hand, were always more abundant at the surface than at the bottom, with the highest concentration occurring during low tide. The distribution pattern of nauplii appears to be a function of dilution and concentration by tidally induced changes in water volume, whereas more advanced copepod stages follow a complexly controlled distribution pattern linked with tidal mixing dynamics as outlined in a previous study by Jacobs (1968).  相似文献   

Previous time-series studies of meroplankton abundances in the LEO-15 research area off Tuckerton, New Jersey, USA (39°28′N, 74°15′W) indicated short-lived (6–12 h) pulses in larval surfclam (Spisula solidissima Dillwyn) concentration often associated with the initiation of downwelling. To examine possible larval surfclam (and other bivalve) concentrating mechanisms during upwelling and downwelling, six sets of adaptive mobile zooplankton pump samples were taken in July 1998 at different depths at five to six stations along a 25-km transect perpendicular to the coastline and crossing Beach Haven Ridge at LEO-15. Sampling was guided by near real-time, satellite imagery of sea surface temperature overlain by sea surface currents from a shore-based ocean surface current radar (OSCR) unit. A Seabird CTD on the mobile pump frame near the intake provided information on thermocline depth, and sampling depths were adjusted according to the temperature profiles. Near shore, the thermocline was tilted down during downwelling, and up during upwelling. The highest concentrations of surfclam larvae occurred near the bottom at a station near Beach Haven Ridge during downwelling, and just above the thermocline 3 km further offshore during well-developed upwelling. For other bivalve taxa, the larvae were concentrated near the thermocline (Anomia simplex Orbigny and Pholadidae spp.) or concentrated upslope near the bottom (Mytilidae spp.) during upwelling, and the larvae were concentrated near the bottom or were moved downslope during downwelling. Donax fossor Say larvae were found near the surface or above the thermocline during upwelling and downwelling. The general patterns of larval bivalve distribution appear to be influenced by water mass movement during upwelling and downwelling. The larval concentration patterns of individual species are likely a consequence of advection due to upwelling and downwelling circulation, vertical shear in the front region, species-specific larval behaviors, and larval sources.  相似文献   

Astract Northern anchovy larvae, Engraulis mordax, were collected on five cruises covering the Southern California Bight, one cruise in April 1984, four cruises in January, February and May 1986. The amounts of triacylglycerol, cholesterol and polar lipid were measured in individual anchovy larvae as indicators of their nutritional condition. There was a significant difference in each of the size-specific lipid components between the stations for four of the five cruises. This indicates that all the ocean habitats within a cruise were not equal in promoting growth (and presumably survival) in the anchovy larvae. There were also differences between cruises, where the percentage of the larvae judged to be in poor condition varied from 8 to 27%. Canonical correlation analyses revealed a significant relationship in most cases between the larval fish parameters and the physical and biological data collected from each occupied station. Cholesterol and triacylglycerol were the most important larval components, and the short-term energy storage component in the copepod Calanus pacificus was the most important station component. The data, however, are not sufficient to identify and characterize stations in the field which produce anchovy larvae in good condition.  相似文献   

L. R. Haury 《Marine Biology》1976,37(2):159-167
This study compares the small-scale (100's to 1000's of meters) horizontal spatial distribution of zooplankton from stations in the California Current (29°N; 118°W) and in the North Pacific Central Gyre (31°N; 155°W). Patterns were inferred from the spacing of vertical tows and the variability in abundance of 15 taxonomic categories caught in these tows. In the California Current, 4 tows were taken at random positions within 2000 m of a drogue or fixed geographic position and 4 replicate tows were taken at the drougue or the fixed point. Four series of these 8 tows were taken around noon and midnight during two days. At the Central Gyre station, two similar series (one day and one night) were taken while following a drogue. Estimates of the scale of structure based on comparisons of replicate and random tow variability suggest that aggregated patterns in the Central Gyre are larger than a few hundred meters, while the California Current structures may be less than 100 m in size. Day-night changes in patch size were not apparent in either area. Evidence for multispecies patches was found only for the Central Gyre station. Replication samples in both areas gave more consistent measures of community structure (relative proportions of species) than the random tows. Similarity of community structure decreased with increasing distance between tows being compared. The decrease was much greater for the California Current station, a further indication of smaller patch size in this area. Diurnal changes in community structure occurred in both areas.Based in part on a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Ph.D. degree at the University of California, San Diego. Portions of this research were supported by the Marine Life Research Program of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.  相似文献   

The diel grazing activity of zooplankton was measured at a single study site in a temperate fjord, Dabob Bay, Washington, USA at several periods during spring, summer and fall of 1979–1981. Pheopigments were used as an indicator of herbivorous zooplankton activity. The downward vertical flux of pheopigment-containing fecal pellets was measured with sediment traps deployed over repetitive 4 h periods. Experiments were run for 24 to 36 h. A maximum in the flux of pheopigments was consistently noted within the euphotic zone during hours of darkness. Diel fluctuations in pheopigment flux showed amplitudes up to 29-fold. Nightly grazing activity accounted for 41 to 82% of the daily (24 h) grazing and was indirectly related to seasonal changes in daylength.Contribution No. 1405 from the School of Oceanography, University of Washington  相似文献   

不同轮作模式对潮土团聚体及其有机碳分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示不同轮作模式下潮土土壤团聚体及其有机碳含量变化规律,于2018-2019年在山西大同进行了田间试验.设置处理为油菜—荞麦(RB)、玉米—荞麦(CB)、马铃薯—荞麦(PB)和燕麦—荞麦(OB)4种轮作模式,荞麦—荞麦(BB)连作和休闲—休闲(FF)为对照,测量指标为土壤团聚体组成、稳定性和团聚体内有机碳分布.结果显...  相似文献   

An opening-closing, single-sample net system designed to capture micronektonic organisms is described. The net is opened and closed at the mouth by mechanical time-release devices, and can be hauled from small ships on hydrographic wire. Data are presented from a series of 4 hauls made with this system during a study of sonic scattering layers. The population maxima of euphausiids, sergestid prawns and physonect siphonophores corresponded to the level of the main scattering layer. Fishes were concentrated below the layer, and amphipods above it.  相似文献   

Zooplankton represents a key contributor to the ocean biological pump through its consumption of sinking and suspended carbon. A specific and highly sensitive method to evaluate zooplankton carbon requirement from the sinking flux is through the estimation of the activity of the electron transport system. The present study was carried out from samplings in 2006, and it was focused on the spatial 200–0?m zooplankton carbon demand across 24 sampling stations, along the Mediterranean Sea, from the island of Crete to the Strait of Gibraltar. Its potential day/night variability was evaluated. The zooplankton composition, abundance and biomass were investigated. The carbon demand per unit zooplankton biomass indicates geographical and diel differences among the sampling stations. A higher mean carbon demand was seen for the western Mediterranean with respect to the eastern Mediterranean, which can be justified through the observed ratio of gelatinous:crustacean taxa and the water temperatures recorded. Higher carbon demand was measured in samples collected during the dark hours. The relation to the presence and abundance of actively migrating euphausiids and copepods was discussed. A comparison with data from another of our study carried out in the same study area but in another seasonal period was done.  相似文献   

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