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短链氯化石蜡及其环境污染现状与毒性效应研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
短链氯化石蜡是碳链长度为10至13个碳原子的正构烷烃经氯化衍生而成的复杂混合物.作为《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》增列持久性有机污染物(persistent organic pollutants,POPs)中的一类化合物,2008年10月在瑞士日内瓦召开的联合国环境规划署POPs审查委员会的第  相似文献   

● China’s implementation of the SC was systematically studied. ● Implementation process of the SC can be roughly divided into three stages. ● DDT and HCH concentrations in the air have been steadily decreasing. ● China has safely disposed of 6352.1 tons of pesticide POPs. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are extremely harmful to the environment and human health; the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants was therefore adopted by the international community in 2001 to eliminate or reduce the production, use, and emissions of POPs. China is the largest developing country that has signed the Stockholm Convention, and thus plays an important role in its implementation. This paper systematically studies the practice and achievements of China since it signed the Stockholm Convention 20 years ago. China has established an implementation guarantee system including institutions, implementation mechanisms, policies, law enforcement, and scientific and technological support. During the 20 years since the implementation of the Stockholm Convention, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) concentrations in the air have been steadily decreasing, and Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid/Perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride (PFOS/PFOSF) concentrations in water bodies have decreased. In the past 20 years, China has safely disposed of 6352.1 tons of pesticide persistent organic pollutants and 36998 sets of electrical equipment containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), with a disposal rate of 100%. In the future, China will further strengthen the construction of persistent organic pollutant monitoring networks, scientific research, publicity, education, and international cooperation to improve environmental quality, providing a reference for other countries to implement the Stockholm Convention.  相似文献   

多溴二苯醚(PBDEs)虽然已在一些国家禁止生产和使用,商品五溴和八溴二苯醚也在2009年被列入《关于持久性有机污染物(POPs)的斯德哥尔摩公约》受控范围内,但目前学术界对PBDEs的毒理学效应及其机制尤其是环境剂量效应的认识并不十分清楚. 论文从甲状腺干扰、神经毒性、生殖内分泌干扰3个方面介绍了近年来PBDEs毒理学研究的进展,分析了该领域研究中存在的几个问题,提出今后应大力开展环境相关剂量下PBDEs及代谢物的毒性研究,以推进对实际环境中PBDEs真实毒性的认识;同时探索能够反映PBDEs毒性的非创性生物标记物,为开展PBDEs人体健康影响的流行病学调查提供线索.  相似文献   

饲料是养殖动物的主要食物来源,饲料中的持久性有机污染物(POPs)能够在养殖动物体内蓄积,从而影响动物源性食品安全,对人体健康构成潜在的危害.目前有关饲料中二英类等传统POPs的研究已较为深入,而饲料中新型POPs的污染也逐渐引起人们的关注.本文综述了现有文献关于饲料中多溴二苯醚(PBDEs)、六溴环十二烷(HBCD...  相似文献   

The success of the negotiations on the POPs Convention after the failure of the negotiations over the climate protocol in The Hague in late November is an important result for international action to protect the earth from damage by chemicals. It shows the countries’ real commitment to find compromises for protection of the environment and human health and for the restoration of damaged ecosystems on our planet. It deserves to be highlighted that all participants — not only the industrialized countries but also developing countries as well as environmental organizations and the (chemical) industry — regard the conclusion of this convention as a success and that a broad basis for joint action has thus been created. The convention is a signal also because of its useful contents, which includes instruments for the total elimination of 12 POPs in the beginning and of further persistent organic pollutants at a later stage. The basis for a gradual reduction of the increasing pollution of the environment on a global scale is given by mechanisms for subjecting further POPs to the requirements of this Convention in the future.  相似文献   

短链氯化石蜡(SCCPs)是碳链长度为10至13个碳原子的正构烷烃氯代衍生物。SCCPs具有持久性、生物累积性、长距离迁移能力、以及毒性作用。SCCPs已被《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》增列为持久性有机污染物审查范围内,引起了全球关注。SCCPs在环境各介质及生物体内均有检出,近年来,在室内空气和灰尘中也检出了大量SCCPs,其已成为人体暴露的一个重要来源。本文就大气环境及室内空气与灰尘中氯化石蜡(CPs)的采样与分析方法、污染水平与来源,及人体暴露概况进行了综合阐释,以期为我国大气和室内环境中CPs的研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

持久性有机污染物在食物链中积累与放大研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究持久性有机污染物(Persistent organic pollutants,POPs)在食物链中的积累与放大是进行环境风险评估和有效污染控制的生态学基础.本文综述了POPs的基本特征,POPs在食物链中的生物积累与放大的机制、影响因素以及POPs在食物链中积累与放大的模型等的研究进展.国外学者对POPs在水生食物链的积累与放大方面研究较多,并提出了较为完善的预测模型,而有关POPs在陆生食物链中的生物积累与放大的研究报道较少.大部分学者并未对完整食物链进行过系统而完整的研究.与国外相比,国内学者对POPs在水生陆生食物链中的生物积累、生物放大和预测模型探讨较少.目前POPs对环境和人体健康危害越来越严重,开展对POPs在食物链中积累、放大及相关预测模型更深入更完整的研究,已成为当前生态学和环境科学研究的重点课题和前沿领域.  相似文献   

我国的危险化学品区域风险评估研究工作起步较晚,针对危险化学品泄漏入海的方法研究较少。现有区域风险评估方法中评估对象多为单一风险因素,存在着未全面考虑研究区域内其他风险源和敏感资源等综合影响的不足。在结合国内外研究进展现状的基础上,强化与相关技术方法的衔接,建立了综合考虑危险化学品危险性和区域风险承受力等因素的危险化学品泄漏入海区域风险评估方法工作,并选择天津市XX企业开展方法案例应用。本研究能够为科学合理划分危险化学品泄漏区域海洋环境风险等级提供技术支撑,为开展危险化学品泄漏入海风险防范和修复评估等工作提供决策依据。  相似文献   

基于环境逸度模型的化学物质暴露与风险评估研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工业化学品通过各种迁移转化过程后在环境区间中广泛分布,同时新化学品正被大量的生产并进入环境,使得对于化学品管控的需求和压力不断增加。基于这一背景,多国政府颁布了相应的政策法规对化学品进行管控。除了用相应的政策法规进行预先管控之外,使用基于逸度概念的多介质环境模型来表征化学品的行为与归趋是一个相对简单而有效的方法,不仅适用于环境中存在的现有化学品的暴露评估,也成为各国化学品管理中对新化学品的环境暴露进行预测的有力工具。本文综述逸度概念与方法、相关环境模型、建模过程、应用验证等方面的国内外研究进展,希望能够对我国化学品环境暴露评估与风险评估的模型构建、优化与方法应用提供信息和借鉴。  相似文献   

硫丹作为一种广谱有机氯农药,在农业区域周边的土壤和水体中都存在较高残留,2011年被斯德哥尔摩公约列入持久性有机污染物(POPs)名单。硫丹已被证实对神经系统、心血管系统、肝、肾等具有毒性作用,关于其生殖毒性的研究很多,但潜在机制尚不完全清楚。本文总结了硫丹导致的不同动物的生殖毒性,并从生殖器官和生殖细胞损伤、氧化应激以及DNA损伤、生殖细胞周期阻滞及细胞凋亡等方面,对近年来硫丹生殖毒性及其作用机制研究进展进行综述,并对其中存在的问题进行讨论,以期有助于深入了解硫丹的毒性效应。  相似文献   

Two groups of pollutants established during the past years, the impact of which on the eco-system gave cause for concern and legislative reaction: Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and Endocrine Disrupters. At present, only the 12 POPs (‘Dirty Dozen’) are subject to serious international bans as long as they do not belong as well to potential endocrine disrupters, such as the PCDDs/PCDFs (Polychlorinated Dibenzo(p)dioxins and furans). But there are endocrine disrupters which fulfil, the POP-criteria stated in the Stockholm Convention. The organotin compounds are part of them, especially the tributyltin (TBT), since the toxicity increases with increasing alkylation. The present investigations may contribute to the discussion on the POP-potential of TBT on the basis of the results from GfA-internal and literature findings.  相似文献   

危害性识别是化学品环境风险评估工作的重要基础,危害性数据的质量直接影响化学品环境风险评估工作的结果与结论。通过介绍经济合作与发展组织(OECD)eChemPortal近几年来的主要变化,以上海地区涉及的30种重点环境管理危险化学品为例,比较分析我国《危险化学品分类信息表》及eChemPortal引用的按照《欧盟物质和混合物的分类、标签和包装法规》的公开分类和标签目录(ECHA CL inventory)、日本政府全球化学品统一分类和标签分类结果(GHS-J)的差异。结果表明:eChemPortal作为OECD建立的全球化学物质信息门户,加入的数据库多数经过政府机构或同行评审,准确性和可靠性相对较高,目前已有32个数据库加入到该平台,其中32个数据库支持化学物质检索,4个数据库支持化学性质检索,2个数据库支持GHS检索,并且数据库的数量和功能还在持续增加;相对于国家安全监管总局的《危险化学品分类信息表》和ECHA CL inventory,GHS-J的危害性分类结果较为完善,而且多数分类结果提供了具体的分类数据基础信息,这对于分类结果的评估十分有用。上述研究表明我国政府监管部门有必要结合eChemPortal等权威的数据信息平台发布我国重点环境管理危险化学品环境风险评估推荐数据库,从而规范重点环境管理危险化学品环境风险评估过程并推动对化学品的有效环境监管。  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope The marine environment is often the final sink for pollutants, especially for persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and for persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) substances. The body burden of marine top predators in the Baltic Sea, in the North Sea and also in the Arctic seas is alarming. Thus, the question was investigated if the European environmental law considers a prospective marine ecological risk assessment of chemicals, pesticides and dredged material before they are launched on the market or disposed to the sea. Results The analysis of European environmental law showed that the European environmental protection goals demand a good quality status of coastal waters until 2015 (Waterframework Directive) and a good quality status of European seas until 2020 (Marine Strategy Directive), but a specific marine ecological risk assessment of chemicals and pesticides is not sufficiently required in current European legislation. Discussion It was shown that the ecological risk assessment for freshwater ecosystems is, due to the pecularities of pollutant impacts in the marine environment, not adequate to predict marine effects and to protect the marine environment sufficiently. A statistical analysis of international databases on the relative toxicity of narcotics revealed that marine organisms can be significantly more sensitive than freshwater organisms towards substances with an unspecific mode of action (narcotics). Approximately 60?% of the industrial chemicals are classified as narcotics by their mode of action. Thus, this substance class is of environmental importance. Due to the hydrophobic properties and the low solubility of narcotics in seawater, the ecotoxicological assessment of marine sediments was of interest. An estuarine and marine bioassay test set was established and further developed to assess the ecotoxicological potential of brackish and seawater sediments. It was important that the test procedures were adapted to brackish and marine conditions and were harmonised between each other as well as on the international level. Conclusions Beside two bioassays for the ecotoxicological assessment of elutriates of marine and brackish sediments (bacteria bioluminescence test and marine algae test), the implementation and further development of the whole sediment bioassay with the marine amphipod Corophium volutator was important for enhancing the risk assessment. In order to gain a more standardised, all-season available test organism, the marine amphipod was for the first time reproduced under laboratory conditions the whole year round (also in winter), which is the essential basis for the urgently needed chronic whole sediment bioassay. The results of this investigation were implemented in the international (ISO), European (EN) and national (DIN) standardisations. Therefore, a standardised test set is ready for the implementation in the marine ecological risk assessment of chemicals, pesticides and dredged material in international, European and national legislation. Recommendations and perspectives Recommendations to improve the implementation of a marine risk assessment in European regulations are given with the goal to reach the internationally required objective of a sustainable development of the seas.  相似文献   

我国削减并逐步替代全氟辛烷磺酸盐(PFOS)的策略与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全氟辛烷磺酸盐(PFOS)具有低表面张力、良好的热稳定性和化学稳定性等特性,作为含氟表面活性剂被广泛应用于卫生、消防与电镀等工业领域。但是,PFOS具有高持久稳定性,会在环境、人体与动物组织中富集,因此2009年《斯德哥尔摩公约》将PFOS列为新增POPs受控物质。目前,我国还在生产和使用PFOS,如何对其进行有效控制,削减并逐渐替代PFOS及其衍生物,是我国面临的巨大挑战。在介绍了PFOS的生产与应用现状基础上,结合其替代技术,提出了削减和逐步替代PFOS的策略。  相似文献   

轮虫是浮游动物中的重要类群,因具有生活周期短、对毒物的敏感性高、有两性生殖方式、易培养和实用性强等优势特征,已被用作生态毒理学实验中重要的模式生物,颇有研究前景。本文简介了轮虫作为受试生物的特点及其生活史,并从实验方法、污染物种类、测试指标等角度对近几十年来轮虫在生态毒理学中的应用现状、主要成果和最新进展作了概述,主要包括轮虫在常规毒性评价中的应用:急性毒性、慢性毒性以及对其行为的影响效应;综述了几类典型环境污染物,例如重金属、UV辐射、持久性有机污染物以及农药化合物的胁迫对轮虫的毒性效应,特别对目前存在的问题、研究热点及今后需要加强研究的方向进行了讨论和展望,以期为应用轮虫生态毒理学进行环境污染及风险评估提供参考。  相似文献   

Presently, there are less than 20 inventories to estimate releases of dioxins and furans. According to a recent survey, 12,900 g TEQ of these unwanted byproducts are emitted into the atmosphere by 16 countries. Highest emissions are from the densely populated industrialized countries of the Northern hemisphere — Japan and the United States of America. Whereas the metal producing and recycling industry is the sector with the highest dioxin emissions in Europe, waste incineration is considered to be the major source in many other countries. Measures to reduce dioxin emissions have resulted in strong downward trends, as shown e.g. in Germany and Japan; however, potentials for further reduction have been identified. So far, countries have utilized own methods to calculate their dioxin emissions and the majority has addressed releases to air only. The future Stockholm Convention on POPs will require to continuously reduce dioxin emissions. In order to assist countries in inventory making, UNEP has produced the Toolkit, a methodology to establish comparable dioxin inventories that address releases to air, water and land, with products and in residues.  相似文献   

持久性有机污染物(Persistent Organic pollutant,POPs)是指通过各种环境介质(大气、水、生物体等)能够长距离迁移并长期存在于环境中的人工合成的有机污染物。本文阐述了全球POPs的主要环境过程和各环境介质中POPs的暴露水平,探讨了作物对POPs的吸收过程、吸收机制和生态效应,并基于现有的环境多介质逸度模型和根区水质模型,分析了持久性有机污染物作物吸收过程模拟模型中存在的问题及未来的发展方向。目前,对POPs作物吸收机制及其模拟的研究较少,但随着我国对粮食安全和农业可持续发展的持续关注,这一领域的模拟研究将对科学解析POPs归趋、合理制定风险管控措施和有效确保粮食质量安全等提供重要科学支撑。  相似文献   

The incidence of diabetes has increased dramatically in recent decades and become one of the leading health problems worldwide. Lifestyle and dietary changes alone cannot account for the dramatic rise of diabetes, while an increasing number of publications have reported the possible relationships between exposure to environmental pollutants and risk of diabetes. In the present review, our objective was to summarize the human studies on environmental pollutants, which includes persistent organic pollutants, pesticides (not on the Stockholm Convention list), bisphenol A, and phthalates, and the risk of diabetes. Currently published results suggest a positive relationship between certain persistent organic pollutants (dichlorodiphenyldichloroethene, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, hexachlorobenzene, and polychlorinated biphenyls) and bisphenol A exposure and risk of diabetes. For pyrethroids, organophosphates, carbamates, and phthalates, there are insufficient studies to reach conclusions and therefore more studies, especially prospective studies, are needed along with in vivo and in vitro studies to understand the underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

珠三角地区POPs农药的污染现状及控制对策   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
概述了中国及国际社会对持久性有机污染物(Persistent Organic Pollutants,POPs)的关注情况。并通过对POPs农药在珠江三角洲地区(Pearl River Delta Area,PRD)使用情况的调查,以及对珠江三角洲地区POPs农药在各环境介质中的污染现状的文献综述,结合环境污染数据以及POPs农药污染调查工作中得到的数据和信息,对该地区POPs污染的可能原因和环境中可能存在的新近污染源进行了初步探讨。同时也指出了当前珠江三角洲地区在POPs农药削减与淘汰工作中所遭遇到的缺乏完善的管理体系等困难,并针对问题提出了包括加大科研投入,加强基础研究,掌握污染物来源和去向,加强替代药物的研究,建立和实施更严格的环境法规以及标准,加强环境监测能力建设,建立POPs农药污染的信息公开机制等一系列的控制对策。  相似文献   

作为化学品风险管理中的重要环境行为参数,生物蓄积性不仅是分类、标签、评价和控制环境风险的基本指标,也是鉴别化学物质持久性和环境危害性的重要标准。2012年OECD颁布了新的生物蓄积测试方法,由此给生物蓄积优化策略带来了全新的挑战,原有的判别优化策略的方法需要作出新的发展与调整。针对新生物蓄积测试方法引发的优化策略挑战,通过层次研究及文献分析,归纳了基于OECD新305生物蓄积测试标准的优化测试策略,为优化、简化测试及化学品安全管理提供了科学基础。  相似文献   

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