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《Conservation biology》1993,7(3):454-456

Abstract: We studied plant-animal interactions and vegetation structure in two geographically close tropical Bolivian forests subjected to different hunting intensities. We hypothesized that reduction of mammals openface> 1 kg in an "intensively hunted forest," compared with an "occasionally hunted forest," should correlate with decreased seed predation and seedling trampling, increased seedling survival and density, and decreased tree-species diversity at the seedling stage in relation to the adult stage. The occasionally hunted forest held 1.7 times as many mammalian species as the intensively hunted forest. As predicted, predation of Astrocaryum murumuru seeds was 34.2% lower in the intensively hunted forest. Similarly, trampling of model seedlings was 5.4 times lower and seedling survival was 1.15 times greater in the intensively hunted forest than that in the occasionally hunted forest. But the intensively hunted forest displayed lower seedling densities and a higher ratio of seedling diversity to tree diversity than did the occasionally hunted forest. Reduction of peccaries from the intensively hunted forest may explain much of the between-site differences in seed predation, trampling, and seedling survival. Lack of consistent differences in seedling density and diversity could mean that reduced granivory and trampling may be counteracted by reduced seed dispersal. The reduction of mammalian populations may produce a complex mosaic of forest patches with distinct degrees of structural change, depending on the intensity of defaunation.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In North American boreal forests, wildfire is the dominant agent of natural disturbance. A natural-disturbance model has therefore been promoted as an ecologically based approach to forest harvesting in these systems. Given accelerating resource demands, fire competes with harvest for timber, and there is increasing pressure to salvage naturally burned areas. This creates a management paradox: simultaneous promotion of natural disturbance as a guide to sustainability while salvaging forests that have been naturally disturbed. The major drivers of postfire salvage in Canadian boreal forests are societal perceptions, overallocation of forest resources, and economic and policy incentives, and postfire salvage compromises forest sustainability by diminishing the role of fire as a critical, natural process. These factors might be reconciled through consideration of fire in resource allocations and application of active adaptive management. We provide novel treatment of the role of burn severity in mediating biotic response by examining its influence on the amount, type, and distribution of live, postfire residual material, and we highlight the role of fire in shaping spatial and temporal patterns in forest biodiversity. Maintenance of natural postfire forests is a critical component of an ecosystem-based approach to forest management in boreal systems. Nevertheless, present practices focus heavily on expediting removal of timber from burned forests, despite increasing evidence that postfire communities differ markedly from postharvest systems, and there is a mismatch between emerging management models and past management practices. Policies that recognize the critical role of fire in these systems and facilitate enhanced understanding of natural system dynamics in support of development of sustainable management practices are urgently needed.  相似文献   

Relictual Amphibians and Old-Growth Forests   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract: Terrestrial and aquatic herpetofauna were sampled by pitfall traps, time-constrained searches, and area-constrained searches (stream sites only) over a three-year period to examine the importance of forest age to amphibians and reptiles. Fifty-four terrestrial and 39 aquatic sites in Douglas-fir—dominated, mixed evergreen forests were located in southwestern Oregon and northwestern California Mean age of trees on sites ranged in age from 30 to 560 years. Thirty-one species of amphibians and reptiles were detected from the 93 localities. Only three species were found primarily on older forest sites: the Del Norte salamander (Plethodon elongatus), the Olympic salamander (Rhyacotriton olympicus), and the tailed frog (Ascaphus truei). Paleoeco-logic evidence indicates an historical association between these three amphibians and the extant elements of ancient primeval coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest. The life histories and habitat requirements of these species suggest that these forms are scarce in younger forests because the microclimatic and microhabitat conditions they require generally exist only in older forests. The long-term viability of these species in northern California and southern Oregon may depend upon developing forestry practices that protect these mitical microclimates and microhabitats.  相似文献   


The signing of Colombia’s peace agreement in 2016 signaled the end of a decades-long war between the government and the FARC (Las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia), but also an emerging assault against the country’s forests. This article aims to understand the interactions between forests and peace. In doing so, it traces landscape transformations of deforestation and possibilities for making landscapes livable in the midst of disturbance. Drawing on field research, including interviews and participant observation carried out in Colombia from 2016 to 2018, it reveals how deforestation is driven by ongoing colonization and land grabbing, mostly dedicated to extensive cattle ranching, coca cultivation, and campesinos’ transition to ‘licit’ agricultural alternatives. The article also shows how emerging coordination among farmers and forests following forest disturbance contributes to an interpretation of peace in which forests are integral. The article concludes with a call to incorporate forests in the construction of peace.  相似文献   

《Conservation biology》1990,4(1):104-111
Book reviewed in this article:
The Green Archipelago: Forestry in Preindustrial Japan . Totman, C.
Conservation Biology: Outlook for the Future
Conservation for the Twentyfirst Century. Western, D., and Pearl, M., editors.
Conservation Biology: Hawai'I
Conservation Biology in Hawai'i. Stone, C. P., and Stone, D. B.
Important Recent Developments in Valuing Environmental Goods
Using Surveys to Value Public Goods: The Contingent Valuation Method. Mitchell, R. C., and Carson, R. T.
Tropical Forest Conservation: Getting the Act Together
The Future of the Tropical Rain Forest. Proceedings of an international conference organized by the Oxford Forestry Institute. McDermott, M. J., editor.
Saving the Tropical Forests. Gradwohl, J., and Greenberg, R.
Crop Breeders' Use of Gene Bank Collections
The Use of Plant Genetic Resources. Brown, A. H. D., Frankel, O.H., Marshall, D.R., and Williams, J. T., editors.  相似文献   

北方和温带森林生态系统的蒸腾耗水   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
北方和温带森林地处气候变化敏感的中高纬度地区,认识其蒸腾耗水过程的时卒动态及其控制因子是评价和预测森林在气候系统中作用的基础.本文综述了北方和温带森林蒸腾耗水的近期研究结果,从叶片、个体和林分3个尺度综合分析了树木蒸腾耗水的变异性及其影响因子,并探讨了其中的尺度转换问题.主要结论如下:尽管相同生活型树木的蒸腾耗水量变异性较大,但针叶树的平均蒸腾耗水量在叶片和个体尺度上显著低于阔叶树,而在林分尺度上针叶林和阔叶林之间差异不显著.3个尺度上的蒸腾作用均受太阳辐射、蒸汽压亏缺、土壤含水量等环境因子的影响,且存在因子间的交互作用,但主导控制因子因时空尺度而异.单株树木蒸腾量与胸径、边材面积和树高均呈显著正相关;林分日蒸腾量最大值与叶面积指数相关显著,而生长季日蒸腾量平均值则与年降水量和年均温呈正相关.这些蒸腾速率与生物环境因子之间的关系模型和不同空间尺度之间的联系是目前森林蒸腾过程尺度转换的基础.本文还讨论了该领域研究中存在的问题和研究热点.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Quantitative conservation objectives require detailed consideration of the habitat requirements of target species. Tree-living bryophytes, lichens, and fungi are a critical and declining biodiversity component of boreal forests. To understand their requirements, Bayesian methods were used to analyze the relationships between the occurrence of individual species and habitat factors at the tree and the stand scale in a naturally fragmented boreal forest landscape. The importance of unexplained between-stand variation in occurrence of species was estimated, and the ability of derived models to predict species' occurrence was tested. The occurrence of species was affected by quality of individual trees. Furthermore, the relationships between occurrence of species at the tree level and size and shape of stands indicated edge effects, implying that some species were restricted to interior habitats of large, regular stands. Yet for the habitat factors studied, requirements of many species appeared similar. Species occurrence also varied between stands; most of the seemingly suitable trees in some stands were unoccupied. The models captured most variation in species occurrence at tree level. They also successfully accounted for between-stand variation in species occurrence, thus providing realistic simulations of stand-level occupancy of species. Important unexplained between-stand variation in species occurrence warns against a simplified view that only local habitat factors influence species' occurrence. Apparently, similar stands will host populations of different sizes due to historical, spatial, and stochastic factors. Thus, habitat suitability cannot be assessed simply by population sizes, and stands lacking a species may still provide suitable habitat and merit protection.  相似文献   

Old-Growth Mangrove Forests in the United States   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Criteria used to identify old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest have not been proven applicable in other ecological life zones. For example, Pacific Northwest criteria are not suitable for the identification of old-growth mangrove forests. To identify old-growth mangroves one has to take into account differences in stand structure and function due to geomorphology, within-site environmental gradients, and regional disturbance regimes. A flexible and holistic approach is needed. Stand age, defined in terms of Pacific Northwest forests, is not necessarily the best criterion for identifying for conservation mangrove forests or any forest outside the Pacific Northwest. No single stand will have all old-growth characteristics, and even if they are present in a stand, these characteristics do not necessarily assure that the stand is old growth. Whether a mangrove stand reaches old-growth stage depends on the dynamics of coastal conditions under which it grows. Moreover, it is necessary to differentiate between the age of trees in a stand and the age of the mangrove system, which includes the substrate. Old-growth mangrove stands are improbable states for this ecosystem type, and they can revert to younger stages. Mangroves offer a challenge to the concept of the old-growth forest, and through our analysis of this system we show that when ecosystem functions and states are evaluated it is necessary to avoid geographic biases based on particular ecological conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The interaction between land-use change and the sustainability of hunting is poorly understood but is critical for sustaining hunted vertebrate populations and a protein supply for the rural poor. We investigated sustainability of hunting in an Amazonian landscape mosaic, where a small human population had access to large areas of both primary and secondary forest. Harvestable production of mammals and birds was calculated from density estimates. We compared production with offtake from three villages and used catch-per-unit-effort as an independent measure of prey abundance. Most species were hunted unsustainably in primary forest, leading to local depletion of the largest primates and birds. The estimated sustainable supply of wild meat was higher for primary (39 kg · km−2· yr−1) than secondary forest (22 kg · km−2· yr−1) because four species were absent and three species at low abundance in secondary forests. Production of three disturbance-tolerant mammal species was 3 times higher in secondary than in primary forest, but hunting led to overexploitation of one species. Our data suggest that an average Amazonian smallholder would require ≥3.1 km2 of secondary regrowth to ensure a sustainable harvest of forest vertebrates. We conclude that secondary forests can sustainably provide only 2% of the required protein intake of Amazonian smallholders and are unlikely to be sufficient for sustainable hunting in other tropical forest regions.  相似文献   

Hotspots of Insect Diversity in Boreal Forests   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Lichens are an important component of the boreal forest, where they are long lived, tend to accumulate in older stands, and are a major food source for the threatened woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou). To be fully sustainable, silvicultural practices in the boreal forest must include the conservation of ecological integrity. Dominant forest management practices, however, have short‐term negative effects on lichen diversity, particularly the application of herbicides. To better understand the long‐term effects of forest management, we examined lichen regeneration in 35 mixed black spruce (Picea mariana) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana) forest stands across northern Ontario to determine recovery following logging and postharvest silvicultural practices. Our forest stands were 25–40 years old and had undergone 3 common sivilcultural treatments that included harvested and planted; harvested, planted, and treated with N‐[phosphonomethyl] glycine (glyphosate); and harvested, planted, and treated with 2,4‐dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4‐D). Forest stands with herbicide treatments had lower lichen biomass and higher beta and gamma diversity than planted stands that were not treated chemically or control stands. In northwestern Ontario, planted stands that were not treated chemically had significantly greater (p < 0.05) alpha diversity than stands treated with herbicides or control stands. Our results show that common silvicultural practices do not emulate natural disturbances caused by wildfires in the boreal forest for the lichen community. We suggest a reduction in the amount of chemical application be considered in areas where lichen biomass is likely to be high and where the recovery of woodland caribou is an objective. Conservación de Líquenes en Bosques Boreales Manejados Intensivamente  相似文献   

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