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以3种典型植被缓冲带为研究对象,基于现场监测、质量平衡、相关分析等方法,探明缓冲带水分分配与降雨、土壤因子的关联性,确定水分及总氮(TN)污染负荷去除分配系数.结果表明,径流与降雨量呈高度正相关(0.980~0.987,P<0.01),渗流与降雨量、降雨历时呈显著正相关(0.595~0.828,P<0.01).植被缓冲...  相似文献   

陶炜  肖军  杨凯 《中国环境科学》2018,38(1):383-391
基于生命周期评价(LCA),对生物质气化费托合成制航煤(Bio-Jet Fuel)工艺进行资源-环境性分析.根据副产品水蒸汽的用途研究了供热和发电两种方案,并进行了数据不确定度分析.结果显示:除EP指标外,发电方案的各环境影响指标比供热方案降低了11.7%~40.8%.相比化石航煤,生物质航煤GWP降低52.6%~71.9%,不可再生资源消耗减少84.4%~93.6%.生物质生长阶段采用不同的分配方法,资源消耗潜值差异较小,但GWP、EP环境影响负荷会产生较大差异.且生物质航煤综合性能对原料消耗率敏感性最大,变化幅度为-16.6%~+17.3%.采用不确定度分析方法对评价结果进行数据质量评估,各环境影响类型的不确定度处于5.0%~12.5%.  相似文献   

This paper aims to consider the total cost, including polluting environmental emissions, of imports from China to Europe of five valve components in aluminium, steel and iron. These are compared with locally produced alternatives to investigate whether internalising such external costs affects their price competitiveness. Seaborne trade represents 90% of international trade and is growing faster than the world’s economy, but marine pollution emissions are not reflected in market prices. Chinese aluminium, iron and steel production are about 2.5 times more polluting than their European counterparts, but this is also not reflected in prices. In this paper both types of extra emissions are calculated, valued and added to the cost of the components analysed, for comparison with locally produced alternatives. The locally produced components generally remain uncompetitive with Chinese imports for all likely values of external cost, except for heavy aluminium components under high external cost assumptions. The Chinese iron components analysed are simply too low in cost for European (in this case Spanish) equivalents to be competitive even allowing for environmental costs; while the stainless steel ones are so small and light that transport cost, even including externalities, is not significant. While these specific results are of limited generalizability, they provide insight into an issue of considerable and growing importance. Some suggestions are offered for further research.  相似文献   

经济发展可持续性状态与趋势定量评价方法研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
提出了基于环境绩效的可持续经济发展的定义,并设计了一个三角图.通过经济发展、资源能源消耗和环境污染三相互关系的研究,定量评价了经济发展的可持续性.利用三角图法对中国经济发展的可持续性状态和长期变化趋势进行了评价.结果表明,2000年中国的经济发展呈现出相对较弱的可持续性状态,中国大陆31个行政区大部分处于由弱不可持续性到弱可持续性的状态;1980—1991年中国经济发展表现出较弱的可持续性趋势,而1991—2000年则呈现出较强的可持续性趋势.这是中国改革开放20年来在环境保护方面不断加强的结果.案例研究表明,三角图法原理简单、计算简便、结果表现直观、评价指标和对象选择灵活,是一种值得推广的评价经济发展可持续性状态和长期变化趋势的定量方法。  相似文献   

基于LCA的稻秸合成甲醇的环境-经济成本分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以年产5万t甲醇的稻秸气化合成甲醇系统为研究对象,采用生命周期评价方法,对该系统进行了环境-经济成本分析.结果表明,稻秸合成甲醇系统的环境影响成本是284.99元/t(以甲醇计),且主要集中在生产转化过程和下游甲醇燃料消费2个单元阶段.在不同环境影响类型中,温室效应是生命周期最主要的环境影响因素,由于稻秸固碳作用产生的环境成本是-152.79元/t,生产上游温室效应影响负荷为负、总环境影响负荷为负.每t稻秸甲醇的真实成本比煤基甲醇低76.84元.  相似文献   

Large-scale incinerators are applied widely as a result of the heavy burden of municipal solid waste(MSW) generated, while strong opposition is arising from the public living nearby. A large-scale working incineration plant of 1500 ton/day was chosen for evaluation using life cycle assessment. It was found that the corresponding human toxicity impacts via soil(HTs), human toxicity impacts via water(HTw) and human toxicity impacts via air(HTa)categories are 0.213, 2.171, and 0.012 personal equivalents(PE), and global warming(GW100)and nutrient enrichment(NE) impacts are 0.002 and 0.001 PE per ton of waste burned for this plant. Heavy metals in flue gas, such as Hg and Pb, are the two dominant contributors to the toxicity impact categories, and energy recovery could reduce the GW100 and NE greatly. The corresponding HTs, HTw and HTa decrease to 0.087, 0.911 and 0.008 PE, and GW100 turns into savings of- 0.007 PE due to the increase of the heating value from 3935 to5811 k J/kg, if a trommel screener of 40 mm mesh size is used to pre-separate MSW. MSW sorting and the reduction of water content by physical pressure might be two promising pre-treatment methods to improve the combustion performance, and the application of stricter standards for leachate discharge and the flue gas purification process are two critical factors for improvement of the environmental profile identified in this work.  相似文献   

利用高效液相色谱-串联质谱法分析了环渤海区域典型河流下游水体中6类58种抗生素的赋存特征,采用生态风险模型和人类健康风险模型分别评估了抗生素对生态和人体的健康风险.结果显示:环渤海区域4大典型河流(小凌河、滦河、黄河和大辽河)下游水体中有6类50种抗生素被检出,青霉素G浓度水平最高,最高浓度为353.13ng/L.β-...  相似文献   

深圳市近岸海域水体和沉积物环境质量评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用多种方法定量评价了深圳市近岸海域水体和沉积物的环境质量,并分析了其影响因素。研究结果表明:(1)深圳市近海水体主要受到沿岸陆源污染和海上交通污染的影响,主要超标物为无机氮(TIN)和PO4-P。(2)由于污染源空间分布的差异,西部海域水体污染较为严重,为Ⅳ级水质;而东部海域的污染较轻(除小梅沙湾口外),其水质大多达到Ⅰ类标准。(3)东部海域水质富营养化程度小于西部海域.东部海域水体大多为贫营养水体;西部海域所有监澍点的水体都是过营养水体,且TIN(〉PO4-P)为主要的限制性因子。(4)深圳市近海沉积物受到一定程度的污染,但总体尚好,大多能达到Ⅱ级标准。除了有机污染物外,沉积物还受到重金属污染。沙头角湾口以Hg和Cd污染的潜在生态危害系数较大,而其他海域以Hg污染的潜在风险系数较大;沉积物重金属污染的潜在生态危害指数只有沙头角湾口和固戍近海在2002年达到强的程度,其他监测点较轻微。  相似文献   

为了评价煤矿矿井涌水对饮用水水源地的环境风险,采用层次分析法构建了由风险源、风险受体、迁移通道、应急管理4个层面共12项指标构成的评价指标体系,建立了环境风险评价方法,采用该方法从定性和定量角度评价四川某区县3个煤矿对饮用水水源地的环境风险。定性分析结果表明:3个煤矿作为风险源,其水质指标Fe、Zn、Mn超标倍数较高,可能会存在环境风险;风险受体饮用水水源地近年水质达标率为100%,环境容量较大;由风险源至风险受体的迁移通道距离较长,沿途溪流、土壤和植被具备一定的稀释、降解和消纳能力。定量评价结果表明,3个煤矿的环境风险指数分别为0.504 2、0.494 4和0.288 9,对应的环境风险分级分别是一般、一般和较低。  相似文献   


四环素是四环素类抗生素,环境中四环素残留会对水生生物产生慢性影响,且中国目前尚缺乏四环素的淡水水生生物基准。搜集筛选了四环素对中国淡水水生生物的急慢性毒性数据,共获得7门12科的12个急性毒性数据和7门9科的9个慢性毒性数据。利用毒性百分数排序法和物种敏感度分布法推导四环素的水生生物基准,最终采用物种敏感度分布法推导出短期水质基准为61.650 μg/L,长期水质基准为9.439 μg/L,可作为保护我国水生生物的水质基准。采用熵值法和安全阈值法评估了四环素在我国部分水体的生态风险,最终采用熵值法评估我国淡水环境中四环素的生态风险水平,评估结果显示风险区域主要集中在贵阳南明河,其他大部分区域基本无风险。研究结论可为四环素水质标准制定、水生生物保护和水生态环境管理提供科学依据。


针对我国长江典型江段丰、平、枯不同时期的地表水,采用了固相萃取—气相色谱质谱联用(GC-MS)的分析技术,调查了16种优先控制多环芳烃(PAHs)的污染状况.研究了长江干流PAHs的污染水平和分布特征,并在定量分析的基础上评估了长江干流PAHs的来源和生态风险.结果显示,Σ16PAHs浓度范围为2.22~1450.91ng/L,均值为107.04ng/L,其中,平水期武汉江段Σ16PAHs浓度最高,均值为1050.64ng/L,长江干流PAHs污染状况与近5a国内其他水体相比处于中等偏低水平.空间分布上长江典型江段地表水中Σ16PAHs从上游攀枝花江段到下游南京江段呈现出先上升后下降的趋势;时间分布上Σ16PAHs的变化趋势为平水期(187.78ng/L)>丰水期(73.30ng/L)>枯水期(38.02ng/L).由同分异构比值法分析表明:在枯水期和平水期中,煤炭、生物质燃烧和石油源是长江干流PAHs的主要来源,而丰水期PAHs主要源于煤炭、生物质燃烧,其中南京江段PAHs的来源较为复...  相似文献   

Air pollution is severe in China, and pollutants such as PM_(2.5) and surface O_3 may cause major damage to human health and crops, respectively. Few studies have considered the health effects of PM_(2.5) or the loss of crop yields due to surface O_3 using model-simulated air pollution data in China. We used gridded outputs from the WRF-Chem model, high resolution population data, and crop yield data to evaluate the effects on human health and crop yield in mainland China. Our results showed that outdoor PM_(2.5) pollution was responsible for 1.70–1.99 million cases of all-cause mortality in 2006. The economic costs of these health effects were estimated to be 151.1–176.9 billion USD, of which 90% were attributed to mortality. The estimated crop yield losses for wheat, rice, maize, and soybean were approximately 9, 4.6, 0.44, and 0.34 million tons, respectively, resulting in economic losses of 3.4 billion USD. The total economic losses due to ambient air pollution were estimated to be 154.5–180.3 billion USD, accounting for approximately 5.7%–6.6% of the total GDP of China in 2006. Our results show that both population health and staple crop yields in China have been significantly affected by exposure to air pollution. Measures should be taken to reduce emissions, improve air quality, and mitigate the economic loss.  相似文献   

为完善增程式电动汽车(Extended range electric vehicle,EREV)全生命周期环境影响和经济效益评价研究,对EREV、纯电动汽车(Battery electric vehicle,BEV)和内燃机汽车(Internal combustion engine vehicle,ICEV)进行了对比分析.基于生命周期评价理论和生命周期成本分析方法,构建了车辆生命周期资源消耗、能源消耗、环境影响和成本评价模型,针对不同汽车各阶段材料消耗、能源消耗和环境排放三大特性,识别EREV、BEV和ICEV的环境负荷差异,并从初始购置成本、使用维护成本和报废回收成本3个方面评价了EREV、BEV和ICEV的生命周期成本差异.综合碳排放特性和经济属性,进一步提出减碳经济性评价指标,科学评价EREV和BEV的环境效益和减碳经济性,并讨论了不同电力结构下EREV、BEV和ICEV的生命周期温室气体排放情况和减碳经济性变化.对增程式电动汽车进行全生命周期内综合评价研究,进一步明确EREV在多种能源类型汽车技术路线中的环境效益和减碳经济性.结果表明,相比于ICEV,BEV和EREV在运行使...  相似文献   

The concentration of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (c-PAHs) present in the sediment and water of Peninsular Malaysia as well as in the cockle Anadara granosa was investigated. Samples were extracted and analysed with gas chromatographymass spectrometry. The concentrations of total carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (t-PAHs) were measured between 0.80 0.04 to 162.96 14.74 ng/g wet weight (ww) in sediment, between 21.85 2.18 to 76.2 10.82 ng/L in water samples and between 3.34 0.77 to 46.85 5.50 ng/g ww in the cockle tissue. The risk assessment of probable human carcinogens in the Group B2 PAHs was calculated and assessed in accordance with the standards of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). Case I in the toxicity assessment analysed the cancer risk to consumers of Malaysian blood cockle. Case II assessed the risk of cancer from exposure to PAHs from multiple pathways. The average cancer risk of case I and case II were found to be classifiable as unsafe according to the US EPA standard. The cancer risk due to c-PAHs acquired by the ingestion of blood cockle was (8.82 0.54) 10??6 to (2.67 0.06) 10??2, higher than the US EPA risk management criterion. The non-cancer risks associated with multiple pathways in Kuala Gula, Kuala Juru and Kuala Perlis were higher than the US EPA safe level, but the non-cancer risk for eating blood cockle was below the level of US EPA concern.  相似文献   

滴水湖水系沉积物中多环芳烃的分布及风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2012年,每两个月采集一次上海人工滩涂湖泊——滴水湖水系表层沉积物,检测16种多环芳烃(PAHs)含量.结果表明,滴水湖水系∑PAHs变化范围为74.03~579.20ng/g,平均值为272.55ng/g.其中,闸外引水河[(407.64±6.90)ng/g]≈闸内引水河[(427.99±213.84)ng/g]>滴水湖[(156.33±62.00)ng/g].研究区各点蒽/(蒽+菲)比值均大于0.1,说明PAHs主要来自于石油燃烧源.生态风险评价表明,滴水湖水系沉积物PAHs不存在严重的生态风险,但闸外和闸内引水河沉积物PAHs存在较低几率的潜在风险,湖区沉积物PAHs则无潜在风险.  相似文献   

通过对1989~2010年广东沿岸15个采样点牡蛎体内Pb含量的监测和有关历史资料,分析了粤东、珠江口和粤西沿岸海域牡蛎体内Pb的时空分布特征,并采用单因子指数和非致癌性风险指数法(NCHI)评价了Pb的食用风险.结果表明,广东沿海牡蛎体内Pb的浓度范围为N.D.~3.65mg/kg,总体平均值为0.41mg/kg,从总体看其出现频数呈偏正态分布.牡蛎体内Pb的年际变化呈现逐渐降低的趋势,从2001年后波动趋于平缓并有微弱的上升;其空间分布特征表现为珠江口>粤西3粤东的变化规律,具体表现为粤东和粤西牡蛎体内Pb浓度随时间延长均表现为明显的下降趋势,珠江口牡蛎体内Pb浓度从2006~2010年开始有明显的下降.单因子指数和非致癌性风险指数评价结果均表明,广东沿岸牡蛎体内Pb的浓度未产生明显污染,对人体不具有非致癌性风险.  相似文献   

For the system of water samples collected from Yangtze River,the effects of seasonal variation and Fe(III) concentrations on the formation and distribution of trihalomethanes (THMs) during chlorination have been investigated.The corresponding lifetime cancer risk of the formed THMs to human beings was estimated using the parameters and procedure issued by the US EPA.The results indicated that the average concentration of THMs (100.81 μg/L) in spring was significantly higher than that in other seasons,which ...  相似文献   

研究了漳卫南运河流域地表水中USEPA16种优先控制的多环芳烃(PAHs)的分布特征和污染来源,2008年4月、10月水中PAHs总量分别在31.7~74.5ng.L-1、45.3~99.0ng.L-1之间,与国内外其他河流相比,整体处于较低污染水平.四女寺污染最严重;河口污染最轻.整体上看,10月份PAHs浓度比4月份略有增加.从16种多环芳烃单体的组成来看,漳卫南运河PAHs以2环、3环、4环为主.本研究提出了新的∑PAHs生态风险评价方法,结果表明,4、10两个月份最高风险商值(RQ∑PAHs(MPCs))均为0,最低风险商值(RQ∑PAHs(NCs))值分别在34.7~111.0、20.4~88.8之间,平均值分别为58.4、49.8.∑PAHs在7个采样点均呈现低生态风险,且4月份生态风险略高于10月份,风险最高值出现在4月份的四女寺,最低值出现在10月份的河口.源解析结果显示,漳卫南运河流域PAHs的含量和分布主要受煤炭及薪柴燃烧的影响,四女寺和河口地区受到一定的石油污染的影响.  相似文献   

The excessive accumulation of potentially toxic metals (Pb and Cd) in coastal wetlands is among the main factors threatening wetland ecosystems. However, the effects of water table depth (WTD) on the risk and binding mechanisms of potentially toxic metals in sediments remain unclear. Here, sediments from different WTD obtained from a typical coastal wetland were evaluated using a newly developed strategy based on chemical extraction methods coupled with high-resolution spectroscopy. Our findings indicated that the WTD of the coastal wetland fluctuates frequently and the average enrichment factor for Pb was categorized as minor, whereas Cd enrichment was categorized as moderate. High-resolution spectroscopy techniques also demonstrated that organic functional groups and partly inorganic compounds (e.g., Fe-O/Si-O) played a vital role in the binding of Pb and Cd to surface sediments. Additionally, mineral components rather than organic groups were mainly bound to these metals in the bottom sediments. Collectively, our findings provide key insights into the potential health effects and binding characteristics of potentially toxic metals in sediments, as well as their dynamic behavior under varying sediment depths at a microscale.  相似文献   

为了解"引江济太"过程中塑化剂类污染物对贡湖的输入特征,于2013年8月对14个采样点的7种邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物(PAEs)的浓度进行采样分析,并通过美国环保署(USEPA)推荐的方法,对其环境风险进行评价.结果表明:各采样点邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)和邻苯二甲酸二环己酯(DCHP)均有检出,除采样点10、11和12外,邻苯二甲酸二乙酯(DEP)也有检出,其余4种均未检出,长江引水经望虞河进入贡湖后,DEP、DBP和DCHP浓度均有不同程度的降低,且其最高浓度均出现在望虞河长江引水处(采样点1),说明在引水过程中长江水对望虞河有明显的PAEs输入,而贡湖锡东水厂DEP浓度高于贡湖其他采样点,南泉水厂DBP和DCHP浓度高于贡湖其他采样点,金墅湾水厂PAEs浓度总体处于较低水平.环境健康风险评价结果显示:DEP的最大非致癌风险值为3.91×10-8a~(-1),未超过国际组织规定范围,而DBP的最大非致癌风险值为1.17×10-5a~(-1),超过英国皇家协会RS规定的1×10-6a~(-1),但均对人体无明显非致癌危害.  相似文献   

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