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The FloodProBE project started as a FP7 research project in November 2009.Floods, together with wind related storms, are considered the major natural hazard in the EU in terms of risk to people and assets. In order to adapt urban areas (in river and coastal zones) to prevent flooding or to be better prepared for floods, decision makers need to determine how to upgrade flood defences and increasing flood resilience of protected buildings and critical infrastructure (power supplies, communications, water, transport, etc.) and assess the expected risk reduction from these measures.The aim of the FloodProBE-project is to improve knowledge on flood resilience and flood protection performance for balancing investments in flood risk management in urban areas. To this end, technologies, methods and tools for assessment purposes and for the adaptation of new and existing buildings and critical infrastructure are developed, tested and disseminated.Three priority areas are addressed by FloodProBE. These are: (i) vulnerability of critical infrastructure and high-density value assets including direct and indirect damage, (ii) the assessment and reliability of urban flood defences including the use of geophysical methods and remote sensing techniques and (iii) concepts and technologies for upgrading weak links in flood defences as well as construction technologies for flood proofing buildings and infrastructure networks to increase the flood resilience of the urban system.The primary impact of FloodProBE in advancing knowledge in these areas is an increase in the cost-effectiveness (i.e. performance) of new and existing flood protection structures and flood resilience measures.  相似文献   

非点源污染河流水环境容量的不确定性分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
基于河流一维水环境容量计算模型和实测水文水质参数的统计分析,应用MonteCarlo模拟方法,分析模型各输入参数的灵敏度以及水环境容量值的概率分布,建立了非点源污染河流水环境容量的分期不确定性分析方法.本方法表达了由于获取的河流系统信息不确定性和非点源污染发生的随机性引起的水环境容量计算结果不确定性,给出了不同水文期在不同可信度下的河流水环境容量,为实现非点源污染的总量控制提供了可靠的基础.应用本方法,对长乐江的总氮水环境容量进行了不确定性分析.结果表明,根据水质控制目标,枯水期、平水期、丰水期中90%可信度的总氮水环境容量分别为487.9、949.8、1392.8kg·d-1,其中稀释容量是各水文期水环境容量的主要组成部分.据此,各水文期流域内的总氮现状入河量需削减1258.3~3591.2kg·d-1,丰水期是削减量最大的时期.不确定性分析方法计算得到的水环境容量是基于非点源污染河流水文水质状况的实际变化,这相对于按某一设计流量来确定水环境容量的常规方法更为科学、合理,拓展了水环境容量的研究思路和方法.  相似文献   

船舶排放是我国沿海地区重要的人为排放源,但现有的船舶排放评估研究大多只关注区域尺度的影响分析,而且忽视了排放清单的不确定性,这在一定程度上削弱了评估结果的可靠性.为此,本文利用WRF-SMOKE-CAMQ空气质量模型,定量评估了船舶排放及其不确定性对我国七大沿海港口城市夏季空气质量的影响,结果表明:船舶排放对我国主要沿海港口城市的SO2、NOx和PM2.5浓度贡献范围分别为16.5%~62.5%、21.9%~72.9%和5.9%~26.0%,尤其对宁波、青岛和深圳等港口城市空气质量的影响显著,主要是由于港口较高的船舶排放以及气象传输两方面原因造成的;如果考虑船舶排放清单的总量不确定性,船舶排放对沿海港口城市夏季SO2、NOx和PM2.5的影响分别呈现1.0~3.1,2.1~5.5,0.3~0.9μg/m3的波动;考虑船舶排放清单的时空分配不确定性,船舶排放对沿海港口城市夏季SO2、NOx和PM2.5的影响分别呈现1.9~15.7,5.1~29.3,0.6~2.5μg/m3的波动.可见,船舶排放清单的不确定性对沿海城市船舶排放贡献影响量化有明显的影响.所以在评估船舶排放对港口城市空气质量的影响时,要考虑船舶排放清单的不确定性,尤其是时空分配的不确定性.而合理的时空分配能够提高船舶排放清单的质量和对沿海空气质量模拟的准确性.  相似文献   

以福州大学为例,选取3种绿色基础措施(绿色屋顶、植被浅沟、渗透铺装)与2种灰色基础设施(增大管径、蓄水池)组合,设计了9种雨水系统改造措施方案,并根据3场不同历时极端天气降雨的实测数据,运用暴雨洪水管理模型(SWMM)模拟分析不同雨水系统改造措施方案对径流深、节点和管道的雨洪控制效果.情景模拟结果表明:3场强降雨下,绿色基础措施组合(SS7)在所有用地布局情景中对径流深的控制效果均为最优,其中中长历时强降雨下的削减比最高,达到了78%;在节点控制方面,由于3种绿色基础措施与增大管径组合措施(SS8)具备下渗、滞留和快排等特性,在3场降雨中,对节点的洪流流量和洪流时间的控制效果均为最优,接近100%;在管道控制方面,3种含绿色基础措施的组合方案(SS7,8,9)对管道满流时间与峰值流量发生时间的控制较好.通过对比这3种组合措施方案发现,在短历时强降雨中,3种绿色基础措施与蓄水池组合措施方案下(SS9)管道满流时间最短,峰值流量发生时间最迟;中长历时强降雨中3者差别不大;长历时强降雨中3种绿色基础措施组合下(SS7)管道满流时间最短,峰值流量发生时间最迟.  相似文献   

Flood damages have exhibited a rapid upward trend, both globally and in Europe, faster than population and economic growth. Hence, vigorous attempts of attribution of changes have been made. Flood risk and vulnerability tend to change over many areas, due to a range of climatic and nonclimatic impacts whose relative importance is site-specific. Flooding is a complex phenomenon and there are several generating mechanisms, among others intense and/or long-lasting precipitation, snowmelt, ice jam. Projected climate-driven changes in future flood frequency are complex, depending on the generating mechanism, e.g., increasing flood magnitudes where floods result of heavy rainfall and possibly decreasing magnitudes where floods are generated by spring snowmelt. Climate change is likely to cause an increase of the risk of riverine flooding across much of Europe. Projections of flood hazard in Europe based on climatic and hydrological models, reviewed in this paper, illustrate possible changes of recurrence of a 100-year flood (with probability of exceedance being 1-in-100 years) in Europe. What used to be a 100-year flood in the control period is projected to become either more frequent or less frequent in the future time horizon of concern. For a large part of the continent, large flooding is projected to become more commonplace in future, warmer climate. Due to the large uncertainty of climate projections, it is currently not possible to devise a scientifically-sound procedure for redefining design floods (e.g. 100-year flood) in order to adjust flood defenses. For the time being, we recommend to adjust design floods using a “climate change factor” approach.  相似文献   

依据JJF1059.1-2012,确立测量结果和不确定度评价的数学模型,从采集气样体积和采气后滤膜消解液待测物浓度和定容体积三个部分,A类不确定度和B类不确定度二个方面评定测量过程的不确定度,量化各不确定度分量。本次测量相对合成标准不确定度为0.024,较大的不确定度是样品浓度测量过程中的A类不确定度,主要由标准曲线测量和样品测量随机偏差引入,分量值分别为0.013和0.011。本次测量结果为0.169±0.008mg/m3(包含区间在0.161~0.177mg/m3),k=2。即在包含概率约为95%的条件下,可以判定该工作场所空气中硒化氢的含量已经超过了PC-TWA标准限值。  相似文献   

洋河-戴河河口海域COD时空分布特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
首先应用MIKE 21软件建立了洋河-戴河河口海岸水域水动力与污染物输运数学模型,然后采用实测潮流和化学需氧量(COD)浓度对数学模型进行了验证,最后模拟分析了河口海岸水域COD的输运过程.结果表明,洋河-戴河近岸海域潮波为驻波;潮流为顺岸往复流,涨潮流方向为NE向SW,落潮流方向为SW向NE.涨、落急时刻,河口至外海水域潮流流速递增.COD输运方向与涨落潮潮流方向一致.涨憩时刻,COD高浓度区向河道推进,其面积最小;落憩时刻,COD高浓度区向外海推进,其面积最大;葡萄岛周围潮流流速低,在潮周期内小于0.14m/s,对COD的稀释作用较弱.  相似文献   

Adaptation to climate change in Europe has only recently become a true policy concern with the management of extreme events one priority item. Irrespective of future climatic changes increasing the need for systematic evaluation and management of extremes, weather-related disasters already today pose substantial burdens for households, businesses and governments. Research in the ADAM project identified substantial direct risks in terms of potential crop and asset losses due to combined drought and heatwave, as well as flood hazards in Southern and Eastern Europe, respectively. This paper focuses on the indirect, medium to longer term economic risks triggered by the direct risks and mediated by policy responses. We present a selection of three economic impact and adaptation assessments and modelling studies undertaken on extreme event adaptation in Europe. Responding to a need for more economically based adaptation assessments, we address some relatively unresearched issues such as the understanding of past adaptation, the role of market response to impacts as well as government’s ability to plan for and share out extreme event risks. The first analysis undertakes an empirical exploration of observed impacts and adaptation in the agricultural sector in the UK comparing the impact of consecutive extreme events over time in order to determine whether adaptation has occurred in the past and whether this can be used to inform future estimates of adaptation rates. We find that farmers and the agricultural sector clearly have adapted to extreme events over time, but whether this rate can be maintained into the future is unclear, as some autonomous adaptation enacted seemed rather easy to be taken. Markets may mediate or amplify impacts and in the second analysis, we use an economic general equilibrium model to assess the economic effects of a reduction in agricultural production due to drought and heatwave risk in exposed regions in Spain. The analysis suggests that modelled losses to the local economy are more serious in a large-scale scenario when neighbouring provinces are also affected by drought and heatwave events. This is due to the supply-side induced price increase leading to some passing on of disaster costs to consumers. The simulation highlights the importance of paying particular attention to the spatial and distributional effects weather extremes and possibly changes therein induced by climate change may incur. Finally, we discuss how national governments may better plan their disaster liabilities resulting from a need to manage relief and reconstruction activities post event. We do so using a risk based economic planning model assessing the fiscal consequences associated with the coping with natural extremes. We identify large weather-related disaster contingent liabilities, particularly in the key flood hot spot countries Austria, Romania, and Hungary. Such substantial disaster liabilities (“hidden disaster deficits”) when interacting with weak fiscal conditions may lead to substantial additional stress on government budgets and reduced fiscal space for funding other relevant public investment projects. Overall, our paper suggests the importance of respecting the specific spatial and temporal characteristics of extreme event risk when generating information on adaptation decisions. As our adaptation decisions considered, such as using sovereign risk financing instruments are associated with a rather short time horizon, the analysis largely focuses on the management of today’s extreme events and does not discuss in detail projections of risks into a future with climate change. Such projections raise important issues of uncertainty, which in some instances may actually render future projections non-robust, a constraint to be kept in mind when addressing longer term decisions, which at the same time should account for both climate and also socioeconomic change.  相似文献   

基于验证良好的秦皇岛河流-海岸一二维耦合数学模型,探讨了洋河水库泄洪对近岸海域水质的影响。由于水库COD浓度略高于近岸海域COD标准浓度,但远低于河道水体COD浓度,水库开闸放水初期,河口海域COD日平均浓度和超标面积较泄洪前有所增大,此后随着水库的不断泄洪,海域COD日平均浓度和超标面积逐渐减小,最终趋于稳定,海域水质较泄洪前得到明显改善。在相同水库放水COD浓度下,泄量越大,携带水库下游河道的污染物入海越多,海域COD日平均浓度超标面积越大,且泄量与超标面积间服从线性函数关系。在污染物入海通量相同的情况下,减小污染物入海浓度在一定程度上可以改善近岸海域水质状况。  相似文献   

降低碳排放评估的不确定性对于减排政策选择和成本效益分析十分重要,基于北京市227个天然气锅炉样本检测数据,分析影响CO2排放因子的关键参数特征,评估北京市天然气锅炉本地化CO2排放因子,采用蒙特卡洛模型对排放因子的不确定性进行分析,并将其与IPCC、国家清单、城市清单等同类排放因子进行了比较.结果表明:北京市天然气锅炉CO2排放因子为2.052 kg/m3,90%概率分布范围为1.982~2.086 kg/m3;基于热值的CO2排放因子推荐值为55.829 kg/GJ,90%概率分布范围为55.788~55.908 kg/GJ,排放因子的不确定范围为-3.59%~1.57%.北京市天然气锅炉CO2排放因子稍低于IPCC2006国家温室气体清单指南推荐缺省值(0.5%).天然气低位热值对排放因子的影响最大,其方差贡献率达94%,而单位热值含碳量和氧化率二者的方差贡献率仅占6%.通过北京市本地实测数据和蒙特卡洛模型模拟,给出了天然气锅炉排放因子及概率分布的范围,提高了评估精度,有助于改进北京市温室气体排放清单活动水平的数据收集工作,指导并降低天然气工业锅炉CO2排放因子不确定性.   相似文献   

Adaptation planning for flood risk forms a significant part of global climate change response. Engineering responses to higher water levels can be prohibitively costly. Several recent studies emphasize the potential role of ecosystems in flood protection as adaptive risk reduction measures while also contributing to carbon fixation. Here, we use a conceptual model study to illustrate the built-in adaptive capability of ecosystems to reduce a wide range of wave heights, occurring at different water levels, to a narrower range. Our model shows that wave height of waves running through a forested section is independent of initial height or of water level. Although the underlying phenomenon of non-linear wave attenuation within coastal vegetation is well studied, implications of reducing variability in wave heights for design of ecosystem and levee combinations have not yet been properly outlined. Narrowing the range of wave heights by a vegetation field generates an adaptive levee that is robust to a whole range of external conditions rather than only to a maximum wave height. This feature can substantially reduce costs for retrofitting of levees under changing future wave climates. Thereby, in wave prone areas, inclusion of ecosystems into flood defense schemes constitutes an adaptive and safe alternative to only hard engineered flood risk measures.  相似文献   

Climate change impacts on the hydrological cycle, e.g. leading to changes of precipitation patterns, have been observed over several decades. Higher water temperatures and changes in extremes hydrometeorological events (including floods and droughts) are likely to exacerbate different types of pressures on water resources with possible negative impacts on ecosystems and human health. In addition, sea-level rise is expected to extend areas of salinisation of groundwater and estuaries, resulting in a decrease of freshwater availability for humans and ecosystems in coastal areas. Furthermore, climate-related changes in water quantity and quality are expected to affect food availability, water access and utilisation, especially in arid and semi-arid areas, as well as the operation of water infrastructure (e.g. hydropower, flood defences, and irrigation systems). This paper serves as an introduction to the special issue of Environment Science & Policy dealing with climate change impacts on water-related disasters. It provides a brief background about relevant EU water policies and examples of EU-funded research trends which illustrate on-going efforts to improve understanding and modelling of climate changes related to the hydrological cycles at scales that are relevant to decision making (possibly linked to policy).  相似文献   

为了分析模型参数的随机变化和边界条件的随机变化对地下水溶质运移模型输出结果的不确定性影响,采用蒙特卡洛模拟对一假想算例展开研究,并结合风险评估阐述不确定性分析结果.首先,建立研究区地下水溶质运移数值模拟模型,并综合利用局部灵敏度分析和全局灵敏度分析方法筛选出对模型输出结果影响较大的参数,连同模型的边界条件(第一类边界条件-水头值)一起作为随机变量.然后,利用优化超参数的高斯过程回归(GPR)方法建立模拟模型的替代模型,代替模拟模型完成蒙特卡洛随机模拟.最后,对随机模拟的结果进行统计分析和区间估计,并利用污染物浓度的概率分布函数对1、2、3号观测井进行地下水污染风险评价.结果表明:置信水平>80%时,1,2,3号观测井污染物浓度值的置信区间分别为34.77~35.03,57.74~58.04,100.07~100.69mg/L.此外,1,2,3号观测井为轻度污染的风险分别为6%,100%,100%;为中度污染的风险分别为0%,0%,99.6%;为重度污染的风险分别为0%,0%,0.5%,藉此为地下水污染修复防治和地下水的合理利用提供可靠参考依据.  相似文献   

Flood disasters have had a devastating effect worldwide over the past century, both in terms of human suffering and material losses. The study of these events and development of more effective adaptation and mitigation policies has become a priority, both in Europe and other parts of the globe. This paper detects and presents the spatial distribution of river flood risks in Europe. The methodology we developed involves an assessment of three key risk components: exposure, vulnerability and hazard. A topography-based flood hazard map of Europe, identifying low-lying areas adjacent to rivers, is presented and used to identify risk, together with land-use data and damage-stage relationship for different land uses. The study covers river flood risk for the entire European continent. This methodology can be used to determine the level of future risk, using the estimations on Hazard, Exposure and Vulnerability from specific climate and economic development models. Annual average flood damage is estimated for European regions, in absolute monetary terms and in % of regional Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The results highlight regions where the threat to the economy from river flood hazard is of major concern.  相似文献   

水稻土重金属空间分布的随机模拟和不确定评价   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
史舟  李艳  程街亮 《环境科学》2007,28(1):209-214
以杭嘉湖平原为样区,利用普通克立格法和序贯高斯模拟方法对土壤Cu的空间分布进行估值和模拟,并利用序贯指示模拟进行不确定性评价.结果表明,样区北部区域土壤Cu含量较高.由普通克里格法得到的土壤Cu的空间分布整体比较连续,具有明显的平滑效应,估值结果数据的分布频率趋于平缓.序贯高斯模拟结果整体分布相对离散,突出了原始数据分布的波动性,其模拟结果数据的分布频率相对集中.以35 mg·kg-1作为土壤Cu含量的阈值进行的序贯指示模拟结果显示,在土壤Cu含量较高的北部地区超过阈值的概率超过80%,而南部很多相对含量低的地区该概率值都低于10%.以超阈值概率为0.85和0.75来选取Cu的高污染风险区进行空间不确定评价结果表明,联合概率比单点统计的概率更为严格,在划分较大范围污染区域时,最好同时采用联合概率来进行信度评价.  相似文献   

Scientific assessments of environmental problems, and policy responses to those problems, involve uncertainties of many sorts. Meanwhile, potential impacts of wrong decisions can be far-reaching. This article explores views on uncertainty and uncertainty communication in the Dutch science-policy interface and studies several issues concerning presentation of uncertainty information. Respondents considered uncertainty communication to be important, but it should be concise and policy relevant. Several factors influence policy relevance, including the place of an issue in the policy cycle, and its novelty, topicality and controversiality. Respondents held particular interest in explicit communication on the implications of uncertainty. Related to this, they appreciated information on different sources and types of uncertainty and qualitative aspects of uncertainty (e.g. pedigree charts). The article also studies probability terms, particularly for IPCC's 33–66% probability interval (‘about as likely as not’). Several terms worked reasonably well, with a median interpretation of 40–60%. Finally, as various target groups have different information needs and different amounts of attention for various parts of a report or communication process, it is important to progressively disclose uncertainty information throughout the communication. Improved communication of uncertainty information leads to a deeper understanding and increased awareness of the phenomenon of uncertainty and its policy implications.  相似文献   

Climate change requires reconsideration of flood risk management strategies. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA), an economic decision-support tool, has been widely applied to assess these strategies. This paper aims to describe and discuss probabilistic extensions of CBA to identify welfare-maximising flood risk management strategies under climate change. First, uncertainty about the changes in return periods of hydro-meteorological extremes is introduced by probability-weighted climate scenarios. Second, the analysis is extended by learning about climate change impacts. Learning occurs upon the probabilistic arrival of information. We distinguish between learning from scientific progress, from statistical evidence and from flood disasters. These probabilistic extensions can be used to analyse and compare the economic efficiency and flexibility of flood risk management strategies under climate change. We offer a critical discussion of the scope of such extensions and options for increasing flexibility. We find that uncertainty reduction from scientific progress may reduce initial investments, while other types of learning may increase initial investments. This requires analysing effects of different types of learning. We also find that probabilistic information about climate change impacts and learning is imprecise. We conclude that risk-based CBA with learning improves the flexibility of flood risk management strategies under climate change. However, CBA provides subjective estimates of expected outcomes and reflects different decision-maker preferences than those captured in robustness analyses. We therefore advocate robustness analysis in addition to, or combined with, cost-benefit analysis to support local investment decisions on flood risk reduction and global strategies on allocation of adaptation funds for flood risk management.  相似文献   

The Caribbean is highly vulnerable to coastal hazards. Based on their short recurrence intervals over the intra-American seas, high-category tropical cyclones and their associated effects of elevated storm surge, heavy wave impacts, mudslides and floods represent the most serious threat. Given the abundance of historical accounts and trigger mechanisms (strike-slip motion and oblique collision at the northern and southern Caribbean plate boundaries, submarine and coastal landslides, volcanism), tsunamis must be considered as well. This paper presents interdisciplinary multi-proxy investigations of sediment cores (grain size distribution, carbonate content, loss-on-ignition, magnetic susceptibility, microfauna, macrofauna) from Washington-Slagbaai National Park, NW Bonaire (Leeward Antilles). No historical tsunami is recorded for this island. However, an allochthonous marine layer found in all cores at Boka Bartol reveals several sedimentary criteria typically linked with tsunami deposits. Calibrated 14C data from these cores point to a palaeotsunami with a maximum age of 3,300 years. Alternative explanations for the creation of this layer, such as inland flooding during tropical cyclones, cannot entirely be ruled out, though in recent times even the strongest of these events on Bonaire did not deposit significant amounts of sediment onshore. The setting of Boka Bartol changed from an open mangrove-fringed embayment into a poly- to hyperhaline lagoon due to the establishment or closure of a barrier of coral rubble during or subsequent to the inferred event. The timing of the event is supported by further sedimentary evidence from other lagoonal and alluvial archives on Bonaire.  相似文献   

沿海省区洪灾脆弱性空间变化的初步探究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前,脆弱性评估主要有建立指标体系、依据历史灾情和建立灾损曲线三种方法。选取国内评价洪灾脆弱性的典型指标构建指标体系,并采用主成分分析方法从原始数据中提取占总方差85.614%的3个主成分来分析影响洪灾脆弱性的主要因素,并通过聚类分析的方法来反映沿海省区洪灾脆弱性的空间变化。结果表明:人均产值、城镇建成区面积、居民消费水平、人口密度和地均产值等是影响沿海省区洪灾脆弱性的主要因素。最终沿海11个省区根据脆弱性差异聚成4类。  相似文献   

以山东省2014年PM2.5浓度监测数据为对象,利用时空指示克里格理论和方法,实现对PM2.5时空分布的不确定性分析.结果表明,山东省境内PM2.5的空间自相关范围大于100km,时间自相关范围为3d左右.此外,山东省境内各空间位置全年空气质量以大于0.8的概率达到空气质量"优"级别的时空占比为7%,以大于0.8的概率达到轻度污染级别的时空占比为34%,以大于0.8的概率超过严重污染级别的时空占比为1%;东部沿海地域空气质量达到轻度污染的概率明显高于中西部,夏季空气质量也明显优于其它季节.  相似文献   

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