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我国柴油车的快速增长给我国柴油车污染治理带来了极大的压力,柴油车黑碳排放的研究有益于对空气质量、人体健康和气候变化采取积极的措施。研究表明,从2010年到2013年,我国柴油车增长了23%,柴油类汽车保有量约增长了约43.3%;而我国柴油车的黑碳排放量出现先增后减的趋势,2013年我国柴油机动车的黑碳排放量约为33.33万吨,比2012年减少了2.8%;河南、河北、山东、广东和内蒙五个省(自治区)柴油机动车的黑碳排放约占全国黑碳排放的37.3%。研究结果初步显示了我国柴油车污染控制的效果。  相似文献   

在天津五经路隧道开展机动车排放的黑碳(Black carbon,BC)浓度特征及其对人群健康影响研究,对机动车排放BC的浓度水平与变化特征进行分析,同时计算获得汽油车和柴油车的BC排放因子,并通过美国环保局(US EPA)的健康风险评价模型对BC的健康风险进行评价.结果表明,隧道入口和出口处BC质量浓度均值分别为(2.21±0.74)和(4.02±1.56)μg·m-3.隧道内BC累计质量浓度在凌晨、早高峰和晚高峰3个时间段上存在极大值点,说明交通道路BC浓度变化与车辆类型和车流量变化密切相关.隧道中机动车BC综合排放因子为(2.62±0.60) mg·km-1·辆-1,基于多元线性回归方法计算获得隧道内汽油车和柴油车的BC排放因子分别为(1.51±0.24)和(56.9±15.2) mg·km-1·辆-1.健康风险评价结果表明,对于儿童和成人,隧道进口与出口处BC的非致癌风险指数均小于1,非致癌风险在安全范围之内.但BC对成人和儿童的致癌风险均超过EPA推荐的可接受风险阈值(...  相似文献   

利用车载排放测试系统(PEMS),对3辆加装有车载诊断系统(OBD)远程监控设备的重型柴油车进行实际道路排放测试,以获取车辆实际道路基于电子控制器单元(ECU)的OBD远程油耗数据,分析碳排放结果的准确性及其影响因素.研究发现,基于碳平衡法获取的ECU油耗换算CO2与车载排放测量系统(PEMS)直接测量的CO2排放结果存在差异,二者偏差平均为2.06%.对影响ECU碳排放计算的关键因素(ECU油耗量和ECU行驶距离)的准确性进行了分析,发现ECU油耗的偏差均在3%以内,而ECU测量距离的平均偏差为2.41%.ECU油耗和行驶距离的准确度会受到车速、加速度和整个行程动态的影响.当车辆低速行驶时,其准确度较低.  相似文献   

Black carbon (BC) has importance regarding aerosol composition, radiative balance, and human exposure. This study adopted a backward-trajectory approach to quantify the origins of BC from anthropogenic emissions (BCAn) and open biomass burning (BCBB) transported to Xishuangbanna in 2017. Haze months, between haze and clean months, and clean months in Xishuangbanna were defined according to daily PM2.5 concentrations of >75, 35–75, and <35 µg/m3, respectively. Results showed that the transport efficiency density (TED) of BC transported to Xishuangbanna was controlled by the prevailing winds in different seasons. The yearly contributions to the effective emission intensity of BCAn and BCBB transported to Xishuangbanna were 52% and 48%, respectively. However, when haze occurred in Xishuangbanna, the average BCAn and BCBB contributions were 23% and 77%, respectively. This suggests that open biomass burning (BB) becomes the dominant source in haze months. Myanmar, India, and Laos were the dominant source regions of BC transported to Xishuangbanna during haze months, accounting for 59%, 18%, and 13% of the total, respectively. Furthermore, India was identified as the most important source regions of BCAn transported to Xishuangbanna in haze months, accounting for 14%. The two countries making the greatest contributions to BCBB transported to Xishuangbanna were Myanmar and Laos in haze months, accounting for 55% and 13%, respectively. BC emissions from Xishuangbanna had minimal effects on the results of the present study. It is suggested that open BB in Myanmar and Laos, and anthropogenic emissions in India were responsible for poor air quality in Xishuangbanna.  相似文献   

Decomposition mass loss and pyrolysis products analyses of particles sampled at various locations along the tailpipe of a Euro-IV diesel engine were performed using a thermogravimetry in conjunction with Fourier transformation infrared spectrometry-mass spectrum. Diesel particles were collected at the same location with and without diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) mounted on the test engine separately. The three poles in thermal gravity-differential thermal gravity images suggested that the decomposition process of diesel particles could be divided into three stages which correspond to the decompositions of lower boiling substances, higher boiling substances and soot respectively. It is noticed that no matter whether DOC was mounted or not, the further the particles were sampled away from the engine block, the lower the peak temperatures and the heavier the mass losses within the first two stages, which indicated that the soluble organic fraction in the particle samples increased and therefore lowering the activation energy of thermal decomposition. Hydroxyl, ammonia, CxHy fragments, benzene, toluene, and phenol were found to be the primary products of particle decomposition, which didn't change with the location of particle sample point. The employment of DOC increased the activation energy for particle oxidation and resulted in a higher peak temperature and lower mass loss within the first-stage. Moreover, the CO stretching bands of aldehyde and ketone at 1771 cm?1 was only detected without a DOC, while the NO2 peak at 1634 cm?1 was solely noticed with the presence of DOC. Compared to the first-stage pyrolysis products, more polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and less CxHy fragments were seen in the second-stage.  相似文献   

北京地区不同尺度气溶胶中黑碳含量的观测研究   总被引:44,自引:4,他引:44  
2003年7月、8月以及11月至2004年1月,在北京大学物理楼顶(北纬39 99°,东经116 31°)使用两台黑碳仪(Aethalometer)和一台TEOM1400a(TaperedElementOscillatingMicrobalance)来观测气溶胶.得到夏季黑碳的平均浓度为8 800μg·m-3,冬季为11 400μg·m-3.在冬季的观测中,在一台黑碳仪的进气口加上不同的切割头,分别得到了全部气溶胶(TSP)、PM10以及PM2 5中的黑碳质量浓度.结果表明,北京冬季的气溶胶中,90%的黑碳存在于PM10中,82 6%的黑碳存在于PM2 5中.比较PM10的浓度和PM10中黑碳的浓度可以看出,PM10中黑碳质量平均占5 11%.  相似文献   

Particles from ambient air and combustion sources including vehicle emission, coal combustion and biomass burning were collected and chemically pretreated with the purpose of obtaining isolated BC (black carbon) samples. TEM (transmission electron microscopy) results indicate that BC from combustion sources shows various patterns, and airborne BC appears spherical and about 50 nm in diameter with a homogeneous surface and turbostratic structure. The BET (Barrett–Emmett–Teller) results suggest that the surface areas of these BC particles fall in the range of 3–23 m2/g, with a total pore volume of 0.03–0.05 cm3/g and a mean pore diameter of 7–53 nm. The nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherms are indicative of the accumulation mode and uniform pore size. O2-TPO (temperature programmed oxidation) profiles suggest that the airborne BC oxidation could be classified as the oxidation of amorphous carbon, which falls in the range of 406–490°C with peaks at 418, 423 and 475°C, respectively. Generally, the BC characteristics and source analysis suggest that airborne BC most likely comes from diesel vehicle emission at this site.  相似文献   

机动车大气污染物及CO2减排对于改善空气质量和缓解气候变化具有重要的作用。综合利用北京市机动车保有量、道路行驶工况、气象、燃料组分及燃料消耗量等数据,应用COPERT模型计算得到北京市机动车主要大气污染物和CO2排放量,并识别其污染排放特征和不同车型、排放标准等级车辆的排放贡献,采用ADMS-Urban模型模拟了机动车污染排放对周边环境的影响。结果表明:2019年北京市机动车4项主要大气污染物CO、NOx、PM2.5和VOCs排放量分别为12.15万、4.06万、0.18万和2.57万t。车辆结构得到优化,国四及以上排放标准车辆占比达86.97%,数量占4%的柴油客货车排放贡献大,分别占机动车NOx和PM2.5排放总量的84%和60%;非末端排放占机动车VOCs排放量的20%,需要引起关注。机动车尾气排放对5个交通监测站点贡献的NO2平均浓度为15.7 μg/m3,其对环境质量影响较大;机动车CO2排放量为1 683万t,其中柴油车排放贡献约21%。对北京市机动车大气污染物和碳排放需要进一步协同控制。  相似文献   

基于国家能源活动统计资料,使用排放因子法建立了长三角地区2000—2019年黑碳排放清单,并利用Monte Carlo方法量化排放因子对黑碳排放核算的影响及不确定性。研究结果表明:(1)近20 a长三角地区总黑碳排放量由10.72×107 kg(2000年)增加至12.54×107 kg(2019年),增长了16.98%;黑碳排放源结构发生显著变化,2000年居民生活是长三角地区最主要的黑碳排放源(占42.2%);自2006年开始工业逐渐成为研究区最主要的黑碳排放源,2019年工业排放占长三角地区黑碳排放总量的63.2%。(2)长三角地区黑碳排放存在明显的空间分异。总体而言,江苏省黑碳排放总量和人均黑碳排放强度居长三角地区首位,安徽省单位GDP黑碳排放最高,上海市单位面积黑碳排放强度最高,而浙江省人均和单位面积黑碳排放强度最低。(3)考虑黑碳排放核算过程中排放因子的取值差异,2019年长三角地区黑碳排放总量为7.13×107—14.49×107 kg(95%置信区间),相对不确定性为?33.50%—35.11%。工业排放因子是长三角黑碳排放核算不确定性的主要贡献者。  相似文献   

This study was derived from field investigations to assess bisphenol A (BPA) concentrations in the sea and river sediments of the Gulf of Gdansk. Black carbon (BC) and total organic carbon (TOC) were identified as influencing factors on the accumulation. As a result of the transportation of BC with organic matter via rivers into the Gulf of Gdansk, the highest mean concentrations (11.26 ng BPA/(g dry weight (dw))), were determined in the sediments of river estuaries. Sediments in coastal stations were characterized by the lowest mean concentrations (5.73 ng BPA/(g dw)). TOC content below 0.1% determined the sorption of BPA on BC particles in sediments, and statistically significant correlation between the concentration of BPA and the BC/TOC ratio was found in these cases. In addition, dependency between the concentration of BPA and the content of BC was discovered in sediments where the BC/TOC ratio was > 0.33.  相似文献   

基于QAR数据的飞机全航段黑碳排放量计算与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑碳气溶胶是航空发动机运行过程中产生的一种主要颗粒污染物.为评估飞机全航段的黑碳排放特性,在一阶近似方法(FOA)的基础上,提出一种基于黑碳形成和氧化过程的形成氧化法(FOX).使用GE90-115B型发动机历史QAR数据进行实例分析,结合QAR数据中燃油流量、空气燃料比、燃烧室入口温度、主燃区火焰温度等热力学参数,计算某次飞行全航段的黑碳排放量.结果表明,形成氧化法的计算结果高于一阶近似方法,巡航阶段的总排放量高于起飞着陆循环.分析表明,结合实际飞行数据的形成氧化法,考虑了发动机的性能差异、燃烧品质及外界环境条件对排放特性的影响,能够更加真实有效地评估飞机全航段的黑碳排放量,为飞机排放监测及排放的适航符合性验证等效替代提供更加准确的依据.  相似文献   

Diesel vehicles are responsible for most of the traffic-related nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, including nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). The use of after-treatment devices increases the risk of high NO2/NOx emissions from diesel engines. In order to investigate the factors influencing NO2/NOx emissions, an emission experiment was carried out on a high pressure common-rail, turbocharged diesel engine with a catalytic diesel particulate filter (CDPF). NO2 was measured by a non-dispersive ultraviolet analyzer with raw exhaust sampling. The experimental results show that the NO2/NOx ratios downstream of the CDPF range around 20%–83%, which are significantly higher than those upstream of the CDPF. The exhaust temperature is a decisive factor influencing the NO2/NOx emissions. The maximum NO2/NOx emission appears at the exhaust temperature of 350°C. The space velocity, engine-out PM/NOx ratio (mass based) and CO conversion ratio are secondary factors. At a constant exhaust temperature, the NO2/NOx emissions decreased with increasing space velocity and engine-out PM/NOx ratio. When the CO conversion ratios range from 80% to 90%, the NO2/NOx emissions remain at a high level.  相似文献   

Land-based emissions of carbon dioxide derive from the interface of forest and agriculture. Emission estimates require harmonization across forest and non-forest data sources. Furthermore, emission reduction requires understanding of the linked causes and policy levers between agriculture and forestry. The institutional forestry traditions dominated the emergence of the discourse on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) while more holistic perspectives on land-based emissions, including agriculture, found a home in international recognition for Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs). We tested the hypothesis that, at least for Indonesia, the NAMA framework provides opportunities to resolve issues that REDD+ alone cannot address. We reviewed progress on five major challenges identified in 2007 by the Indonesian Forest Climate Alliance: 1) scope and ‘forest’ definition; 2) ownership and tenurial rights; 3) multiplicity and interconnectedness of drivers; 4) peatland issues across forest and non-forest land categories; and 5) fairness and efficiency of benefit-distribution mechanisms across conservation, degradation and restoration phases of tree-cover transition. Results indicate that the two policy instruments developed in parallel with competition rather than synergy. Three of the REDD+ challenges can be resolved by treating REDD+ as a subset of the NAMA and national emission reduction plans for Indonesia. We conclude that two issues, rights and benefit distribution, remain a major challenge, and require progress on a motivational pyramid of policy and polycentric governance. National interest in retaining global palm oil exports gained priority over expectations of REDD forest rents. Genuine concerns over climate change motivate a small but influential part of the ongoing debate.  相似文献   

On-board measurements of unit emissions of CO,HC,NOx and CO2 were conducted on 17 private cars powered by different types of fuels including gasoline,dual gasoline–liquefied petroleum gas(LPG),gasoline,and diesel. The tests performed revealed the effect of LPG injection technology on unit emissions and made it possible to compare the measured emissions to the European Artemis emission model. A sequential multipoint injection LPG kit with no catalyst installed was found to be the most efficient pollutant reduction device for all of the pollutants,with the exception of the NOx. Specific test results for a sub-group of LPG vehicles revealed that LPG-fueled engines with no catalyst cannot compete with catalyzed gasoline and diesel engines. Vehicle age does not appear to be a determining parameter with regard to vehicle pollutant emissions. A fuel switch to LPG offers many advantages as far as pollutant emissions are concerned,due to LPG's intrinsic characteristics.However,these advantages are being rapidly offset by the strong development of both gasoline and diesel engine technologies and catalyst converters. The LPG's performance on a chassis dynamometer under real driving conditions was better than expected. The enforcement of pollutant emission standards in developing countries is an important step towards introducing clean technology and reducing vehicle emissions.  相似文献   

Various federal regulations require states to evaluate the effectiveness of their vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs in reducing in-use emissions. One method to evaluate program effectiveness is to compare initial and final program test results of individual vehicles. Unscheduled emissions measurements, from remote sensing measurement or roadside pullover testing, can also be used to provide an independent assessment of program effectiveness. We compared emissions reductions from the Arizona IM240 program measured by program data and a large set of remote sensing measurements. Remote sensing measurements indicate smaller emission reductions from the program than those calculated directly from program test results. We discuss some possible causes of the differences obtained from the two sets of measurements.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the decomposition analysis of energy-related CO2 emissions in Brazil and Russia from 1992 to 2011. The refined Laspeyres index (RLI) method applied and both aggregated and sectoral changes in CO2 emissions decomposed. Brazil’s and Russia’s economies divided into three economic sectors including agriculture, industry and services. Impact of four main factors, such as economic activity, employment, energy intensity, and carbon intensity in CO2 emissions changes were analyzed. The aggregated decomposition analysis revealed that Brazil is still far from a decoupling between economic growth and carbon dioxide emissions where Russia achieved a substantial decline in carbon emissions mainly due to the improved energy intensity. The empirical findings of sectoral decomposition analysis emphasized that the economic activity was the major CO2 increasing factor in Brazil’s economic sectors. On the other hand the economic activity effect followed a reducing impact in Russia’s sectoral emissions until 2000. The structural changes between sectors and their impacts on CO2 emissions were captured by employment effect. Energy intensity and carbon intensity effects underlined that environmental sustainability widely neglected in Brazil and Russia during the study period. The results yield important hints for energy planning and sustainable environment.  相似文献   

Black carbon(BC) plays an important role in air quality and climate change, which is closely associated with its mixing state and chemical compositions. In this work the mixing state of BC-containing single particles was investigated to explore the evolution process of ambient BC particles using a single particle aerosol mass spectrometer(SPAMS) in March 2018 in Zhengzhou, China. The BC-containing particles accounted for 61.4% of total detected ambient single particles and were classified into f...  相似文献   

采用2010~2013年BC连续在线观测资料,分析天津地区BC的季节分布、潜在来源及其健康效应.结果表明,2010~2013年BC气溶胶浓度平均值为(4.49±3.26)μg/m3,秋季浓度最高,为6.31μg/m3,冬季和夏季次之,春季最低,为2.59μg/m3.各季节BC浓度的日变化特征类似,均呈早晚双峰分布,早间峰值高于晚间,且夜间高于日间.混合层高度和近地层风从垂直和水平两方面影响BC的时空分布,各季节作用强度并不相同.浓度权重轨迹分析表明天津高浓度BC的主要贡献区域为河北、山东、河南等华北平原地区.此外,秋季内蒙古中部和山西北部等西北区域也会影响天津.天津城区各季节成人和儿童的致癌风险(CR)均高于EPA给定的可接受风险水平(10-6),非致癌风险水平较低,秋季因高浓度BC引发的呼吸系统死亡率相对风险为1.118,需要引起高度关注.  相似文献   

采用2010~2013年BC连续在线观测资料,分析天津地区BC的季节分布、潜在来源及其健康效应.结果表明,2010~2013年BC气溶胶浓度平均值为(4.49±3.26)μg/m3,秋季浓度最高,为6.31μg/m3,冬季和夏季次之,春季最低,为2.59μg/m3.各季节BC浓度的日变化特征类似,均呈早晚双峰分布,早间峰值高于晚间,且夜间高于日间.混合层高度和近地层风从垂直和水平两方面影响BC的时空分布,各季节作用强度并不相同.浓度权重轨迹分析表明天津高浓度BC的主要贡献区域为河北、山东、河南等华北平原地区.此外,秋季内蒙古中部和山西北部等西北区域也会影响天津.天津城区各季节成人和儿童的致癌风险(CR)均高于EPA给定的可接受风险水平(10-6),非致癌风险水平较低,秋季因高浓度BC引发的呼吸系统死亡率相对风险为1.118,需要引起高度关注.  相似文献   

Diesel soot aggregates emitted from a model dynamometer and 11 on-road vehicles were segregated by a micro-orifice uniform deposit impactor (MOUDI). The elemental contents and morphological parameters of the aggregates were then examined by scanning electron microscopy coupled with an energy dispersive spectrometer (SEM-EDS), and combined with a fractional Brownian motion (fBm) processor. Two mode-size distributions of aggregates collected from diesel vehicles were confirmed. Mean mass concentration of 339 mg/m3 (dC/dlogdp) existed in the dominant mode (180–320 nm). A relatively high proportion of these aggregates appeared in PM1, accentuating the relevance regarding adverse health e ects. Furthermore, the fBm processor directly parameterized the SEM images of fractal like aggregates and successfully quantified surface texture to extract Hurst coe cients (H) of the aggregates. For aggregates from vehicles equipped with a universal cylinder number, the H value was independent of engine operational conditions. A small H value existed in emitted aggregates from vehicles with a large number of cylinders. This study found that aggregate fractal dimension related to H was in the range of 1.641–1.775, which is in agreement with values reported by previous TEM-based experiments. According to EDS analysis, carbon content ranged in a high level of 30%–50% by weight for diesel soot aggregates. The presence of Na and Mg elements in these sampled aggregates indicated the likelihood that some engine enhancers composed of biofuel or surfactants were commonly used in on-road vehicles in Taiwan. In particular, the morphological H combined with carbon content detection can be useful for characterizing chain-like or cluster diesel soot aggregates in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

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