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Study on the response of wheat to lead, cadmium and zinc   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studyontheresponseofwheattolead,cadmiumandzincMengLing,TanDeyong,WangHuanxiao,DuanChangqun,DuanPeishang,GaoShangyiDepar...  相似文献   

The toxic effects of Cr(Ⅵ) on antioxidant enzymes of Oxya chinensis(Orthoptera: Acridoidae) were determined. Changes in the activities of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase(SOD), catalase(CAT), and guaiacol peroxidase(GPx) were measured in O. chinensis insects injected with Cr(Ⅵ). Fifth-nymphs of O. chinensis insects were injected with Cr(Ⅵ) with different concentrations (0, 75, 150, 225, 300, 375, 450 mg/kg of body weight). The results showed that Cr(Ⅵ) led to the change of SOD, CAT, and GPx activities at different concentrations, which revealed that: (1) The oxidative stress of SOD increased with the increase of Cr (Ⅵ)concentration. (2) With the increase of Cr (Ⅵ) concentrations, CAT activities for females increased at lower concentrations, but decreased at higher concentration range, which indicated that antioxidant system of O. chinensis was not influenced by the presence of Cr (Ⅵ). A very similar response to Cr(Ⅵ) effect for males indicated that Cr(Ⅵ) concentrations were not high enough to damage O. chinensis in terms of CAT. (3) The GPx activity for females increased in all treatments, which revealed that the damage power of Cr(Ⅵ)was increased with the increase of Cr(Ⅵ) concentrations in terms of GPx, but the effect was not so remarkable. There was not a consistent trend of GPx activities for males in all treatments of Cr(Ⅵ). Cr(Ⅵ)-induced changes in antioxidant enzymes were different for SOD, CAT and GPx, of which the tendency was that activities generally changed with increase of concentrations of Cr(Ⅵ) suggesting SOD, CAT, and GPx could serve as indices of oxidative stress to some extent.  相似文献   

Managing fishing threats to populations of endemic, threatened Hector’s and Māui dolphins around New Zealand is a complex and controversial issue, underpinned by uncertain scientific knowledge. As such, it can be argued that it falls into the realm of post-normal science, which advocates transparency about uncertainties and stakeholder peer review of knowledge feeding into decision-making. This paper focuses on selected examples of modelling and risk assessment research relating to Hector’s and Māui dolphin threat management. It explores how knowledge is developed, shared and utilised by decision-makers, finding that uncertain scientific knowledge may be shared in ways that make it appear more certain, with some of the subjectivities involved in knowledge production hidden from view. Interviews with stakeholders illustrate how some stakeholders are aware of the subjectivities involved when uncertain knowledge underpins decision-making, so a lack of transparency may be leading to erosion of social trust in decisions made. This in turn can lead to a lack of support for dolphin conservation measures from key stakeholders such as the commercial fishing industry. The paper concludes that while moves towards increasing transparency and stakeholder involvement are apparent, a deeper embrace of post-normal science approaches to knowledge production and dissemination would contribute to effective dolphin threat management in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Groundwater, a critical resource in many parts of the world, is often characterized as a common pool resource (Brozovic et al., 2006). Multiple individuals utilize groundwater from a basin, and each person has the capacity to reduce the quantity or quality available to others. We turn to a case study of the Pajaro Groundwater Basin in Central California to re-envision the characterization of “commons.” While providing a useful frame from which to analyze groundwater depletion in the Pajaro, we find Common Pool Resource (CPR) theory to be imprecise in its approach to a geographic scale. The notion of the “commons” is central to CPR studies, but there is wide divergence in what the “commons” constitutes, both spatially and socially (Laerhoven and Ostrom, 2007). Rather than propose a normative definition for the “commons,” we suggest that the “commons” as a geographic category is socially constructed and dynamically active over time, akin to the analytic of scale as developed within the fields of political ecology and geography. This move from situating the “commons” as a fixed and discrete geographic area to that which is constantly changing and relational helps us to better understand the ways in which water users collaborate and communicate around shared groundwater sources.  相似文献   

The toxic effects of Cr(Vl) on antioxidant enzymes of Oxya chinensis(Orthoptera: Acridoidae) were determined. Changes in the activities of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase(SOD), catalase(CAT), and guaiacol peroxidase(GPx) were measured in O. chinensis insects injected with Cr(VI). Fifth-nymphs of O. chinensis insects were injected with Cr(VI) with different concentrations (0, 75, 150, 225, 300, 375, 450 mg/kg of body weight). The results showed that Cr(VI) led to the change of SOD, CAT, and GPx activities at different concentrations, which revealed that: (1) The oxidative stress of SOD increased with the increase of Cr (VI) concentration. (2) With the increase of Cr (VI) concentrations, CAT activities for females increased at lower concentrations, but decreased at higher concentration range, which indicated that antioxidant system of O. chinensis was not influenced by the presence of Cr (VI). A very similar response to Cr(VI) effect for males indicated that Cr(VI) concentrations were not high enough to damage O. chinensis in terms of CAT. (3) The GPx activity for females increased in all treatments, which revealed that the damage power of Cr(VI) was increased with the increase of Cr(Vi) concentrations in terms of GPx, but the effect was not so remarkable. There was not a consistent trend of GPx activities for males in all treatments of Cr(VI). Cr(VI)-induced changes in antioxidant enzymes were different for SOD, CAT and GPx, of which the tendency was that activities generally changed with increase of concentrations of Cr(VI) suggesting SOD, CAT, and GPx could serve as indices of oxidative stress to some extent.  相似文献   

The use of science to inform and underpin decision-making on natural resources is not self-evident as stakeholders often use science in a selective and strategic way. Scientific analyses of science utilisation often focus on how the science–policy interface is organised and from this perspective provide recommendations to scientists about how they can increase their contribution to decision-making. Yet in this paper we argue that a wider perspective on the science–policy interface, in particular by analysing the roles and interactions of actors other than those directly involved, provides both additional explanations and new points of application for strategies aimed at enhancing science utilisation. We illustrate our claim by means of an analysis of decision-making on cockle fisheries and gas mining in the Dutch Wadden Sea between the 1990s and 2004. For many years, scientific studies addressing the ecological effects of these activities were not used to meaningfully contribute to decision-making. In 2004 this situation changed radically. Explanations include the role of intermediaries between scientists, stakeholders and decision-makers and new legislation. Scientists could enhance the chances of knowledge utilisation both by creating a more open science–policy interface and by reframing the policy problems at issue.  相似文献   

IntroductionHerbicidesarenowusedextensivelyincropproduction.Theincreasinguseofherbicideswithnitrogenfertilizershascreatedseri?..  相似文献   

The nitrogen balance can serve as an indicator of the risk to the environment of nitrogen loss from agricultural land. To investigate the temporal and spatial changes in agricultural nitrogen application and its potential threat to the environment of the Haihe Basin in China, we used a database of county-level agricultural statistics to calculate agricultural nitrogen input, output,surplus intensity, and use efficiency. Chemical fertilizer nitrogen input increased by 51.7% from1990 to 2000 and by 37.2% from 2000 to 2010, concomitant with increasing crop yields.Simultaneously, the nitrogen surplus intensity increased by 53.5% from 1990 to 2000 and by16.5% from 2000 to 2010, presenting a continuously increased environmental risk. Nitrogen use efficiency decreased from 0.46 in 1990 to 0.42 in 2000 and remained constant at 0.42 in 2010,partly due to fertilizer composition and type improvement. This level indicates that more than half of nitrogen inputs are lost in agroecosystems. Our results suggest that although the improvement in fertilizer composition and types has partially offset the decrease in nitrogen use efficiency, the environmental risk has still increased gradually over the past 20 years, along with the increase in crop yields and nitrogen application. It is important to achieve a better nitrogen balance through more effective management to significantly reduce the environmental risk,decrease nitrogen surplus intensity, and increase nitrogen use efficiency without sacrificing crop yields.  相似文献   

A critical review of the development of the ecosystem concept is presented in this paper. An attempt to define the concept is discussed in details with reference to autonomy.  相似文献   

Ambient ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation impacts plant-dwelling arthropods including herbivorous and predatory mites. However, the effects of UVB on prey?Cpredator systems, such as that between the herbivorous spider mite and predatory phytoseiid mite, are poorly understood. A comparative study was conducted to determine the vulnerability and behavioral responses of these mites to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. First, we analyzed dose?Cresponse (cumulative irradiance-mortality) curves for the eggs of phytoseiid mites (Neoseiulus californicus, Neoseiulus womersleyi, and Phytoseiulus persimilis) and the spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) to UVB radiation from a UV lamp. This indicated that the phytoseiid mites were more vulnerable than the spider mite, although P. persimilis was slightly more tolerant than the other two phytoseiid mites. Second, we compared the avoidance behavior of adult female N. californicus and two spider mite species (T. urticae, a lower leaf surface user; Panonychus citri, an upper leaf surface user) in response to solar UV and visible light. N. californicus actively avoided both types of radiation, whereas P. citri showed only minimal avoidance behavior. T. urticae actively avoided UV as well as N. californicus but exhibited a slow response to visible light as well as P. citri. Such variation in vulnerability and avoidance behavior accounts for differences in the species adaptations to solar UVB radiation. This may be the primary factor determining habitat use among these mites on host plant leaves, subsequently affecting accessibility by predators and also intraguild competition.  相似文献   

The nitrogen balance can serve as an indicator of the risk to the environment of nitrogen loss from agricultural land. To investigate the temporal and spatial changes in agricultural nitrogen application and its potential threat to the environment of the Haihe Basin in China, we used a database of county-level agricultural statistics to calculate agricultural nitrogen input, output, surplus intensity, and use efficiency. Chemical fertilizer nitrogen input increased by 51.7% from 1990 to 2000 and by 37.2% from 2000 to 2010, concomitant with increasing crop yields. Simultaneously, the nitrogen surplus intensity increased by 53.5% from 1990 to 2000 and by 16.5% from 2000 to 2010, presenting a continuously increased environmental risk. Nitrogen use efficiency decreased from 0.46 in 1990 to 0.42 in 2000 and remained constant at 0.42 in 2010, partly due to fertilizer composition and type improvement. This level indicates that more than half of nitrogen inputs are lost in agroecosystems. Our results suggest that although the improvement in fertilizer composition and types has partially offset the decrease in nitrogen use efficiency, the environmental risk has still increased gradually over the past 20 years, along with the increase in crop yields and nitrogen application. It is important to achieve a better nitrogen balance through more effective management to significantly reduce the environmental risk, decrease nitrogen surplus intensity, and increase nitrogen use efficiency without sacrificing crop yields.  相似文献   

MekongRiverisoriginatedinthenorthernrangeofTibetQinghaiPlateauofChina,flowingthroughsixcountries,theyareChina(YunnanProvince),M?..  相似文献   

The stridulation of the giant pill-millipede genus Sphaerotherium from South Africa, one of only three groups of millipedes that produce sounds, was studied. One hundred one stridulation series of a total of nine different species (Sphaerotherium dorsaloide, Sphaerotherium hanstroemi, Sphaerotherium mahaium, Sphaerotherium similare, Sphaerotherium punctulatum, Sphaerotherium convexitarsum, Sphaerotherium dorsale, Sphaerotherium rotundatum, and Sphaerotherium perbrincki) were analyzed. Stridulation sounds are produced only with a special field of ribs on the posterior surface of the posterior telopod, which is actively moved over a field of sclerotized nubs on the inner margin of the anal shield. The Sphaerotherium male usually stridulates only when in contact with a female to initiate mating. This seems to prevent the female from volvating into a ball or stimulate the female to uncoil when already rolled in. The sound analyzes revealed a broad frequency spectrum in all stridulation sounds produced, without obvious differences in frequency distribution among species. However, the temporal pattern of the stridulation varies greatly between species and seems to be species-specific, arguing for a species recognition function of the stridulation during courtship behavior. A single species (S. punctulatum) was found to stridulate during mating while three species also show postcopulatory stridulation. Apparently, pill-millipedes are not capable of acoustic perception, as no hearing organs are known, indicating that the communication is mainly based on perception of temporal vibration patterns, and not of the acoustic signal itself. The need to overcome the rolling-in reflex of the female is developed as a hypothesis why stridulation exists only in millipedes able to coil into a ball, and apparently evolved four times independently in the superorder Oniscomorpha.  相似文献   

We respond to the article by Panagos et al. in Environmental Science & Policy 2016, 59, 53–57. We first outline the history of assessing water erosion of cultivated land in Britain, to place in context why a model approach has not been considered the best way to assess erosion in Britain. Since 1982 a field- based approach has been consistently chosen. We then consider three particular points of contention between ourselves and Panagos et al.—1) the importance of wash erosion, 2) the cost of carrying out a field-based assessment of erosion, and 3) that the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation should be the harmonized method to assess soil loss. Last, we respond to individual points made by Panagos et al. before drawing some conclusions. One conclusion is that a more harmonious way of assessing erosion was put forward in 2004 by Gobin et al. combining both field-based and model assessments, but unfortunately that route was not taken by researchers at the Joint Research Centre.  相似文献   

Nanometer-size zero-valent iron(NZVI) is an efficient reducing agent,but its surface is easily passivated with an oxide layer,leading to reaction inefficiency.In our study,oxalate(OA) was introduced into this heterogeneous system of NZVI,which could form ferrioxalate complexes with the NZVI surface-bound Fe~(3+) and dissolved Fe~(3+) in the solution.Photolysis of ferrioxalate complexes can facilitate the generation of Fe~(2+) from Fe~(3+)and CO_2~(·-) radical,both species have strong reduction capacity.Hence,a photo-oxalate-Fe(0)system through sunlight induction was established,which not only prohibited the formation of a surface passivation layer,but also displayed a synergetic mechanism of ferrioxalate photolysis to enhance reduction,exhibiting remarkably higher degradation activity(several times faster) toward the model pollutant Cr(Ⅵ) than the mechanism with NZVI alone.Factor tests suggested that both NZVI dosage and OA content markedly affected the reduction rate.Low pH was beneficial to the reduction efficiency.Moreover,recyclability experiment showed that the reduction rate decreased from 0.21706 to 0.03977 min~(-1) after three cycles of reuse due to the NZVI losing reaction activity generally,but the system still maintained considerable reduction capacity.Finally,a mechanism was revealed whereby NZVI would transform to Fe oxides after the exhaustion of its reductive power,and the photolysis of ferrioxalate to promote the cycling of iron species played the predominant role in providing extra reduction ability.These features confirm that introduction of OA into Cr(Ⅵ) reduction by NZVI through sunlight induction is advantageous and promising.  相似文献   

1 Science and technology for environmental protection in China The guiding principles in formulating the ten-year Programme of science and tech-nology for environmental protection are as follows: 1.1 Science and technology should be great to the need economic construction and economic construction must rely on science and technology.  相似文献   

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