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In this article, the role of geothermal energy in mitigation and potential role in adaptation are discussed, and synergies between them developed. The article creates the Geothermal Adaptation-Mitigation (Geo-AdaM) conceptual frameworks that can be used in combining mitigation and adaptation in geothermal projects, e.g. by introducing adaptation additionality in Clean Development Mechanism or mitigation projects, using geothermal energy in climate vulnerable sectors, combining geothermal development with carbon forestry to improve recharge of geothermal systems in water stress areas, displacing fossil fuels in heating and cooling, and use of geothermal heat in raising tree seedlings in cold regions, and in greenhouses to create carbon sinks and green areas. The conceptual frameworks created in this research can cut across most regions, and types of utilization schemes with mitigation/adaptation co-benefits. The resulting co-benefits come with net positive environmental, economic and social impact. However, the co-benefits cannot be homogenous across all projects and regions. Tradeoffs may occur when using geothermal energy in adaptation projects, whose upstream activities are carbon intensive, or in adaptation and mitigation projects that have the potential of increasing vulnerability. The foreseen limitations of creating the synergies include; inadequate research on geothermal energy and adaptation, nature and scale of adaptation, involvement of different institutions and actors, access to finance and other resources especially in developing countries and lack of clear legal framework. Without proper legislation, fiscal incentives, to attract investment in adaptation aspects of geothermal energy, and to guard against tradeoffs, the interelationships between the two will remain a pipe dream.  相似文献   

Since the late 1970s the central government of China has initiated several ecological environmental protection projects. The most significant of these has been the tui geng huan lin (returning cultivated land to forest and pasture) project in operation since the late 1990s. China's northwest region is characterized by lack of water resources, yet such resources are of vital importance. There is scant discussion in the literature (including in China) on the linkages between the environmental protection projects and water management practices. This paper analyses how central government environmental protection projects are interpreted in the local setting, and how local water management policies and practices correspond to the projects. The conclusion is that local water management policies and practices are interlinked with both central government and local government policies on the environmental protection projects, and a new process for the redistribution of water has been established. When equity and social costs are not factored into the planning of new environmental protection projects, the social costs may be as high as the environmental costs.  相似文献   

草原生态保护补助奖励政策在阿勒泰地区的实施,标志着该地区草原生态保护进入兼顾民生的发展时期。该地区的政策实施取得了一定的成效,但是还存在补偿标准低、草畜平衡难度大、基本规章制度尚未完善、配套设施及项目资金滞后、农牧民缺乏现代科学技术等问题。造成这些问题的原因有:草地牧草总产量和实际放牧量难以掌控;法律机制不完善;草原产权不清晰;草原生态建设的投融资机制不完善;生态保护观念尚未建立;农业转型困难等。  相似文献   

本次研究从地貌发育的角度揭示了贵州省石漠化景观及其等级的空间分布与下垫面的物质组成和气候(降雨量)的空间变化存在着密切的联系,而与现今人类活动强度(人口密度)的空间分布不存在关联性。具体体现为:(1)贵州溶蚀为主地貌类型区和纯碳酸盐岩分布区基本一致,区内的峰丛(林)地貌主要分布于年降水量≥1200mm的威宁-毕节-贵阳-凯里一线以南的溶蚀为主地貌类型区,随着降水量由北向南逐渐增加,塔状峰丘增多;溶丘,峰丛(林)不发育地貌主要分布于年降水量≤1100mm的威宁-毕节以北的黔西北溶蚀为主地貌类型区和毕节-贵阳-凯里一线以北的溶蚀侵蚀地貌类型区,(2)贵州石漠化程度与喀斯特地貌类型空间分布的耦合关系较好,与人口密度空间分布的耦合关系不好。峰丛(林)地貌发育的威宁-毕节-贵阳-凯里一线以南的溶蚀为主地貌区,黔中地区人口密度为300~400/km2,该区一些县的石漠化,远不如黔西南地区人口密度为200~300/km2或黔南地区人口密度为100~200/km2的严重。历史时期森林植被的全面破坏是贵州喀斯特地区石漠化的主要驱动力,除荔波茂兰喀斯特森林保护区等少数地区,贵州喀斯特地区的原始森林无论是现在人口密度高的地区,还是低的地区,历史时期均已遭受全面的破坏。喀斯特坡地次生植被的恢复状况在很大程度上取决于坡地的岩土组成,现代石漠化严重程度的区域差异,主要受下垫面地面物质组成的控制,也就是"石山"的多寡。  相似文献   

建设项目防护距离的确定原则与方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从建设项目防护距离的概念出发,剖析了设置防护距离的实质。对以大气污染为主的建设项目,比较了大气环境防护距离和卫生防护距离的异同,并结合具体案例和文献资料比较了同一项目两种防护距离确定结果,最后提出了此类建设项目防护距离的确定原则和方法。  相似文献   

通过对海南万宁东部海岸的现场调查和剖面监测,分析了该区域海岸侵蚀的现状和原因。万宁东部海岸普遍受到侵蚀威胁,具体的侵蚀现象包括侵蚀陡坎频现、沙滩宽度变窄、滩面蚀低、养殖排水冲蚀滩面和防护林侵蚀掉落。根据侵蚀的严重程度将侵蚀类型分为三种:周期性侵蚀,持续性侵蚀和陡崖性侵蚀,陡崖性侵蚀最为严重,持续性侵蚀次之,周期性侵蚀最轻。侵蚀原因可分为自然因素和人为因素两个方面,自然因素包括沿岸海洋动力、台风和风暴潮、海平面上升;人为因素包括兴建养殖池塘、砍伐防护林、钛锆砂矿开采和前滨采砂等。自然因素虽然在海岸侵蚀的历史中起着很重要的作用,但是人为因素才是近期海岸侵蚀的主要原因。  相似文献   

论湖滨带的结构与生态功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
湖滨带作为陆地和湖泊之间的过渡带,是健康湖泊生态系统不可缺少的有机组成部分,属于生态交错带的一种. 明晰湖滨带的结构与生态功能对湖滨带及湖泊的水环境改善与生态修复十分重要. 随着水环境因子的梯度变化,湖滨带的空间结构在横向、纵向和轴向分布上都表现出明显的圈层结构特点. 横向结构由陆向辐射带、水位变幅带和水向辐射带组成;纵向结构由空气、水体、底泥构成;轴向结构则是不同岸段湖滨带的景观变化和层次结构,体现整个湖滨带的全貌和湖滨带类型的组合. 湖滨带的时间结构体现在湖滨带生物及其生境条件随着时间推移的演化规律上,并在“时-空结构”中和人的积极存在紧密联系在一起. 影响时间结构的因素包括生物节律、气候因子、水动力等. 湖滨带在生态环境方面的功能可归纳为6项:污染物截留与净化、捕集和抑制藻类、提高湖滨带的生物多样性、提供野生动植物栖息地、控制沉积和侵蚀、调蓄洪水.   相似文献   

陈佳  吴孔森  尹莎  杨晴青 《自然资源学报》2016,31(10):1688-1701
适应性概念为可持续性科学领域提供了新的研究思维。论文在总结、梳理适应性内涵,整合相关适应性理论与方法的基础上,提出了基于风险扰动的适应性分析框架,采用风险-适应能力指数评估区域人地系统适应性,将系统适应性分解为风险干扰和适应能力(包括生态、经济、社会能力3个参数)两个维度,从研究区水土流失风险出发,构建系统适应性评价指标体系。通过美国通用土壤流失方程(USLE)与适应性函数模型,分析榆林市水土流失风险以及人地系统适应能力时空演化特征,在系统适应性水平评估基础上,揭示榆林市不同时期人地系统适应性演化的驱动因素。研究结果表明:1)2000—2011年榆林市水土流失风险显著下降,但时空演化明显,到2011年高流失区转移分布于西南部、长城沿线等县域;2)12 a间榆林市系统适应性水平整体呈增高趋势,但空间上出现两极分化,呈现“西北高、东南低”的格局,其中北部县区(根据榆林市当地分区,北部县区包括府谷、神木、榆阳、横山、靖边、定边6县区;南部县域包括佳县、米脂、吴堡、子洲、绥德、清涧6县。)在生态、经济和社会子系统能力上明显高于南部,但南部县域适应性水平提升较北部更为明显;3)人地系统适应性演化驱动力由社会经济发展转化为生态环境修复、经济能力增强和社会保障提升的共同作用。  相似文献   

Coastal areas are threatened under climate change because of factors related to vulnerability of society and sensitivity of the environment. Protection and adaptation may mitigate the adverse consequences. This research reviews and assesses the options of protection by homeowners in the coastal zone in the southwest region of Cameroon. The coastal zone of Cameroon is studied because of the observed deleterious effect of recent extreme climatic events. From a research sample of 400 households, the house types and protection strategies - which are of two main types: reactive measures and preventive measures taken to offset adverse effects on property, are studied. A multinomial logit function reveals that income, education, age and gender are significant factors determining household’s probability on the selection of protection measures. The study concludes that there are strong implications for adaptation to future climate change, and the ability of homeowners to extensively respond will have to be reinforced not only by communal and public works projects but also through an active government policy to promote climate change adaptation.  相似文献   

基于VSD模型的象山湾生态系统脆弱性评价分析体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于VSD概念模型,建立了象山湾生态系统脆弱性评价体系,经过分析计算得出象山湾生态系统脆弱性总体呈现中度脆弱状态,影响的主要胁迫因子为临港工业发展和海水养殖活动;系统敏感因子是海洋生物多样性指数;最佳适应策略是不断完善环保法律法规和管理机制、加强环境整治和加大第三产业的投入力度。通过研究发现,象山湾生态脆弱性的评价对合理开发自然资源,对经济建设中的环境保护都有重要的意义。本文收集了象山湾的自然及社会经济数据,对其生态系统脆弱性进行了评价与分析,以期为合理利用生态资源,在开发建设中保护环境提供理论参考,同时为生态环境整治修复工作和区域可持续发展提供依据。  相似文献   

基于核示踪的深圳市农用土壤侵蚀特征及评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用137Cs和210Pbex联合示踪技术,考察深圳特区内外典型区域137Cs和210Pbex面积活度的背景值与变化特征,以及典型区农用土壤侵蚀速率、分布特征和主要影响因素. 结果表明:①在城市化剧烈的人为扰动作用下,深圳市的地表土壤环境已经大部分不具备自然土壤的基本属性. 深圳市137Cs面积活度背景值介于99~653Bq/m2之间,仙湖植物园的137Cs实测面积活度背景值最大〔为(653±81)Bq/m2〕,南澳新大村的137Cs实测面积活度背景值最小〔为(99±47)Bq/m2〕. ②随着海拔升高,210Pbex的实测面积活度背景值呈增加趋势,这和低纬度地区亚热带海洋性季风气候的水汽运动有关. ③深圳市南澳新大村和公明水库陡坡农用地种果造成的土壤侵蚀已达到了极剧烈的程度,土壤平均侵蚀速率分别高达6150和40530t/(km2·a). 深圳市农用土壤侵蚀具有分布面积广、人为扰动较剧烈、产流产沙集中、侵蚀强度较大等特征. 人为扰动主导的土地开发与陡坡种果是造成城市水土流失的主要影响因素. ④深圳市近30年来快速城市化活动加速了城市土壤侵蚀的发生和发展,亟待加强开发建设项目水土保持、陡坡还林还草等生态治理工作.   相似文献   

Climate change is expected to adversely affect agricultural production in Africa. Because agricultural production remains the main source of income for most rural communities in the region, adaptation of the agricultural sector is imperative to protect the livelihoods of the poor and to ensure food security. A better understanding of farmers’ perceptions of climate change, ongoing adaptation measures, and the decision-making process is important to inform policies aimed at promoting successful adaptation strategies for the agricultural sector. Using data from a survey of 1800 farm households in South Africa and Ethiopia, this study presents the adaptation strategies used by farmers in both countries and analyzes the factors influencing the decision to adapt. We find that the most common adaptation strategies include: use of different crops or crop varieties, planting trees, soil conservation, changing planting dates, and irrigation. However, despite having perceived changes in temperature and rainfall, a large percentage of farmers did not make any adjustments to their farming practices. The main barriers to adaptation cited by farmers were lack of access to credit in South Africa and lack of access to land, information, and credit in Ethiopia. A probit model is used to examine the factors influencing farmers’ decision to adapt to perceived climate changes. Factors influencing farmers’ decision to adapt include wealth, and access to extension, credit, and climate information in Ethiopia; and wealth, government farm support, and access to fertile land and credit in South Africa. Using a pooled dataset, an analysis of the factors affecting the decision to adapt to perceived climate change across both countries reveals that farmers were more likely to adapt if they had access to extension, credit, and land. Food aid, extension services, and information on climate change were found to facilitate adaptation among the poorest farmers. We conclude that policy-makers must create an enabling environment to support adaptation by increasing access to information, credit and markets, and make a particular effort to reach small-scale subsistence farmers, with limited resources to confront climate change.  相似文献   

Nowadays, adaptation has become a key focus of the scientific and policy-making communities and is a major area of discussion in the multilateral climate change process. As climate change is projected to hit the poorest the hardest, it is especially important for developing countries to pay particular attention to the management of natural resources and agricultural activities. In most of these countries such as Cameroon, forest can play important role in achieving broader climate change adaptation goals. However, forest generally receives very little attention in national development programme and strategies such as policy dialogues on climate change and poverty reduction strategies. Using a qualitative approach to data collection through content analysis of relevant Cameroon policy documents, the integration of climate change adaptation was explored and the level of attention given to forests for adaptation analysed. Results indicate that, with the exception of the First National Communication to UNFCCC that focused mostly on mitigation and related issues, current policy documents in Cameroon are void of tangible reference to climate change, and hence failing in drawing the relevance of forest in sheltering populations from the many projected impacts of climate change. Policies related to forest rely on a generalized concept of sustainable forest management and do not identify the specific changes that need to be incorporated into management strategies and policies towards achieving adaptation. The strategies and recommendations made in those documents only serve to improve understanding of Cameroon natural resources and add resilience to the natural systems in coping with anthropogenic stresses. The paper draws attention to the need to address the constraints of lack of awareness and poor flow of information on the potentials of forests for climate change adaptation. It highlights the need for integrating forest for adaptation into national development programmes and strategies, and recommends a review of the existing environmental legislations and their implications on poverty reduction strategy and adaptation to climate change.  相似文献   

科学评估土壤保持功能是生态保护红线划定的基础.依据生态供受体理论,针对土壤保持服务对应的水土流失这一生态问题,从水土流失的供体(水土流失量)、受体(人口密度)、辐射传输(距离水体距离)三个方面构建模型,分析土壤保持功能的重要性.结果表明全国潜在侵蚀量577.34×1010t/a,潜在土壤侵蚀随着坡度和降水量的增加而增加.土壤保持功能极重要区面积98.98×104km2,主要分布在西南地区的无量山和哀牢山,黄土高原东部,东南地区的浙闽丘陵,东部地区的鲁中山区、鲁东半岛,以及辽东半岛.西南地区山高、谷深、坡陡、流急、地形稳定性差等因素造成水土流失严重,维持该地区的水土保持功能极为重要;西北地区的黄土高原土质疏松且多暴雨导致水土流失比较严重,维持该地区土壤保持功能非常重要.对比常用的生态保护功能模型,供受体理论模型除考虑自然影响因素之外,突出了人类活动的因素,对评估生态保护功能与水土保持生态风险更客观.依据供受体理论构建的土壤保持模型适用于土壤保持功能和土壤潜在侵蚀风险的评估,可作为评估生态系统安全和划定生态保护红线的重要依据.  相似文献   

科学评估土壤保持功能是生态保护红线划定的基础.依据生态供受体理论,针对土壤保持服务对应的水土流失这一生态问题,从水土流失的供体(水土流失量)、受体(人口密度)、辐射传输(距离水体距离)三个方面构建模型,分析土壤保持功能的重要性.结果表明全国潜在侵蚀量577.34×1010t/a,潜在土壤侵蚀随着坡度和降水量的增加而增加.土壤保持功能极重要区面积98.98×104km2,主要分布在西南地区的无量山和哀牢山,黄土高原东部,东南地区的浙闽丘陵,东部地区的鲁中山区、鲁东半岛,以及辽东半岛.西南地区山高、谷深、坡陡、流急、地形稳定性差等因素造成水土流失严重,维持该地区的水土保持功能极为重要;西北地区的黄土高原土质疏松且多暴雨导致水土流失比较严重,维持该地区土壤保持功能非常重要.对比常用的生态保护功能模型,供受体理论模型除考虑自然影响因素之外,突出了人类活动的因素,对评估生态保护功能与水土保持生态风险更客观.依据供受体理论构建的土壤保持模型适用于土壤保持功能和土壤潜在侵蚀风险的评估,可作为评估生态系统安全和划定生态保护红线的重要依据.  相似文献   

公路是促进社会经济发展的重要基础设施,在公路建设促进荒漠环境改善的同时,由于荒漠区生态环境脆弱,公路建设较湿润区易引起环境退化,且生态恢复十分困难。新疆地域辽阔,自然条件复杂,生态系统结构简单且稳定性差,属中国乃至世界上典型的生态环境脆弱区,是中国荒漠面积最大的省区,荒漠环境复杂和类型齐全。荒漠区公路建设的自然环境具有区域生态脆弱,水源短缺,路域土质复杂,环境保护问题多,道路病害较多等特点。公路建设引起的环境退化主要表现在:致使区域植被覆盖度降低,为灾害发生提供有利地貌条件,引起水、土理化性质变差,对路域大气环境造成污染,荒漠区野生动物生存环境变差等6方面。针对荒漠区自然环境特点与公路建设引起的环境退化及成因,提出在公路规划设计、施工、营运3阶段防治公路路域环境退化的17条措施,以保护荒漠区路域环境和保障交通畅通及区域可持续发展。  相似文献   

This paper reviews water-borne soil erosion in Australia in the context of current environmental policy needs. Sustainability has emerged as a central tenet of environmental policy in Australia and water-borne hillslope soil erosion rates are used as one of the indicators of agricultural sustainability in State of the Environment reporting. We review attempts to quantify hillslope erosion rates over Australia and we identify areas at risk of exceeding natural baseline rates. We also review historical definitions of sustainable, or ‘tolerable’ erosion rates, and how to set these rates. There are many ways to estimate hillslope erosion and these can create confusing results. Moreover their application for land management purposes requires nuanced interpretations that ultimately depend on the desired objective of decision-makers. Soil is the earth surficial material that serves as a medium for plant growth and the notion of tolerable soil erosion arose historically to assess the impact of soil loss on agricultural uses. However now that the impact of erosion on aquatic ecosystems been recognized as a major concern for Australia, the concept of tolerable erosion needs to be revised. Here we discuss three definitions of tolerable soil erosion, following recent literature. We derive estimates of long-term agricultural sustainability based on natural soil production rates and discuss this in relation to other defined land-management objectives such as aquatic ecosystem health. We conclude that the desired objectives of land managers must be clearly articulated before questions of ‘where to invest to control erosion’ and ‘how to assess return-on-investment’ can be answered.  相似文献   

呼伦贝尔沙区土壤细菌群落结构与功能预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以呼伦贝尔沙区裸沙地、草地、沙地樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica)人工林和沙地樟子松天然林四种生境土壤为研究对象,采用野外调查、16S rRNA基因高通量测序和PICRUSt功能预测相结合的研究方法比较分析不同生境土壤细菌群落结构和潜在功能组成特征.结果显示:呼伦贝尔沙区沙地樟子松天然林土壤细菌多样性最高,人工林土壤细菌多样性最低,Shannon指数分别为(8.623±0.193)和(7.432±0.028),不同生境土壤细菌alpha和beta多样性存在显著差异.草地、沙地樟子松人工林和天然林土壤中变形菌门(Proteobacteria)相对丰度最高,均值分别为29.83%±1.14%、34.73%±1.99%、31.95%±0.21%,裸沙地土壤放线菌门(Actinobacteria)相对丰度最高,均值为26.13%±0.43%.不同生境土壤细菌主要优势属为慢生根瘤菌属(Bradyrhizobium)、RB41,其相对丰度在四种生境中的均值分别为5.29%±2.24%、4.22%±1.23%.PICRUSt功能预测共得到6个一级功能层,40个二级功能层,土壤细菌功能较为丰富,土壤细菌群落在环境信息处理、代谢、遗传信息处理和有机系统方面功能活跃.沙地樟子松天然林核苷酸代谢、酶家族、氨基酸代谢、碳水化合物代谢功能基因较为丰富,保证了沙地樟子松天然林土壤细菌的存活,使其具有较高的多样性.呼伦贝尔沙区不同生境土壤细菌功能基因丰度波动,反映了四种生境的土壤细菌群落组成及多样性的变化,指示了不同生境功能基因对土壤细菌群落的影响规律,可为预测和理解沙区土壤细菌代谢潜力和功能提供参考借鉴.  相似文献   

可持续发展这一概念的出现 ,标志着人类对自然资源利用的短期行为和意识正被维护环境的长期概念所取代。在这一概念的内涵中 ,加以维护并长期保持完好的环境不仅是实现自然环境平衡的需要 ,也是自然资源能够持续地应用于人类的保证。环境经济核算就是以货币化的方法揭示自然资源及环境与经济的特定关系 ,并为可持续发展的综合测度提供基本的数据依据。  相似文献   

Karst terrain offers a great range of economic assets, provides unique habitats and valuable ecosystem services. Owing to its particular nature, this environment is highly susceptible to destruction. Any interference is likely to have irreversible impacts and disturb the natural balance of the elements (water, soil, flora and fauna) and processes (e.g. corrosion, CO2 sequestration, speleothem growth) that constitute it. Karst areas must therefore be holistically managed in an appropriate and careful manner. A critical overview of current protection legislation in Slovenia has been prepared, with particular reference to karst areas. The major problem is a lack of harmonised multi-sector policies regulating land use and planning throughout the karst region, the absence of detailed guidelines and insufficient pursuance of karst in all its complexity and vulnerability. A comprehensive management approach for karst areas has been proposed and could subsequently be adopted by other karst-rich countries. Management is based on the enforcement of karst-specific legislation, including provision of detailed management plans and their strict implementation. Common database maintenance, reconciliation between various stakeholders and raising public awareness are additional important parts of the approach.  相似文献   

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