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Vallius H 《Ambio》2006,35(3):105-108
The Gulf of Finland is regularly affected by inflows of anoxic deep-water masses from the northern Baltic proper. These dense water masses advance over large areas with a decline of benthic life in affected areas as a result. Such events have been regularly repeated over decades and centuries. The archipelago, however, is well protected, because the inflows of anoxic deep waters do not enter such shallow waters. The situation could thus be better for benthic life in the archipelago, but in many areas this is not true. In areas where the bottoms are sheltered from storms and currents, permanent anoxia can persist for decades. Such areas were found in the western archipelago of the Gulf of Finland. Examination of surface cores revealed that many of these basins have been continuously anoxic for almost 40 years. A deeper coring showed that, at least locally, shallow water seafloor anoxia has been a fact in the area for thousands of years.  相似文献   

J Aigars 《Chemosphere》2001,45(6-7):827-834
The redox-dependent variations in concentrations of phosphorus at two different accumulation bottom areas were investigated in the Gulf of Riga (Baltic Sea) between December 1993 and January 1995. The sediment samples from nine sampling occasions were analyzed for phosphorus forms and redox potential. The average concentrations of total phosphorus measured in 0-1 cm (65 and 89 micromol P g(-1) for sites G5 and T3, respectively) were among the highest reported from the entire Baltic Sea. Redox-dependent "mobile" phosphorus (MP) contributed more than 50% of total in the uppermost-oxidized centimeter, whereas in reduced layers it was 16-18% throughout the year. The significant differences (ANOVA, P<0.01) among months of inorganic phosphorus (IP) concentration at 0-1 cm were observed at site G5 due to temporary accumulation of mobile phosphorus mediated by redox-dependent bacteria activity during summer. On the contrary no accumulation was observed at T3 probably as a result of low redox potential caused by high accumulation rates and low bioturbation. Although the water column above sediments remained oxic throughout the investigation period, the redox potential at site T3 was close to the redoxcline (i.e., +230 mV) during summer. Further increase of eutrophication might lead to development of anoxic conditions at sediment-water interface and that in turn will result in rapid release of redox-dependent phosphorus stored in surface sediments. The availability of excess phosphorus will further enhance eutrophication in partly phosphorus-limited Gulf of Riga.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Trophic transfer and bioaccumulation of trace metals have a profound impact on the structure and function of coastal areas; however, the metal...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Chlorinated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (ClPAHs) with three to five aromatic rings have been documented to ubiquitously occur in environmental...  相似文献   

Aigars J  Carman R 《Chemosphere》2001,43(3):313-320
The variations in concentrations of carbon and nitrogen in surface sediments of the Gulf of Riga were investigated between December 1993 and January 1995. The sediment samples were taken nine times during this period at two sampling sites. One sampling site, G5, exhibited high abundance of burrowing amphipods, whereas at the second site, T3, the number of macrozoobenthic organisms was comparatively small. Similar vertical profiles of mean sediment dry-weight concentrations of total carbon (TC) and total nitrogen (TN) were obtained at both sites G5 and T3. However, during autumn winter considerable differences of TC and TN concentrations in surface sediments (0-2 cm) between sites were observed. This was probably the effect of differences in the bioturbation level. During summer, when decline in numbers of amphipods were recorded, the vertical profiles of TC and TN at site G5 were similar to those at site T3. Significant differences between months were detected for TN at site T3 reflecting sedimentation of spring and autumn blooms in April and late October-early November, respectively. This was supported also by lower atomic C/N ratios in surface sediments during corresponding sampling events.  相似文献   

Hong Q  Wang Y  Luo X  Chen S  Chen J  Cai M  Cai M  Mai B 《Chemosphere》2012,88(11):1340-1345
The spatial distribution and potential source of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in surface sediments from Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea, and Canada Basin and the relationship between PCBs and sedimentary properties including grain size, water content, loss on ignition, total organic carbon, and black carbon were explored. ΣPCBs (the sum of the detected PCB congeners) concentrations fluctuated in the study area, ranging from 22-150, 60-640 and 24-600 pg g(-1) dry weight for the Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea, and Canada Basin. A similar homologue pattern was observed at different locations, with tri-chlorinated PCBs being the dominant homologue, implying that the PCBs came mainly from the atmospheric transportation and deposition and ocean current transportation. No apparent co-relationships between PCB concentrations and sediment properties were obtained, indicating that the distribution of PCBs was not only controlled by their source, but also by the multi-factors such as atmospheric transport and depositing, mixing, partitioning and sorption in the water column and sediments.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) mobility at the sediment–water interface was investigated during a laboratory incubation experiment conducted with highly contaminated sediments (13 μg g-1) of the Gulf of Trieste. Undisturbed sediment was collected in front of the Isonzo River mouth, which inflows Hg-rich suspended material originating from the Idrija (NW Slovenia) mining district. Since hypoxic and anoxic conditions at the bottom are frequently observed and can influence the Hg biogeochemical behavior, a redox oscillation was simulated in the laboratory, at in situ temperature, using a dark flux chamber. Temporal variations of several parameters were monitored simultaneously: dissolved Hg (DHg) and methylmercury (MeHg), O2, NH4 +, NO3 - + NO2 -, PO4 3-, H2S, dissolved Mn2+, dissolved inorganic and organic carbon (DIC and DOC). Under anoxic conditions, both Hg (665 ng m2 day-1) and MeHg (550 ng m2 day-1) fluxed from sediments into the water column, whereas re-oxygenation caused concentrations of MeHg and Hg to rapidly drop, probably due to re-adsorption onto Fe/Mn-oxyhydroxides and enhanced demethylation processes. Hence, during anoxic events, sediments of the Gulf of Trieste may be considered as an important source of DHg species for the water column. On the contrary, re-oxygenation of the bottom compartment mitigates Hg and MeHg release from the sediment, thus acting as a natural “defence” from possible interaction between the metal and the aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

Most of the shores in Qatar and other oil producing countries have had a long history of crude oil pollution from different sources. This pilot study was to assess the problem and suggest a management programme for disposing of the collected tar or lessening the impact of tar accumulation. The vegetation on the sites used for dumping tar was used in a field survey to identify bioindicators of tar pollution and of the natural recovery of polluted sites. The phytomonitoring results indicate that recovery of polluted sites can be quite rapid after clean-up and restoration. To facilitate natural plant invasion and colonization, and the restoration of tar piles, the dumping sites must have plant communities with high species diversity and a high percentage of annual plants. Depending on the sand-tar ratio in the piles, artificial seeding of selected plant species (listed) can be applied by using species mixes or single species seeding. Management techniques are suggested to optimize the natural recovery and revegetation of tar-affected coastal marshes.  相似文献   


Although the southeast region of the Gulf of California has a high fish diversity, due to the high biological productivity, the coastal area of Nayarit has few studies in this regard. The main objective of this work is to describe the variability of the structure of the ichthyofauna in the coastal zone of Nayarit during an annual cycle. Biological samples were collected at 10 stations during February, May, July, and December 2014. The temperature, depth, salinity, and organic material and carbonates in sediments were also recorded. The analysis of diversity includes three facets: ecological, taxonomic, and functional. A total of 82 species belonging to 56 genera, 31 families, 11 orders, and two classes were identified. The most abundant species included Selene peruviana, Stellifer wintersteenorum, Cathorops sp., and Larimus argenteus. Of the total of identified species, 62% were considered as rare according to their abundance and frequency. Although the environmental variables analyzed were variable, all diversity indices did not reveal an evident spatio-seasonal pattern. Likewise, most values of average taxonomic distinctness presented the expected values. However, some values showed a low taxonomic diversity. The indices of functional diversity showed a stable functional richness and redundancy in the attributes of the species.


Total mercury (Hg) and monomethylmercury (MMHg) were analysed in the gills, liver and muscle of four cartilaginous fish species (top predators), namely, the eagle ray (Myliobatis aquila), the bull ray (Pteromylaeus bovinus), the pelagic stingray (Dasyatis violacea) and the common stingray (Dasyatis pastinaca), collected in the Gulf of Trieste, one of the most Hg-polluted areas in the Mediterranean and worldwide due to past mining activity in Idrija (West Slovenia). The highest Hg and MMHg concentrations expressed on a dry weight (d.w.) basis were found in the muscle of the pelagic stingray (mean, 2.529 mg/kg; range, 1.179–4.398 mg/kg, d.w.), followed by the bull ray (mean, 1.582 mg/kg; range, 0.129–3.050 mg/kg d.w.) and the eagle ray (mean, 0.222 mg/kg; range, 0.070–0.467 mg/kg, d.w.). Only one specimen of the common stingray was analysed, with a mean value in the muscle of 1.596 mg/kg, d.w. Hg and MMHg contents in the bull ray were found to be positively correlated with species length and weight. The highest MMHg accumulation was found in muscle tissue. Hg and MMHg were also found in two embryos of a bull ray, indicating Hg transfer from the mother during pregnancy. The number of specimens and the size coverage of the bull rays allowed an assessment of Hg accumulation with age. It was shown that in bigger bull ray specimens, the high uptake of inorganic Hg in the liver and the slower MMHg increase in the muscle were most probably due to the demethylation of MMHg in the liver. The highest Hg and MMHg contents in all organs were found in the pelagic stingray, which first appeared in the northern Adriatic in 1999. High Hg and MMHg concentrations were also found in prey species such as the banded murex (Hexaplex trunculus), the principal prey of the eagle rays and bull rays, the anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus) and the red bandfish (Cepola rubescens), which are preyed upon by the pelagic stingray, as well as in zooplankton and seawater. Based on previously published data, a tentative estimation of MMHg bioamagnification was established. The average increase in MMHg between seawater, including phytoplankton, and zooplankton in the Gulf was about 104, and MMHg in anchovy was about 50-fold higher than in zooplankton. The bioaccumulation of MMHg between seawater and small pelagic fish (anchovy) amounted to 106 and between water and the muscle of larger pelagic fish (pelagic stingray) to 107. The MMHg increase between surface sediment and benthic invertebrates (murex) and between benthic invertebrates and small benthic fish was 102. Ultimately, the trophic transfer resulted in a 103 accumulation of MMHg between water and muscle of larger benthic fish (bull ray, eagle ray, common stingray), suggesting lower bioaccumulation by benthic feeding species.  相似文献   

Beck IC  Bruhn R  Gandrass J 《Chemosphere》2006,63(11):1870-1878
In the present study, the yeast estrogen screen (YES) has been used to assess the estrogenic activity in surface waters of a coastal region in the German Baltic Sea. Solid-phase extraction using the copolymer Oasis HLB followed by a clean-up on silica was carried out on approximately 50-l water samples. From the final 400 μl extract volume, 100 μl aliquots were used for the measurement of estrogenic activity and for chemical analysis, which was performed by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). From 29 samples taken during two campaigns (2003 and 2004) at five different stations 27 samples showed an estrogenic response higher than 10%. The response in the YES was expressed as measured estradiol equivalents (EEQs), which were in the range of 0.01 (Darss Peninsula) to 0.82 ng/l (Inner Wismar Bay). Samples from stations located in inner coastal waters showed higher estrogenic activities than those from outer located stations. A comparison of measured estrogenicity (YES) and calculated estrogenicity (chemical analysis) showed significant differences, probably due to the presence of anti-estrogenic compounds and/or the estrogenic activity of unknown, not identified contaminants. The main contributors to the overall estrogenic activity were synthetic and natural hormones.  相似文献   

Sediment trap material was collected during May–December in the period 1996–2008 in three coastal areas and four open sea stations in the Finnish territory of the Baltic Sea. The highest sedimentation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) with a typical source-related congener profile from chlorophenol production dominated by highly chlorinated dibenzofurans was found close to a historical source in the Kymijoki estuary. This was an order of magnitude higher than in other river estuaries and two orders of magnitude higher than in the open sea stations. The sedimentation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) was also higher in river estuaries than in other areas. No significant decrease over a 12 year period of monitoring was found in concentration or in sedimentation in the Kymijoki estuary. In the western Gulf of Finland, the Archipelago Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia, the dominating congeners, calculated as toxic equivalent (TEQ) in sedimentation were 1, 2, 3, 7, 8-PeCDD and 2, 3, 4, 7, 8-PeCDF, often reported as the main congeners in deposition.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Heavy metal input from the coastal urbanization and industrialization and their potential ecological risks have been a great concern in the northern...  相似文献   

Soil, sediment, water, and biota collected from the western coast of Korea were analyzed to determine occurrence and sources of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs). PFCs were significantly concentrations of PFCs were measured in some water and biological samples, while concentrations of PFCs in soils and sediments were relatively low. The most widely detected compound was found to be perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS), with a maximum concentration in water of 450 ng/L and in fish of 612 ng/g, dw. PFOS concentrations in water and biota were both less than those thought to cause toxicity. However, in both cases concentrations were within a factor of 10 of the toxicity threshold concentration. Concentrations of PFCs were significantly greater downstream than those upstream on the same river, suggesting point sources. Overall, the detection of PFCs at relatively great concentrations in various environmental matrixes from this region of Korea suggests that further studies characterizing PFCs and their potential risk to both humans and wildlife are needed.  相似文献   

Surface sediment, amphipods (Monoporeia affinis), isopods (Saduria entomon) and fourhorn sculpins (Oncocottus quadricornis) were collected at two coastal stations in the Gulf of Bothnia, one in the Bothnian Bay and the other in the Bothnian Sea. The objective was to study the concentrations, composition profiles, bioaccumulation features and spatial differences of organochlorine compounds such as hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), DDTs, hexachlorobenzene (HCBz), chlordanes (CHLs), dieldrin, Mirex and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). All groups of compounds were found in every sample investigated, with the exception of Mirex that was not detected in the sediment samples. The concentrations for e.g. PCBs and CHLs ranged from 700 to 2400 and 70 to 400 ng/g lipid in the specimens. For the corresponding sediments the results were 9.0-9.3 ng/g dw for PCBs and 0.54-0.57 ng/g dw for CHLs, respectively. Bioaccumulation differences between the species with regard to both degree of and type of compound were observed. The highest accumulation potential was found for the cyclodiene compounds including CHLs and Mirex in isopod. Finally, there were only small concentration and bioaccumulation differences between the two stations.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are today considered important constituents of the continuously growing substance group of persistent...  相似文献   

Persistent organochlorine (OC) and toxic butyltin compounds (BTs) were determined in walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) collected from Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea and Japan Sea, during 1991 and 1992. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDTs) and its metabolites were the most abundant compounds ranging up to 3200 and 2500 ng/g on lipid weight, respectively, followed by chlordane compounds (CHLs), hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in the liver of walleye pollock. Concentrations of HCHs and HCB in walleye pollock from these remote areas were higher than those in fishes from the western North Pacific and Japanese coastal waters, indicating atmospheric transport of these compounds to higher latitude regions such as Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska and/or local input around northern Japan Sea. The concentrations of other OCs were generally comparable to those in fishes from North Pacific Ocean and Japanese waters but significantly lower than in cod-like fishes from North Atlantic and European countries. Among sampling locations, walleye pollock from Japan Sea showed higher concentrations of DDTs and HCHs compared to fishes from Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska, suggesting greater input of these compounds around Japan Sea. Slower declining trend of DDTs and CHLs and an increasing pattern of PCBs concentrations were found in walleye pollock from Bering Sea during 1982-1992. This may imply a continuous input of these compounds by long-range transport and/or long-term persistency in these cold regions. Compared to the fishes from Japan Sea, walleye pollock from Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska showed higher proportions of alpha-HCH and p,p'-DDE in the composition of HCH isomers and DDT compounds, respectively. This suggests selective transportability of these compounds during long-range transport to higher latitude remote areas. Concentrations of tributyltin (TBT) in the muscle of walleye pollock ranged from 1.1 to 5.5 ng/g on wet weight. Concentrations of TBT in deep-sea walleye pollock from Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea were lower than those in Japan Sea.  相似文献   

Impacts of chemical contaminants associated with dumping of dredged urban river sediments at a coastal disposal area in Saronikos Gulf (Eastern Mediterranean) were investigated through a combined approach of sediment toxicity testing and active biomonitoring with caged mussels. Chemical analyses of aliphatic hydrocarbons (AHs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), Cu, and Zn in combination with the solid phase Microtox® test were performed on sediments. Concentrations of PAHs, AHs, Cu, and Zn as well as multiple biomarkers of contaminant exposure and/or effects were measured in caged mussels. Sediments in the disposal and neighboring area showed elevated PAHs and AHs concentrations and were characterized as toxic by the solid-phase Microtox® test during and after dumping operations. Biomarker results in the caged mussels indicated sublethal effects mainly during dumping operations, concomitantly with high concentrations of PAHs and AHs in the caged mussel tissues. Cu and Zn concentrations in sediments and caged mussels were generally not elevated except for sediments at the site in the disposal area that received the major amount of dredges. High PAHs and AHs levels as well as sublethal effects in the caged mussels were not persistent after termination of operations. The combined bioassay–biomarker approach proved useful for detecting toxicological impacts of dredged river sediment disposal in sediments and the water column. Nevertheless, further research is needed to evaluate whether sediment toxicity will have long-term effects on benthic communities of the disposal area.  相似文献   

Wurl O  Obbard JP 《Chemosphere》2006,62(7):1105-1115
Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), dichlorodiphenylethanes (DDTs) and 38 PCB congeners were determined in the water column (sea-surface microlayer, subsurface, mid-depth and bottom water) and sediments from Singapore's coastal environment. The concentration ranges for summationHCHs, summationDDTs and summationPCBs in the seawater dissolved phase (DP) were 101-6110 (mean 1833), <5-405 (mean 76) and 60-6979 (mean 1611)pg/l, respectively. The concentration ranges for summationHCHs, summationDDTs and summationPCBs in the suspended particulate matter (SPM) were 26-2395 (mean 243), <5-124 (mean 19) and 38-3793 (mean 715) pg/l, respectively. Concentration levels in sediments ranged between 521 and 1758 (mean 1094), 50 and 290 (mean 88) and 339 and 1356 (mean 858) pg/g for summationHCHs, summationDDTs and summationPCBs, respectively. It was shown that the interfaces of the sea-surface microlayer (SML) and near bottom water are important compartments for the distribution of organochlorine compounds (OCs) in the water column. In comparison with data from China, the concentration levels in the water column and sediments of Singapore can be considered as low, but the reported levels were higher compared to available data from Europe.  相似文献   

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