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Katsoyiannis A  Terzi E  Cai QY 《Chemosphere》2007,69(8):1337-1339
The concentrations ratios of specific pairs of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are widely used for the qualitative determination of the PAHs sources. These ratios are called PAHs molecular diagnostic ratios and are commonly used for PAHs concentrations in air, soils and sediments. Some scientists have extended the use of these ratios also for sewage sludges, suggesting that calculation of these ratios by individual PAHs concentrations can be as effective as in soils or sediments. This paper describes the reason why the PAH molecular ratios calculated from sewage sludge concentrations should not be used for the understanding of the PAH sources.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Intention for safe pesticide use plays a crucial role in the mode of pesticide spraying, but several factors are involved in the formation of...  相似文献   

We present the analytic solution to the problem of multicomponent aerosol evolution due to condensation and/or evaporation of its components. We pose the general equation that governs the evolution of the particle size distributions of each species, and then solve it through the method of characteristic curves. The obtained solution is of interest because it permits an approximate analysis of cases of practical importance without numerical methods. Furthermore, the analytic solutions can be used to validate the numerical methods which, up to now, are only compared with mono-component cases. When all components condense, the obtained solution is valid for all time values. When some of the components evaporate the problem is more complex, due to the fact that no component exists in a negative amount. This suggests the formation of shock waves (high peaks in particle size distribution) and rare-faction waves, which are difficult to handle. Finally, we apply the method to several interesting cases.  相似文献   

The Amazon has the largest watershed in the world, with abundant fresh water reserves. Such abundance contrasts with the quality of the water consumed in the riverine communities. This work highlights the importance of assessing the quality of water of the Solimões River in the stretch situated opposite the Community Nossa Senhora das Graças-Costa do Pesqueiro, in front of the town of Manacapuru-Amazonas-Brazil. The research aimed to evaluate environmental indicators for the quality of the river water as well as in households in this community, according to the regional seasonality. The monitored parameters such as conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, color, pH, nitrate, nitrite, and sulfate were compared with the water quality standards in force in Brazil. Values well above the maximum level allowed (MLA) for color and turbidity parameters were found in some households, indicating that the water collected from the river is not getting appropriate treatment. The analysis of the correlation matrix of the parameters in the flood period of the river evidenced high correlation among dissolved oxygen (D.O), NO3 ?, Cl?, SO4 2?, and color. In this study, by principal component analysis (PCA), it was observed that the characteristics of the water, obtained from the river to be consumed in the households, in the flood period showed similarities with the river water samples, indicating absence of efficient treatment for human consumption.  相似文献   

In this paper, the concept of scale analysis is applied to evaluate ozone predictions from two regional-scale air quality models. To this end, seasonal time series of observations and predictions from the RAMS3b/UAM-V and MM5/MAQSIP (SMRAQ) modeling systems for ozone were spectrally decomposed into fluctuations operating on the intra-day, diurnal, synoptic and longer-term time scales. Traditional model evaluation statistics are also presented to illustrate how the scale analysis approach can help improve our understanding of the models’ performance. The results indicate that UAM-V underestimates the total variance (energy) of the ozone time series when compared with observations, but shows a higher mean value than the observations. On the other hand, MAQSIP is able to better reproduce the average energy and mean concentration of the observations. However, both modeling systems do not capture the amount of variability present on the intra-day time scale primarily due to the grid resolution used in the models. For both modeling systems, the correlations between the predictions and observations are insignificant for the intra-day component, high for the diurnal component because of the inherent diurnal cycle but low for the amplitude of the diurnal component, and highest for the synoptic and baseline components. This better model performance on longer time scales suggests that current regional-scale models are most skillful in characterizing average patterns over extended periods, rather than in predicting concentrations at specific locations, during 1–2 day episodic events. In addition, we discuss the implications of these results to using the model-predicted daily maximum ozone concentrations in the regulatory framework in light of the uncertainties introduced by the models’ poor performance on the intra-day and diurnal time scales.  相似文献   

In this study, the concept of scale analysis is applied to evaluate two state-of-science meteorological models, namely MM5 and RAMS3b, currently being used to drive regional-scale air quality models. To this end, seasonal time series of observations and predictions for temperature, water vapor, and wind speed were spectrally decomposed into fluctuations operating on the intra-day, diurnal, synoptic and longer-term time scales. Traditional model evaluation statistics are also presented to illustrate how the method of spectral decomposition can help provide additional insight into the models’ performance. The results indicate that both meteorological models under-represent the variance of fluctuations on the intra-day time scale. Correlations between model predictions and observations for temperature and wind speed are insignificant on the intra-day time scale, high for the diurnal component because of the inherent diurnal cycle but low for the amplitude of the diurnal component, and highest for the synoptic and longer-term components. This better model performance on longer time scales suggests that current regional-scale models are most skillful for characterizing average patterns over extended periods. The implications of these results to using meteorological models to drive photochemical models are discussed.  相似文献   

Two regional-scale photochemical modeling systems, RAMS/UAM-V and MM5/MAQSIP, are used to simulate precursor concentrations for 4 June–31 August 1995 period. The time series of simulated and observed precursor concentrations are spectrally decomposed into intra-day, diurnal, synoptic, and longer-term (baseline) forcings and compared on each time scale. The results reveal that the observed and modeled precursor concentrations are uncorrelated on the intra-day time scale for both modeling systems while correlations are higher on longer time scales. In observations, the variability in NOx concentrations is dominated by the diurnal and synoptic-scale processes, while NOy is found to vary most on the synoptic time scale. In observations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the variability is dominated by the diurnal and synoptic processes for both biogenic and anthropogenic hydrocarbons. The pattern seen in the observations, in terms of the relative contribution of different temporal components to the total variance, is better captured by the two modeling systems for NOy than for NOx and VOCs. There are differences between model predictions and observations in terms of the actual magnitudes of variances of each temporal component. These results suggest the need to cover longer time periods in modeling simulations to resolve longer-term processes, because they seem to play a dominant role in dictating the precursor variability.  相似文献   


The continuous discharge of diverse chemical products in the environment is nowadays of great concern to the whole world as some of them persist in the environment leading to serious diseases. Several sampling techniques have been used for the characterization of this chemical pollution, although biomonitoring using natural samplers has recently become the technique of choice in this field due to its efficiency, specificity, and low cost. In fact, several living organisms known as biomonitors could accumulate the well-known persistent environmental pollutants allowing their monitoring in the environment. In this work, a review on environmental biomonitoring is presented. The main sampling techniques used for monitoring environmental pollutants are first reported, followed by an overview on well-known natural species used as passive samplers and known as biomonitors. These species include conifer needles, lichen, mosses, bees and their byproducts, and snails, and were widely used in recent research as reliable monitors for environmental pollution.


This study was undertaken to identify seasonal and source effects on the par-ticulate contaminants of the New York City atmosphere and ultimately to relate the concentrations of these contaminants to the tissue concentrations in residents of New York City. Continual weekly samples of particulates have been collected at three stations in the New York area on 8 by 10 in. glass fiber filters at a flow rate of 20 cfm.

The sample is ashed with a Tracerlab Low Temperature Asher and leached with nitric acid. Metals analyzed by the Atomic Absorption method include Pb, V, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, and Zn. Lead-210, total particulate, and benzene and acetone soluble organic material are also determined.

The data have been related to various meteorological parameters over a one year period to define significant seasonal and source influences, as well as site to site variations. Very significant inverse correlations to temperature are obtained for suspended particulates, vanadium, and nickel at both Manhattan and Bronx sites. Particulates show a less significant inverse correlation to temperature In lower Manhattan. Oil-fired space heating sources appear to account for as much as 50% of the particulates in the Bronx at the peak demand period.

Lead, copper, and cadmium show a general inverse correlation to average wind speed, and a direct correlation to temperature. The latter is most likely due to an inverse relation between wind speed and temperature. The heating season input for particulates, vanadium, and nickel is so great as to overcome most of the dilution effect due to winds. The other elements having more constant nonseasonal inputs, definitely reflect the effects of the wind.

The most significant site effect occurs with cadmium, which has a concentration in lower Manhattan three times that of the Bronx over a period of six to seven months in the summer and fall. The differences observed for cadmium and particulates may be explained by emission source factors which have not as yet been studied.  相似文献   

The six chemical reaction mechanisms for photochemical smog described in Pan I (Leone and Seinfeld, 1985, Atmospheric Environment 19,437–464) were used to study the effect of input parameters on volatile organic compound (VOC) control requirements needed to meet the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ozone. The parameters studied were initial VOC composition, dilution rate, post 8-a.m. emissions, base case (present day) O3 levels, entrainment from aloft of VOC and ozone and initial VOC/NOx ratio. The Empirical Kinetic Modeling Approach (EKMA) was used to generate ozone isopleths for each chemical mechanism. The VOC control needed to reduce the maximum ozone concentration from some present day value to 0.12 ppm, assuming no NOx control and a specified initial VOC/NOx ratio, was calculated using the six chemical reaction mechanisms. The initial VOC/NOx ratio was found to have the largest effect of all the parameters studied on VOC control requirements. Choice of chemical mechanism, ozone and VOC entrainmem from aloft, base-case ozone and the composition of the initial VOC mixture also had a large effect on predicted control requirements. To reduce the degree of uncertainty in control predictions using EKMA it is necessary to establish as accurately as possible the composition of urban air in early morning. Also, because of the substantial effect the choice of chemical mechanism has on the predicted control requirements using EKMA, it is important that future work continues to be directed toward evaluating candidate chemical mechanisms with respect to their ability to simulate atmospheric smog chemistry.  相似文献   

Decamethyl cyclopentasiloxane (D5) and decamethyl tetrasiloxane (MD2M) were injected into a smog chamber containing fine Arizona road dust particles (95% surface area <2.6 μM) and an urban smog atmosphere in the daytime. A photochemical reaction – gas–particle partitioning reaction scheme, was implemented to simulate the formation and gas–particle partitioning of hydroxyl oxidation products of D5 and MD2M. This scheme incorporated the reactions of D5 and MD2M into an existing urban smog chemical mechanism carbon bond IV and partitioned the products between gas and particle phase by treating gas–particle partitioning as a kinetic process and specifying an uptake and off-gassing rate. A photochemical model PKSS was used to simulate this set of reactions. A Langmuirian partitioning model was used to convert the measured and estimated mass-based partitioning coefficients (KP) to a molar or volume-based form. The model simulations indicated that >99% of all product silanol formed in the gas-phase partition immediately to particle phase and the experimental data agreed with model predictions. One product, D4TOH was observed and confirmed for the D5 reaction and this system was modeled successfully. Experimental data was inadequate for MD2M reaction products and it is likely that more than one product formed. The model set up a framework into which more reaction and partitioning steps can be easily added.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate applicability of ion exchange process for organics removal from Douro River surface water at the intake of Lever water treatment plant using magnetized ion exchange resin MIEX®. Qualitative analysis of the natural organic matter present in the surface water and prediction of its amenability to removal in conventional coagulation process were assessed. Results obtained in MIEX®DOC process kinetic batch experiments allowed determination of ion exchange efficiency in dissolved organic carbon (DOC), UV absorbing organics, and true color removal. The data were compared with the efficiencies of the conventional unit processes for organics removal at Lever WTP. MIEX®DOC process revealed to be more efficient in DOC removal than conventional treatment achieving the efficiencies in the range of 61–91 %, lowering disinfection by-products formation potential of the water. DOC removal efficiency at Lever WTP depends largely on the raw water quality and ranges from 28 % for water of moderated quality to 89 % of significantly deteriorated quality. In this work, MIEX®DOC process was also used as a reference method for the determination of contribution of anionic fraction to dissolved organic matter and selectivity of the unit processes at Lever WTP for its removal.  相似文献   

In-situ bio-remediation is a viable cleanup alternative for aquifers contaminated by hydrocarbons such as BTEX. Transport models of varying complexity and capabilities are used to quantify their degradation. A model that has gained wide acceptance in applications is BIOPLUME II, which assumes that oxygen-limited biodegradation takes place as an instantaneous reaction. In this work we have employed theoretical analysis, using non-dimensional variables, and numerical modelling to establish a quantitative criterion demarcating the range of validity of the instantaneous reaction approximation against biodegradation kinetics. Oxygen was the limiting species and sorption was ignored. This criterion relates (o), the Dahmk?hler number at oxygen depletion, to O(o)*, the ratio of initial to input oxygen concentration, (o) > or = 0.7(O(o)*)(2) + 0.1O(o)* + 1.8. The derived (o) reflects the intrinsic characteristics of the physical transport and of the biochemical reaction, including the effect of biomass density. Relative availability of oxygen and hydrocarbons exerts a small influence on results. Theory, verified and refined via numerical simulations, showed that significant deviations of instantaneous reactions from kinetics are to be expected in the space-time region s相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Moroccan employers have a strong responsibility for the safety and health of their employees in the workplace and for protecting them from the risk of...  相似文献   

Suspended particles were sampled at several sites in Athens during the summer of 1982 and the winter of 1982–1983. This paper examines the trace element and carbon composition of the Athens aerosol. Chemical element balances indicate that motor vehicle exhaust was a major contributor to fine particle mass concentrations. Statistical analyses of the ambient measurements indicate that the emissions of elemental and organic carbon by local vehicles were relatively high. The observed effects of an experiment in which stringent restrictions were placed on vehicle use were somewhat ambiguous.  相似文献   

The evaluation of metal contents in the environment is of vital importance for the assessment of human exposure. Thus the species Usnea amblyoclada, Ramalina celastri and Tillandsia capillaris were tested as bioaccumulators of transition metals in the urban area of Córdoba city, Argentina. The level of metals on biomonitors was compared to that of total deposition samples. All three species discriminated zones within the urban area of Córdoba city with different pollution levels; they revealed high levels of Zn in the downtown area and confirmed high levels of some transition metals in an industrial area. The correlation analysis revealed that the lichen R. celastri had the highest correlation rates with total deposition samples, suggesting it is a valuable biomonitor of atmospheric pollution. A significant relationship was also observed between respiratory diseases in children and the contents of metal accumulated in R. celastri and T. capillaris, indicating their usefulness when assessing human exposure to metals.  相似文献   

Significant knowledge gaps exist regarding the fate and transport of persistent organic pollutants like dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) in tropical environments. In Brazil, indoor residual spraying with DDT to combat malaria and leishmaniasis began in the 1950s and was banned in 1998. Nonetheless, high concentrations of DDT and its metabolites were recently detected in human breast milk in the community of Lake Puruzinho in the Brazilian Amazon. In this work, we couple analysis of soils and sediments from 2005 to 2014 at Puruzinho with a novel dynamic floodplain model to investigate the movement and distribution of DDT and its transformation products (dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD)) and implications for human exposure. The model results are in good agreement with the accumulation pattern observed in the measurements, in which DDT, DDE, and DDD (collectively, DDX) accumulate primarily in upland soils and sediments. However, a significant increase was observed in DDX concentrations in soil samples from 2005 to 2014, coupled with a decrease of DDT/DDE ratios, which do not agree with model results assuming a post-ban regime. These observations strongly suggest recent use. We used the model to investigate possible re-emissions after the ban through two scenarios: one assuming DDT use for IRS and the other assuming use against termites and leishmaniasis. Median DDX concentrations and p,p′-DDT/p,p′-DDE ratios from both of these scenarios agreed with measurements in soils, suggesting that the soil parameterization in our model was appropriate. Measured DDX concentrations in sediments were between the two re-emission scenarios. Therefore, both soil and sediment comparisons suggest re-emissions indeed occurred between 2005 and 2014, but additional measurements would be needed to better understand the actual re-emission patterns. Monte Carlo analysis revealed model predictions for sediments were very sensitive to highly uncertain parameters associated with DDT degradation and partitioning. With this model as a tool for understanding inter-media cycling, additional research to refine these parameters would improve our understanding of DDX fate and transport in tropical sediments.  相似文献   

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