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Periodic changes in pH were monitored at 30 s intervals in naturally-derived, aquatic microecosystems. The pH of the system was controlled between two setpoints with a microcomputer. When the upper setpoint was reached a light bank was turned off until the pH dropped to the lower setpoint and the light was again turned on. The cycling of pH in the microcosms was analyzed using time series analysis techniques. Each experiment resulted in a 24 hour control data set and a 24 hour experimental data set that began with the addition of the photosynthetic inhibitor 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) at 10 ppb. The results are summarized in variance periodograms as well as least squares estimates of periodicities. No significant difference was found between controls while DCMU caused marked effects. The technique is shown to be rapid, inexpensive, and sensitive to photosynthetic inhibition at low concentrations.  相似文献   

Soil phosphorus (P) quantity-intensity (q-i) relationships, based on common extraction methods, may potentially be used to estimate the risk of P loss in overland flow and subsurface drainage water. Some workers have used nonlinear q-i relationships to derive thresholds in soil test P (STP; a quantity factor) above which the risk of P loss increases, while others find linear relationships and no threshold. We present here a simple modelling exercise (based on Langmuir adsorption theory) along with data from literature to explain the behaviour of q-i relationships, and to give an explanation for this apparent discrepancy. The data indicate that q-i relationships are dependent upon the soil to solution ratio of the P intensity parameter, adsorption capacity (Qmax) and strength (K) of the soil, and the total range in STP. In turn, this affects the calculation of a threshold in STP. The q-i relationship tends towards linearity under conditions of a narrow total range of STP and/or when using a wide soil to solution ratio for estimating the P intensity parameter. Under such conditions, a threshold is difficult to detect, and uncertain. We conclude that the sensitivity of thresholds to experimental conditions and soils needs to be considered if thresholds are to be successful in environmental management to decrease P loss to surface waters.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop techniques to evaluate soil phosphorus (P) sorption capacity (PSC) and determine critical soil P levels to predict P loss potential for calcareous soils. Seventy-five soils mostly from Northern China were analyzed for soil P using four extraction methods (water, Pw; carbonate, POls; ammonium oxalate, Pox; and Mehlich 3, PM3) as well as PSC derived from single-point (PSC150) and multipoint sorption (S t) isotherms. Strong correlation was found between PSC150 and S t (r 2=0.89, p<0.001). The sum of αCaM3 and βMgM3 as an index of PSC (PSC(CaM3 + MgM3)) was most closely related to the maximum amount of P sorbed (S max) as given by the sum of S t and soil initial P setting α=0.039 and β=0.462 (r 2=0.80, p<0.001). The degree of P saturation (DPS) was thereafter calculated from PSC(CaM3 + MgM3) (DPS(CaM3 + MgM3)), to which Olsen P (POls) was significantly correlated (r 2=0.82, p<0.001). In a split-line regression from Pw against DPS(CaM3 + MgM3) (r 2=0.87, p<0.05), a change point was identified at 28.1% DPS(CaM3 + MgM3), which was equivalent to 49.2 mg kg?1 POls and corresponded to a Pw concentration of 8.8 mg kg?1. After the change point, a sharp increase in Pw was observed. Our results reveal a new approach to approximating DPS from CaM3 and MgM3 for calcareous soils without the need to generate a S max. We conclude that in the absence of an environmental soil test criteria for P, the DPS(CaM3 + MgM3) and POls could be used to predict P loss potential from calcareous soils.  相似文献   

N-Phenyl-1-naphthylamine (PNA) was degraded and mineralized in nonsterile aquatic and terrestrial samples. Degradation in unsupplemented sewage and lake water was detected in 3 to 6 days with half-lives of 5 and 10 days, respectively. In sewage and lake water supplemented with a readily degradable carbon source, degradation began in 1 and 5 days with half-lives of 2 and 8 days, respectively. Sewage samples converted between 20 and 30% of labeled [14C]-PNA to 14CO2 in 35 days while lake water samples reached 10% conversion to 14CO2 in 12 days. Soil samples and soil suspensions converted from 15 to 35% of [14C]-PnA to 14CO2 in 11 days. PNA was microbiologically converted in lake water to two products that were tentatively identified by gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectroscopy as dihydroxy and N-acetyl derivatives.  相似文献   

Several cesium and strontium bioaccumulation models are used widely in national and international guidance for ecological and human health risk assessments for radiocesium (134Cs and 137Cs) and radiostrontium (90Sr), but have not been used to make predictions of radiological risk from nuclear accidents under variable environmental conditions on broad geographical scales. In this paper, we first present models for predicting the bioaccumulation of cesium and strontium by aquatic biota based on ambient concentrations of dissolved potassium and calcium, respectively, and then test these models using independent data from aquatic ecosystems at Canadian nuclear sites. Secondly, models yielding the best predictions across a wide range of input parameters were selected to estimate bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) for cesium and strontium in aquatic ecosystems across Canada, using trophic level of organisms and dissolved potassium for cesium and calcium concentrations for strontium as predictor variables, and presented as contour maps of radiological risk. The models show that risk from bioaccumulation of cesium and strontium can vary by several orders of magnitude depending on site-specific environmental conditions and trophic ecology. Overall, our results suggest that single-parameter approaches taken by regulatory standards may either over- or under-predict radiological risk at many locations, and are thus not readily suitable to inform siting decisions for new nuclear developments.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background Transport of P from agricultural land contributes to the eutrophication of surface waters. Soil amendment is considered one of the best management practices (BMPs) to reduce P loss from sandy soils. Laboratory column leaching experiments were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of different soil amendments in reducing P leaching from a typical sandy soil in Florida. Methods The tested amendments were CaCl2, CaCO3, Al(OH)3, cellulose, and mill mud, and applied at the rate of 15 g/kg for a single amendment and each 7.5 g/kg if two amendments were combined. Leaching was conducted every four days for 32 days, 250 mL of deionized water being leached for each column per leaching event. Leachates were collected from each leaching event and analyzed for reactive P, PO4-P, and macro and micro-elements. Results and Discussion Except for the soils amended with CaCl2, or CaCl2+CaCO3, reactive P and PO4-P leaching losses mainly occurred in the first three leaching events. Phosphorus leaching from the soils amended with CaCl2 or CaCl2+CaCO3 was less but more persistent than that of other amendments. Reactive Pleaching loss was reduced by 36.0% and 40.4% for the amendments of CaCl2, and CaCl2+CaCO3, respectively, as compared with chemical fertilizer alone, and the corresponding values for PO4-P were 70.8% and 71.9%. The concentrations of K, Mg, Cu, and Fe in leachate were also decreased by CaCl2 or CaCl2+CaCO3 amendment. Among the seven amendments, CaCl2, CaCO3, or their combination were most effective in reducing P leaching from the sandy soil, followed by cellulose and Al(OH)3, the effects of mill mud and mill mud + Al(OH)3 were marginal. Conclusions These results indicate that the use of CaCl2, CaCO3, or their combination can significantly reduce P leaching from sandy soil, and should be considered in the development of BMPs for the sandy soil regions. Recommendations and Outlook Most agricultural soils in south Florida are very sandy with minimal holding capacities for moisture and nutrients. Repeated application of fertilizer is necessary to sustain desired yield of crops on these soils. However, eutrophication of fresh water systems in this area has been increasingly concerned by the public. Losses of P from agricultural fields by means of leaching and surface runoff are suspected as one of the important non-point contamination sources. The benefits and effectiveness of soil amendment in reducing P losses from cropping production systems while sustaining desired crop yield need to be demonstrated. Calcium chloride, CaCO3, or their combination significantly reduce Pleaching from sandy soil, and should be considered in the development of BMPs for the sandy soil regions.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Turkey is one of the major plastic pollution sources in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. This review summarizes present information, data, and...  相似文献   

The objectives of regulatory practice have evolved from eliminating all risks of pesticides and toxic chemicals to the environment to reducing risks to acceptable levels. This change in philosophy requires the development of methods for quantifying the risks of toxicant exposure to the exposed biota. Ecological risk assessment models that are comparable those used in human health risk assessment have been developed using methods drawn from ecotoxicology, ecology, statistics, and mathematical modeling. Initial applications have shown that the regulation of pesticides and toxic chemicals can be substantially improved through the use of ecological risk assessment.  相似文献   

This study aimed to demonstrate the impact of phosphorus (P) mineral fertilization on topsoil P content and P leaching. We evaluated 83 datasets from 25 years from lysimeter experiments involving different cropping systems (winter crop, summer crop and autumn tillage, harvested grass) or unfertilized fallow, four types of soil texture, and three levels of applied mineral P fertilizer. A positive monotonic and significant correlation was indicated between P in the topsoil determined by the double lactate method (P DL) and the yearly flow-weight total (TP) concentrations in leachates with Spearman rank correlations r s (r s > 0.183) and probability (p) < 0.05. The present German recommended rates of P mineral fertilization are proposed insufficient to protect fresh and marine waters from undesired P pollution and eutrophication. A long-term reduction of excess soil P is urgent along with other measures to mitigate high P inputs to surface and ground waters.  相似文献   

To determine the potential impacts of lawn-care pesticides on aquatic ecosystems, the macroinvertebrate communities of six streams were assessed using a multimetric approach. Four streams flowed through residential neighborhoods of Peachtree City, GA, USA, with differing mean property values and two reference streams were outside the city limits. A series of correlation analyses were conducted comparing stream rank from water quality and physical stream parameters, habitat assessments, benthic macroinvertebrate metric, pesticide toxicity and metal toxicity data to determine relationships among these parameters. Significant correlations were detected between individual analyses of stream rank for pesticide toxicity, specific conductance, turbidity, temperature and dissolved oxygen with benthic macroinvertebrate metrics.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Lead acid battery (LAB) scrap management is an important issue both environmentally and economically. The recovery of lead from battery scrap leads to...  相似文献   

Nicotine is a “life-style compound” widely consumed by human populations and, consequently, often found in surface waters. This fact presents a concern for possible effects in the aquatic ecosystems. The objective of this study was to assess the potential lethal and sublethal toxicity of nicotine in aquatic organisms from different trophic levels (Vibrio fischeri, Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Thamnocephalus platyurus, and Daphnia magna). The bioassays were performed by exposing the organisms to concentrations of nicotine in a range of 0.5–1000 μg/L. Results showed that nicotine, at tested concentration, was not acutely toxic to V. fischeri and T. platyurus. On the contrary, this substance exhibited toxicity to P. subcapitata and Daphnia magna. Thus, concentrations of nicotine of 100 and 200 μg/L promoted an inhibition in the growth of P. subcapitata. In addition, a concentration of 100 μg/L nicotine acted on the reproduction of the crustacean D. magna, by decreasing the number of juveniles produced by female. On the other hand, the results showed that concentrations equal to or greater than 10 μg/L induced the production of daphnids male offspring, which may indicate that nicotine is a weak juvenoid compound of the D. magna endocrine system. Furthermore, the result showed that concentrations tested of this chemical have the capacity to revert the effect of fenoxycarb, a strong juvenoid chemical insecticide. The results of the study revealed that nicotine can induce several changes in some of the most important key groups of the aquatic compartment, which can compromise, in a short time, the balance of aquatic ecosystem. Finally, a preliminary environmental risk assessment of this stimulant was performed from the highest measured concentration in surface water and the no observable effect concentration value in the most sensitive species, i.e., D. magna. This process revealed that nicotine can produce an important risk to aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Soil phosphorus fractions in wetland ecosystems have received increasing attention due to its high eutrophication risks. Soil samples were collected...  相似文献   

An incubation study was designed to modify the existing in vitro methods to increase the accuracy in estimation of bioavailable arsenic in pesticide-applied soils. In addition to simulating arsenic dissolution in gastric and intestinal solutions, absorbtion by the intestinal membrane was also mimicked using iron-oxide coated filter paper strips inserted in nylon bags. The in vitro experiments were sequentially performed in two phases, namely, the stomach phase and the absorbed-intestinal phase. Arsenic extraction in the in vitro absorbed intestinal phase increased, thereby making it more comparable to the potential in vivo arsenic pool. While animal studies are needed to verify the in vitro results, preliminary data indicate that this modified method may be able to improve site-specific bioavailability predictions in arsenic-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Effluents are a main source of direct and often continuous input of pollutants into aquatic ecosystems with long-term implications on ecosystem functioning. Therefore, the study of the effects of effluent exposure on organisms, populations or communities within the framework of impact assessment has a high ecological relevance. The aim of this study was to assess the toxicological impact of two effluents, one household wastewater treatment effluent (Effluent 1) and one industrial effluent (Effluent 2), on the receiving aquatic ecosystem using two test species under both in situ and laboratory conditions. Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) were exposed under laboratory conditions in an online monitoring flow-through system (receiving different concentrations of Effluent 2) and under in situ conditions along the pollution gradient established by these two effluent discharges. Bioassays focussed on growth and condition related endpoints (i.e. condition, growth, lipid budget), since these are key functional processes within organisms and populations. Under laboratory conditions, increasing concentrations of the industrial effluent (Effluent 2) had a negative effect on both zebra mussel and carp energy reserves and condition. Under in situ conditions, the same negative impact of Effluent 2 was observed for zebra mussels, while Effluent 1 had no apparent effect on exposed zebra mussels. Carp growth and condition, on the other hand, were significantly increased at the discharge sites of both effluents when compared to the reference site, probably due to differences in food availability. The results indicate that a combination of in situ and laboratory exposures can illustrate how ecological processes influence bioassay studies. The incorporation of indirect, ecological effects, like changes in food availability, provides considerable benefit in understanding and predicting effects of effluents on selected species under realistic exposure conditions.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the toxicity of three organophosphorous pesticides, chlorpyrifos, terbufos and methamidophos, to three indigenous algal species isolated from local rivers and algal mixtures. The diatom Nitzschia sp. (0.30–1.68 mg L?1 of EC50 -the estimated concentration related to a 50% growth reduction) and the cyanobacteria Oscillatoria sp. (EC50 of 0.33–7.99 mg L?1) were sensitive to single pesticide treatment and the chlorophyta Chlorella sp. was the most tolerant (EC50 of 1.29–41.16 mg L?1). In treatment with the mixture of three pesticides, Chlorella sp. became the most sensitive alga. The antagonistic joint toxic effects on three indigenous algae and algal mixtures were found for most of the two pesticide mixtures. The results suggested that mixture of pesticides might induce the detoxification mechanisms more easily than the single pesticide. The synergistic interactions between terbufos and methamidophos to algal mixtures and between methamidophos and chlorpyrifos to Nitzschia sp. indicated methamidophos might act as a potential synergist. Differential sensitivity of three families of algae to these pesticides might result in changes in the algal community structures after river water has been contaminated with different pesticides, posing great ecological risk on the structure and functioning of the aquatic ecosystem.  相似文献   

为分析参数不确定性对填埋场渗漏风险评估结果的影响,构建了填埋场地下水污染风险评价的物理过程模型,在此基础上,分别采用模糊理论和概率理论刻画模糊不确定性参数和随机不确定性参数,同时采用基于随机理论的Monte Carlo方法模拟模糊不确定参数,最终构建了基于模糊随机耦合的填埋场地下水污染风险评价方法。采用该模型对东北某一般工业固废填埋场进行案例研究,结果表明,实测浓度在模型模拟的的浓度区间(10%~90%分位值浓度)之内。说明本模型构建的模糊-随机耦合的地下水污染风险评价模型能较准确地预测地下水中污染物实际浓度,可以用于填埋场地下水污染风险评价.风险评估结果表明,该填埋场地下水的潜在污染物为As和Mn,其中As为主要健康风险物质,其非致癌风险值超过风险可接受水平的概率为22%,致癌风险超过10-4的概率为33%,超过10-5的概率为86%,应该采取措施控制含As填埋废物中As的溶出,降低其环境风险;Mn的非致癌风险值小于风险可接受水平的概率为100%,无风险。  相似文献   

Global potential of phosphorus recovery from human urine and feces   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mihelcic JR  Fry LM  Shaw R 《Chemosphere》2011,84(6):832-839
This study geospatially quantifies the mass of an essential fertilizer element, phosphorus, available from human urine and feces, globally, regionally, and by specific country. The analysis is performed over two population scenarios (2009 and 2050). This important material flow is related to the presence of improved sanitation facilities and also considers the global trend of urbanization. Results show that in 2009 the phosphorus available from urine is approximately 1.68 million metric tons (with similar mass available from feces). If collected, the phosphorus available from urine and feces could account for 22% of the total global phosphorus demand. In 2050 the available phosphorus from urine that is associated with population increases only will increase to 2.16 million metric tons (with similar mass available from feces). The available phosphorus from urine and feces produced in urban settings is currently approximately 0.88 million metric tons and will increase with population growth to over 1.5 million metric tons by 2050. Results point to the large potential source of human-derived phosphorus in developing regions like Africa and Asia that have a large population currently unserved by improved sanitation facilities. These regions have great potential to implement urine diversion and reuse and composting or recovery of biosolids, because innovative technologies can be integrated with improvements in sanitation coverage. In contrast, other regions with extensive sanitation coverage like Europe and North America need to determine how to retrofit existing sanitation technology combined that is combined with human behavioral changes to recover phosphorus and other valuable nutrients.  相似文献   

A novel approach to predict aquatic toxicity from molecular structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The main aim of the study was to develop quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models for the prediction of aquatic toxicity using atom-based non-stochastic and stochastic linear indices. The used dataset consist of 392 benzene derivatives, separated into training and test sets, for which toxicity data to the ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis were available. Using multiple linear regression, two statistically significant QSAR models were obtained with non-stochastic (R2=0.791 and s=0.344) and stochastic (R2=0.799 and s=0.343) linear indices. A leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation procedure was carried out achieving values of q2=0.781 (scv=0.348) and q2=0.786 (scv=0.350), respectively. In addition, a validation through an external test set was performed, which yields significant values of Rpred2 of 0.762 and 0.797. A brief study of the influence of the statistical outliers in QSAR's model development was also carried out. Finally, our method was compared with other approaches implemented in the Dragon software achieving better results. The non-stochastic and stochastic linear indices appear to provide an interesting alternative to costly and time-consuming experiments for determining toxicity.  相似文献   

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