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有机化合物生物富集的度量与评价方法进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物富集对评价有机化合物引起人类健康或生态环境的潜在风险具有重要作用,也是化学物质管理和制修订环境质量基准的重要依据.然而,化学物质与生物机体之间相互作用的过程复杂,以及环境因素的多变性,均给生物富集的度量与评价带来很大不确定性.因此,本文从过程机制角度出发,系统总结了生物富集的度量指标、以及影响化学物质生物富集过程的主要因素,综述了测定和评价生物富集系数的各类方法进展及其适用范围,并对此方面的研究趋势与需求进行了展望.  相似文献   

针对磺胺类抗生素在鱼体内的生物富集特性,采用半静态生物富集测试法,研究磺胺二甲嘧啶(SMT)和磺胺甲恶唑(SMX)在斑马鱼(Brachydanio rerio)体内的生物富集规律及生物富集系数(bio-concentration factor,BCF),并选用3种常用预测模型对2种磺胺类抗生素的BCF值进行估算,比较了估算值与实际测定值,为磺胺类抗生素生物富集性的预测提供依据。研究结果表明,当暴露浓度为0.01 mg·L~(-1)~1.00 mg·L~(-1)时,鱼体对SMT的最大生物富集系数BCF值为1.11,最大富集量出现在暴露24~48 h期间;SMX的最大BCF值为1.15,最大富集量处于暴露96~168 h之间。根据磺胺类抗生素的理化性质,通过比较3种生物富集预测模型获得SMT和SMX的BCF值,发现其中Kow预测模型所得估算值最为接近实测值。因此可利用该模型作为磺胺类抗生素富集性的预测工具,为我国兽药抗生素的环境风险预测和评价提供依据。  相似文献   

于云江  叶昊  杨彦  赵洁 《环境化学》2014,(2):194-205
选取太湖流域(常州、无锡、镇江3市)为研究区,对其地下水、土壤、农作物等经口介质中邻苯二甲酸酯(PAEs)含量进行实验室检测,并通过体外实验(in vitro test)方法模拟不同介质PAEs对人体的生物有效性,同时考虑不同烹饪方式的PAEs消解规律,运用美国EPA推荐的暴露评价模型在对流域人群暴露参数优化的基础上推导流域人群暴露剂量.结果表明,流域内各经口介质中除部分蔬菜种类外PAEs均有不同程度的检出,水、土壤、主食、蔬菜4大类经口介质人体PAEs生物有效性范围为11.0%—78.5%,且不同单体差别较大.经不同烹饪方式后主食、蔬菜的PAEs残留量比例为60.7%—72.1%.结合前期暴露参数优化结果,考虑综合方式后人群!PAEs经口暴露剂量为1.59×10-1mg·kg-1·d-1,且男性低于女性,春、冬季节低于夏、秋季节,与国内外已有的报道相比均较高.  相似文献   

以斑马鱼(Brachydanio rerio)为试验生物,采用半静态法测定虫螨腈对斑马鱼的急性毒性和生物富集系数。试验结果表明,虫螨腈对斑马鱼96 h-LC50为0.015 mg·L-1,其95%的置信限为0.011 mg·L-1~0.12 mg·L-1,属于高毒。在两个处理浓度2.0×10-4mg·L-1和2.0×10-3mg·L-1下,连续暴露8 d,斑马鱼对虫螨腈的生物富集系数(BCF8d)分别为1 211.6和1 549.7,属于高富集性农药。  相似文献   

近年来,海洋和淡水环境中微塑料污染已成为全球关注的热点问题。微塑料不仅会对生物体造成物理损伤,而且微塑料会吸附环境中的疏水性有机污染物(HOCs),也能释放其本身含有的添加型疏水性有机化合物至表面,从而形成复合污染物进入生物体。然而,有关微塑料在污染物生物富集过程中发挥的作用及其机制还不清楚。本文从实验室暴露、野外富集和模型模拟研究3个方面对微塑料作用下HOCs的生物富集规律进行了综述,总结了微塑料作用下的生物富集机制。最后,针对微塑料对HOCs生物富集作用的研究方向提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

将一种新型被动式采样器——三油酸甘油酯-醋酸纤维素复合膜(TECAMs)暴露于10种人工老化土壤中富集萘、菲、芘和苯并[a]芘4种多环芳烃(PAHs),并与土壤模型动物——赤子爱胜蚓(Eiseniafoetida)进行比较以研究该采样器用于评价土壤中多环芳烃生物可利用性的可能性.研究结果表明,TECAMs能有效富集土壤中萘、菲、芘和苯并[a]芘,并在48h内基本达到平衡,远快于赤子爱胜蚓的21d平衡时间.TECAMs内PAHs含量与土壤溶解有机碳(DOC)含量呈正相关(p<0.05),而与土壤中总有机质(TOM)含量呈负相关(p<0.05),土壤pH对TECAMs富集PAHs的影响不显著(p<0.05).TECAMs内PAHs含量与土壤中PAHs含量、赤子爱胜蚓体内PAHs含量均呈显著线性正相关(p<0.05,p<0.01).研究结果表明TECAMs有可能应用于评价土壤中PAHs的生物可利用性.  相似文献   

在线富集分析了酸化水中的8种含氯除草剂:毒莠定,草灭平,麦草畏,灭草松,2,4-D,滴丙酸,2,4,5,-T,P三氟羧草醚.这些除草剂可以在少于2 mL的水中进行分析,运行时间在15 min以内.使用Agilent ZORBAX SB-Aq色谱柱用于捕获分析物,Agilent ZORBAX SB-C18色谱柱用于分析,一个两位六通阀用于色谱柱切换.通过毒莠定和滴丙酸的标准曲线,从而验证了水中这些农药定量方法的系统适应性.自动样品净化省去了样品制备时繁杂的固相萃取(SPE)程序.Agilent 1260 Infinity LC系统的灵敏度可以达到EPA(美国环境保护署)方法的检出限要求,而且只需使用少于EPA官方方法所要求的样品量的十分之一.  相似文献   

依据经济合作与发展组织(OECD)关于定量结构-活性关系(QSAR)模型构建和使用导则,将780个有机化合物,以4:1的比例随机划分为训练集(624个化合物)和验证集(156个化合物),通过多元线性回归(MLR)方法构建了一个包含12个描述符的有机化合物鱼类生物富集因子(BCF)的QSAR模型。QSAR模型的调整决定系数R2ad j=0.809,去一法交叉验证系数Q2LOO=0.803,外部验证系数Q2EXT=0.732,表明模型具有较好的拟合优度、稳健性和预测能力。采用欧几里德距离方法表征模型应用域,通过威廉姆斯图分析模型离群点,并对模型进行机理解释。所构建的模型,可以用于预测应用域内有机化学品的生物富集因子。  相似文献   

依据经济合作与发展组织(OECD)关于定量结构-活性关系(QSAR)模型构建和使用导则,通过多元线性回归(MLR)方法建立了一个包含9个描述符的卤代有机化合物鱼类生物富集因子(BCF)的QSAR模型。QSAR模型的调整决定系数R2adj = 0.877,去一法交叉验证系数Q2LOO= 0.873,外部验证系数Q2EXT= 0.757,表明模型具有较好的拟合优度、稳健性和预测能力。采用欧几里德距离方法表征了模型应用域,并对模型进行了机理解释。所构建的模型,可以用于预测应用域内卤代化合物的BCF。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The use of local ecological knowledge (LEK) has been advocated for biodiversity monitoring and management. To date, however, it has been underused in studying wild populations of animals and, particularly, in obtaining quantitative abundance estimates. We evaluated LEK as a tool for collecting extensive data on local animal abundance and population trends. We interviewed shepherds in southeastern Spain, asking them to estimate the local abundance of the terrestrial tortoise Testudo graeca . We quantified reliability of abundance estimates derived from interviews by comparing them with those obtained from standard field-sampling protocols (distance sampling). We also explored the complementarity of these 2 approaches. LEK provided high-quality and low-cost information about both distribution and abundance of T. graeca . Interviews with shepherds yielded abundance estimates in a much wider range than linear transects, which only detected the species in the upper two-thirds of its abundance range. Abundance estimates from both methodologies showed a close relationship. Analysis of confidence intervals indicated local knowledge could be used to estimate mean local abundances and to detect mean population trends. A cost analysis determined that the information derived from LEK was 100 times cheaper than that obtained through linear-transect surveys. Our results should further the use of LEK as a standard tool for sampling the quantitative abundance of a great variety of taxa, particularly when population densities are low and traditional sampling methods are expensive or difficult to implement.  相似文献   

成组生物毒性测试法综合评价典型工业废水毒性   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
为了更加准确地评估典型工业废水的综合生物毒性以及处理工艺对废水毒性的削减情况,采用发光细菌急性毒性实验、大型溞急性毒性实验和单细胞凝胶电泳实验,结合潜在生态毒性效应探测(potential ecotoxic effects probe,PEEP)指数对常州市7种典型工业废水的综合生物毒性进行了评价。结果表明,7种工业原水都表现出了急性毒性或遗传毒性,综合生物毒性强度的排序为电子厂>电镀厂>综合污水处理厂>印染厂>化工厂>食品厂>制药厂。而7种工业废水的处理后出水综合生物毒性强度的排序为印染厂>化工厂>电子厂>综合污水处理厂>食品厂>制药厂>电镀厂。其中,印染和化工厂出水综合生物毒性高于原水,分别增加了43.3%和38.7%,PEEP评价结果显示分别属于剧毒和高毒,而电镀、电子、综合污水处理和食品厂出水的综合生物毒性削减明显,分别比原水削减了76.9%、53.1%、48.3%和26.6%,PEEP结果表明基本无毒。建立在成组生物毒性实验基础上的PEEP评价方法可全面反映工业废水的综合生物毒性,进而更客观地评价废水对水生态系统乃至人类健康的潜在影响。  相似文献   

Rust belt cities of the northeastern United States are plagued by flat or declining economies and the accompanying social fallout from lack of employment. Advocates of green fuels, green infrastructure and green jobs have proposed these nature-based technologies as means to revitalize the economies of cities. Before making public and private investment a baseline analysis of the relative magnitude of existing energy production and energy respiration at the neighborhood scale is useful in order to understand what the potential for green infrastructure might be. Because the urban canopy and other green infrastructure can enhance urban socio-ecological metabolism, we measured the flows of natural energy produced (P) by the urban forest versus the industrial or fossil energy currently consumed or respired (R) in three economically and demographically distinct neighborhoods of a typical rust-belt city, Syracuse, NY. Our objectives were to (1) understand the potential for green energy to replace fossil fuels in general, (2) assess the degree to which different socio-demographic communities are receiving the ecosystem benefits of existing urban “green” infrastructure (i.e. forest primary production), and (3) identify where local (in-city) biotic energy resources could be enhanced or fossil fuel consumption altered to improve overall urban socio-ecological metabolism. We found that (1) the fossil energy consumed in all three neighborhoods was 200-700 times higher than the biotic “green” energy produced; (2) that to produce this much energy from willow biomass grown in the region would require at least between 0.3 and 0.7 ha of bio-energy production per person depending on affluence, density of living, transportation mix and home fuel mix; (3) that although the more affluent neighborhood used, per residence and per person, almost twice as much energy as that of the downtown more densely settled and poorer neighborhood, its R:P ratio was still the lowest due to the high primary productivity of its neighborhood tree canopy. As a first assessment our findings identify several opportunities for enhancement of the socio-ecological metabolism of these neighborhoods, and the city at large, through conversion of heating units in poorer neighborhoods away from expensive electricity, and toward tree planting, solar installations, and per capita energy use reductions.  相似文献   

A disposable biosensor was fabricated using single-walled carbon nanotubes, gold nanoparticles and tyrosinase (SWCNTs-AuNPs-Tyr) modified screen-printed electrodes. The prepared biosensor was applied to the rapid determination of phenolic contaminants within 15 minutes. The SWCNTs-AuNPs-Tyr bionanocomposite sensing layer was characterized with scanning electron microscopy, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry methods. The characterization results revealed that SWCNTs could lead to a high loading of tyrosinase (Tyr) with the large surface area and the porous morphology, while AuNPs could retain the bioactivity of Tyr and enhance the sensitivity. The detection conditions, including working potential, pH of supporting electrolyte and the amount of Tyr were optimumed. As an example, the biosensor for catechol determination displayed a linear range of 8.0 × 10-8 to 2.0 × 10-5 mol·L-1 with a detection limit of 4.5 × 10-8 mol·L-1 (S/N = 3). This method has a rapid response time within 10 s, and shows excellent repeatability and stability. Moreover, the resulting biosensor could be disposable, low-cost, reliable and easy to carry. This kind of new Tyr biosensor provides great potential for rapid, on-site and cost-effective analysis of phenolic contaminants in environmental water samples.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have long been recognised as potential carcinogens in animals in which biotransformation into reactive metabolites can lead to DNA damage. In animals PAHs metabolism mainly occurs in hepatic microsomes and is associated with the cytochrome p-450 mediated mixed functional oxidase (MFO) system. PAH metabolism in plants has been shown to occur via a similar enzyme system, but has received relatively little attention. This study is looking at how the plant species Plantago lanceolata metabolises benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P), which is one of the PAHs whose metabolism has been studied extensively in animals. The aim of the work is to establish firstly that the B(a)P is taken up and secondly that it is biotransformed by the plant to products possibly similar to those found in animals. This work is achieved by using C-14-B(a)P along with whole body autoradiography, scintillation analysis and chromatography techniques to locate the B(a)P and its metabolites.  相似文献   

This study investigates the recruitment communication mechanisms of a stingless bee, Melipona panamica, whose foragers can evidently communicate the three-dimensional location of a good food source. To determine if the bees communicate location information inside or outside the nest, we conducted removal experiments by training marked foragers to one of two identical feeders and then separating these experienced foragers from potential recruits as they left the nest. The feeders were positioned to test the communication of each dimension. The results show that recruits do not simply follow experienced foragers to the food source. Height and distance are communicated within the nest, while direction is communicated outside the nest. We then examined the pulsed sounds produced by recruiting foragers. While unloading food, recruiting foragers produced several short pulses and one or more very long pulses. On average, the longest unloading pulse per performance was 31–50% longer (P ≤ 0.018) for bees foraging on the forest floor than for bees foraging at the top of the forest canopy (40 m high). While dancing, recruiting foragers produced sound pulses whose duration was positively correlated with the distance to the food source (P < 0.001). Dancing recruiters also produced several short sound pulses followed by one or more long pulses. The longest dance pulse per performance was 291 ± 194 ms for a feeder 25 m from the nest and 1858 ± 923 ms for a feeder 360 m away from the nest. The mechanism of directional communication remains a mystery. However, the direction removal experiment demonstrates that newcomers cannot use forager-deposited scent marks for long-distance orientation (>100 m from the nest). Received: 25 September 1997 / Accepted after revision: 31 May 1998  相似文献   

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