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在学者们对生态旅游社区参与相关研究的基础上,以锡林郭勒草原自然保护区为例,结合该保护区的实际情况,构建锡林郭勒草原自然保护区生态旅游社区参与模式,即管理委员会模式、股份制模式、牧民自主经营模式、牧民合作模式、"企业+政府+牧民"模式、"企业+牧民"模式,将6种参与模式相结合,针对不同旅游项目采用不同类型的参与模式。随着社区牧民社区参与能力和旅游项目经营管理能力的不断提高,保护区应逐渐减少社区牧民参与程度低、处于弱势地位的"企业+政府+牧民"模式和"企业+牧民"模式的比例,而采用社区牧民参与程度高的各种模式。  相似文献   

对盐城珍禽国家级自然保护区和大丰麋鹿国家级自然保护区周边社区居民参与旅游开发的意识,参与旅游规划、旅游经营及收益情况等方面进行了分析,发现当地社区参与观念淡薄,社区在旅游规划、旅游经营、旅游收益、相关宣传和培训等方面的参与处于初级阶段,参与方式单一、程度浅、参与内容少。因此,在旅游可持续发展的前提下,尝试性地建立了社区参与机制,以期实现江苏海滨湿地生态旅游地社区的社会效益、经济效益和环境效益的统一。  相似文献   

自然保护区生态旅游可持续发展的对策分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
张光生 《资源开发与市场》1999,15(4):244-245,249
本文对自然保护区发展生态旅游的积极作用和消极影响进行了较全面的分析,提出了要确保自然保护区生态旅游的持续发展,必须制定全国自然保护区生态旅游发展战略,编制各级生态旅游规划,建立全国自然保护区生态旅游信息服务网络体系,以及加强自然保护区生态旅游管理工作等措施。  相似文献   

针对白马雪山国家级自然保护区与周边社区村民在环保观念、管理模式、资源利用以及补偿措施等方面的矛盾冲突,对其产生的原因进行了分析,并从社区经济发展、社区村民传统生活习惯约束、社区管理机构完善和少数民族传统文化有效利用等方面提出了主要的缓解冲突的措施和方法。  相似文献   

中国自然保护区生态旅游开发模式选择探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自然保护区建设的主要任务是保护自然资源和生态系统不遭受破坏,为了解决旅游发展与自然保护之间的矛盾,对中国自然保护区旅游发展模式进行了选择。在自然保护区进行生态旅游开发必须选择保护性模式,并根据中国各自然保护区的实际状况,结合采用可持续发展的自然保护区生态旅游特色开发模式,达到自然保护区生态旅游资源永续利用和生态旅游业可持续发展的目的。  相似文献   

黄震方 《绿叶》2012,(7):81-86
生态旅游是一种特殊形式的专项旅游,强调以自然为基础,重视生态环境保护、环境教育和社区参与,在保护环境的同时维持当地人的福利,是负责任的、可持续的旅游形式。生态旅游在中国的泛化有积极的一面,同时它的负面影响也必须引起足够的重视。只有正确认识生态旅游应在有限的范围内开发,建立健全法规,加强旅游地管理,进行科学规划,重视社区参与,加强环境教育,才能保障生态旅游有序、健康地发展。  相似文献   

甘肃自然保护区因其资源的原生性和独特性而具有发展生态旅游的优势条件,其景观多样性丰富,具有较高的旅游价值。从优势、劣势、机遇和挑战四个方面分析甘肃自然保护区生态旅游发展,结果表明,甘肃自然保护区发展生态旅游优势明显,存在一定的限制因素,机遇与挑战并存,据此对甘肃自然保护区发展生态旅游提出了合理的目标定位、强化科学规划、加强资源保护和加强合作、建立多渠道融资机制、突出品牌特色、发展高端旅游产品的对策。  相似文献   

发展海洋生态旅游主要涉及管理者、开发经营者、社区居民和旅游者四类利益相关者。通过对各利益相关者的职能、利益诉求和相关者之间主要矛盾的分析,指出发展海洋生态旅游必须统筹兼顾,追求利益相关者整体利益最大化,并从发挥管理者职能、加强社区参与、借助社会力量和产权改革四个层面提出了具体策略。  相似文献   

生态环境保护与自然资源开发之间的矛盾始终是世界各国在发展经济时面临的一项严峻挑战,这种矛盾在自然保护区中的体现尤为明显.世界11%的保护区出现旅游资源退化,新疆艾比湖湿地国家级自然保护区同样面临着以上问题.作为 "世界重要湿地"的成员单位、国家级林业科普基地、我国生物多样性保护的重要地区、新疆的生态脆弱区,该区域是否具有开发生态旅游的潜力.论证了艾比湖湿地国家级自然保护区的生态旅游资源的开发价值和开发潜力,得出该区域目前尚处于生态旅游开发的前期准备阶段,生态环境是其发展的首要制约因素,其发展必须是在保护的基础上进行.  相似文献   

当国人争先领略新马泰、欧美、非洲异国风情时,却有大批的国外商贾、政客、文化使者组成"华夏人文自然景观考察团"成群结队地来到中国,他们不去喧嚣的都市,却前往寂寞的沙漠、古老的自然保护区种植绿色的希望,与自然界的"生物多样性"物种接触,即参与"生态旅游".  相似文献   

Ecotourism development is closely associated with the sustainability of protected natural areas. When facilitated by appropriate management, ecotourism can contribute to conservation and development, as well as the well-being of local communities. As such, ecotourism has been proposed and practiced in different forms in many places, including China. This study assesses ecotourism development at Xingkai Lake National Nature Reserve in Heilongjiang Province, China. Key informant interviews were conducted with representatives from the provincial Forestry Department, the Nature Reserve, and the local community. Observation was undertaken on three site visits and secondary data were collected. The potential for providing quality natural experiences is high and tourism development is occurring rapidly. However, current relationships between people, resources, and tourism have yet to provide mutual benefits necessary for successful ecotourism. The multi-stakeholder management style and the ambiguity of landownership within the nature reserve constitute structural difficulties for ecotourism management and operation. Although participation in ecotourism could provide a livelihood opportunity and interests in involvement in tourism have been identified among the local fishing community, current involvement is limited mainly due to the lack of mechanisms for participation. Therefore, it is recommended that management programs and government policies should be established to provide a platform for community participation in ecotourism. Then, a positive synergistic relationship between tourism, environment, and community could be developed. Planning and policy requirements are discussed for ecotourism development in protected areas in China.  相似文献   

Summary This paper outlines the second phase of an ecotourism project undertaken in the Santa Elena community, in the Monteverde region of Costa Rica. The community originally established a rainforest reserve with the help of Youth Challenge International in an attempt to provide a wider economic base and employment for the area. The project has been successful in the first phase in that it is now drawing an annual income of US$40 000 and it employs guides and management from the local community. In terms of the underlying principles usually aligned with ecotourism it has been successful but it is now necessary to evaluate the impacts this project is having on the community. The second phase of the project was to assess the sociocultural impacts of ecotourism on that community and the paper outlines this phase.Stephen Wearing is a lecturer in the School of Leisure and Tourism Studies at the University of Technology, Sydney. He lectures and consults in the area of tourism and environmental planning, and parks and protected area management. His particular interest is in ecotourism projects with local communities and he has spent much of the last 4 years working on the Santa Elena Project. He is linked with Youth Challenge International and people interested in becoming involved or looking for assistance with community projects of this nature can contact him at the above address. Libby Larson recently graduated with a BA in Leisure Studies at the University of Technology, Sydney, focusing on social sciences in natural resource management. She has also worked in Costa Rica with Youth Challenge International and is particularly interested in ecotourism.  相似文献   

Ecotourism: The Santa Elena rainforest project   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary This paper outlines an ecotourism project undertaken in the Santa Elena community in the Monteverde region of Costa Rica. The community is seeking to establish a rainforest reserve on a parcel of land that has been permanently leased to their high school by the Costa Rican Government. The Community and Youth Challenge International are developing an ecotourism project that will provide a wider economic basis for the area and employment for students graduating from the high school. This project seeks to achieve sustainable development and fulfil the development requirements of the population surrounding the project. This is in the belief that it is only when conservation projects benefit local communities, and are set up with an infrastructure that vests control within local communities, that genuine ecotourism is achieved.Stephen Wearing is a lecturer in the School of Leisure and Tourism Studies at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, and he lectures and consults in the area of Tourism and Environmental Planning, and Parks Protected Area Management. His particular interest is in ecotourism projects with local communities. He is linked with Youth Challenge International and people interested in becoming involved or looking for assistance in projects can contact him at the above address.  相似文献   

Desertification directly threatens more than 250 million people and one third of the earths land surface. Although it is well known that desertification could be reversed in most cases if the intensity of land use were reduced, there have been no studies on how to achieve this reversed desertification on a large scale. We conducted a case study in Hunshandak Sandland of North China, exploring how creation of a nature reserve might aid restoration of a degraded ecosystem. Experimental data indicated that desertified regions, if designated as a nature reserve, could be restored with conservation of biodiversity. The buffer zones in moderately desertified lands could serve as a base for forage production and/or ecotourism industry. The construction of ecologically designed towns (ecotowns) in transition zones could accommodate migrants moved from core zones so as to develop stock production, related industry, and ecotourism, enabling both economic and environmental development. Up to now, 5778 local inhabitants in the core zones of Zhenglan Banner (county) in the Hunshandak Sandland have been moved out of the severely degraded areas with the financial assistance of the central government. Those people have been moved into three eco-towns of the Banner with an objective of greatly enhancing the economic and social status while restoring the degraded sandlands.  相似文献   

Ecotourism is widely promoted as a conservation tool and actively practiced in protected areas worldwide. Theoretically, support for conservation from the various types of stakeholder inside and outside protected areas is maximized if stakeholders benefit proportionally to the opportunity costs they bear. The disproportional benefit distribution among stakeholders can erode their support for or lead to the failure of ecotourism and conservation. Using Wolong Nature Reserve for Giant Pandas (China) as an example, we demonstrate two types of uneven distribution of economic benefits among four major groups of stakeholders. First, a significant inequality exists between the local rural residents and the other types of stakeholder. The rural residents are the primary bearers of the cost of conservation, but the majority of economic benefits (investment, employment, and goods) in three key ecotourism sectors (infrastructural construction, hotels/restaurants, and souvenir sales) go to other stakeholders. Second, results show that the distribution of economic benefits is unequal among the rural residents inside the reserve. Most rural households that benefit from ecotourism are located near the main road and potentially have less impact on panda habitat than households far from the road and closer to panda habitats. This distribution gap is likely to discourage conservation support from the latter households, whose activities are the main forces degrading panda habitats. We suggest that the unequal distribution of the benefits from ecotourism can be lessened by enhancing local participation, increasing the use of local goods, and encouraging relocation of rural households closer to ecotourism facilities.  相似文献   

昌黎黄金海岸自然保护区存在着土地权属、资源保护与开发矛盾、经费不足和管理执法力量薄弱等诸多现实问题.因此,结合保护区概况,提出发展生态旅游,解决土地权属、协调资源保护与开发关系和实施社区共管等方式等可行性对策与措施.  相似文献   

论自然保护区旅游活动的生态影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
自然保护区逐渐打破传统的消极保护模式,寻求保护与发展的协调,开展起旅游活动,但由此带来的生态影响不容忽视。本文从建立自然保护区的主要目的出发,就旅游活动对生物多样性及生态景观的影响进行分析,认为在自然保护区开展旅游活动,要对旅游活动强度与游客量进行合理控制,按照生态旅游的方法进行合理规划与管理,使保护区获得可持续发展。  相似文献   

The economic inputs and outputs for the Possum Point Biological Station in Belize during 1990–1992 are described to illustrate some aspects of an ecotourism operation. Eight hundred fifty-four people in 59 groups visited Possum Point during the study period to tour rain forests, estuaries, and coral reefs. The economic input to Possum Point from these groups increased from $74,552 in 1990 to $166,268 in 1992. Outputs were for license fees, capital improvements, goods and services, labor, fossil fuels, and development of a historic sugar mill site. An annual donation was also made to a scholarship fund for local Belizean students. The net cash balance of income and outputs changed from negative (−$6678) in 1990 to positive (+$4811) in 1992, suggesting development of the economic operation. Possum Point meets the economic criteria for ecotourism by feeding back some tourist monies for community and environmental support, particularly donations for the sugar mill site and the scholarship fund. Most of the outputs from Possum Point (about 80%) were retained in the local economy through employment and purchases, which have a positive influence on the local community. We conclude that ecotourism operations, such as Possum Point, offer important sustainable development opportunities for Belize.  相似文献   

Local peoples' knowledge, aptitude, and perceptions of planning and management issues were investigated in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (NDBR) in Uttaranchal State of India. Conflicts ensued between local inhabitants and the management authority due to lack of community participation. Although most respondents seem to claim the knowledge of the objectives of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, the source of information indicates their interaction with the management authority is not frequent. While local population seem to agree on reduced intensity of agriculture with compensation equal to loss of net income, there is a perceptible difference in responses among different age groups. While the younger generation seems to agree to move away to other areas with suitable compensation packages, the older generation prefer those options that require some adjustments in use and access to natural resources. The option of ecotourism as a source of income is acceptable to most respondents, but young and old respondents disagreed about impact of such activity on social behavior of local inhabitants. Among those groups studied, only the “self-employed group” seem to be more interested in ecotourism in comparison to other occupation classes. Gender differences in perceptions are prominent with reference to development options. While the men preferred economic opportunities, the women preferred improved living conditions. An evaluation mechanism similar to the one described in this paper will be helpful to the management authority to assess and modify their management plans to mitigate conflicts with local people.  相似文献   

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