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Carlberg A 《Ambio》2005,34(2):62-64
The research program Sustainable Coastal Zone Management (SUCOZOMA), which was started in 1996 by the Swedish Foundation of Strategic Environmental Research, was motivated by the recognition of increasingly severe global, regional and national coastal problems. The program approached the complex issues of coastal eutrophication, fishing practices, and overexploited coastal resources, with a concerted effort involving multidisciplinarity, stakeholder cooperation, and a focus on the problems perceived as most serious by the public and decision-makers. As the program was concluded in 2004 it had resulted in the completion or near-completion of 22 doctoral dissertations and approximately one hundred publications. More than 40 scientists were involved in the program. G?teborg University was the host university, but important research teams have also been located at Stockholm University, the Beijer Institute, and the Kristineberg Marine Research Station of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and within the National Board of Fisheries. During the program, networks of stakeholders were established and SUCOZOMA had contributed to numerous political and administrative processes relevant for integrated coastal zone management (ICZM). SUCOZOMA program results can be grouped into different categories. Many of the projects in the two phases of the program produced results which can be defined as technical or practical and available for direct implementation in, e.g. mussel cultivation, restoration and safeguarding of spawning areas, seal-safe fishing gear or sustainable fishing of underexploited species. Other results can be characterized as policy oriented, and the impact of these can only be fairly evaluated as new policies are put into effect. SUCOZOMA resulted in important new knowledge regarding coastal science and management, but also concerning the organization required to conduct an end-user oriented multidisciplinary program effectively.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Waste foundry sand (WFS) is the by-product of the foundry industry, which is produced about 0.6 tons per 1 ton of foundry industry production. While...  相似文献   

Wildfires in Mexico increased in 1998, compared to information for the last 6 years. The average number of wildfires in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) for this year (1998) were 58% (1916 events) more events than the 1992-1997 (average cases 1217 events). Mexico City affected area corresponds to 1.3% of the national affected area. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact on the particles air quality due to the wildfire emissions at the MCMA and surrounding areas. Using the corresponding US EPA emission factors for wildfires, the tons of particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and total hydrocarbons emitted by this source for the MCMA case were obtained. The calculated emissions during wildfires were correlated with the levels of particles present in the atmosphere. A comparison of the concentration levels of particles, both as PM10 as well as TSP, were made for the years 1992-1998, during wet and dry season, being March, April, and May the critical months due to the presence of wildfires. A good correlation is observed between particulate wildfire emissions and particulate air quality, being stronger for TSP. A clear impact on the particles air quality due to the increase of wildfires in 1998, is observed when this year is compared with 1997, presenting an increment of 200-300% for some monitoring stations.  相似文献   

介绍了1993-2006年中国环境突发事件的发生情况,分析了其对中国农业产生的影响,并对不同地区环境突发事件造成的农作物和鱼塘受害面积的时空分布特征进行了分析.结果表明:(1)环境突发事件总体呈减少趋势,环境突发事件总数与其造成的农作物、鱼塘受害面积总体呈现正相关关系.(2)1993-1997、1998-2002、2003-2006年这3个阶段,环境突发事件造成农作物年均受害面积较多的地区逐渐由东部向中、西部转移;农作物年均受害面积较多的地区逐渐减少;绝大多数的地区农作物年均受害面积呈减少趋势或持平,少数地区呈现持续高危害和危害加重的趋势.(3)1993-1997、1998-2002、2003-2006年这3个阶段,环境突发事件造成的鱼塘年均受害面积总体呈现逐渐减少的趋势;鱼塘年均受害面积较多的地区主要集中在中国的东南部、新疆和黑龙江.环境突发事件对中国渔业的影响不仅局限于东南沿海地区,还波及到东北甚至是气候较为干旱的西北地区.  相似文献   

Applications of thin layer chromatography and high performance thin layer chromatography for the separation, detection, and qualitative and quantitative determination of pesticides, other agrochemicals, and related compounds are reviewed for the period from July 1, 2004 to November 1, 2006. Analyses are covered for a variety of samples, such as food, crops, biological, environmental, pharmaceuticals, and formulations, and for residues of pesticides of various types, including insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides, belonging to different chemical classes. In addition to references on residue analysis, studies such as pesticide-structure relationships, metabolism, degradation, and lipophilicity are covered, many of which make use of thin layer radiochromatography.  相似文献   

Wastewater and sludge management and research in Oman: An overview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is well recognized that management of wastewater and sludge is a critical environmental issue in many countries. Wastewater treatment and sludge production take place under different technical, economic, and social contexts, thus requiring different approaches and involving different solutions. In most cases, a regular and environmentally safe wastewater treatment and associated sludge management requires the development of realistic and enforceable regulations, as well as treatment systems appropriate to local circumstances. The main objective of this paper is to provide useful information about the current wastewater and sludge treatment, management, regulations, and research in Oman. Based on the review and discussion, the wastewater treatment and sludge management in Oman has been evolving over the years. Further, the land application of sewage sludge should encourage revision of existing standards, regulations, and policies for the management and beneficial use of sewage sludge in Oman.

Implications: Wastewater treatment and sludge management in Oman have been evolving over the years. Sludge utilization has been a challenge due to its association with human waste. Therefore, composting of sewage sludge is the best option in agriculture activities. Sludge and wastewater utilization can add up positively in the economic aspects of the country in terms of creating jobs and improving annual income rate. The number of research projects done on wastewater reuse and other ongoing ones related to the land application of sewage sludge should encourage revision of existing standards, regulations, and policies for the management and beneficial use of sewage sludge in Oman.  相似文献   

Food 21, an interdisciplinary research program encompassing the whole agro-food chain, was conducted in Sweden during 1997-2004. The challenges undertaken were to come up with environmental tools and solutions to existing nonsustainable practices along the entire food chain. This required close collaboration between the scientists and the food chain stakeholders. A set of goals characterizing sustainable food production is presented in this paper. Synthesis and systems analysis were the main tools used to analyze the sustainability of proposed changes. In this introduction we give an overview of the Food 21 concept and highlight some results. For example, we found that organic farming and organic products were not in general superior to conventional products and practices with respect to environmental impact and product quality. We also summarize the management experiences in this article, since we consider them to be rather unique and since they contributed to the overall success of the program.  相似文献   

本文从对中国水环境体制结症分析入手 ,提出了中国水环境管理在体制上存在的主要问题 ;同时收集整理了国际上在水环境管理方面具有代表性的 11个国家水环境管理体制方面的资料 ,系统分析了这些国家在国家级、流域级与区域级的水环境管理体制与主要采取的水环境管理模式 ;并以此为依据 ,提出了我国水环境管理体制改革所需遵循的基本原则与改革方向  相似文献   

A sample of 124 deserted/infertile dipper (Cinclus cinclus) eggs was collected in south-west Ireland during six seasons (1990-1994 and 1999) and analysed for mercury and organochlorines. Mercury was detected in three of the 6 years but no trend was observed. DDT occurred above the limit of detection in only two eggs, one each in 1993 and 1994. In contrast, two derivatives of DDT (DDE and TDE) were found much more commonly. DDE occurred in over 87% of eggs, while TDE contamination was less widespread and reached a maximum of 60% in 1993, with none detected in 1991 or 1999. There was no trend in occurrence of DDE or TDE across years. PCB contamination was present consistently over the 10-year period, with little change in the proportion of contaminated eggs collected over time. In all years, the lowest recorded occurrence of total PCBs was 69% expressed on a formulation basis as Arochlor 1254. PCB congeners 138, 153 and 180 dominated. The congener pattern was similar across years with the exception of 1990 when congener 118 dominated. A distinct trend of high values of contaminants was observed in 1990 and 1993. In 1990, PCB 118 was the dominant contaminant, while in 1993, HEOD, DDE, PCB 138 and PCB 153 were primary contributors to the observed result. Other contaminants (HCB, PCB 101, gamma-HCH, PCB 170 and PCB 180) showed little obvious patterns between years and occurred at relatively low levels. No pattern was observed in contaminants when eggs were grouped according to river or altitude. These data provide a baseline for organochlorine contamination levels in Irish freshwater ecosystems against which future trends can be assessed.  相似文献   

加油站地下储油罐压力管理系统的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在当前普遍采用的加油站真空辅助式第二阶段油气回收系统中,为了避免回收到地下储油罐中的油气再次通过P/V阀排空,必须对其中气相空间的压力实施有效控制。从国外的发展情况来看,地下储油罐的压力管理系统主要分为基于膜分离技术、基于弹性气囊和基于活性炭吸附三大类,其中膜法油气回收装置在国内已经得到了较多关注。首次系统介绍了气囊式压力管理系统的工作原理及其主要结构设计,具体包括管线布局、钢制压力容器壳体、位于容器顶部封头上的接口组件和全部位于容器内的气囊等;同时对另外一种可行方案进行了分析。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The problems of data leakage and unreliable information transfer in the management process make sustainability management an inevitable need for...  相似文献   

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Status and Trends (NS&T) Program has been monitoring the chemical contamination in bivalve tissues from the US coastal waters since 1986. alpha-Chlordane, trans-nonachlor, heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide, components of technical chlordane, are among the chlorinated pesticides measured. The geographical distribution of these chlordane compounds in oyster samples from the US Gulf of Mexico is well-established. For example, highest residue levels, predominantly alpha-chlordane and trans-nonachlor, were encountered in samples collected near highly populated areas in contrast with the concentrations measured in predominantly agricultural areas. Data collected during 5 years of bivalve sampling are used to evaluate temporal trends in residue concentrations at most NS&T sites. Minor decreases can be observed in the concentrations of alpha-chlordane and trans-nonachlor. Heptachlor and its epoxide concentrations, in contrast, have been increasing since 1987.  相似文献   

Average concentrations of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 2.5 microm (PM2.5) in Steubenville, OH, have decreased by more than 10 microg/m3 since the landmark Harvard Six Cities Study associated the city's elevated PM2.5 concentrations with adverse health effects in the 1980s. Given the promulgation of a new National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for PM2.5 in 1997, a current assessment of PM2.5 in the Steubenville region is warranted. The Steubenville Comprehensive Air Monitoring Program (SCAMP) was conducted from 2000 through 2002 to provide such an assessment. The program included both an outdoor ambient air monitoring component and an indoor and personal air sampling component. This paper, which is the first in a series of four that will present results from the outdoor portion of SCAMP, provides an overview of the outdoor ambient air monitoring program and addresses statistical issues, most notably autocorrelation, that have been overlooked by many PM2.5 data analyses. The average PM2.5 concentration measured in Steubenville during SCAMP (18.4 microg/m3) was 3.4 microg/m3 above the annual PM2.5 NAAQS. On average, sulfate and organic material accounted for approximately 31% and 25%, respectively, of the total PM2.5 mass. Local sources contributed an estimated 4.6 microg/m3 to Steubenville's mean PM2.5 concentration. PM2.5 and each of its major ionic components were significantly correlated in space across all pairs of monitoring sites in the region, suggesting the influence of meteorology and long-range transport on regional PM2.5 concentrations. Statistically significant autocorrelation was observed among time series of PM2.5 and component data collected at daily and 1-in-4-day frequencies during SCAMP. Results of spatial analyses that accounted for autocorrelation were generally consistent with findings from previous studies that did not consider autocorrelation; however, these analyses also indicated that failure to account for autocorrelation can lead to incorrect conclusions about statistical significance.  相似文献   

In health care facilities, pharmaceutical waste is generally discharged down the drain or sent to landfill. Poor knowledge about their potential downstream impacts may be a primary factor for improper disposal behavior. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of an intervention program on knowledge and practice of health care staff regarding pharmaceutical waste management. The study was designed as a pre/posttest intervention study. Total sample size was 530 in the pre-intervention phase, and then a subsample of 69 individuals was selected for the intervention and the post-intervention phases. Paired-sample t test was used to assess the difference between pretest and follow-up test results. A statistically significant improvement in knowledge and practice was achieved (P < 0.001). Poor knowledge and poor practice levels (scores <50%) were found to improve to satisfactory levels (scores ≥75%). Therefore, educational programs could be considered as an effective tool for changing health care staff practice in pharmaceutical waste management.

Implications: In health care facilities, pharmaceutical waste is generally discharged down the drain or sent to landfill. A lack of knowledge about the potential impacts of this type of waste may be a leading factor in improper disposal behavior. Following an educational program, statistically significant improvement in knowledge and practice of health care staff as regards to pharmaceutical waste management (PWM) was achieved. It is thus recommended that authorities implement training-of-trainers (TOT) programs to educate health care staff on PWM and organize refreshment workshops regularly.  相似文献   

对粪产碱杆菌B-20进行发酵培养,观察菌株生长与絮凝剂积累、絮凝性、糖类物质消耗和氧浓度之间的关系,发现菌株的生长与絮凝剂的积累呈正相关,并且发酵培养过程中pH保持在7.2~7.9.通过热诱变获得能够稳定传代的B-2022突变菌株,比较了在不同pH、CaCl2添加量、菌液添加量以及不同温度条件下,其与原菌株B-20的发酵混合液的絮凝率差异,发现热诱变菌株B-2022具有更好的絮凝性能,尤其对pH的适应性较强,最优的絮凝条件为pH=9.0、100 mL高岭土悬浮液中1%(质量分数)CaCl2和发酵混合液添加量都为4 mL.进一步将热诱变菌株B-2022紫外诱变45 s,得到紫外诱变菌株B-2022c,其最佳絮凝率可达94.3%,比原菌株B-20和热诱变菌株B-2022的最佳絮凝率分别提高了2.4%和1.7%.通过化学法、紫外分光光度法和红外分光光度法测得絮凝剂的主要化学成分为糖类物质.  相似文献   

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