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Factors affecting solid phase extraction (SPE) of trans,trans-muconic acid (ttMA), as a benzene biomarker, including sample pH, sample concentration, sample volume, sample flow rate, washing solvent, elution solvent, and type of sorbent were evaluated. Extracted samples were determined by HPLC-UV (high performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet). The analytical column was C18, UV wave length was 259 nm, and the mobile phase was H(2)O/methanol/acetic acid run at flow rate of 1 ml/min. A strong anion exchange silica cartridge was found successful in simplifying SPE. There was a significant difference between recoveries of ttMA when different factors were used (p < .001). An optimum recovery was obtained when sample pH was adjusted at 7. There was no significant difference when different sample concentrations were used (p > .05). The optimized method was then validated with 3 different pools of samples showing good reproducibility over 6 consecutive days and 6 within-day experiments.  相似文献   

为评估不同气源压缩气体泡沫扑救浮顶罐密封圈火灾的有效性,通过足尺灭火试验,研究不同工况下压缩气体泡沫对浮顶罐密封圈火灾的灭火性能以及气源类型、挡雨板遮挡对灭火的影响。结果表明:在泡沫溶液供给强度为5 L/(min·m2)条件下,压缩氮气泡沫和压缩空气泡沫均可快速有效扑灭典型浮顶罐密封圈火灾,且灭火后不发生复燃;密封圈挡雨板对泡沫施加和灭火均有较大影响,不利于快速灭火;无论是否设置挡雨板,压缩氮气泡沫的灭火性能均比压缩空气泡沫略有提升,实际工程中有氮气源的场所建议直接采用已有供氮设备作为气源。研究结果对压缩气体泡沫系统工程设计以及在大型浮顶罐工程中的应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

重气扩散研究方法及其比较   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
易燃易爆及有毒重气的泄漏扩散问题已成为工业安全领域的重要问题之一,论文在文献调研的基础上分析比较了重气扩散研究的几种主要方法: 全尺寸现场实验、缩比现场实验、物理建模以及数学建模.指出: 就现场实验而言,全尺寸现场实验比缩比现场实验用的更广泛; 物理建模中风洞实验比水槽实验更具有实际应用价值; 数学建模是所有方法中最具经济性和可重复性,但其精度和可靠性不如现场实验和物理建模.国内在该领域的研究偏重于数学建模,基础性的现场实验甚至是风洞物理模拟开展的也较少,不利于我国在该领域研究的深入发展.考虑到现场实验的高风险和高代价,认为加强风洞物理建模及其与数学建模的结合将是未来重气扩散研究的主导研究策略.  相似文献   

以液体石蜡和水制备乳化液,以制备的乳化液吸收甲苯废气。考察了制备乳化液时油水质量比、乳化剂的质量分数、HLB值(亲水亲油平衡值)、乳化时间、乳化温度的选择及Tween 80、正辛醇、NaCl、Na2SO4对甲苯吸收效果的影响。结果表明,室温下油水质量比为7∶3,乳化剂质量分数为7%,HLB值为10,乳化时间为0.5 h时制备的乳化液稳定性最好。试验条件下乳化液对甲苯的初始吸收率可达96.53%,增加Tween 80的量和添加正辛醇能提高乳化液的吸收效果,添加NaCl和Na2SO4则降低乳化液对甲苯的吸收能力。  相似文献   

针对油气井中API螺纹和常规特殊螺纹接头连接性能较差的问题,提出了1种新型特殊螺纹接头结构,采用有限元法,分析了该螺纹接头在上扣、拉伸、压缩、拉伸+内压、拉伸+内外压等5种工况下螺纹位移、接头接触应力和Mises应力的分布规律,研究了螺纹接头在极限载荷下的连接安全性,并通过全尺寸试验验证了有限元结果的正确性。分析和试验结果表明:在5种工况下,螺纹首尾3扣应力很大,中间段螺纹的应力分布较均匀,螺纹两端存在明显的应力集中;螺纹径向位移和轴向位移随拉伸、压缩、外压载荷的增加而增大,随内压载荷的增大而减小;极限载荷下,管体屈服而接头并未发生滑脱及泄漏现象;该螺纹接头连接强度、密封性能和抗粘扣能力达到了使用要求。  相似文献   

张雨浓    戴俊    魏建平      陈曦  温志辉    杨娟 《中国安全生产科学技术》2016,12(10):12-17
为提高催化剂光催化降解煤矿瓦斯效率,运用溶胶-凝胶浸渍过程将具有优异吸附性能的活性炭颗粒引入催化剂,制备了新型复合催化剂Ga2O3/AC。采用XRD、SEM、N2吸附等方法对新型复合催化剂的结构形貌及比表面积进行理化表征,验证了复合催化剂制备方法的可行性。同时以真空紫外灯为光源,进行光催化氧化降解瓦斯的模拟实验,对比考察Ga2O3、活性炭颗粒及复合催化剂的光催化活性。结果表明,相比单一Ga2O3,复合催化剂光照时间为180 min后对甲烷的降解率提高了13%,达到100%去除率。  相似文献   

为了实时有效监测环空带压气井的液面位置,评价环空带压气井的风险,在传统回波定位技术基础上,提出了1种基于自相关分析的气井液位声波测试方法;建立了环空液位声波测试实验系统,开展了不同起爆压力下环空液位测试实验;对检测到声波信号进行平滑降噪和自相关分析,计算液面位置,并与真实液位进行对比分析;将该方法在现场含噪声的环空带压气井液位测试中进行了应用。结果表明:该方法能够对环空液位声波测试信号中的液面反射波进行有效提取;相比较现有在测试信号平滑降噪基础上提取的液面位置,降低了计算误差;同时,该方法能够在井下噪声环境中实现微弱液面反射声波的有效提取,其处理后的信号峰值指标更为突出,提高了测试系统对液位的识别能力,便于自动识别。  相似文献   

阻燃抗热防护服装在劳动保护领域起着重要的作用。本文分别详细介绍了阻燃抗热防护服装所经常使用的各种功能性纤维材料的性能及发展现状,以及针对非阻燃常规纺织纤维的阻燃改性技术和针对常规纤维纺织品的阻燃整理技术。文章同时介绍了现行国家标准中推荐的阻燃抗热防护服装的阻燃性能检测技术,对国际上先进的TPP检测系统和热人仪检测系统也作了简要的描述。本文对于了解阻燃抗热服装及其阻燃抗热性能检测技术的现状和发展具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

To assess and plan future risk-analysis research projects, 275 documents describing methods and tools for assessing the risks associated with industrial machines or with other sectors such as the military, and the nuclear and aeronautics industries, etc., were collected. These documents were in the format of published books or papers, standards, technical guides and company procedures collected throughout industry. From the collected documents, 112 documents were selected for analysis; 108 methods applied or potentially applicable for assessing the risks associated with industrial machines were analyzed and classified. This paper presents the main quantitative results of the analysis of the methods and tools.  相似文献   

Nowadays every piece of working equipment and tools has to comply with safety standards and laws. This study investigated multi-criteria methods for selecting working equipment in order to optimize performance and occupational safety. The multi-criteria decision-making (MDCM) method was applied to the problem of selecting optimal working equipment using four different criterion weighting approaches (direct weighting, revised Simos procedure, Fuller’s triangle and analytic hierarchy process). Groups of economic, technical and safety criteria were defined and five weighting scenarios were developed. Although the four weighting methods produced similar results, in some situations they produced different criterion weighting factors. The final output of the MCDM method was the identification of the optimal forklift in the five weighting scenarios. Although we have applied the MCDM method to a forklift selection problem, it can be applied to all sorts of working equipment in contexts where economic, technical and safety selection criteria can be identified.  相似文献   

针对隧道防火要求,开发一种可用于户外环境下保护隧道混凝土结构的耐烃类火灾的NPD型膨胀隧道防火涂料,并对硅丙乳液和纳米二氧化钛(TiO2)用量对涂料性能的影响进行了讨论。结果表明:硅丙乳液和纳米TiO2的加入提高了防火涂料的粘结强度和耐水性能,其中分别添加质量百分数为25%、09%的硅丙乳液和纳米TiO2后涂料的性能达到最优。添加质量百分数为25%硅丙乳液后,涂料的粘结强度和耐水极限分别达到020MPa和14天;而添加09%的纳米TiO2后涂料的粘结强度提高到035MPa,耐水极限达到24天,耐火  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of occupational safety and how the process of globalisation can potentially influence the attitudes, beliefs and behaviour of disparate ‘national’ workforces working across the globe for the same multi-national company. The paper reviews published literature on cross-cultural differences in attitudes, perceptions and beliefs regarding safety and presents details of a study examining the relationship between Hofstede’s [Hofstede, G., 1984. Culture’s Consequences; International Differences in Work-Related Values, Abridged edition. Sage Publications, London, Hofstede, G., 1991. Culture and Organisations; Software of the Mind. McGraw Hill, Maidenhead] cultural values dimensions (i.e., Power Distance, Individualism/Collectivism, Masculinity/Femininity); safety climate (perceived management commitment to safety) and risk-taking behaviour in workforce members of a multi-national engineering organisation operating in six countries. The results suggest that more proximal influences such as perceived management commitment to safety and the efficacy of safety measures exert more impact on workforce behaviour and subsequent accident rates than fundamental national values.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose was to study the test-retest reliability and internal consistency of questions in a questionnaire concerning working conditions and health and the inter-rater reliability of observations and measurements according to an ergonomic checklist. METHOD: Fifty-seven operators participated in a retest questionnaire and 58 operators participated in an inter-observer test. RESULTS: The questions had fair to good or higher reliability in 142 of the total of 312. Twenty-seven of the total of 44 variables in the ergonomic checklist were classified as having fair to good or higher reliability. CONCLUSIONS: About half of the questions had fair to good or higher reliability and can be recommended for further analyses. The majority of variables in the ergonomic checklist were classified as having fair to good or higher reliability. Low reliability does not necessarily indicate that the reliability of the test, per se, is low but may signify that the conditions measured vary over time or that the answers are aggregated in one part of the scale.  相似文献   

从消防监管的角度给出了道路运输易燃易爆危险品的火灾危险性分级标准,分析了典型泄漏事故后果场景和常见的泄漏规模类型.介绍了美国消防协会NFPA471、应急响应手册ERG2008危险品运输事故初期区域的确定方法,并提出了基于影响半径的危险品道路运输火灾事故现场应急区域和人员疏散范围的确定方法.提出对于易燃易爆危险品道路运输事故应急区域的确定,在初期可优先采用ERG 2008提供的初期隔离距离与防护距离进行先期处置,然后根据运输危险品的类型、运输量和影响区人员总数进行定量评估分析,以确定适当的应急区域范围.依据运输道路场所环境和事故场景特点,快速而合理的确定事故应急隔离区和疏散区,可较科学地应对突发性灾难事故,采取快速应急响应措施,优化消防警力配备.该文研究提出的方法和研究结论,可为危险品道路运输消防应急力量优化调度,现场指挥员采取有效措施开展抢险救援行动提供技术支持,有利于现场事故应急处置和人员快速安全疏散.  相似文献   

Safety performance evaluation is a significant way to ensure the safety of oil and gas production plants. Various evaluation methods have been proposed to make safety evaluation more consistent and scientific. However, a major concern is that many existing safety evaluation measurements are still subjective and are not easy to obtain in a uniform way, which can be attributed to the challenges that process plants faced such as people having different knowledge levels, equipment with dispersed locations and management with many processes. This paper aims to display the impact of risk factors on system safety level in a succinct and visual way that may be expected to overcome subjective opinions from experts and provide a more pertinent and practical safety strategies. To this end, an integrated framework is developed, which considers crucial risk factors from pipeline, static equipment, dynamic equipment and management. First, Fault tree analysis (FTA) is used to explicitly determine the crucial r risk factors. Then, a novel fuzzy cognitive map cooperating with relative degree analysis model (FCM-RDA) is proposed to deal with the weigh distribution opinions. Finally, considering the oil and gas production process is a complex system, a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation (FCE) is employed to calculate the overall safety level.  相似文献   

We present our results on the comparison of two methods for the SADT determination. Both methods, UN test H.1 and UN test H.4 are recommended by the international transport regulations from the UN. But during the last years the applicability of the UN test H.4 has been questioned for solid substances. Therefore, three organic peroxides and one self-reactive substance have been investigated in 5 kg and 20 kg packages as well as in the UN test H.4 in a 500 mL Dewar vessel. The SADT values determined with the different methods match. The UN test H.4 seems to be well suited for solid organic peroxides and self-reactive substances of at least 20 kg or 60 L.  相似文献   

In 2004/2005, a European Twinning Project was carried out to support Polish occupational safety and health institutions in putting into practice Directive 2000/54/EC regarding the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to biological agents at work. Information on and training in sampling and analysing biological agents of people responsible for bioaerosol measurements and the assessment of measuring results from the workplace atmosphere were part of the project. This paper is an extract of the authors' activities within the project and can be used as a tool for comparable activities in future projects with other European Union candidates. It gives information on working standards for bioaerosol measurements worked out and commonly used in Germany within the frame of European guidelines for bioaerosol measurements in the workplace atmosphere. Additionally it summarizes the authors' long practical experience in carrying out bioaerosol measurements in the atmosphere of various workplaces.  相似文献   

The primary aim of the study was to analyse the non-steady state of filtration for selected electrostatic filter materials designed for use in respiratory protective devices. The obtained results showed that the filtration process in electrostatic filters was dependent in the main on the following factors: type of the filter material, electrostatic field strength of the material, and the charge of the aerosol. To a lesser degree the filtration process depended on the sign of the charge and the relative humidity of the air. A significant correlation was found between the increase in the penetration and the decrease in breathing resistance while the filter was being loaded. The effect of resuspension (tearing off and re-deposition of dust agglomerates inside the filter) on the filtration process very significant. It was also observed that under certain conditions electrostatic filter materials lost their protection properties.  相似文献   

The paper describes the development of a comprehensive decision logic for selection and use of biological and chemical protective clothing (BCPC). The decision logic recognizes the separate areas of BCPC use among emergency, biological, and chemical hazards. The proposed decision logic provides a system for type classifying BCPC in terms of its compliance with existing standards (for emergency applications), the overall clothing integrity, and the material barrier performance. Type classification is offered for garments, gloves, footwear, and eye/face protection devices. On the basis of multiple, but simply designed flowcharts, the type of BCPC appropriate for specific biological and chemical hazards can be selected. The decision logic also provides supplemental considerations for choosing appropriate BCPC features.  相似文献   

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