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Even in the absence of mobilization of dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL), the microemulsion that forms when the surfactant solubilizes a dense contaminant such as trichloroethylene will be more dense than water and tends to migrate downward. This paper addresses the issue of migration with a new concept: surfactant enhanced aquifer remediation at neutral buoyancy. Laboratory results of surfactant remediation in two-dimensional model aquifers show that downward migration of microemulsion containing solubilized dense contaminants can be reduced to an acceptable level, even in the absence of capillary barriers in the aquifer. One model experiment was designed to exhibit a small degree of vertical migration and full capture of the microemulsion at the extraction well. The second experiment was designed to demonstrate the effect of large buoyancy forces that lead to excessive downward migration of the microemulsion. Density measurements of aqueous solutions containing sodium dihexyl sulfosuccinate surfactant, isopropanol, trichloroethylene, and sodium chloride are presented. A companion paper presents the results of the flow and transport calculations needed for this approach to surfactant flooding.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments demonstrate that in situ recovery of pooled tetrachloroethene (PCE) from porous media may be accomplished more efficiently using multiple-step alcohol floods than with single alcohol floods. To optimize flooding efficiency while maintaining a low risk of downward DNAPL mobilization, a three-step flooding process is developed employing an isobutanol preflood, a composite alcohol mainflood, and a polymer solution postflood. The density and viscosity of these solutions are manipulated to prevent the onset and propagation of viscous and gravitational fingers, while maintaining phase behavior critical for efficient miscible NAPL displacement. An aqueous partitioning preflood solution of 10% by volume (10% v) isobutanol reduces the NAPL density in situ to approximately 1.00 g/ml by swelling the NAPL prior to miscible displacement induced by the mainflood. The composite alcohol mainflood, containing 65% v ethylene glycol and 35% v 1-propanol maintains miscibility while achieving neutral buoyancy and near stable displacement of the NAPL. Aqueous solutions of xanthan gum polymer efficiently displace the mainflood, reducing viscous fingering associated with waterfloods. Two-dimensional experiments using the multiple-step technique achieve 99.8% DNAPL mass recovery using a total of 0.45 pore volumes of alcohol, illustrating greater recovery efficiency than previous alcohol flooding formulations under comparable conditions.  相似文献   

酮连氮法制水合肼会产生大量的副产废盐,这些副产盐因其中所含杂质有机物较多而无法直接回用于离子膜电解过程。采用水洗法处理此类废盐,可基本去除废盐中的杂质有机物,使废盐能够满足电解制碱的要求。为进一步探究水洗法处理废盐过程中各因素间的影响关系,采用响应曲面法,分别建立了废盐失重率和UV254去除率与液固质量比、水洗次数和盐温度的优化模型,优化了工艺所采用的实验条件。结果表明,液固质量比、水洗次数和盐温度3者对废盐水洗过程的影响的强弱为,水洗次数>液固质量比>盐温度。根据模型预测,最佳工艺条件为,液固质量比为5: 8、水洗次数2次、盐温度25 ℃、停留时间5 min。在最佳工艺条件下的废盐失重率和UV254去除率分别为12.6%和97.8%,实验结果与模型预测结果基本一致。处理后的废盐可满足离子膜电解用盐标准,水洗法可有效去除废盐中的杂质有机物,响应曲面法的优化结果对实际水洗过程具有指导意义。  相似文献   

本研究旨在为白洋淀淀中村生活污水处理技术选择提供一个优化决策方法。在对国内外农村生活污水处理技术深入调研的基础上,采用二级模糊综合评价法,对14项预选处理技术进行综合评估。首先从处理效果、技术性能以及经济性能三方面对各处理技术进行初级量化评估,再根据其评估数据对各项技术进行二级评估,最后结合淀中村自身特点筛选出较好的生活污水处理技术,探讨最适合白洋淀淀中村生活污水处理的优化方案。纯水村人口相对集中地区可采用人工湿地和水解酸化+人工湿地技术,人口相对分散地区可采用沼气净化技术;半水村人口相对集中地区可采用厌氧滤池+土壤渗滤和人工湿地+氧化塘技术,人口相对分散地区可采用沼气净化技术和土壤渗滤技术。  相似文献   

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