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Our study examines the potential impact of the European green crab Carcinus maenas on communities of coastal embayments of western North America. We document the current distribution and range expansion of this species beyond San Francisco Bay, where C. maenas first became established along this coast in 1989–1990, and we test the effect of C. maenas predation on different species and sizes of infaunal invertebrates in field and laboratory experiments. In our samples from eight coastal locations in central California collected between June 1993 and May 1994, we found no green crabs at the two closest embayments south of San Francisco Bay and found the crabs in all four embayments sampled within 120 km north of San Francisco Bay, up to and including Bodega Harbor. C. maenas was not present in samples from sites farther north. This northward range expansion is apparently the result of larval recruitment by a single cohort, corresponding to the predominant northern transport of surface waters and the approximate distance water moves during larval green crab development. At Bodega Harbor, the current northern range limit, the C. maenas population is now well established and reproducing. Females and males became sexually mature within their first year at 40 mm carapace width, molting approximately monthly from summer through fall, and females were ovigerous in late fall of their first year at 50 mm. We expect larvae from this population to recruit locally and to the north, promoting episodic range extensions as new populations are established and reproduce. Enclosure experiments conducted during the summer of 1993 at the intertidal sandflats of Bodega Harbor showed that C. maenas significantly reduced densities of the most abundant taxa, including the bivalves Transennella confusa and T. tantilla, the cumacean Cumella vulgaris, and the amphipod Corophium sp. Furthermore, Carcinus maenas selectively removed larger (>3 mm) rather than smaller (<1 mm) Transennella spp. in both field and laboratory experiments. Based on the available data from this and other studies of green crabs, and our 10 yr study of community dynamics at Bodega Harbor, we predict C. maenas will significantly alter community structure, ecological interactions, and evolutionary processes in embayments of western North America.  相似文献   

Many aspects of morphology of benthic algae (length, surface area-to-volume ratio, and blade undulation) are plastic traits that vary in response to physical factors (such as light or water flow environment). This study examines whether frond buoyancy is a plastic trait, and whether differences in morphology including buoyancy affect the potential persistence of macroalgae in habitats characterized by different water flow regimes. Fronds of the tropical alga Turbinaria ornata in protected backreef environments in Moorea, French Polynesia possess pneumatocysts (gas-filled floats) and experience positive buoyant forces, whereas fronds in wave-exposed forereef sites either lack pneumatocysts entirely or have very small, rudimentary pneumatocysts and experience negative buoyant forces. Forereef fronds transplanted to the backreef developed pneumatocysts and experienced increased buoyant force indicating that buoyancy is a phenotypically plastic trait in T. ornata. In comparing the potential for dislodgement by drag, drag was greater on forereef fronds at low flow speeds as these fronds were stiffer and did not bend over at low flow speeds and therefore were less streamlined in the flow than backreef algae, which bent easily. The environmental stress factor (ESF) (a measure of the likelihood of detachment for a frond in its habitat) was higher for forereef than backreef fronds at all flow speeds. When examined with respect to the flow velocities likely in their respective habitats however, the chance of detachment for backreef and forereef was similar. Neither backreef nor forereef fronds were predicted to break under normal, non-storm conditions, but both were predicted to break in storms. Strong forereef morphologies are well suited to habitats characterized by rapid flow, whereas the weaker, buoyant, tall backreef fronds are well suited to habitats where crowding and shading is common but hydrodynamic forces are low.  相似文献   

The mutualistic association between the sponge Haliclona caerulea and the calcareous red macroalga Jania adherens is conspicuous on shallow rocky regions of Mazatlán Bay (eastern tropical Pacific, Mexico). Transplanting experiments were carried out to examine the morphological responses of the association to an environmental depth gradient. Simultaneously, we conducted caging experiments to examine the effects of predation (mainly by angelfishes) on association morphology. For this, we transplanted specimens of the association from a control area at 3 m depth to depths of 1 and 5 m, and measured the morphological responses in the association (macro- and microstructure) from the three sites before and after 103 days. The association had the capacity to adjust both macro and micromorphologically, and both external morphology and body structure changed significantly with depth. The specimens grown at 1 m developed a larger surface area of attachment, higher organic density and higher inorganic content than the control specimens at 3 m, and the organisms grown at 5 m depth. We also detected significant differences in the aquiferous system of the sponge, which developed smaller and more numerous oscula at 1 m than at 5 m depth. These differences seem to be consistent with the wave movement as one of the main regulatory factors of the morphology of the association. However, the spicules from H. caerulea were most slender in shallow water, which is not consistent with increasing robustness in the face of greater wave force. The algal skeleton supplied up to 27% of the total inorganic structure of the association; thus, algal contribution significantly reduces the energy costs of spicule production, specifically under high wave exposure, when H. caerulea requires structural reinforcement relative to organic content. The contribution of the sponge to the association (as ratio Si to CaCO3) increased significantly from 3 to 5 m (12% in the uncaged specimens and 22% in the caged specimens), showing that the mutualistic relationship decreases with depth. The production of sponge branches in caged individuals was the most notable difference from uncaged morphs, which could suggest the effect of predators like angelfishes. However, branches could also be a response to the reduction in water movement and irradiance inside the cages. Sponges are known to show morphological acclimation in response to habitat variation, but this is the first study to show it in a sponge living in association with a macroalga.  相似文献   

Summary Adult male tree lizards, Urosaurus ornatus, practise alternative (territorial or sneaker/satellite) reproductive strategies that are correlated with differences in throat color and body size. In this study we raised tree lizards from hatching in the laboratory to examine the question of whether the phenotypic expression of secondary sex coloration and body size can be facultatively influenced by social or abiotic environmental factors. We compared males reared in the laboratory under different social and environmental conditions to males in the field and found no effect of different conditions on phenotypic differentiation (Figs. 2–4). Thus, phenotypic differences between morphs probably result largely from nonfacultative expression of different genotypes. This suggests that alternative male morphs practise a mixed evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) rather than one morph making the best of a bad situation. However, in the context of ESS theory it is difficult to explain our further result that the nonterritorial morph in this species grows faster and reaches a larger adult body size than the territorial morph (Fig. 5).  相似文献   

We report current genetic variation of populations of the razor shell Ensis directus (Conrad 1843) (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Pharidae) in native (North American) and introduced (European) ranges using nuclear and mitochondrial sequence-based markers. We expected less variation within the introduced range, especially considering the frequent mass mortality events observed in Europe since the species was recorded for the first time in 1978. However, we found higher variation in Europe. The possible significance of temporal fluctuations of genetic variation, limited effect of random genetic drift, and multiple introductions are discussed. Interestingly, the multiple-introduction hypothesis contrasts with the gradual colonisation of European coastal waters but is supported by trained clustering analysis and by the intensity of transatlantic shipping. Genetic and morphometric evidence strongly supports that examined individuals from a supposed E. directus population from Newfoundland (Canada) belong to a separate species. This new Ensis is formally described here and named E. terranovensis n.sp.  相似文献   

The northern Pacific seastar Asterias amurensis Lütken was recently introduced to Tasmanian waters, possibly through ballast water discharged from ocean-going vessels. Three Tasmanian populations and seven native populations from Japan and eastern Russia were examined in 1994 for variation at 22 allozyme loci. There was significant spatial heterogeneity in gene frequencies among the native populations, especially for the ocus APK *, where G ST was a very high 0.47. The Tasmanian populations could not be separated genetically from one another, suggesting they have a common origin from a single introduction. The average heterozygosity per locus of the Tasmanian populations (0.116 to 0.127, mean 0.123) was 30 to 40% less than that of the native populations (0.177 to 0.216, mean 0.192), suggesting that colonisation of Tasmanian waters was accompanied by a population-size bottle-neck. The Tasmanian seastars were genetically more closely related to the two populations from central Japan (Suruga and Tokyo Bays) than to populations from Vladivostok, northern Japan (Yoichi, Nemuro and Mutsu Bays) or southern Japan (Ariake Sea). However, there were significant differences between the populations from Tasmania and central Japan, which may be attributable to founder effects or may mean that the true source of the Tasmanian introduction has yet to be identified.  相似文献   

Previous studies of a hybrid zone between the mussels Mytilus edulis Linnaeus and M. galloprovincialis Lamarck have not resolved the relative importance of the genetic composition of settling larval cohorts versus post-settlement selection in determining the distribution of the parental species and their hybrids. In the present study, recently settled mussels (spat) were collected from 20 sites in southwest England throughout the summer and fall (May–October) in 1998 and 1999. This study investigated the spatio-temporal patterns of settlement and genetics of mussel spat by genetically identifying M. edulis, M. galloprovincialis and their hybrids using the diagnostic PCR marker Glu-5. Settlement was observed earlier in populations of M. edulis than in populations of M. galloprovincialis. Settlement occurred in hybrid populations at times intermediate to and overlapping with both of the parental populations. Temporal genetic variation within years was rare at most sites, while there was some variation between the two years. Spatial genetic variation, however, was common among spat settling within the hybrid populations and matched that observed in small, sub-adults at the same sites. No consistent directional changes in allele frequency were observed over the course of several weeks after settlement. These data suggest that the observed spatial variation in the adult populations is the result of spatial variation in settling larval cohorts and not of either temporal genetic variation or of selection soon after settlement.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

Vermetid gastropods are characterized by complex taxonomy and unusual ecology. A survey of the fouling community in the intake channel at the Planta Centro Power Plan in Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, found massive colonies of vermetid gastropods of the genus Petaloconchus. We arbitrarily named two prevalent varieties as black and brown-orange morphs, distinguishing based on the color of their soft bodies. Spatial distribution was different for the morphs. The black morph was present along the jetty, with higher average densities in the shallower intertidal area (410 vs. 143 ind m−2), while the brown-orange morph was only present at the initial part of the channel (μ = 83 ind m−2). Both produced small eggs (142 vs. 180 μm diameter on average), with the orange-brown eggs being slightly larger, but the morphs differed in other reproductive aspects. The brown-orange morph produced significantly fewer capsules (up to nine simultaneously per female) with fewer embryos (average of 27 viable embryos/capsule) that hatched at a larger size (577 μm on average), allocating about 17.64% of the initial egg production to nurse eggs. In contrast, the black morph produced up to 14 capsules simultaneously, hatched an average of 178 veligers of 212 μm, and produced no nurse eggs. The intra-capsular development reached a more advanced stage in the brown-orange morph than in the black one. Several cytochrome subunit I (COI) and 16S rRNA (16S) haplotypes were found for the black morph, when compared to only one haplotype for both genes present for the brown-orange morph. Preliminary phylogenetic analyses separated the morphs into different clades, supported by robust bootstrap values and posterior probabilities (>98). Our results indicate that the morphs are two different species: the black morph was identified as Petaloconchus cf. varians and the brown-orange morph as a non-described species, Petaloconchus sp. (orange). The first is endemic to the Caribbean, while the second is potentially an introduced species.  相似文献   

邓雄 《生态环境》2010,19(5):1170-1175
研究了华南地区外来入侵种薇甘菊Mikania micrantha H B Kunth不同光环境下形态和生理可塑性及其适应性响应。通过模拟开阔地段、林缘、大林窗、小林窗、林下等不同生境的的光照环境,并设计一个干扰实验,分析了薇甘菊的生长、碳同化以及生物量分配如何对光环境作出适应性响应。研究了当干扰发生时,薇甘菊如何对光环境的变化做出形态和生理可塑性响应。通过对其各项生物量分配及气体交换等指标的观测,在小林窗光照环境下薇甘菊生长缓慢生物量积累较少,但是如果一旦受到干扰,光照环境得到改善,薇甘菊将在很短的时间内通过适应性形态和生理可塑性响应,迅速体现出较强的入侵性。这也可能是入侵植物薇甘菊"坐待对策(sit and wait strategy)"的生动体现:如果外界环境不利,暂且先保持繁殖体(种子或者根茎),一旦条件成熟(发生干扰条件得到改善或者遗传变异或者生态生理的积累),就会迅速爆发。所以我们一方面,不用担心郁闭的森林会被薇甘菊入侵,但另一方面也要注意干扰会引起光照等环境条件的改变,使得原来潜伏于林下的薇甘菊繁殖体重新变得富有入侵性。  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial symbionts in the sponge Diacarnus erythraenus from the Red Sea were identified in both adult sponges and their larvae by 16S rDNA sequencing. A single cyanobacterial type was found in all samples. This cyanobacterial type is closely related to other sponge cyanobacterial symbionts. The cyanobacterial rDNA, together with the morphological analysis by electron and fluorescence microscopy, provided evidence for vertical transmission of the symbionts in this sponge. In addition, we show phenotypic plasticity of the symbionts inside the sponge, probably as a result of variability in light availability inside the sponge tissue. Finally, the reproduction of Diacarnus erythraenus is also described.Matan Oren, Laura Steindler have contributed equally to the work.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - The Riardo basin hosts groundwater exploited for the production of high quality, naturally sparkling, bottled water (e.g., Ferrarelle water), and circulating...  相似文献   

Eelgrass, Zostera marina, is generally regarded as the preferred habitat of bay scallops, but in some cases scallop populations have persisted or increased in areas lacking eelgrass. This suggests that some other substrate(s) may serve important ecological functions for bay scallops. One candidate is Codium fragile, a macroalgal species with which bay scallops are known to associate and in which we commonly find juvenile and adult bay scallops in eastern Long Island, New York. In this study, we examined whether survival of planted bay scallops differed in Codium, eelgrass, and Codium + eelgrass substrates at two sites during August and October of 2 years. Survival of tethered scallops and recoveries of live free-planted individuals varied with scallop size, planting season and year, but no differences were observed between the three substrates for a given scallop size and planting date. Crab (particularly Dyspanopeus sayi) and whelk predation were implicated as important causes of tethered scallop mortalities while emigration and removal by predators likely contributed to scallop losses. Densities of naturally recruited 0+ years scallops recovered by visual and suction dredge sampling were similar in the eelgrass and Codium substrates. While our results suggest that Codium may offer some degree of predation refuge for bay scallops, further work needs to weigh the potential disadvantages of this substrate (such as low DO levels, potential attachment and transport of scallops, and differences in current flow, food availability and sedimentation relative to eelgrass) to determine if Codium may serve as a valuable habitat for bay scallops throughout their lifespan.  相似文献   

Rising dissolved pCO2 is a mounting threat to coral reef ecosystems. While the biological and physiological impacts of increased pCO2 are well documented for many hermatypic corals, the potential effects on bioerosion processes remain largely unknown. Increases in pCO2 are likely to modify the direct interactions between corals and bioeroders, such as excavating sponges, with broad implications for the balance between biologically mediated deposition and erosion of carbonate in reef communities. This study investigated the effects of three levels of CO2 (present-day, mid-century and end-of-century projections) on the direct interaction between a bioeroding sponge, Cliona varians, and a Caribbean coral, Porites furcata. Increased pCO2 concentrations had no effect on the attachment rates of C. varians to the corals, and we observed no significant impact of pCO2 on the survival of either the coral or sponges. However, exposure to end-of-century levels of CO2-dosing (~750 μatm) reduced calcification in P. furcata and led to a significant increase in sponge-mediated erosion of P. furcata. These findings demonstrate that pCO2 can enhance erosional efficiency without impacting survival or competitive vigor in these two species. While few studies have considered the influence of pCO2 on the competitive outcomes of interactions between corals and other reef organisms, our study suggests that assessing the impacts of changing pCO2 on species interactions is crucial to adequately predict ecosystem-level responses in the future.  相似文献   

Meiobenthos samples were collected from Gullmar Fjord, on the Swedish west coast, for just over 2 yr (December 1978–February 1981, inclusive), spanning a short period of severe hypoxia. Previously published analysis indicated no meiofaunal response at the major taxon level. Nematode samples were further analysed to the genus level. Data were analysed with both univariate and multivariate statistics. Although there was no immediate response to the hypoxic period, changes in assemblage structure at both genus and family level during the subsequent year may have been caused by it: diversity was reduced, multivariate assemblage structure was altered, and within-site variability was considerably increased. These changes may have resulted directly from the influence of hypoxia on reproductive success and juvenile survival and/or indirectly as a consequence of the complete disappearance of the macrobenthos (due to the hypoxia) which would alter macrobenthos-meiobenthos interactions. A year after the hypoxia there was no evidence that the nematode assemblage structure was returning to its pre-hypoxia state. This suggests that in physically undisturbed, deep sites, such as the Gullmar Fjord basin, recovery of nematode assemblages after environmental disturbance may be a lengthy process.  相似文献   

Stream sediment, stream water, and fish were collected from a broad region to evaluate downstream transport and dispersion of mercury (Hg) from inactive mines in the Monte Amiata Hg District (MAMD), Tuscany, Italy. Stream sediment samples ranged in Hg concentration from 20 to 1,900 ng/g, and only 5 of the 17 collected samples exceeded the probable effect concentration for Hg of 1,060 ng/g, above which harmful effects are likely to be observed in sediment-dwelling organisms. Concentrations of methyl-Hg in Tiber River sediment varied from 0.12 to 0.52 ng/g, and although there is no established guideline for sediment methyl-Hg, these concentrations exceeded methyl-Hg in a regional baseline site (<0.02 ng/g). Concentrations of Hg in stream water varied from 1.2 to 320 ng/L, all of which were below the 1,000 ng/L Italian drinking water Hg guideline and the 770 ng/L U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) guideline recommended to protect against chronic effects to aquatic wildlife. Methyl-Hg concentrations in stream water varied from <0.02 to 0.53 ng/L and were generally elevated compared to the baseline site (<0.02 ng/L). All stream water samples contained concentrations of As (<1.0–6.2 μg/L) and Sb (<0.20–0.37 μg/L) below international drinking water guidelines to protect human health (10 μg/L for As and 20 μg/L for Sb) and for protection against chronic effects to aquatic wildlife (150 μg/L for As and 5.6 μg/L for Sb). Concentrations of Hg in freshwater fish muscle ranged from 0.052–0.56 μg/g (wet weight), mean of 0.17 μg/g, but only 17 % (9 of 54) exceeded the 0.30 μg/g (wet weight) USEPA fish muscle guideline recommended to protect human health. Concentrations of Hg in freshwater fish in this region generally decreased with increasing distance from the MAMD, where fish with the highest Hg concentrations were collected more proximal to the MAMD, whereas all fish collected most distal from Hg mines contained Hg below the 0.30 μg/g fish muscle guideline. Data in this study indicate some conversion of inorganic Hg to methyl-Hg and uptake of Hg in fish on the Paglia River, but less methylation of Hg and Hg uptake by freshwater fish in the larger Tiber River.  相似文献   

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