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Renewable Resources in an Overlapping Generations Economy Without Capital   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We incorporate a renewable resource into an overlapping generations model without capital and with quasi-linear preferences. Besides being an input for production the resource serves as a store of value. We characterize the dynamics, efficiency, and stability of the steady-state equilibria. The stability properties are sensitive to the type of resource growth. For constant growth there is only one steady-state equilibrium which is stable and efficient. In the general case of the concave growth function, there are usually at least two steady-state equilibria, one of which is stable and the other one unstable. The unstable steady state is efficient, but the stable one may or may not be. We study the robustness of our results by assuming a logarithmic utility function. We show that for the Cobb–Douglas production function the steady state is unique and stable regardless of whether the equilibrium is efficient or inefficient. Our analytical results are illustrated by numerical calculations.  相似文献   

Endangered Species Left Homeless in Sweet Home   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

无苯酚培养基分离到的降酚菌多样性的分子分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用3种不含苯酚的培养基(YPG、10%YPG和LB)从上海焦化厂废水处理系统(A2/O法)好氧池的悬浮污泥分离到24株降酚菌株.通过16SrDNAPCR扩增产物的限制性酶切分析(amplifiedribosomalDNArestrictionanalysis,ARDRA)、ERICPCR指纹图谱分析、多组分苯酚羟化酶大亚基(thelargestsubunitofthemulticomponentphenolhydroxylase,LmPH)基因的PCR扩增及16SrRNA基因测序的方法对这些降酚菌株进行表征.通过ARDRA分型,将这24株降酚菌株分为8个类型;利用ERICPCR可以将这24个菌株分为17种类型,说明同一ARDRA类型内菌株具有多样性.对17个ERIC类型代表菌株的16SrDNA扩增产物进行克隆并测序,测序结果在GenBank和RDP中进行比对.结果表明,与这17个代表菌株同源性最高的菌中,有6株是未见报道具有降酚功能的菌株.在这24株降酚菌中,有19株在苯酚含量为200mg/L的MP培养基中培养5d,苯酚降解率为20%左右,其余5株苯酚降解率达到100%,且均属于Rhodococcus属.本研究在降酚菌生物多样性上作了有益的探索.图2表1参20  相似文献   

低成本战略是现代企业取得其产品竞争优势的基本策略之一,在全新的企业制造环境下,成本管理理念发生了深刻的变化,包括从单纯的制造成本向经济寿命周期成本转变,成本动因理念与成本动因的多样化,成本避免成为成本控制的主流方式,时间因素对成本的调和作用日益突出,成本管理全面化,成本效能分析等,对现代企业成本管理的内涵与外延运用均产生较大的冲击.在成本管理创新方面,要体现成本管理理念和导向创新,坚持成本领先策略,建立基于价值链管理的成本控制制度.在实践中,对任何成本管理的应用都要重视实质,重视培养工程成本师,善于总结具有中国特色的经验,重视期间费用的管理.参4.  相似文献   

南宁市景观生态格局现状与改善途径   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
应用景观生态规划设计原理,通过南宁市景观现状进行分析,提出了改善南宁市景观的基本途径,包括保护自然生态空间,保持地方特色,维持景观生态过程与格局的连续性,建立城市中具有生态功能的廊道等。  相似文献   

Do Midas cichlids win through prowess or daring? It depends   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Individual Midas cichlids (Cichlasoma citrinellum) show persistent differences in aggressive behavior toward dummy fish. The starting question was whether the level of such behavior can be used to predict the winner of a fight. In the first (long-term) experiment two fish were matched for size, color, and sex. After 24 h the opaque barrier separating the 2 fish was removed; they immediately behaved aggressively. Scores for aggression toward dummies did not predict the winners, nor did taking the initiative in escalation. But weight did foretell the winners, who averaged only 2% heavier than their opponents. The conventional display phase of such fights was brief (20% of total duration), and escalation was rapid. Both winners and losers sustained damage, but losers accumulated damage faster than winners. In the subsequent (short-term) experiment the fish were separated only 1–2 h. Now aggression scores predicted winners, and winners were the fish who escalated. Weight of fish had no effect. The conventional phase was relatively much longer, about half the length of the fight. Losers accumulated damage at the same rate as the losers in the long-term experiment, but the fights were shorter; winners suffered little damage. The fish had difficulty assessing one another. Fighting prowess was remarkably uniform when weight was factored out. Daring to escalate, in contrast, varied among individuals and correlated with aggression scores. Prowess (=weight) determined the outcome in the long-term experiment, which may find its parallel in nature in intraterritorial disputes. Daring to escalate determined the winner in the short-term experiment; this may be comparable to establishing a territory in nature.Prowess probably results from strong directional selection because it has low costs and high benefits. In contrast, daring is subject to bi-directional selection because both costs and benefits are high. Resource holding potential is conventionally viewed as deriving from prowess of self and opponent and value of resource; to that one must add the individual's inherent aggressiveness.  相似文献   

Abstract:  As species become very rare and approach extinction, purported sightings can stir controversy, especially when scarce management resources are at stake. We used quantitative methods to identify reports that do not fit prior sighting patterns. We also examined the effects of including records that meet different evidentiary standards on quantitative extinction assessments for four charismatic bird species that might be extinct: Eskimo Curlew ( Numenius borealis ), Ivory-billed Woodpecker ( Campephilus principalis ), Nukupu`u ( Hemignathus lucidus ), and O`ahu `Alauahio ( Paroreomyza maculata ). For all four species the probability of there being a valid sighting today, given the past pattern of verified sightings, was estimated to be very low. The estimates of extinction dates and the chance of new sightings, however, differed considerably depending on the criteria used for data inclusion. When a historical sighting record lacked long periods without sightings, the likelihood of new sightings declined quickly with time since the last confirmed sighting. For species with this type of historical record, therefore, new reports should meet an especially high burden of proof to be acceptable. Such quantitative models could be incorporated into the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List criteria to set evidentiary standards required for unconfirmed sightings of "possibly extinct" species and to standardize extinction assessments across species.  相似文献   

The home range system of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae was investigated along 11 km coastline at Grande Comore, Western Indian Ocean, between 1987 and 1991. 67 individuals were identified on individual white dot patterns. The home range consisted of daytime caves where fish aggregated in groups of up to 14 individuals while at night individuals moved singly downwards to a depth of 250 to 300 m in search of food. Site fidelity of at least 5 yr was found. The coelacanths used several caves within their home ranges. Cave size, cave occupation rate, average and maximum group size and cave preferences were studied. Tracking experiments with ultrasonic transmitters revealed horizontal home ranges of at least 8 km width. Population estimates of 200 to 230 individuals at Grande Comore confirm earlier counts. Large home ranges and highly mobility in a topographically narrow habitat apparently favoured inbreeding of the small local island population.  相似文献   

简述了龙山县生态公益林建设与管理的现状,剖析了新时期发挥生态公益林的生态、社会效益与提高林农收入矛盾,分析了龙山县生态公益林建设与管理中存在的问题,提出了龙山县实现生态公益林生态、社会效益与提高林农收入的措施.参4.  相似文献   

Is It Acceptable to Let a Species Go Extinct in a National Park?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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