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Xue PY  Li GX  Liu WJ  Yan CZ 《Chemosphere》2010,81(9):1098-1103
A comprehensive understanding of the uptake, tolerance and transport of heavy metals in the wetland system through aquatic plants will be essential for the development of phytoremediation technologies. Copper accumulation and translocation of a submersed macrophyte Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle were investigated. Plant shoots showed a significant accumulation of Cu with a maximum of 30830 mg Cu kg?1 dry weight after exposed to 4000 μg L?1 Cu for 4d. Both roots and shoots can directly take up Cu from solution and Cu mainly accumulated in cell wall fractions. Moreover, H. verticillata predominantly accumulated Cu through shoots from the aqueous solutions because of the higher weights and bioaccumulation factors of shoots than those of roots. Acropetal translocation of Cu in the plant is higher than the basipetal translocation, which implies that upward translocation of Cu is mainly via the xylem and downward translocation is mainly through the phloem. These findings contribute to the application of submerged aquatic plants to copper removal from moderately contaminated waters.  相似文献   

Continued world population growth results in increased emission of gases from agriculture, combustion of fossil fuels, and industrial processes. This causes changes in the chemical composition of the atmosphere. Evidence is emerging that increased solar ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation is reaching the earth's atmosphere, due to stratospheric ozone depletion. Carbon dioxide (CO(2)), ozone (O(3)) and UV-B are individual climate change factors that have direct biological effects on plants. Such effects may directly or indirectly affect the incidence and severity of plant diseases, caused by biotic agents. Carbon dioxide may increase plant canopy size and density, resulting in a greater biomass of high nutritional quality, combined with a much higher microclimate relative humidity. This would be likely to promote plant diseases such as rusts, powdery mildews, leaf spots and blights. Inoculum potential from greater overwintering crop debris would also be increased. Ozone is likely to have adverse effects on plant growth. Necrotrophic pathogens may colonize plants weakened by O(3) at an accelerated rate, while obligate biotroph infections may be lessened. Ozone is unlikely to have direct adverse effects on fungal pathogens. Ozone effects on plant diseases are host plant mediated. The principal effects of increased UV-B on plant diseases would be via alterations in host plants. Increased flavonoids could lead to increased diseased resistance. Reduced net photosynthesis and premature ripening and senescence could result in a decrease in diseases caused by biotrophs and an increase in those caused by necrotrophs. Microbial plant pathogens are less likely to be adversely affected by CO(2), O(3) and UV-B than are their corresponding host plants. Changes in host plants may result in expectable alterations of disease incidence, depending on host plant growth stages and type of pathogen. Given the importance of plant diseases in world food and fiber production, it is essential to begin studying the effects of increased CO(2), O(3) and UV-B (and other climate change factors) on plant diseases. We know very little about the actual impacts of climate change factors on disease epidemiology. Epidemiologists should be encouraged to consider CO(2), O(3) and UV-B as factors in their field studies.  相似文献   

The Ah receptor was identified and characterized in cytosol from a large number of diverse animal species. Molecular properties of the Ah receptor were similar in all species which had detectable receptor. However, subtle differences in receptor properties exist among animal species and these differences indicate that the Ah receptor protein is not identical in all species. It is not yet known whether differences in receptor properties among animal species play a significant role in determining differential susceptibility of the species to toxicity from halogenated aromatic compounds.  相似文献   

It is observed that ramie (Boehmeria nivea), an economic fiber crop, can establish and colonize metal-contaminated sites in China. Metal tolerance and accumulation by ramie originating from 13 metal-contaminated and 4 “clean” sites in China were compared under field and hydroponic conditions. All selected populations and germplasms displayed good growth performance under diverse metal-contaminated habitats; while growth responses, metal accumulation and tolerance were similar among the 8 populations and 2 germplasms when exposed to solutions containing elevated As, Cd, Pb, or Zn in the laboratory. These revealed that ramie possesses a certain degree of constitutional metal tolerance. To our knowledge, this is the first report of constitutional metal tolerance possessed by a fiber crop. Ramie can be considered as a good candidate for both fiber production and phytoremediation of sites contaminated by multi-metals, as it accumulates relative low metal concentrations, but possesses both high biomass and high economic value.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Plant leaves play a key role in the accumulation of PAHs, as they are able to capture PAHs from the air. In this paper, the mechanism, including...  相似文献   

[1,2-14C]TCA of a high specific activity (3.7 GBq/mmol) and appropriate radioindicator techniques were used, to study the effect of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) on conifers. Easy uptake of TCA from soil through spruce roots and its further translocation by the transpiration stream up to the needles (where damage of the photosynthetic apparatus occurs) has been proved. During the growth period, after one-shot load of TCA, the uptake was most intensive in current-year needles at first; over an extended period a decrease in the level of [1,2-14C]TCA-derived radioactivity was found in the current-year needles while in older needles (C + 2), the level rose. Symptoms of TCA biodegradation and/or metabolism were found in the plant/soil system under study. During an eight-week exposure significant losses of radioactivity into the atmosphere were noticed, at least a part of them in the form of carbondioxide. The results of these more or less preliminary experiments demonstrated the suitability and advantages of the radioisotopic technique used.  相似文献   

A climate chamber was constructed for model studies of mobility and effects of chemical substances within simplified terrestrial systems. The chamber functions and its performance were tested by foliar applications of phthalates on higher plants. A low elimination rate from foliage was observed for DEHP. More than 95% of DiBP and DBP were eliminated within 15 days. 1.5 μg cm−2 of DBP caused chlorosis on the leaves of Sinapis alba L.  相似文献   

Various redox reactions may occur at the fringe of a landfill leachate plume, involving oxidation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), CH4, Fe(II), Mn(II), and NH4 from leachate and reduction of O2, NO3 and SO4 from pristine groundwater. Knowledge on the relevance of these processes is essential for the simulation and evaluation of natural attenuation (NA) of pollution plumes. The occurrence of such biogeochemical processes was investigated at the top fringe of a landfill leachate plume (Banisveld, the Netherlands). Hydrochemical depth profiles of the top fringe were captured via installation of a series of multi-level samplers at 18, 39 and 58 m downstream from the landfill. Ten-centimeter vertical resolution was necessary to study NA within a fringe as thin as 0.5 m. Bromide appeared an equally well-conservative tracer as chloride to calculate dilution of landfill leachate, and its ratio to chloride was high compared to other possible sources of salt in groundwater. The plume fringe rose steadily from a depth of around 5 m towards the surface with a few meters in the period 1998-2003. The plume uplift may be caused by enhanced exfiltration to a brook downstream from the landfill, due to increased precipitation over this period and an artificial lowering of the water level of the brook. This rise invoked cation exchange including proton buffering, and triggered degassing of methane. The hydrochemical depth profile was simulated in a 1D vertical reactive transport model using PHREEQC-2. Optimization using the nonlinear optimization program PEST brought forward that solid organic carbon and not clay minerals controlled retardation of cations. Cation exchange resulted in spatial separation of Fe(II), Mn(II) and NH4 fronts from the fringe, and thereby prevented possible oxidation of these secondary redox species. Degradation of DOC may happen in the fringe zone. Re-dissolution of methane escaped from the plume and subsequent oxidation is an explanation for absence of previously present nitrate and anaerobic conditions in pristine groundwater above the plume. Stable carbon isotope (delta13C) values of methane confirm anaerobic methane oxidation immediately below the fringe zone, presumably coupled to reduction of sulfate, desorbed from iron oxide. Methane must be the principle reductant consuming soluble electron-acceptors in pristine groundwater, thereby limiting NA for other solutes including organic micro-pollutants at the fringe of this landfill leachate plume.  相似文献   

The transfer of eleven phenylurea herbicides through soil columns was investigated in laboratory conditions in order to determine leaching properties in a calcareous soil. Elution curves with distilled water were plotted after herbicide application on the soil column. Phenylurea retention by the soil indicating interactions with soil can be classified as follows: fenuron < fluometron ≤ isoproturon = monuron < metoxuron < monolinuron < metobromuron < chlorotoluron < linuron = diuron < chlorbromuron. The number and nature of halogen atoms on the phenyl ring had an important influence on leaching. Retention was higher for molecules with higher number of halogen, and it was also higher for bromine than chlorine. Column elution experiments were compared to batch experiments from which the distribution coefficients K d were determined. According to Kendall correlation coefficients, parameter m/m 0max from column experiments was relatively well linked to K d. In case of phenylurea, a linear relationship between K d and m/m 0max was established.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of three widespread heavy metals, As(III), As(V) and Cd, and their binary mixtures on the proteomic profile in D. magna were examined to screen novel protein biomarkers using the two-dimensional gel electrophoresis method (2DE). Ten 20d daphnia were exposed to the LC20 concentrations for each of a total of 8 treatments, including the control, As(III), As(V), Cd, [As(III)+As(V)], [As(III)+Cd], [As(V)+Cd], and [As(III), As(V), Cd], for 24 h before protein isolation. Three replicates were performed for each treatment. These protein samples were employed for 2DE experiments with a pH gradient gel strip from pH 3 to pH 10. The protein spots were detected by a silver staining process and their intensities were analyzed by Progenesis software to discover the differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) in response to each heavy metal. A total of 117 differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) were found in daphnia responding to the 8 treatments and mapped onto a 2D proteome map, which provides some information of the molecular weight (MW) and pI value for each protein. All of these DEPs are considered as potential candidates for protein biomarkers in D. magna for detecting heavy metals in the aquatic ecosystem. Comparing the proteomic results among these treatments suggested that exposing D. magna to binary mixtures of heavy metals may result in some complex interactive molecular responses within them, rather than just the simple sum of the proteomic profiles of the individual chemicals, (As(III), As(V), and Cd).  相似文献   

Lead (Pb) has been highlighted as a major pollutant of both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, causing negative impacts to these environments. The concentration of Pb in plants has increased in recent decades, mainly due to anthropogenic activities. This study has as a hypothesis that the species Oxycaryum cubense (Poep. & Kunth) Palla, abundant in aquatic environments, has the potential to be used a phytoremediator. The plants were grown in a hydroponic system with Pb in increasing concentrations (0, 4, 8, 16 and 32 mg l?1) for 15 days. Inductively coupled mass spectrometer (ICP OES) was used to determine the concentration of mineral nutrients and lead. Optical and transmission electron microscopy were used for the analysis of cellular damage induced by lead in roots and leaves. Ultrastructural alterations were observed as disorganization of thylakoids in the chloroplast and disruption of mitochondrial membranes in cells of leaf tissues of plants subjected to increasing Pb concentrations. There was accumulation of Pb, especially in the root system, affecting the absorption and translocation of some mineral nutrients analysed. In roots, there was reduction in the thickness of the epidermis in plants treated with Pb. This species was shown to be tolerant to the Pb concentrations evaluated, compartmentalizing and accumulating Pb mainly in roots. Due to these results, it may be considered a species with phytoremediation capacity for Pb, with potential rizofiltration of this metallic element in contaminated watersheds.  相似文献   

Range expansion potential is an important consideration for prioritizing management actions against an invasive species. Understanding the potential for range expansion by invasive reptiles such as the Burmese python can be challenging, because the lack of knowledge on fundamental physiological and behavioral constraints initially forces reliance on modeling to predict hypothetical invasive range potential. Hypothetical predictions for Burmese python range limits in the USA have been highly divergent, from only extreme South Florida and the extreme southern Gulf edge of Texas to a broad swath over the southern third of the continental USA. Empirical observations on python thermal tolerances and behavioral abilities to cope with more temperate temperatures became evident during a cold spell in December 2009–January 2010. We review and highlight important considerations for improving invasive range estimation methodology, deciding between competing range predictions, and the importance of having, and applying, empirical data to aid in decision making.  相似文献   

Phoenix Services, Inc., owns and operates the Baltimore Regional Medical Waste Incinerator in Baltimore, MD. New regulations for dioxins and furans imposed a limit that was considerably below historical emission levels. To determine a method to comply with the new dioxin/furan regulations, Phoenix Services performed trials with powdered activated carbon (PAC). Although the results with carbon were acceptable, Phoenix Services decided to replace their woven fiberglass filter bags with catalytic filters that simultaneously destroy dioxins and furans and collect particulate matter (PM). The catalytic filter system offered several advantages to Phoenix Services, including destruction of dioxins and furans instead of adsorption on carbon. The catalytic filters also offered a passive solution that did not require new carbon injection equipment. In January 2000, a campaign to measure dioxins/furans and PM was undertaken. The measurements allowed the catalytic filter system to be evaluated. Some of the key findings of this investigation are The dioxin/furan emission was less than 0.1 ng toxicity equivalents (TEQ)/Nm3 at 11% O2. This concentration is approximately 2 orders of magnitude less than historical averages and it is well below the new regulatory limits, for both existing and new sources of this type; the amount of dioxin/furans destroyed by the catalytic filters was approximately 1.73 ng TEQ/Nm3 at 11% O2; and the particulate emission was 12-17 times less than the regulatory limit.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the bio-accumulation of Cd(II), Cu(II), Pb(II) and Zn(II) in Pittosporum tobira (Thunb.) Aiton leaves sampled in different zones of Messina, in order to assess the level of atmospheric metal deposition in correlation with the traffic volume. Derivative stripping chronopotentiometry was used as a practical, precise and sensitive technique to determine simultaneously Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn levels in Pittosporum leaves. In the optimised electro-chemical conditions, detection limits lower than 0.05 microg kg(-1) were achieved, whereas the accuracy, expressed as obtained recoveries from certified materials, was in the range 93.5-102.7%. The obtained data provided evidence that Cd and Pb levels significantly decreased from high to low traffic density zones (p < 0.005, ANOVA), whereas Cu and Zn are accumulated by plants particularly from the soil and their contents is not related to the traffic volume.  相似文献   

The behavior along the potabilization process of 29 pharmaceuticals and 12 drugs of abuse identified from a total of 81 compounds at the intake of a drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) has been studied. The DWTP has a common treatment consisting of dioxychlorination, coagulation/flocculation and sand filtration and then water is splitted in two parallel treatment lines: conventional (ozonation and carbon filtration) and advanced (ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis) to be further blended, chlorinated and distributed. Full removals were reached for most of the compounds. Iopromide (up to 17.2 ng/L), nicotine (13.7 ng/L), benzoylecgonine (1.9 ng/L), cotinine (3.6 ng/L), acetaminophen (15.6 ng/L), erythromycin (2.0 ng/L) and caffeine (6.0 ng/L) with elimination efficiencies ≥94%, were the sole compounds found in the treated water. The advanced treatment process showed a slightly better efficiency than the conventional treatment to eliminate pharmaceuticals and drugs of abuse.  相似文献   

The hexachlorocyclohexane-isomers (HCH), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (4,4′-DDT) and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethene (4,4′-DDE) have been measured in urban and rural air around the city of Ulm (F. R. G., 48.4° N, 10.0° E). The sampling stations are typical for continental air in the westerlies of the northern hemisphere including local and regional influences. The analytical method consists of adsorptive sampling of large volumes (1000 m3) of air on silica gel, solvent desorption with CH2Cl2, preseparation of the collected chlorinated C6/C14 hydrocarbons by liquid adsorption chromatography on silica gel, and high resolution capillary gas chromatography with electron capture-(HRGC/ECD) or mass-selective detection (HRGC/MSD). The concentrations found in the lower troposphere under different meteorological conditions reflect regional input and long range transport. The levels found range from 1 pg/m3 for 4,4′-DDT to 10 ng/m3 for gamma HCH.  相似文献   

Differences in the toxicological and metabolic pathway of inorganic arsenic compounds are largely unknown for aquatic species. In the present study the effects of short-time and acute exposure to AsIII and AsV were investigated in gills and liver of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio (Cyprinidae), measuring accumulation and chemical speciation of arsenic, and the activity of glutathione-S-transferase omega (GST Ω), the rate limiting enzyme in biotransformation of inorganic arsenic. Oxidative biomarkers included antioxidant defenses (total glutathione-S-transferases, glutathione reductase, glutathione, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase), total scavenging capacity toward peroxyl radicals, reactive oxygen species (ROS) measurement and lipid peroxidation products. A marked accumulation of arsenic was observed only in gills of carps exposed to 1000 ppb AsV. Also in gills, antioxidant responses were mostly modulated through a significant induction of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity which probably contributed to reduce ROS formation; however this increase was not sufficient to prevent lipid peroxidation. No changes in metal content were measured in liver of exposed carps, characterized by lower activity of GST Ω compared to gills. On the other hand, glutathione metabolism was more sensitive in liver tissue, where a significant inhibition of glutathione reductase was concomitant with increased levels of glutathione and higher total antioxidant capacity toward peroxyl radicals, thus preventing lipid peroxidation and ROS production. The overall results of this study indicated that exposure of C. carpio to AsIII and AsV can induce different responses in gills and liver of this aquatic organism.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study of a downstream segment (Brahmaputra, Bangladesh) of one of the longest transboundary (China-India-Bangladesh) Himalayan rivers reveals...  相似文献   

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