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随着环境问题的日益复杂化,环境治理中多元体系的形成尤为重要,非政府组织(NGO)作为一种新的社会治理力量受到广泛关注。然而,治理过程中利益相关者之间很难达成共识,因此,探索各利益相关者共同参与环境治理的模式具有现实意义。基于利益相关者理论,以绿色浙江"吾水共治"圆桌会为例,对环境治理中的利益相关者角色及功能展开分析,研究NGO在协调多方利益、维护公众权益、促进民主协商、实现多元共治过程中的作用机制和模式创新。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Among the EU countries, Greece relies heavily on coal the most, and it has lagged behind in cutting emissions. Further, following the oil crisis of...  相似文献   

基于区域间水环境容量分配的控制指标和公平性准则分析,应用水环境基尼系数概念,以定量表达各公平性准则;并将各控制指标的水环境基尼系数均达到最小值作为界定多目标公平性的标准值。以此为基础,以各区域水环境容量分配比例为搜索变量,以水环境基尼系数达到多目标公平性标准值为目标,采用多目标最优化方法确定区域间水环境容量公平分配方案。应用该方法,对长乐江流域水环境容量在区域间的分配进行了实例分析。结果表明,将水环境基尼系数作为水环境容量分配结果的公平性衡量指标具有客观性,确定的水环境容量公平分配方案体现了多目标公平性。水环境基尼系数法可以推广至同一层面、具有可比性的排污单位间水环境容量公平分配问题上,且方法简单、可靠。  相似文献   

Aldicarb is a soil-applied systemic pesticide the USEPA is now considering banning in the USA. Aldicarb is fairly rapidly oxidized to the sulfoxide, with a half-life of approximately 7 days in some soils, and much more slowly to the sulfone (pH-dependent with half-lives varying from a few minutes at a pH of > 12 to approximately 560 days at a pH of 6.0). Persistence, carry-over and translocation vary with soil and environmental conditions. Drainage aquifers and drinking water wells are known to be susceptible to contamination, levels of approximately 550 ppb have been recorded. Foods are also known to take up the pesticide; levels of 600 ppb have been found in potatoes.  相似文献   

欧盟水环境标准体系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了欧盟水环境标准体系的发展变革,概述了其中的标准及政策,阐述了欧盟环境标准的直接适应效力、优先于成员国法的效力和从属原则等法律特征,归纳了欧盟环境标准指令在各成员国内的实施要求和欧盟水环境标准的特点,并对中国水环境标准的制定与实施提出了建议。  相似文献   

The use of molecular tools, principally qPCR, versus traditional culture-based methods for quantifying microbial parameters (e.g., Fecal Indicator Organisms) in bathing waters generates considerable ongoing debate at the science–policy interface. Advances in science have allowed the development and application of molecular biological methods for rapid (~2 h) quantification of microbial pollution in bathing and recreational waters. In contrast, culture-based methods can take between 18 and 96 h for sample processing. Thus, molecular tools offer an opportunity to provide a more meaningful statement of microbial risk to water-users by providing near-real-time information enabling potentially more informed decision-making with regard to water-based activities. However, complementary studies concerning the potential costs and benefits of adopting rapid methods as a regulatory tool are in short supply. We report on findings from an international Working Group that examined the breadth of social impacts, challenges, and research opportunities associated with the application of molecular tools to bathing water regulations.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The primary objective of this research is to ascertain the relationship between corporate social responsibility, environmental investments and...  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with developing a practical methodology for prioritising measures to ameliorate the environmental problems associated with the abandonment of mine workings. Although much attention is focused on the pollution associated with on-going industrial production, rather fewer resources are going to develop methodologies for handling the environmental legacy effects of our forefathers. Of the work that has been done, much of it tends to focus on single, incomplete measures or benefits. This paper looks at the particular issues of acid mine drainage (AMD) in the USA, and develops a tractable way of approaching the problem of how allocated resources may be prioritised to maximise net social benefits. In particular, it advocates the use of a combination of established methodologies with rather newer statistical procedures to approach the problem. It offers a number of case studies by way of illustration as to how the methodology can be applied.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study examines the impacts of different economic, environmental, and social factors on sustainable China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)...  相似文献   

As one of the unconventional natural gas family members, coalbed methane (CBM) receives great attention throughout the world. The major associated problem of CBM production is the management of produced water. In the USA, Canada, and Australia, much research has been done on the effects and management of coalbed methane produced water (CMPW). However, in China, the environmental effects of CMPW were overlooked. The quantity and the quality of CMPW both vary enormously between coal basins or stratigraphic units in China. The unit produced water volume of CBM wells in China ranges from 10 to 271,280 L/well/day, and the concentration of total dissolved solids (TDS) ranges from 691 to 93,898 mg/L. Most pH values of CMPW are more than 7.0, showing the alkaline feature, and the Na-HCO3 and Na-HCO3-Cl are typical types of CMPW in China. Treatment and utilization of CMPW in China lag far behind the USA and Australia, and CMPW is mainly managed by surface impoundments and evaporation. Currently, the core environmental issues associated with CMPW in China are that the potential environmental problems of CMPW have not been given enough attention, and relevant regulations as well as environmental impact assessment (EIA) guidelines for CMPW are still lacking. Other potential issues in China includes (1) water quality monitoring issues for CMPW with special components in special areas, (2) groundwater level decline issues associated with the dewatering process, and (3) potential environmental issues of groundwater pollution associated with hydraulic fracturing.  相似文献   

以深圳市宝安区为例,探讨以再生水满足城市水系环境需水的方法.应用一维恒定与非恒定水质模型计算了4种补水水质方案下该区10条主要河流的环境需水量,从水量平衡角度提出全区再生水BOD5的平均值,并进一步分析了补水水质与河流环境需水量的关系.结合该区水系与污水处理系统空间位置,提出3种再生水的空间配置方法.结果表明:茅洲河和...  相似文献   

The arctic tundra and boreal forest were once considered the last frontiers on earth because of their vast expanses remote from agricultural land-use change and industrial development. These regions are now, however, experiencing environmental and social changes that are as rapid as those occurring anywhere on earth. This paper summarizes the role of northern regions in the global system and provides a blueprint for assessing the factors that govern their sensitivity to social and environmental change.  相似文献   

Long-term changes, from 1984 to 2010, in the indicators of microbial pollution (total viable count, coliforms, Escherichia coli, enterococci, and Clostridium perfringens) are analysed in the Riga Hydropower Plant Reservoir, an essential source of drinking water for Riga, the capital of Latvia. Counts in microbial indicators fluctuated seasonally and were related to physicochemical parameters (nitrogen compounds, turbidity, temperature, and pH). The changes in microbial pollution were brought about by two major socio-economic developments. Firstly, Latvia’s independence from the USSR in 1991 which facilitated a distinct reduction in most microorganism counts due to a sharp decline in industrial and agricultural production. This resulted in a significant drop in point and nonpoint pollution in the river basin. A further development was Latvia joining the European Union in 2004. The corresponding focus on water management, including wastewater treatment, was a major priority of environmental investment and lead to improvements in microbial water quality.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s13280-020-01470-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The implementation of efficient environmental and waste management policies requires a better understanding of how these issues are integrated into social dynamics. In particular, we need to improve our knowledge of social perceptions about these problems. To do this, one can use a methodology based on lexicographical tools. It allows the reconstruction of actors' representations from in-depth interviews. This study aims to demonstrate the benefits and limitations of such a method. It looks at the perceptions of environment and waste issues of French industrial actors. A common representation has been extracted on the basis of the categories most present in the discourses. It has then been completed and refined by a deeper examination of relationships between actors, of values underlying the representation, and of its dynamic aspects. The method presented here would be particularly appropriate for comparative analysis between different groups of actors or different cultures.  相似文献   

水环境容量核算是城市水环境管理的基础。分析了北海市水环境特征的现状,通过划分陆域控制单元和对应水环境容量核算单元,根据设计水文条件及功能区水质目标等参数,综合选用一维河流非感潮河段容量计算模型、一维河流感潮河段容量计算模型核算了北海市各主要流域地表水水系的水环境容量。在此基础上,结合近海海洋环境容量,核算各控制单元点、面源负荷排放量,分析了北海市基于控制单元分区的可利用水环境容量空间分布特征,并提出了容量资源分区控制利用对策建议。  相似文献   

Presently, many pharmaceuticals are listed as emerging contaminants since they are considered to be great potential threats to environmental ecosystems. These contaminants, thus, present significant research interest due to their extensive use and their physicochemical and toxicological properties. This review discusses a whole range of findings that address various aspects of the usage, occurrence, and potentially environmental risks of pharmaceuticals released from various anthropogenic sources, with emphasis on the aquatic systems in Vietnam. The published information and collected data on the usage and occurrence of antibiotics and synthetic hormone in effluents and aquatic systems of Vietnam is reported. This is followed by a potential ecological risk assessment of these pollutants. The extensive use of antibiotics and synthetic hormones in Vietnam could cause the discharge and accumulation of these contaminants in the aquatic systems and potentially poses serious risks for ecosystems. Vietnam is known to have extensively used antibiotics and synthetic hormones, so these contaminants are inevitably detected in aquatic systems. Thus, an appropriate monitoring program of these contaminants is urgently needed in order to mitigate their negative effects and protect the ecosystems.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Environmental waters cover a range of water quality characteristics which could greatly affect the behavior and fate of C60 in the aquatic...  相似文献   

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