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The growth (extension rate, number of radial branches, skeletal mass, branch diameter) of the␣staghorn coral Acropora formosa (Dana, 1846) was examined at four sites on the Beacon Island platform at Houtman Abrolhos, in subtropical Western Australia (28°S). Sites were at depths of 7 to 11 m, with variable exposure to weather and swell conditions. Two sites on the western reef slope were partly exposed to the oceanic swell, and two sites in the lagoon were largely protected from wave action. Linear extension rate between 1994 and 1995 varied significantly between sites, with greater linear extension at the more protected lagoonal sites. However, accumulation of skeletal mass per branch and number of newly initiated radial branches did not vary significantly between the sites. Carbonate was deposited in similar amounts, but either as porous, rapidly extending branches, or as denser branches which extended more slowly. Branch extension rate over 11.5 mo ranged from a mean of 50.3 mm (range=13 to 93 mm) at a reef slope site to a mean of 76.0 mm (range=31 to 115 mm) at a sheltered lagoonal site. Mean extension rates were almost twice that previously reported for this species in Houtman Abrolhos (37 to 43 mm yr−1) from a shallower site where environmental conditions were apparently sub-optimal. Growth was within the range reported for A. formosa from tropical sites, which is consistent with the relatively high calcification and reef-accretion rates recorded for Houtman Abrolhos in geological and metabolic studies. The role of reduced coral growth-rate in limiting coral reef formation at high latitudes remains equivocal. Received: 19 November 1997 / Accepted: 5 May 1998  相似文献   

Wind tunnel experiments on rehabilitation surfaces at Eneabba, Western Australia evaluated the techniques used by Associated Minerals Consolidated Ltd. (AMC) and Allied Eneabba Ltd. (AEL) to stabilize regions being revegetated following heavy mineral sand mining. Newly landscaped areas proved to be the most erodible, beginning to erode at 9 m sec−1 and producing a soil flux of 10 kg m−1 min−1 at 18 m sec−1 wind speeds. Sandier, more organically-rich, surfaces in the rehabilitation areas were somewhat less erodible with losses of only 2 kg m−1 min−1 at wind speeds of 18 m sec−1. The mining companies use various nurse crops and top dressing mulch for surface stabilization. Rows of oats, sparse plantings of the grass cultivar “SUDAX” (Dekalb ST6) supplied by Westfarmers Ltd. and applications of Terolas, a cold, bituminous surface binding material supplied by Shell Co. of Australia Ltd., all proved successful in reducing wind erosion in this semi-arid region where more than 25% of summer days experience winds greater than 8 m sec−1.  相似文献   

Whale sharks (Rhincodon typus Smith) aggregate seasonally (March–June) to feed in coastal waters off Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. Pop-up archival tags were attached to 19 individuals (total lengths 4.5–11.0 m) at this location in early May of 2003 and 2004 to examine their horizontal and vertical movements. The long-term movement patterns of six whale sharks were documented, all of which travelled northeast into the Indian Ocean after departing Ningaloo Reef. They used both inshore and offshore habitats and made extensive vertical movements, occasionally to a depth of at least 980 m. Frequent up-and-down movements, diel vertical migration, and crepuscular descents were evident in the depth records. The sharks experienced ambient temperatures ranging between 4.2 and 28.7°C and encountered gradients of up to 20.8°C on dives.  相似文献   

Allozyme electrophoresis of two corals was used to assess whether populations at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia are primarily self-seeding or whether recruitment is from a broader geographic pool. Significant genetic subdivision across a range of spatial scales (between 6.5 km and 155 km) was found for both Acropora digitifera and A. aspera, with mean F ST values of 0.010 and 0.067 respectively. Large departures from Hardy-Weinberg expectations were found for both species. Without exception these were due to deficits of heterozygotes; mean D values were –0.341 for A. digitifera and –0.455 for A. aspera. The magnitude of the deficits was consistent both across loci for all sites and across all sites for each locus. Some loci were found to be in linkage disequilibrium but no consistent pattern was observed. Also, multi-locus genotypic diversity values were generally high (between 0.83 and 1.00) and so departures from equilibria cannot be attributed to asexual reproduction. The most plausible explanation for the patterns observed is restricted gene flow at both the planktonic and gametic stages, with mating between close relatives.Communicated by G.F. Humphrey, Sydney  相似文献   

In this investigation different bioassays were used to detect the physiological and genotoxic effects of water samples of mining lakes. Especially bioassays with higher plants were used like the duckweed bioassay with Lemna minor, the cress bioassay with Lepidium sativum, the Tradescantia‐micronucleus bioassay and the Arabidopsis bioassay. In addition the algae‐motility bioassay with Euglena gracilis were used. All these bioassays were found to be suitable to investigate mining lake samples of extreme acidic character. Four mining lakes (ML 107, ML 111, ML 117, ML F) were selected. They show equally low pH‐values, but differ in size, age, hydro‐chemical and biological state. The results demonstrated that it is possible to differentiate the mining lakes based on the results of bioassays. Samples of ML 107 and 111 showed significant physiological and genotoxic effects. Water samples of both lakes caused severe damages and decreased growth at the same dilution level in all plant bioassays. ML F causes different effects on bioassays. The highest negative effect was observed on root development of L. sativum. ML 117 did not show any effects on duckweed, algae, Tradescantia or Arabidopsis bioassays. There was only a slight effect on the root development in the cress bioassay.  相似文献   

The short-term movements and behaviour of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus Smith, 1828) during March 1994 and April 1997 are reported from data collected by acoustic tracking and archival tags at Ningaloo Reef on the north west coast of Western Australia. Sharks were tracked for up to 26 h and generally swam slowly at ≃0.7 m s−1 parallel to the reef edge; occasionally they swam in a wide arc adjacent to passes in the reef. All tracked sharks made regular dives through the water column, mostly from the surface to near the bottom. These dives did not appear to be related to hydrographic features, and the sharks were probably searching the water column for food. Most sharks were accompanied by other fishes, usually the golden trevally Gnathanodon speciosus. Received: 19 January 1999 / Accepted: 22 June 1999  相似文献   

Tiger sharks are important predators in the seagrass ecosystem of Shark Bay, Australia. Although sharks appear to return to a long-term study site within the Eastern Gulf periodically, the extent of their long-term movements is not known. Five sharks fitted with satellite transmitters showed variable movement patterns. Three sharks remained within the Shark Bay region and another made a 500 km round-trip excursion to oceanic waters northwest of the bay. These four sharks showed relatively low displacement rates relative to sharks tracked over shorter time periods, suggesting that sharks move through large home ranges that include Shark Bay. Although no reliable position fixes were obtained for the fifth shark, we were able to use the timing of satellite uplinks and the position of the satellite to determine that it had moved at least 8,000 km to the coastal waters of southeast Africa in 99 days—the longest recorded movement by a tiger shark. This movement and previously documented trans-Atlantic movements suggest that tiger shark populations may mix across ocean basins and that tiger sharks are subject to anthropogenic effects at great distances from protected waters. Finally, our method for using single satellite uplinks may be useful in estimating movements for wide-ranging species that rarely provide high quality location estimates.  相似文献   

S. M. Tong 《Marine Biology》1997,128(3):517-536
The diversity of heterotrophic flagellates in the water column at Denham, in Shark Bay, Western Australia, was examined in April 1995 by observations of living cells in freshly collected samples, and in enrichment cultures. Observations were also made of cells on whole-mount preparations, using light and electron microscopy. A total of 41 species are described, drawn from the apusomonads, cercomonads, choanoflagellates, cryptomonads, euglenids, heteroloboseids, stramenopiles and groups of uncertain taxonomic affinities (Protista incertae sedis). A new species, Percolomonas denhami, is described and assigned to the Heterolobosea. Three-quarters of the species seen have not previously been reported from southern sub-tropical regions. The biogeography of the species seen in Western Australia is discussed with reference to studies in other localities. It appears that many heterotrophic flagellates have a cosmopolitan distribution. Received: 11 June 1996 / Accepted: 13 December 1996  相似文献   

Coral spawning in Western Australia (WA) occurs predominantly in the austral autumn in contrast to the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) on Australia’s east coast where most spawning occurs in spring. Recent work, however, suggests a second spawning period in northern WA with at least 16 Acropora spp spawning in spring or early summer. This discovery has initiated a re-examination of reproductive seasonality in northern WA, particularly on inshore reefs adjacent to large development projects, such as the site of this study in Mermaid Sound, in the Dampier Archipelago. Three locally abundant taxa, Porites spp, Pavona decussata and Turbinaria mesenterina were sampled monthly from September 2006 to May 2007 to determine sexuality, the mode of reproduction and the time of gamete maturity. All three taxa were gonochoric broadcast spawners. Porites spp. colonies were mature in November and December, P. decussata in March and April. In contrast, most colonies of T. mesenterina contained mature gametes for up to 5 months beginning in November, suggesting either individuals are releasing gametes on multiple occasions, or they retain mature gametes for more than 1 month. Field surveys to determine the reproductive status of the remaining coral assemblage were conducted prior to the full moon in October 2006 and March 2007. Only four species contained mature gametes in October 2006. In contrast, 55 species contained mature gametes in March 2007. We conclude that the major spawning season of corals on shallow-inshore reefs in the Dampier Archipelago is autumn, although taxa that spawn in spring and summer include Porites spp., Acropora spp. and possibly T. mesenterina that are numerically dominant at many of these sites. Consequently, management initiatives to limit the exposure of coral spawn to stressors associated with coastal development may be required in up to five months per year.  相似文献   

Trickle irrigation, during establishment, increased survival two fold for seven species of shrubs and trees planted on coal mine spoil in the semiarid area of northeastern Wyoming, USA. Increased survival of irrigated plants persisted for five years after initiation of this study, which included two growing and winter seasons after cessation of irrigation. Species included green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia), silver buffaloberry (Shepherdia argentea), Siberian peashrub (Caragana arborescens), American plum (Prunus americana), ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), and Rocky Mountain juniper (Juniperus scopulorum).  相似文献   

贵州煤矿集中开采区地表水重金属污染特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘伟  刘胜华  秦文  张建美  潘红忠 《环境化学》2020,39(7):1788-1799
对贵州煤矿集中开采区地表水重金属污染情况进行评价,掌握重金属污染迁移特征,采用数理统计分析、Pearson相关性分析以及综合污染指数评价法对贵州省摆沙河流域煤矿区周边13个监测点共9项污染指标进行评价分析.结果表明,该区域地表水中总铁、锰、铝和汞的富集程度较高,浓度均值分别为68.48、2.75、9.91 mg·L~(-1)和0.0035 mg·L~(-1),均超出了地表水质量标准限定值,且汞超标率高达100%.总铁、锰、铬、铝、锌属于高度变异,部分地区污染严重,且区域性极强,污染情况随矿区位置不同而呈现显著差异.总铁、锰、铝、锌之间具有较显著的正相关关系,表明该4种污染物质来源一致或相似,总铁及铝均与pH呈强负相关性,说明pH影响重金属的浸出性能.13个地区中毛坡栗(G_8)污染程度较轻,新寨2(G_2)、陆家桥(G_(13))为重度污染,其他10个监测点均为严重污染,其中翁威主矿处(G_4)污染最为严重;总铁、锰、汞的影响权重值较高,新寨1(G_1)、翁威主矿处(G_4)、两岔河(G_6)、楼梯冲(G_7)、瓦厂河(G_9)总铁、锰污染程度较高,新寨2(G_2)、翁威2(G_5)、豆芽井(G_(10))、上坝(G_(11))、蛋托厂(G_(12))、陆家桥(G_(13))地区受汞污染影响严重.  相似文献   

In 2008, a maize underproduction disaster occurred in the Xianyu village after irrigation using the coal mining water from the Xingdong Mine, China. This disaster resulted in about 40 hectare maize underproduction and 20 hectare total loss of the maize yields. In order to study the reason, a total of 25 soil, water and plant samples were taken from the study area. These samples were analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and ion chromatography. The results indicate that the contents of both water-soluble fluorine and total fluorine are very high and resulting of maize underproduction and total loss of production. The possible pollution sources of fluorine in the study area could be from the coal mine water used for irrigation and glass chemical factory near the study area.  相似文献   

Element analysis of the annual increments in a longitudinal section from the tusk of a female dugong Dugong dugon (Müller) from Exmouth, Western Australia, was carried out by X-ray fluorescence-imaging, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Nine elements (Ba, Ca, Fe, Li, Mg, Na, P, Sr and Zn) were present in concentrations amenable to determination by these techniques. Most elements revealed both long-term trends and shorter, year-to-year, variations. For example, sodium concentrations increased from 0.55 to 0.72% with the age of the dugong. Strontium concentrations (mean 0.17%) were closely correlated (r = 0.86) with those of barium (mean 4.5 mg kg−1). Zinc concentrations increased from ∼70 to 170 mg kg−1 with dugong age, but also showed shorter-term fluctuations of ∼30 mg kg−1 that were correlated (r = 0.41) with mean annual Fremantle sea level (a measure of the Southern Oscillation Index and strength of the Leeuwin Current). The concentrations of the elements and correlations with year and between pairs of elements are discussed. Received: 10 January 1997 / Accepted: 21 April 1997  相似文献   

The hawksbill marine turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) is listed on the IUCN Red List as critically endangered but little is known about its demography to support robust diagnosis of population trends. Moreover, adult female hawksbills do not nest each year due to environmentally mediated physiological constraints and this skipped breeding behaviour presents a major challenge in data collection and for estimating demographic parameters from such data sets. We estimated demographic parameters such as survival and breeding probabilities for a major Indo-Pacific nesting hawksbill population using a capture-mark-recapture (CMR) study and a multistate open robust design statistical modelling approach, which accounts for breeding omission and the staggered arrival and departure of nesters during each season. Our study used CMR histories for 413 nesting hawksbills tagged on Varanus Island (Western Australia) over a 4-month sampling period each year for 20 austral summer nesting seasons between 1987 and 2007. The estimated annual survival probability for these nesting hawksbills was constant over the 20 years at ca. 0.947 (95% CI: 0.91–0.97), which is encouragingly high for a population associated with industry. The estimated annual conditional nesting (breeding) probability for female hawksbills that had skipped the previous nesting season was time-specific ranging from 0.07 to 0.29 (mean = 0.18, CV = 41.3%), which presumably reflects the interaction between turtle physiology and in-water habitat quality. The mean conditional probability of breeding again having skipped 2 prior consecutive nesting seasons was ca. 0.83 (95% CI: 0.73–0.89), indicating a high frequency of breeding season omission. The annual nesting probability for females that had nested the previous season was 0, reflecting known obligate skipped breeding (reproductive omission) that is characteristic of hawksbill populations in response to high energy demands of vitellogenesis and breeding migration. These are the first estimates of annual survival and state-dependent breeding probabilities for any Indo-Pacific hawksbill stock that provide a basis for developing a better understanding of regional population dynamics for this critically endangered species.  相似文献   

Thasos Island has a long history of metalliferous mining, the first mining activities having been initiated by the Phoenicians during the seventh century. The mineralogy of the mineralisation includes primary minerals (galena, sphalerite) and secondary oxidised minerals (smithsonite, cerussite). In the soils studied only secondary minerals were found. Clay minerals (kaolinite, illite, montmorillonite, mixed layer clays), plagioclase, calcite and dolomite are also present in the soils. Contamination derived from the old mining sites results in extremely high levels of Pb, Zn, Mn, Fe, As, Sb, Ag, Cd in soils in the vicinity of the old workings. Since many of the Thasos mining sites are in, or adjacent to, areas of agricultural land, plants growing on the polluted sous have increased concentrations of heavy metals. This may well have a possible effect on livestock.  相似文献   

Abstract. D. L. Serventy censused birds in Kings Park, Perth, between 1928 and 1937 and again between 1952 and 1955. Abundance was estimated by the frequency with which species were detected on censuses. The counts were repeated in 1986 by H. F. Recher. A total of 44 species were recorded during censuses. Since the first counts, were made, 14 species decreased in abundance by more than 15%, and 9 species went locally extinct. Eleven species increased in abundance by more than 20% (5 by more than 50%), and the abundance of 19 remained unchanged (frequency of occurrence changed by less than 15%).
Although nearly 300 ha of the park's 400 ha area remains as native vegetation, this vegetation has been degraded by logging, changed fire regimes, construction of trails, and invasion by exotic weeds. Changes in the ground vegetation have had a particularly significant impact. Nine of the 16 species that declined in abundance are ground foragers. Of the species that increased in abundance, a number benefit from the greater availability of nectar, fruits, and water in the suburban gardens that have developed around the park The Australian Raven (Corvus coronoides) has become particularly abundant and predation by ravens on nests was contribute to the decline of some species Changes to tbe park vegetation, suburban development of the park's immediate surroundings, and the extensive clearing of vegetation throughout southwestem Australia appear to have had a more signifcant effect on the park's avifauna than the sire of the park or its isolation in an urban environment. Poor management has seriously reduced the capacity of Kings Park to support native wildliye. Changes in park management designed to mbabilitate native vegetation, control weeds, and control ravens are necessary to prevent the further loss of species from the park's avifauna.  相似文献   


Environmental geochemistry classifies elements into essential, non-essential and toxic elements in relationship to human health. To assess the environmental impact of mining at Datoko-Shega area, the distributions and concentrations of trace elements in stream sediments and soil samples were carried out. X-ray fluorescence analytical technique was used to measure the major and trace element concentrations in sediments and modified fire assay absorption spectrometry in soils. The results showed general depletion of major elements except titanium oxide (TiO2) compared to the average crustal concentrations. The retention of TiO2 at the near surface environment probably was due to the intense tropical weathering accompanied by the removal of fine sediments and soil fractions during the harmattan season by the dry north-east trade winds and sheet wash deposits formed after flash floods. The results also showed extreme contamination of selenium (Se), cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg), plus strong contaminations of arsenic (As) and chromium (Cr) in addition to moderate contamination of lead (Pb) in the trace element samples relative to crustal averages in the upper continental crust. However Hg, Pb and Cd concentrations tend to be high around the artisanal workings. It was recognised from the analysis of the results that the artisanal mining activity harnessed and introduces some potentially toxic elements such as Hg, Cd and Pb mostly in the artisan mine sites. But the interpretation of the trace element data thus invalidates the elevation of As concentrations to be from the mine operations. It consequently noticed As values in the mine-impacted areas to be similar or sometimes lower than As values in areas outside the mine sites from the stream sediment results.


Enzyme polymorphisms in the sea urchinEchinometra mathaei were examined to test the relative influences of population turnover and patchiness in recruitment on genetic heterogeneity. We found that the total variance in allelic frequency among three populations separated by approximately 4 km at Rottnest Island, Western Australia (collected in February 1985) is as large as that among five additional samples collected over a distance of 1 300 km along the Western Australian coast in August 1987. This suggests that the forces causing genetic differentiation act on a local scale and occur in a single generation. A comparison of sites with different histories of recruitment indicates that the observed genetic differences among age groups are the result of prerecruitment effects, and that differences among sites reflect their individual histories of recruitment.  相似文献   

Zooplankton abundance and grazing on autotrophic and heterotrophic particulate matter were measured along a transect across Davis Reef (18°5S; 147°39E) and in the back-reef lagoon over tidal and diel cycles during austral winter (August 1984). Zooplankton entering the reef from the surrounding shelf waters decreased in abundance over the reef flat, presumably because of predation. Within the reef lagoon, maximum daytime densities of pelagic copepods occurred during high water, suggesting an external input. At night, water-column zooplankton biomass increased by a factor of 2 to 3 due to the emergence of demersal reef zooplankton. Zooplankton grazing rates on heterotrophic particulate matter (bacteria + detritus and Protozoa) compared to phytoplankton were higher on the reef flat than on the fore-reef or lagoon. Within the lagoon, zooplankton grazing rates on heterotrophic material were maximum during high water, coincident with maximum tidal concentrations of particulate organic carbon. The combined demersal and pelagic zooplankton community were often able to crop 30% of the daily primary production by >2µm phytoplankton. However, >50% of phytoplankton biomass was in cells <2µm, presumably unavailable to these zooplankton. Our particulate production and ingestion measurements, together with zooplankton carbon demand extrapolated from respiration estimates, suggest that the zooplankton community of Davies Reef derives much of its nutrition from detritus.Joint contribution from the University of Maryland, Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies (No. 2015), and the Microbial Ecology on a Coral Reef Workshop (MECOR No. 19)  相似文献   

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