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钻井废水的处理现状与展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
油气井钻探过程中产生大量钻井废水,会对环境产生污染。本文介绍了钻井废水的来源、组成及其对环境的影响,着重介绍了目前钻井废水的处理工艺、方法和处理剂,并对钻井废水处理技术的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

冶炼、化工等涉重行业进行园区化管理后,铅锌采选企业的重金属污染风险问题凸显了出来。文章通过对青海省铅锌采选企业废水、废气及废渣重金属污染防控水平及存在问题分析,提出相应的环境保护管理对策和建议,为相关企业在重金属污染防控技术选择和环境管理方面提供参考,从而促进区域重金属污染防控工作,确保环境安全。  相似文献   

曾辉 《新疆环境保护》1998,20(1):45-46,41
1造纸工业污染情况改革开放以来,我国造纸工业有了迅速的发展,1995年全国机制纸及纸板产量2700X104t,居世界第三位,比1980年536×104t增长519%,平均年递增11.6%,基本上满足了国内经济发展和人民生活水平提高对纸张的需求。但随着纸及纸板的增长,排污负荷总量也相应增加,对环境的污染呈加剧趋势。特别是近10年发展的数以千计的小型浆纸厂的废水不经任何处理排放至江河湖海中所造成的污染已给社会带来了严重危害。目前,造纸工业是污染环境的主要行业之一。1995年排放废水量23.9×108t,占全国工业废水总排放量10.8%,居第三位…  相似文献   

四川石油管理局川东钻探公司运输一大队,1985年底,完成一项洗车废水治理工程,实现了废水净化循环重复利用,经半年时间运行,获得很好的环境效益、社  相似文献   

采用膜技术分离、浓缩氰化废水中的氰化物,既可以回收废水中的氰化物和贵重金属,提高企业经济效益和竞争力,又可以减少污染,确保环境安全。本文以某工程实例介绍了膜技术处理氰化废水的应用情况。  相似文献   

通过对钢铁行业消耗水资源及产生污染情况进行分析,阐述了目前钢铁行业为节能减排而采取的管理、技术、污染治理措施,以达到减少废水外排量、降低污染物浓度、降低新水消耗的目的,对钢铁行业废水回用中尚存和潜在的工艺、设计问题进行了讨论,同时提出了通过清洁生产、优化工艺结构来解决问题的措施和建议,确立了企业近期和长期的节能减排任务目标。  相似文献   

絮凝沉降法降低饲料酵母二次废水污染的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发酵工业废水是我国轻工行业污染治理的重点,目前,谷氨酸发酵废水的治理方案较多,治理效果差异较大,本文通过对絮凝沉降,减少废水污染的研究,可在生产饲料酵母降低废水污染的基础上,再降低50%使谷氨酸废水总污染物减少80%以上,COD含量由60000mg/L,降低到11000mg/L,同时,还可增加饲料酵母的产量。  相似文献   

寿王坟铜矿选矿厂多年来一直反节水工作当做大事来抓,采取各种技改措施,实现选矿废水闭路循环,既节省了水资源,又防止了废水污染环境。  相似文献   

陈秀琴  丁旭 《四川环境》2006,25(3):64-66,76
姚北平原河网水体榨菜废水污染严重,根据废水的排放特点,分卤水落水前、卤水落水期和卤水落水后3个典型时段对河网水质进行监测,结果表明,其污染类型为有机污染。基于榨菜废水排放的分散性和不定期的特点,提出人工湿地系统治理榨菜废水污染的方案设想,并就工艺流程、耐盐型水生植物等进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

张云 《环境技术》2003,(Z1):46-46
本文主要分析了广州市番禺区石楼镇饮食废水的污染状况,并提出解决城镇饮食废水污染环境的对策.  相似文献   

Manado is the largest and most densely populated coastal city in North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The city is facing problems of wastewater discharged from various sources. These problems are driven by high population pressure, increasing economic activity, and low household income, in combination with inadequate organizational structure of government institutions for addressing the wastewater problems as well as for law enforcement. There have been no community initiatives to prevent or mitigate wastewater problems. Therefore, a wastewater management plan is urgently needed to prevent and mitigate pollution caused by discharged wastewater. In this paper we analyze the current situation with respect to environmental state, sources and treatment of wastewater, socio-economic and institutional capacities as well as community awareness. Constraints and potentials are discussed to give recommendations for an integrated wastewater management plan for the city of Manado.  相似文献   

蒋昕 《四川环境》2011,30(2):79-82
广州市规模化养猪业的快速发展带来了严重的环境污染。本文对广州市规模化养猪场的废水污染状况展开研究,在对养猪场的现状进行考察,理清广州市规模化养猪场的数量、分布、建筑形式与养殖工艺的基础上,选取5家有代表性的养猪场进行废水监测,计算统计全市规模化养猪场的废水排放量,并对污染产生的原因进行了分析。结果表明:目前广州市规模化养猪场共有974个,污水排放量为每年8.62×106吨,饲养方式、废水治理措施与生产管理方式在很大程度上影响废水污染物的种类与数量。最后本文从技术以及管理制度的安排方面,提出了防治规模化养猪场废水污染的对策。  相似文献   

The widespread illegal discharge of industrial wastewater in China has posed significant challenges to the effective management of industrial wastewater treatment plants (IWTPs) and caused or exacerbated critical social issues such as trans-boundary environmental pollution. This study examines two operational strategies, decentralized model and an innovative integrated model, that have been used in the industrial town of Shengze (located in Suzhou City) over the past two decades at IWTPs handling wastewater from the city’s dyeing industry. Our cost-effectiveness analysis shows that, although the operational cost of IWTPs under the integrated model is higher than under the original decentralized model, the integrated model has significantly improved IWTP performance and effectively reduced illegal discharge of industrial wastewater. As a result, the number of reported incidents of unacceptable pollution in local receiving water bodies had declined from 13 in 2000–1 in 2008. Key factors contributing to the success of the innovative integrated model are strong support from municipal and provincial leaders, mandatory ownership transfer of IWTPs to a centralized management body, strong financial incentives for proper plant management, and geographically-clustered IWTPs.  相似文献   

从山海关区农村生态环境现状出发,客观分析了农村生态环境存在的水体污染、土壤污染、水土流失等问题,以及影响农村生态环境的主要因素,如污水和垃圾的无组织排放、化肥和农药的不合理使用、基础设施差、监管缺位等,提出应从环保体制、环保意识、基础设施建设、自然资源保护、污染防治、强化监管等方面采取切实可行的措施,保护农村生态环境。  相似文献   

对新疆某油区的土壤污染状况进行研究,以期为石油开采区土壤生态环境保护与治理提供基础资料。通过对新疆某油区内的土壤环境状况调查发现,油田开发过程中产生的钻井废水、原油脱出水、井下作业废水、钻井废弃泥浆、钻井岩屑、污水处理厂污泥、罐底油泥是土壤污染的重要来源;该油区土壤受油田开发活动的影响,石油类、铬、总盐的含量升高,土壤有机质含量降低,pH趋于弱酸性。油气田开发项目应加强对污染物的管理,及时完善环保措施,并建立有效的环境管理制度,将油气田开发活动对环境的影响降到最低。  相似文献   

Accelerated expansion of wastewater services to small communities in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is essential in order to address serious concerns over water scarcity and pollution in addition to meeting the demand for convenience and protecting public health. Centralized and conventional wastewater systems are currently the preferred choice of planners and decision-makers in MENA. Water and funding are not available to provide these centralized conventional services to small communities. This paper presents an integrated approach to sustainable wastewater management for small communities in MENA under the severe water resources crisis. The approach calls for a paradigm shift from centralized conventional wastewater systems to decentralized wastewater systems. Management of wastewater in MENA should start at home. Wastewater generation should be reduced through a combination of domestic water conservation measures. On-site systems must be improved and monitored to control pollution and to recover water for non-potable water uses. Should the circumstances not allow the use of on-site systems, wastewater should be transported and managed through a community system applying the principles of decentralized wastewater management and using the settled sewers for wastewater transportation where appropriate. This approach will facilitate the accelerated and sustainable extension of environmentally responsible wastewater services to MENA's small communities. It offers great potential for cost reduction, accommodates the necessary domestic water conservation efforts, reduces freshwater inputs in wastewater transportation thus eliminating unnecessary demand on freshwater, reduces associated environmental risks and increases wastewater reuse opportunities.  相似文献   

Recent features on car wash wastewater reclamation and results obtained in a full-scale car wash wastewater treatment and recycling are reported. The technique employed comprises a new flocculation-column flotation (FCF), sand filtration and final chlorination. Water usage and savings audits (20 weeks) showed that almost 70% reclamation was possible, and less than 40 L of fresh water per wash was attained. Wastewater and reclaimed water were fully characterized by monitoring chemical, physicochemical and biological parameters. Results were discussed in terms of reclamation aesthetic quality (water clarification and odour), health (pathological) and chemical (corrosion and scaling) risks. Noteworthy, this work showed a high count of fecal and total coliforms both in the wastewater and in the treated water, making the need of a final disinfection mandatory. The cost-benefit analysis shows that, for a car wash wastewater reclamation system in Brazil, at least 8 months were needed for the FCF-SC equipment amortization, when considering a demand over 30 washes per day. It is believed that the discussions on car wash wastewater reclamation criteria may assist alerting wash cars units and institutions to create laws in Brazil and elsewhere.  相似文献   

通过对2006—2010年昌黎县地表水监测数据进行分析得出:昌黎县水环境质量总体趋于好转,河流出境断面水质化学需氧量呈下降趋势,环境质量好于入境断面,但仍为劣V类。污染产生的主要原因是:昌黎县淀粉、造纸等企业所产生废水的有机物含量较高,部分企业污水处理设施陈旧,废水不能稳定达标排放,且有偷排、偷放、漏排等现象。针对上述问题,从加强项目审批、污染减排、环境综合整治,强化环境执法,加大资金投入等方面提出了对策与建议。  相似文献   

工业园区水污染防治技术与管理政策需求分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工业园区水污染防控是“十二五”期间我国水环境治理的重要任务之一,但目前还普遍存在一些技术和管理上的不足,导致处理效果不理想。本文就此问题,对园区企业在废水预处理、收集和处理、末端排放、水循环利用和管理机制方面存在的问题进行了讨论和分析;从技术和管理两大方面,对园区水污染防治的需求进行了分类探讨,并对环境主管部门、园区管理者和环境服务商提出了工作建议。  相似文献   

Wastewater management in small and medium-sized enterprises representing the chemical and food industries was investigated. The results showed that wastewater discharged from an ink-production factory was highly contaminated with organic pollutants. Anaerobic biological treatment followed by chemical coagulation using ferric chloride aided with lime proved to be very effective and produced an effluent that complied with national regulatory standard for wastewater discharge into public sewage network. Also, management of wastewater from a confectionery factory representing the food sector was carried out. Aerobic biological treatment using plastic-packed trickling filter proved to be an effective treatment method. However, application of in-plant control measures alleviated the requirement for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant. The applied pollution prevention and cleaner production measures involved good housekeeping, recovery of spent chocolate, modification of floor cleaning and installation of suction devices for the removal of sugar and starch powders. All improvement measures were documented by cost/benefit analysis.  相似文献   

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