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随着大众旅游的兴起,大量的旅游者侵占了旅游地居民的生活空间,造成了旅游者同旅游地居民在空间上的冲突。为了对应旅游者“侵占”空间的行为,各地居民采取了不同的策略,其中旅游地居民在本地旅游空间之外再创一个居民生活空间是既不受旅游者打扰又避免和旅游者直接冲突的有效方法。指出旅游地空间的制度化和商品化以及居民对旅游者“爱恨交织”的心理是旅游地居民再创空间策略的主要原因,最后得出结论:再创空间策略虽然有效但也有其局限性,居民对待旅游发展的对策研究还有待深入。  相似文献   

This article is a conceptual contribution on how to make human habitat more sustainable. Taking Heidegger’s conception of “dwelling” as a starting point, a new form of understanding the organization of the city as a human habitat is proposed. It is argued that human habitat is today in crisis and that such crisis has its roots in a spatial understanding of human dwelling, disregarding its temporal-historical dimension. For long time, the city has been considered as a physical “place” and its organization—the urban planning—has been addressed in terms of “locating” (building). Many of the challenges in organizing habitat are the result of reducing the organization of the city to the organization of physical space. One of these is the conflict between preservation and development, a central issue in approaching sustainability. The aim of this article is to propose a new perspective on the organization of human dwelling, which overcomes the spatial-based conception of habitat and involves its temporal dimension. The meaning of human “habitat” as a historical process for developing “habits” will be recovered, and the implications for organization of the city considered. Human habitat is above all an ethical space (ethos), constituted in a spatial–temporal process of developing learning and capabilities. This habitat can be shared and developed infinitely so that a pathway is opened for overcoming the logic of competition and the conflict between sustainability and development. Finally, three forms of the human habitat as an “ethical space” are proposed.  相似文献   

This paper explores approaches to the management of external public space, both now and in the future. The paper is in five parts. The discussion begins with an exploration of why public space management is universally an important concern by drawing from literature that argues that the quality of public space has declined, and that a greater engagement of the public sector in its management is required. Next, the research methodology is discussed which sought to investigate the management of public space in England as an example of trends and responses that point to a broader international concern. The approach included both a national survey of the state of play in public space management and a series of case studies that sought to explore innovative practice. Third, the results of a national survey are briefly outlined, with discussion following the same structure as the survey itself. Next, the results of detailed interviews with 20 local authority case studies that exhibited interesting or innovative practice in the local management of public space are presented. In a final part, conclusions are drawn which confirm that this is an area of public sector responsibility in need of significant investment and reform, but also that top-down initiatives from national government are beginning to inspire a burgeoning range of local government initiatives below. Therefore, although public space management remains a fragmented area of local government activity, a number of local authorities are beginning to establish a corresponding bottom-up agenda that seems to map a potential way forward for the future.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the subject matter covered at the United Nations Interregional Workshop on the Utilization of Subsurface Space convened in Stockholm, Sweden, 24–29 October 1982. The utilization of subsurface space has largely been confined to developed countries so far, and the purpose of the meeting was to focus attention upon its potential use in developing countries. Participants at the Workshop discussed the utilization of subsurface space in relation to the underground storage of food and commodities, water, petroleum and gas, and also energy production and utilization. Additional topics included transportation systems and public utilities. The implementation of such projects is discussed with respect to technology and technology transfer and to the economics of subsurface development. As capital, in particular, is a limited resource in developing countries, attention was devoted to the financing of such undertakings. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of the conclusions reached with specific attention to the possible role of United Nations organizations in this increasingly important area. Cet article résume le sujet traité par le Groupe de travail interrégional des Nations Unies sur l'utilisation de l'espace souterrain qui s'est tenu à Stockholm, en Suède, du 24 au 29 octobre 1982. Ce n'est que dans les pays industriels qu'on a jusqu'à présent largement utilisé l'espace souterrain et le but de ce Groupe de travail a été d'attirer l'attention sur le potentiel qu'il représente dans les pays en développement. Les participants ont discuté de l'utilisation de l'espace souterrain dans le cadre du stockage d'aliments et de biens de consommation, de l'eau, du petrole et du gaz, et aussi de la production et l'utilisation de l'énergie. Ils ont également discuté d'autres sujets, tels que les transports souterrains et l'enfouissement des structures industrielles. De plus, l'article traite de la mise en oeuvre de ces projets en ce qui concerne leur technologie et les transferts de technologie ainsi que des aspects économiques de la mise en valeur de l'espace souterrain. Les ressources financières étant, en particulier, limitées dans les pays en développement, le Groupe de travail s'est attaché au mode de financement de telles entreprises. L'article se termine par une brève discussion des conclusions auxquelles sont parvenus les participants en étudiant le rôle possible des organismes des Nations Unies dans ce domaine dont l'importance s'accroît. Este articulo resume el tema tratado en el Seminario Interregional de las Naciones Unidas sobre la utilización del Espacio en Subsuelo que tuvo lugar en Estocolmo, Suecia, del 24 al 29 de octubre de 1982. El espacio en subsuelo ha sido mayormente utilizado sólo por los países en desarrollo por lo cual el propósito de la reunión fue enfocado al caso de los países en desarrollo. Los participantes en la reunión discutieron la utilización del espacio en subsuelo con relación al almacenamiento de alimentos y otros bienes, agua, petróleo y gas y tambien en relación con la producción y utilización de energía. Tópicos adicionales incluyeron los sistemas de transporte y servicio público. La ejécución de tales proyectos se discuten con respecto a la tecnología del desarrollo del subsuelo. Debido a que el capital es la particular en recurso limitado en los países en desarrollo, se dió atención al financiamiento de tales proyectos. El artículo termina con una discusión breve de las conclusiones de la reunión, en especial, aquellos que se refieron al posible rol de las organizaciones de las Naciones Unidas en este área de importancia creciente.  相似文献   

An Open Water Data Initiative has been established by the federal government to enhance water information sharing across the United States (U.S.) using standardized web services for geospatial and temporal data. In a parallel effort, the National Weather Service has established a new National Water Center on the Tuscaloosa campus of the University of Alabama, at which a new National Water Model starts operations in June 2016, to continually simulate and forecast streamflow discharge throughout the continental U.S. These two developments support the interoperability of streamflow and hydrologic information in time and space from modeled and observed sources through the use of open standards to share water information.  相似文献   

由南昌市绿色家园实业有限公司开发、江西省环境保护局推荐的"再生空间绿化新技术"适用于城市建设中的楼房、围墙、交通护栏、高速公路护栏等.  相似文献   

Space and Time Scales in Human-Landscape Systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Exploring spatial and temporal scales provides a way to understand human alteration of landscape processes and human responses to these processes. We address three topics relevant to human-landscape systems: (1) scales of human impacts on geomorphic processes, (2) spatial and temporal scales in river restoration, and (3) time scales of natural disasters and behavioral and institutional responses. Studies showing dramatic recent change in sediment yields from uplands to the ocean via rivers illustrate the increasingly vast spatial extent and quick rate of human landscape change in the last two millennia, but especially in the second half of the twentieth century. Recent river restoration efforts are typically small in spatial and temporal scale compared to the historical human changes to ecosystem processes, but the cumulative effectiveness of multiple small restoration projects in achieving large ecosystem goals has yet to be demonstrated. The mismatch between infrequent natural disasters and individual risk perception, media coverage, and institutional response to natural disasters results in un-preparedness and unsustainable land use and building practices.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of operationalizing, or quantifying, sustainable development as a practical guideline for day-to-day environmental policy-making. It criticizes attempts at quantifying some environmental utilization space and argues that the uncertainty of scientific knowledge about the unintended environmental repercussions of consumptive choices casts serious doubt about attempts to justify government intervention in non-sustainable lifestyles.  相似文献   

1958年建校的铜陵市第二中学是目前市区唯一一所完全中学,学校现有45个教学班,在籍学生达2600余人。 为创建绿色学校,让绿色充满校园,铜陵二中在注重课堂教学的同时进行课堂外环境理念的渗透,充分利用研究性学习开展形式多样的活动,如开展“校园护绿小组”活动,对铜陵大气污染的调查活动和铜陵地区地质、自然灾害情况的调查;组织学生“走出去”,清理街道、居民区等地杂草、杂物、乱张贴活用块石围堰法护土,防止水土流失。  相似文献   

城市地下空间使用权应用的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王郑  张建新 《四川环境》2005,24(4):97-98,102
本文介绍了我国城市地下空间使用的现状和城市地下空间使用权在应用中存在的问题,并对国内外相关的经验加以研究,最后对如何合理的对我国城市地下空间使用权加以应用谈了自己的看法。  相似文献   

运用城市生态规划的原理及方法,对吴家山城区绿地进行了规划。包括城市的组团式规划、控制性组分规划、非控制性组分规划、生态平衡构架规划四部分。通过规划,实现吴家山生态城市景观结构和功能的匹配及能流、物流的畅通,使绿地系统上升成为城市生态环境质量的调控系统来建设。  相似文献   

以多颗卫星元器件补充筛选试验数据为样本,探究元器件补充筛选必要性分析。经过分析研究,认为低成本商业卫星元器件的补充筛选,改变现有筛选模式,结合元器件自身特点以及实际应用需求,合理制定筛选技术方案,能够在保证型号进度以及可靠性的条件下节省成本,一定程度上为商业卫星的发展提供技术支持。  相似文献   

As a follow-up to our first paper in this journal, this paper discusses projects involving intensive and multiple use of space recently completed or still being developed around railway stations in London (Broadgate and Canary Wharf), Paris (Seine Rive Gauche and La Défense) and Amsterdam (Zuidas and Bijlmer). The cases were compared on the basis of spatial, functional and environmental indicators, as treated in our first paper. The environmental performance of each of the cases was determined through comparison with a theoretic reference project for an equal number of users, yet with average West-European urban values for spatial, functional and environmental properties. The case studies revealed that a high floor space index is easily achievable in urban plans, implying efficient use of land and preservation of green area outside the city. For a mono-functional office area it is easier to achieve a high FSI than for a functionally diverse area with, e.g. apartments and shops. Therefore, with respect to a reference functionally equal to the cases, the predominant office character of Canary Wharf, Broadgate and La Défense results in good environmental performance. However, on the basis of a functionally diverse reference, for which monofunctional cases were enlarged with additional area for housing and amenities, the varied areas of Zuidas and Seine Rive Gauche perform best. With respect to average urban plans, the cases achieved environmental improvement of factor 1.5. This performance is restricted by the energy consumption of buildings, which has by far the most influence on the end result. The impact of stacking on the use of building materials and energy consumption of buildings is limited, and specific sustainability measures on the building scale were not involved in the calculations. The environmental benefits of intensive and multiple use of space are mainly demonstrated by the great improvement factors for the green area preserved and transport fuel consumption. The environmental costs used for these parameters were however relatively low, leading to a limited influence on the end results. Additional effective improvements to the environmental performance of dense and functionally diverse urban plans are sustainable building design and an integrated approach to urban utilities based on sustainable technologies.  相似文献   

安徽省区域经济空间差异分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在各地经济发展的过程中,由于各种因素相互作用,区域经济差异普遍存在。这种差异对促进地方经济的合作发展具有一定的积极作用,但若增长级发展到一定程度,势必扩大地区贫富差距,阻碍区域共同发展。正确认识区域经济差异,准确定位和疏导是当前学术界乃至地方政府普遍关注的问题。以县为单位,对安徽省的区域经济空间差异进行了定量分析,得出安徽区域经济空间差异的特征,并在此基础上提出了安徽省经济实现跨越式发展的途径。  相似文献   

分析了大连市工业园区发展面临的新形势,揭示了大连市工业园区空间布局现状特征以及工业园区发展的成效和存在的问题.在立足一定的原则和依据,坚持一定的结构和层次性的基础上,探讨了大连市工业园区空间布局的模式,提出了大连市工业园区的空间布局战略措施.  相似文献   

Urban stormwater practices are individually diverse, but they are components of an overall urban watershed system. This study proposes a conceptual model of that system, including its component spatial areas, their arrangement along the flow route, and their associations with urban land uses and values. The model defines three spatial areas along the flow route which have evolved over time into their present forms: (1) the source area, which is arranged and furnished primarily or entirely for human use, accommodation, and comfort; (2) the perimeter area, where specialized stormwater facilities carry away source‐area runoff or buffer downstream areas from its impacts; and (3) the downstream area, which receives the discharges from the perimeter or directly from the source area. Each area presents a specific combination of stormwater features and human interactions, and excludes others. Considering stormwater flows and functions in the context of physical urban spaces brings into view the spaces’ urban structures and interacting agendas. This model allows practitioners to navigate conceptually through the system, and to focus appropriate objectives and structures on each project site.  相似文献   

随着时代的发展、生活水平的提高、工作与生活压力的增大,城市居民对步行空间的需求愈加强烈。从通勤视角出发,结合城市规划学、景观游憩学和现代信息技术手段对城市步行空间进行研究。通过对步行空间三类路径:A:家(公司)—公司(家);B:(公司)—公交站(地铁站,班车站)—公司(家);C:家(公司)—公交站(地铁站)—地铁站(公交站)—公司(家)的总结,分析得出基于通勤视角下的四类步行空间(街路、天桥、广场、地下换乘空间);再通过分析通勤人群的特点(时间紧迫性、路径重复性、着装正式性),总结城市步行空间影响要素(建筑环境要素、人工景观环境要素、自然景观环境要素)及设计策略;最后通过各影响因素与四类步行空间的相关性分析,比较各因素对通勤视角下步行空间的重要程度,以期能为人们设计更加舒适的城市步行空间。  相似文献   

层次分析法在城市绿地景观评价中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
简兴 《资源开发与市场》2009,25(7):610-612,625
城市绿地景观评价体系是一个多因子高度综合的体系,评价指标具有主观性、复杂性、不确定性的特点.基于可持续发展理念的城市绿地动态设计要求建立具有可操作性的、可量化的城市绿地景观评价体系.从生态与美学两个层面提出11项具体的城市绿地景观指标,并通过层次分析法对各指标在评价体系中所占的权重进行具体分析,建立了适合城市绿地景观评价的综合评价模型,以期为建设可持续发展的城市绿地系统提供科学支撑.  相似文献   

欲营造现代中式室内空间的意境美,不是靠纯粹的中国古典元素的堆砌,而是通过对传统文化的认知,用现代人的审美需求来打造富有传统韵味的空间。意境的创造有“形”和“情”两大因素和一个审美想象空间构成,而“形”则起到至关重要的作用。通过对“形”的把握,在现代中式室内空间中营造意境美。  相似文献   

哈长城市群划界与空间培育战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于城市综合承载力评价方法、城市综合质量评价方法、城市相互作用的引力模型等定量测度方法和模型,把握国家战略意图,遵循空间范围划定原则,确定哈长城市群的空间范围,主要包括黑龙江省的哈尔滨、齐齐哈尔、大庆、绥化、牡丹江,吉林省的长春、吉林、四平、松原、辽源、延边朝鲜族自治州在内的11个地级市州,并对空间范围划定结果进行评价与论证,提出打造"二核、三群、四轴、一网"的空间结构,实施"内聚外联"的开发开放联动战略,"枢纽—枢纽区域—枢纽网络"的培育战略和适度超前的基础设施建设战略。  相似文献   

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