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Effects of sheltering fish on growth of their host corals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stony corals are the foundation species of tropical reefs, and their structures can harbor a diverse range of mutualist taxa that can confer important benefits, including provision of nutrients. Prominent among the associates of branching coral in the genus Pocillopora are groups of zooplanktivorous damselfishes that take refuge in the coral to avoid their predators. In field and laboratory experiments, we explored the effects of colonies of resident damselfishes on growth of their host corals. Laboratory studies revealed a positive relationship between biomass of fish and output of ammonium. In the field, levels of ammonium were significantly elevated in the water surrounding the branches of Pocillopora occupied by colonies of damselfish, particularly in time periods following active feeding by the fish. Experimental manipulation of the presence of fish on host corals during a month-long field experiment revealed that corals hosting fish grew significantly more than those that lacked fish, and coral growth was positively correlated with the biomass of resident fish. The Pocillopora colonies in the field experiment varied in the degree of openness of their branching structure, and dye studies indicated that this affected their ability to retain waterborne nutrients. Together with biomass of resident fish, colony openness explained 76% of the variation in coral growth rate during the experiment. Corals can exhibit considerable morphological variability, and mutualistic fish respond to colony architecture during habitat selection, with some species preferring more open-branched forms. This makes it likely that corals may face tradeoffs in attracting resident fish and in retaining the nutrients they provide.  相似文献   

Total forest carbon (C) storage is determined by succession, disturbances, climate, and the edaphic properties of a site or region. Forest harvesting substantially affects C dynamics; these effects may be amplified if forest harvesting is intensified to provide biofuel feedstock. We tested the effects of harvest intensity on landscape C using a simulation modeling approach that included C dynamics, multiple disturbances, and successional changes in composition. We developed a new extension for the LANDIS-II forest landscape disturbance and succession model that incorporates belowground soil C dynamics derived from the CENTURY soil model. The extension was parameterized and calibrated using data from an experimental forest in northeastern Wisconsin, USA. We simulated a 9800 ha forested landscape over 400 years with wind disturbance combined with no harvesting, harvesting with residual slash left on site (‘standard harvest’), and whole-tree harvesting. We also simulated landscapes without wind disturbance and without eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) to examine the effects of detrital quantity and quality on C dynamics. We estimated changes in live C, detrital C, soil organic C, total C, and forest composition. Overall, the simulations without harvesting had substantially greater total C and continued to sequester C. Standard harvest simulations had more C than the whole tree harvest simulations. Under both harvest regimes, C accrual was not evident after 150 years. Without hemlock, SOC was reduced due to a decline in detritus and a shift in detrital chemistry. In conclusion, if the intensity of harvesting increases we can expect a corresponding reduction in potential C storage. Compositional changes due to historic circumstances (loss of hemlock) may also affect forest C although to a lesser degree than harvesting. The modeling approach presented enabled us to consider multiple, interacting drivers of landscape change and the subsequent changes in forest C.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - The paper reports on the development of an explicit, algebraic model for the turbulent scalar fluxes which properly reflects the dependence of these fluxes on the...  相似文献   

This paper considers a novel spillover effect of wind farms - microclimate impacts on neighboring crop yields. Using US county-level crop and wind capacity data, I examine the effects of wind energy development on crop yields, controlling for time-invariant county characteristics and state-level annual shocks. I find robust evidence that counties with increased wind power development have also experienced increased corn and other crop yields, such that an additional 100 MW of wind capacity increases county yields by roughly 1%. At recent prices, this implies a more than $5 dollar per megawatt-hour local benefit, corresponding to several hundred million dollars in annual benefits.  相似文献   

In this paper, we simulated damaging wind loads on the One Indiana Square tower in Indianapolis due to the storm of April 2nd 2006. We followed recommended practice guidelines for this urban wind modeling. First, a test case, Aerodynamics of Commonwealth Advisory Aeronautical Council (CAARC) building were modeled and simulated to compare with a publicly available experiment and other computational studies. Based on the modeling parameters in the CAARC study, then, as a clean building configuration, we modeled the One Indiana tower alone without surrounding buildings. Finally, the flow field around the tower including nearby downtown buildings were simulated. We used the Fluent flow analysis software tools. The domain was meshed using unstructured grids, the first boundary layer grid element being 10 cm (4 in.) and 15 cm (6 in.) in height from the tower and the ground for the CAARC building and the One Indiana tower, respectively. Two different wind directions of 260 \(^\circ \) and 280 \(^\circ \) at 137 km/h (85 mph) speed were considered to estimate wind loads on the One Indiana tower façades. Simulated pressure distributions on the tower and flow patterns over the downtown buildings were discussed to draw conclusions about the mechanism of extreme wind load that caused the damage. The simulations revealed that suction forces are almost twice higher hence more damaging at the corners of the west façades than straight wind. It was also seen in the simulation results that upstream building topology, specifically Chase, One America, and some low-rise towers, augmented the actual wind load unfavorably on the One Indiana Square tower. Although this study presents a specific case, the applicability of its findings are of more general interest. Similar wind events are common especially during storm seasons both in urban and suburban areas. In similar incidents, one can follow the same procedure to analyze their problems as certain modeling guidelines were followed in this study.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Atmospheric flow and temperature dynamics in the urban roughness sublayer exhibit numerous complexities that cannot all be investigated using models or scaled-down...  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - This work aims to contribute for a better understanding of how solar panels, installed on a flat roof, affect the potential of aeolian erosion of loose particles...  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in plant species effects on soil N and P dynamics   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Eviner VT  Chapin FS  Vaughn CE 《Ecology》2006,87(4):974-986
It is well established that plant species influence ecosystem processes, but we have little ability to predict which vegetation changes will alter ecosystems, or how the effects of a given species might vary seasonally. We established monocultures of eight plant species in a California grassland in order to determine the plant traits that account for species impacts on nitrogen and phosphorus cycling. Plant species differed in their effects on net N mineralization and nitrification rates, and the patterns of species differences varied seasonally. Soil PO4- and microbial P were more strongly affected by slope position than by species. Although most studies focus on litter chemistry as the main determinant of plant species effects on nutrient cycling, this study showed that plant species affected biogeochemical cycling through many traits, including direct traits (litter chemistry and biomass, live-tissue chemistry and biomass) and indirect traits (plant modification of soil bioavailable C and soil microclimate). In fact, species significantly altered N and P cycling even without litter inputs. It became particularly critical to consider the effects of these multiple traits in order to account for seasonal changes in plant species effects on ecosystems. For example, species effects on potential rates of net N mineralization were most strongly influenced by soil bioavailable C in the fall and by litter chemistry in the winter and spring. Under field conditions, species effects on soil microclimate influenced rates of mineralization and nitrification, with species effects on soil temperature being critical in the fall and species effects on soil moisture being important in the dry spring. Overall, this study clearly demonstrated that in order to gain a mechanistic, predictive understanding of plant species effects on ecosystems, it is critical to look beyond plant litter chemistry and to incorporate the effects of multiple plant traits on ecosystems.  相似文献   

Biological effects of surface active agents on marine animals   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The biological effects of 5 surface active agents (the anionic ABS, LAS and LES 3 EO and the nonionic NP 10 EO and TAE 10 EO) on marine fishes, crustaceans and bivalves have been tested in, continuous-flow systems. Concentrations from 100 to 0.5 ppm were normally used. Fishes were found to be more susceptible (96 hLC 50 range: 0.8 to 6.5 ppm) than bivalves (96 hLC50 range: 5 to >100 ppm) while crustaceans were considerably more resistant (96 h LC 50 range: 25 to > 100 ppm). Within each of these 3 systematic groups, more active species were found to be more sensitive than less active species. Developmental stages were also more sensitive than adults. The resistance of crustaceans to surfactants decreases immediately after moulting. The most toxic agent for fishes and decapods was the soft anionic LAS, and for bivalves and barnacles the hard nonionic NP 10 EO. Ability to recover normal behaviour after exposure decreases with increasing concentration and time, and ceases earlier in anionic than in nonionic surfactants. The first reaction to the surfactants is increased activity (avoidance reaction of mobile species), followed successively by inactivation, immobilization and death. Nonionic surfactants affect the equilibrium in fishes. Sublethal effects appear as impaired locomotory activity and breathing rate in fishes and crustaceans, impaired byssus activity and shell closure in Mytilus edulis, burrowing in Cardium edule, Astarte montagui and Astarte sulcata. Siphon retraction is affected in Mya arenaria and Cardium edule, as is also the response to food of the Leander spp.  相似文献   

The presence of prey heterogeneity and weakly interacting prey species is frequently viewed as a stabilizer of predator-prey dynamics, countering the destabilizing effects of enrichment and reducing the amplitude of population cycles. However, prior model explorations have largely focused on long-term, dynamic attractors rather than transient dynamics. Recent theoretical work shows that the presence of prey that are defended from predation can have strongly divergent effects on dynamics depending on time scale: prey heterogeneity can counteract the destabilizing effects of enrichment on predator-prey dynamics at long time scales but strongly destabilize systems during transient phases by creating long periods of low predator/prey abundance and increasing extinction probability (an effect that is amplified with increasing enrichment). We tested these general predictions using a planktonic system composed of a zooplankton predator and multiple algal prey. We first parameterized a model of our system to generate predictions and tested these experimentally. Our results qualitatively supported several model predictions. During transient phases, presence of defended algal prey increased predator extinctions at low and high enrichment levels compared to systems with only a single edible prey. This destabilizing effect was moderated at higher dilution rates, as predicted by our model. When examining dynamics beyond initial oscillations, presence of the defended prey increased predator-prey temporal variability at high nutrient enrichment but had no effect at low nutrient levels. Our results highlight the importance of considering transient dynamics when assessing the role of stabilizing factors on the dynamics of food webs.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of tree species on leaf litter decomposition and forest floor dynamics in a common garden experiment of 14 tree species (Abies alba, Acer platanoides, Acer pseudoplatanus, Betula pendula, Carpinus betulus, Fagus sylvatica, Larix decidua, Picea abies, Pinus nigra, Pinus sylvestris, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Quercus robur, Quercus rubra, and Tilia cordata) in southwestern Poland. We used three simultaneous litter bag experiments to tease apart species effects on decomposition via leaf litter chemistry vs. effects on the decomposition environment. Decomposition rates of litter in its plot of origin were negatively correlated with litter lignin and positively correlated with mean annual soil temperature (MAT(soil)) across species. Likewise, decomposition of a common litter type across all plots was positively associated with MAT(soil), and decomposition of litter from all plots in a common plot was negatively related to litter lignin but positively related to litter Ca. Taken together, these results indicate that tree species influenced microbial decomposition primarily via differences in litter lignin (and secondarily, via differences in litter Ca), with high-lignin (and low-Ca) species decomposing most slowly, and by affecting MAT(soil), with warmer plots exhibiting more rapid decomposition. In addition to litter bag experiments, we examined forest floor dynamics in each plot by mass balance, since earthworms were a known component of these forest stands and their access to litter in litter bags was limited. Forest floor removal rates estimated from mass balance were positively related to leaf litter Ca (and unrelated to decay rates obtained using litter bags). Litter Ca, in turn, was positively related to the abundance of earthworms, particularly Lumbricus terrestris. Thus, while species influence microbially mediated decomposition primarily through differences in litter lignin, differences among species in litter Ca are most important in determining species effects on forest floor leaf litter dynamics among these 14 tree species, apparently because of the influence of litter Ca on earthworm activity. The overall influence of these tree species on leaf litter decomposition via effects on both microbial and faunal processing will only become clear when we can quantify the decay dynamics of litter that is translocated belowground by earthworms.  相似文献   

Accurate measures of human effects on landscape processes require consideration of both the direct impacts from human activities and the indirect consequences of the interactions between humans and the landscape. This is particularly evident in systems experiencing regular natural disturbances such as in the mountainous areas of southwestern China, where the remaining population of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is supported. Here the spatiotemporal patterns of human impacts, forests, and bamboo episodic die-offs combine to determine the distribution of panda habitat. To study the complex interactions of humans and landscapes, we developed an integrated spatiotemporally explicit model of household activities, natural vegetation dynamics, and their impacts on panda habitat. Using this model we examined the direct consequences of local fuelwood collection and household creation on areas of critical giant panda habitat and the indirect impacts when coupled with vegetation dynamics. Through simulations, we found that over the next 30 years household impacts would result in the loss of up to 30% of the habitat relied on by pandas during past bamboo die-offs. The accumulation and spatial distribution of household impacts would also have a considerable indirect influence on the spatial distribution of understory bamboo. While human impacts influence both bamboo die-off and regeneration, over 19% of pre-existing low-elevation bamboo habitat may be lost following an episodic die-off depending on the severity of the impacts and timing of the die-offs. Our study showed not only the importance of the spatial distribution of direct household impacts on habitat, but also the far-reaching effects of the indirect interactions between humans and the landscapes they are modifying.  相似文献   

We used population models to explore the effects of the organochlorine contaminant p,p'-DDE and fluctuations in vole availability on the population dynamics of Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia). Previous work indicated an interaction between low biomass of voles in the diet and moderate levels of p,p'-DDE in Burrowing Owl eggs that led to reproductive impairment. We constructed periodic and stochastic matrix models that incorporated three vole population states observed in the field: average, peak, and crash years. We modeled varying frequencies of vole crash years and a range of impairment of owl demographic rates in vole crash years. Vole availability had a greater impact on owl population growth rate than did reproductive impairment if vole populations peaked and crashed frequently. However, this difference disappeared as the frequency of vole crash years declined to once per decade. Fecundity, the demographic rate most affected by p,p'-DDE, had less impact on population growth rate than adult or juvenile survival. A life table response experiment of time-invariant matrices for average, peak, and crash vole conditions showed that low population growth under vole crash conditions was due to low adult and juvenile survival rates, whereas the extremely high population growth under vole peak conditions was due to increased fecundity. Our results suggest that even simple models can provide useful insights into complex ecological interactions. This is particularly valuable when temporal or spatial scales preclude manipulative experimental work in the field or laboratory.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - This study applies the models describing the effect of a neutrally stratified high-Reynolds-number boundary layer on peak wind estimation. A neutrally stratified...  相似文献   

This paper proposes a method of controlled trend surface to simultaneously account for large-scale spatial trends and non-spatial local effects. With this method, a geospatial model of forest dynamics was developed for the Alaska boreal forest from 446 constantly monitored permanent sample plots. The geospatial component of this model represented large-scale spatial trends in recruitment, diameter growth, and mortality. The model was tested on two sets of validation plots which represented temporal and spatial extensions of the current sample coverage. The results suggest that the controlled trend surface model was generally more accurate than both the non-spatial and conventional trend surface models. With this model, we mapped the forest dynamics of the entire Alaska boreal region by aggregating predicted stand states across the region. It was predicted that under current conditions of climate and natural disturbances, most of the Alaska boreal forest region may undergo a major shift from deciduous-dominant to conifer-dominant, with an average increase of 0.33 m2 ha year−1 in basal area over the Twenty-First Century.  相似文献   

The effects of patch size and isolation on metapopulation dynamics have received wide empirical support and theoretical formalization. By contrast, the effects of patch quality seem largely underinvestigated, partly due to technical difficulties in properly assessing quality. Here we combine habitat-quality modeling with four years of demographic monitoring in a metapopulation of greater white-toothed shrews (Crocidura russula) to investigate the role of patch quality on metapopulation processes. Together, local patch quality and connectivity significantly enhanced local population sizes and occupancy rates (R2 = 14% and 19%, respectively). Accounting for the quality of patches connected to the focal one and acting as potential sources improved slightly the model explanatory power for local population sizes, pointing to significant source-sink dynamics. Local habitat quality, in interaction with connectivity, also increased colonization rate (R2 = 28%), suggesting the ability of immigrants to target high-quality patches. Overall, patterns were best explained when assuming a mean dispersal distance of 800 m, a realistic value for the species under study. Our results thus provide evidence that patch quality, in interaction with connectivity, may affect major demographic processes.  相似文献   

Under conditions of natural irradiance, the development and decline of a flagellate-dominated phytoplankton population was followed in a coastal North Atlantic pond over a 3 d period in summer 1986. Irradiance negatively affected phytoplankton biomass estimated as chlorophyll a, which decreased during the day at photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) levels above 600 to 1000 mol m-2s-1; chlorophyll a increased at PAR values below this threshold. In addition, an inverse relationship was found between changes in chlorophyll a and changes in dissolved inorganic nitrogen, indicating synthesis of nitrogenous biomass mainly at night and degradation mainly during the day, with intense exchanges of material between the particulate and dissolved nitrogen fractions. The natural abundance of 13C in particulate matter increased initially, and then remained constant, and was controlled mainly by the ratio -carboxylases activity: ribulose biphosphate carboxylase activity. The hypothesis that the latter enzyme is broken down under high irradiance and is partly responsible for increases in external dissolved nitrogen was rejected.  相似文献   


To understand the temporal variations of the physicochemical characteristics of the Bhagirathi-Hooghly River (BHR), three locations representing three districts of West Bengal were selected. The material fluxes from 34 drains during pre-monsoon season was quantified. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that no significant spatial variations were observed for the physicochemical parameters, whereas seasonal variations were significant. The mean discharge was found to be highest (247.2?×?103?m3?d?1) in the midstream drains. Highest mean concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO) (7.35?mg?L?1) and nitrate (0.81?mg?L ?1) were observed during the post-monsoon season followed by the monsoon and pre-monsoon. According to the BIS, WHO and the European standard of water quality (pH, 6.5–8.5; Nitrate, 0–2.5?mg?L?1;DO, ≥5?mg?L?1), the results of the respective parameters revealed the BHR system is maintained at high to good water quality, meaning that the BHR system is slightly altered from its pristine environment. The mean concentrations of biological and chemical oxygen demands were found to be high during the monsoon season, revealing that a large quantity of refractory organic matter is transported to the eastern Bay of Bengal from the Ganges.  相似文献   

Effect of algal bloom deposition on sediment respiration and fluxes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Using sediment cores collected in November 1989 from Aarhus Bight, Denmark, the fluxes of O2, CO2 (total CO2), NH 4 + , NO 3 +NO 2 and DON (dissolved organic nitrogen) across the sediment-water interface were followed for 20 d in an experimental continous flow system. On day 7, phytoplankton was added to the sediment surface, to see the result of simulated algal bloom sedimentation. Benthic O2 consumption and CO2 efflux, 38 to 41 mmol O2 m-2 d-1 and 25 to 30 mmol CO2 m-2 d-1, respectively, immediately increased by 39% and 100% after the algal addition, but gradually declined to the orginal level. Fluxes of NH 4 + (1.0 to 1.2 mmol m-2 d-1) and DON (0.3 to 0.9 mmol m-2 d-1) increased due to the organic substrate addition. NH 4 + and NO 3 flux changed direction, becoming an efflux and influx, respectively, for a few days and a large amount of DON (max. rate 4.0 mmol m-2 d-1) was immediately produced either by bacterial hydrolytic activity or from autolysis of the algae. DON was the most significant nitrogen component in pore water and in terms of N-flux from sediment. A temporary stimulation of anaerobic respiration processes (sulfate reduction and denitrification) and a decrease in nitrification were indicated. After the effect of the organic addition had declined, the fluxes gradually reverted to the original rates. The halflife of the added algal material, of which 20 to 30% was very labile, was estimated to be 2 to 3 wk.  相似文献   

华南丘陵区针叶林和果园地表CH4通量的日变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用静态箱-气相色谱法对华南丘陵区典型土地利用类型(针叶林:马尾松 Pinus massoniana;果园:龙眼Dimocarpus longan Lour)地表CH4通量日变化进行了原位观测.结果表明, 针叶林和果园土壤总体来说为大气CH4的吸收汇.地表CH4通量日变化波动较大,规律不明显.吸收较强的月份为10-11月,较弱的月份为6-9月.针叶林地表CH4吸收通量日平均值变化幅度为-0.093~0.066 mg·m-2·h-1,果园为-0.098~0.146 mg·m-2·h-1.地温和气温对地表CH4通量无明显影响.降雨对地表CH4通量有较大的影响,旱季(10-3月) 地表CH4吸收通量大于雨季(4-9月).凋落物和植被类型对CH4通量没有明显影响.  相似文献   

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