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小麦根际土壤汞的分布和形态变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用根际箱试验和连续化学萃取法,结合氢化物原子吸收光谱法,研究了非根际和根际土壤汞形态分布特征及小麦(Triticum aestivum)生长期土壤汞形态变化.结果表明.非根际汞形态分布顺序为:残渣态>强有机质结合态>碳酸盐铁锰氧化物结合态>腐殖酸络合态>水溶态>交换态,根际汞形态分布为:残渣态>碳酸盐铁锰氧化态>强有机质结合态>交换态>腐殖酸络合态>水溶态.当外源汞进入土壤后,在小麦生长60 d内,植物吸收使残渣态汞和水溶态汞含量明显降低,交换态汞和碳酸盐铁锰氧化态汞含量增加.土壤汞污染程度越大,在小麦中积累的汞就越多.其生物毒性增强,环境危害加大.  相似文献   

This study investigates the mercury (Hg) contaminations in soil and foodstuffs along the artisanal gold mining areas, Gilgit-Baltistan Province, Pakistan. For this purpose, soils were analyzed for Hg concentrations and evaluated for the enrichment/contamination using enrichment factor or contamination factors (CF). The CF values ranged from 18.9 to 153 showed multifold higher levels of Hg contamination as compared to background or reference site. Foodstuffs including vegetables, seeds or grains and fish muscles showed Hg accumulation. Results revealed that Hg concentrations in foodstuffs were higher than the critical human health value set by European Union. The Hg in foodstuffs was consumed and, therefore, evaluated for the risk assessment indices using the daily intake (DI) and health risk index (HRI) for the exposed human population both children and adults. Results of this study revealed that cumulative HRI values through foodstuffs consumption were <1 (within safe limit), but if the current practices continued, then the Hg contamination could pose potential threat to exposed population in near future.  相似文献   

Photolysis of isoprothiolane (di-isopropyl 1,3-dithiolan-2-ylidenemalonate) was studied as a thin film on glass surface, soil surface, and plant surface. Three photoproducts, namely 1,3-dithiolan-2-ylidenepropane, 1,3-dithiolan-2-ylidenemalonic acid, and 1,3-dithiolan-2-ylidenemethane have been identified on the basis of GC-MS method. The major route of photodegradation of this compound is through the de-esterification process, followed by de-carboxylation and rearrangement. The rate of photodegradation in all cases followed first-order kinetics with a statistically significant correlation coefficient.  相似文献   

石灰性土壤中磷锌对小麦生长及锌吸收分配的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对磷锌在土壤-植物系统中复杂的交互作用,文章采用盆栽试验,研究了石灰性土壤中施磷肥对小麦生长及吸收锌的影响,结果表明,施锌明显增加了土壤中DTPA提取态锌的质量分数,且土壤中wDTPA提取态锌随着施磷质量分数的提高逐渐增加;不同施磷质量分数背景下,随施锌质量分数的提高小麦茎 叶 籽粒壳的干重有所降低,却增加了小麦籽粒的干重;在各质量分数锌背景下施不同质量分数水平磷,明显地降低了小麦茎叶中锌的质量分数,但提高了籽粒中锌的质量分数,并增加了锌累积量;小麦地上部锌质量分数和锌累积量均随施锌水平的增加而增加.因此,石灰性土壤中施磷肥提高了土壤中锌的有效性,促进了小麦生长,降低了小麦茎叶中锌的质量分数,促进了锌元素从植株向籽粒的运输,增加了小麦籽粒中锌的质量分数,促进了小麦地上部分对锌元素的总吸收量.  相似文献   

海南东寨港红树林土壤原生动物的群落结构特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究报道了海南东寨港三个不同生境红树林(裸滩、人工红树林和天然红树林)土壤原生动物的群落结构,结合土壤理化性质对它们的现存量、群落多样性、优势度以及区系相似性进行了对比分析.统计学分析结果表明,原生动物的现存量与土壤pH值、含水量和盐度均有相关关系,但含水量的意义最大,pH值其次,盐度最小.与土壤总氮、总磷、有机质和SO42-呈极显著正相关,与总钾呈显著负相关;5个因子中,总磷对原生动物的影响最大,其次是SO42-和总氮,再次是有机质,总钾的影响最小.原生动物的群落多样性指数由低到高为裸滩<人工红树林<天然红树林.区系相似性系数最大为人工红树林与天然红树林,最小为裸滩与天然红树林.  相似文献   

广州市莲塘村风水林群落特征及植物多样性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
风水林是极具南方地域特色的植被景观与物种储存库,是接近地带性植被特性的一种群落类型.研究风水林,对丰富和发展环境科学、生态科学、林业科学和园林科学,具有重要意义.本研究在广州市莲塘村村后风水林设立了样带、标准地和样方,对其乔木层、灌木层和草本层植物进行详细调查,结果表明,该区共有植物73种,隶属于33个科57个属.其植物种类丰富,以茜草科、樟科、大戟科、壳斗科、莎草科、桃金娘科植物占优势.该群落具有南亚热带常绿阔叶林群落的典型群落结构,垂直结构分层现象明显,层次清晰.文章对树种丰富度、Shannon-Winner指数、Simpson多样性指数、种间相遇机率以及均匀度等多样性指标的研究表明:该群落具有较大的物种丰富度,植物多样性较高,物种分布均匀,不同种之间相遇几率较大,其生物多样性各项指标远远大于尾叶桉人工纯林.该风水林群落是目前广州市保存较完好的具有典型地带特色的少数自然林之一,它的研究成果对以后生态公益林造林有极大的参考价值.  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), viz. β-hexachlorocyclohexane (β-HCH), γ-HCH, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, endosulfan-I, endosulfan-II, heptachlor endoepoxide, heptachlor exoepoxide, mirex, dicofol, o,p′-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (o,p′-DDT), p,p′-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (p,p′-DDT), dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD), and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethylene (DDE) and 12 other physicochemical parameters were measured in surface sediments from River Chenab during two sampling seasons (summer and winter, 2007) to evaluate spatial and temporal trends of sediment pollution. Hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis identified three groups of sites based on spatial similarities in physicochemical parameters and OCP residual concentrations. Spatial discriminant function analysis (DFA) segregated 14 parameters, viz. dicofol, endosulfan-I, heptachlor endoepoxide, dieldrin, DDD, DDE, endosulfan-II, o,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDT, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), Cl−1, total P (%), and silt, which explained 96% of total variance between spatial groups. γ-HCH was the most frequently detected (63%) pesticide, followed by DDD (56%). The ratio of DDTs to their metabolites indicated current input and anaerobic biodegradation. Temporal DFA highlighted aldrin, heptachlor endoepoxide, Cl−1, total P, and EC as important variables which caused variations between summer and winter. DDTs were relatively more prevalent as compared to other OCPs in the sediments samples during both seasons. DDT metabolites were detected at greater frequencies and concentrations in winter, whereas DDT isomers were more prevalent in summer sediment samples. Factor analysis identified agricultural and industrial activities as major sources of sediment OCP contamination. Concentrations of γ-HCH, heptachlor endoepoxide, dieldrin, and DDTs (isomers and metabolites) in all sediment samples were well above interim sediment quality guidelines (ISQGs) and probable effect limits (PEL) given by Canadian Sediment Quality Guidelines (CSQGs).  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Contamination from organic chemical plants can cause serious pollution of soil and groundwater ecosystems. To characterize soil contamination and to evaluate...  相似文献   

以我国西北干旱区绿洲土壤为供试土壤,采用Tessier形态连续浸提方法,研究了土壤中Cd、Pb、Zn、Ni单一胁迫下的形态分布及再分配趋势.试验结果表明,原状土壤中Cd的主要赋存形态为铁锰氧化态,Pb、Zn、Ni则以残渣态为主;外源可溶性重金属进入土壤后,Cd、Pb、Zn、Ni的主要赋存形态和形态分布特征均发生显著改变,各形态的响应程度因元素而异;重金属的活性均有不同程度的提高,Cd的活性最大;重金属的形态分布是不稳定的,尤以Zn、Pb为甚,尽管会随着时间和作物的影响继续向着稳定的方向转化,但过程是缓慢的.因此,重金属污染对土壤环境的影响是持久的.  相似文献   

土壤微生物生物量碳(SMBC)反映了土壤有机碳(SOC)情况,其值大小代表了土壤肥力的高低,研究不同耕作方式SMBC的变化特征及其影响因素具有重要意义。试验于2001年在中国科学院栾城农业生态系统实验站开始,试验设置翻耕(CT)、旋耕(RT)、免耕(NT)三个处理。利用熏蒸提取-容量分析法研究了不同耕作处理2007~2008年冬小麦生育期的SMBC分布特征及影响因素。结果表明SMBC具有时空变化特征:在冬小麦生育期中,各SMBC处理均随着时间波动起伏,并在小麦返青期和扬花期达到峰值;空间分布上SMBC含量随土壤深度的增加而降低。不同耕作处理间差异显著,0~5 cm土层SMBC以NT最高,CT最低;5~10 cm土层RT与CT相当,NT最低;10~20 cm土层以CT最高,NT最低;20~30 cm各处理均较低,NT亦为最低。对不同处理SMBC层化率分析显示:NT具有明显的表层富集现象;RT处理0~10 cm SMBC分布均匀;CT处理0~20 cm SMBC分布均匀。对SMBC的影响因素分析表明:土壤有机碳是SMBC空间分布的主要影响因素,二者呈显著正相关。而土壤温度和土壤含水量是影响SMBC季节变化的主要外界因素。  相似文献   

Glasshouse experiments were conducted to determine the accumulation, distribution and transformation of o,p-DDT, p,p-DDT and PCBs by common reed (Phragmites australis) and rice (Oryza sativa L.) under hydroponic conditions. The culture solution was spiked with the organic pollutants and samples were collected daily. Analysis of the plants at harvest showed that both species had removed DDT and PCBs from the solution. DDT appeared to have accumulated within P. australis by both passive adsorption and active absorption. Both o,p′-DDT and p,p′-DDT were transformed within P. australis. DDD was the major metabolite and the transformation was mediated by reductive dehalogenation. Plant long-distance transportation systems may be involved in the translocation of PCBs within P. australis and the affinity of the PCBs for lipids is one of the major factors affecting their uptake and translocation within the plants. Similar but less pronounced results were found in O. sativa and suggest that these wetland plants may be used for the plant-mediated remediation of persistent organic pollutants.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - As the largest organ of the human body, the skin is the major exposure route of NO2. However, the evidence for a relationship between NO2 exposure and...  相似文献   

城市化影响下北京市外来入侵植物特征及其分布   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过文献资料分析和实地调查相结合的方法,对北京市外来入侵植物的种类、生活型、起源地、引入途径和分布等特征进行了分析,结果表明:该地区共有48种外来入侵植物,隶属39属19科,其中菊科、禾本科、苋科和大戟科植物为优势科,占到了所有入侵植物总数的60.4%.除火炬树外,其余47种植物均为草本植物,以起源于美洲的居多(70.8%),多为伴随种子苗木运输无意引进.入侵植物分布受城市化水平和人口密度影响显著,城市功能扩展区分布有最多的入侵植物,就入侵种分布密度而言,城市功能拓展区和城市核心区均明显高于近郊区和远郊区.目前北京入侵植物主要分布于农田、绿地、花圃等半人工生态系统,尚处于可控范围之内,但北京的自然地理条件及城市化进程使其仍存在较高的入侵风险,在将来的防治工作中应采取更加严格的检疫措施.  相似文献   

选取鼎湖山3种植被类型(季风常绿阔叶林,针阔叶混交林和马尾松林),按0~15,15~30,30~45cm土层取样,测量了各土层土壤有机碳(SOC)质量分数,熏蒸培养法测量了微生物生物量碳(Cmic),同时用气象色谱法测量了地表和土壤15、30、45、60cm处CO2体积分数,并用静态箱/碱石灰吸收法测量了土壤呼吸速率。结果如下:(1)随土层的加深,SOC质量分数降低,0~15cmSOC显著高于其他两层,季风常绿阔叶林SOC显著高于其他两种植被类型;(2)土壤碳密度和土壤有机碳含量垂直分布规律一致,0~15cm土壤碳密度显著高于其他两层;(3)0~30cm土层微生物生物量占总土壤微生物生物量的81%~92%,随土层加深微生物生物量迅速降低。微生物生物量和土壤有机碳的比值表明,三种植被类型土壤均处于土壤碳积累中,深层土壤碳积累程度高于表层;(4)土壤CO2浓度随土层的加深迅速升高,主要与土壤透气性有关。  相似文献   

贾夏  周春娟  董岁明 《生态环境》2011,20(12):1927-1933
采用盆栽试验法探讨了Cd^2+、低于国家“土壤环境质量标准”规定的II类土壤环境基准值300mg-kg^-1干土时的Pb^2+与Cd^2+复合处理对冬小麦幼苗根微域土壤磷酸酶、转化酶和脲酶活性及与根微域土壤微生物数量和生化特征关系的影响特征。结果表明:(1)Cd^2+对冬小麦幼苗根微域土壤转化酶、脲酶和磷酸酶活性表现为显著抑制效应;而低浓度Pb^2+主要表现为协同Cd抖污染抑制根微域土壤水解酶活性效应;(2)Cd^2+处理下,磷酸酶活性与微域土壤有机质含量呈极显著正相关;转化酶活性与细菌、真菌和放线菌数量呈显著负相关,与有机质呈显著正相关;脲酶活性与细菌、真菌和放线菌数量及微生物量碳表现为极显著正相关;(3)Pb^2+/cd^2+处理下,碱性磷酸酶活性与微生物量碳表现为显著正相关;转化酶活性与全氮含量表现为显著负相关,与有机质含量呈极显著正相关;脲酶活性与全氮呈极显著正相关,与有机质为极显著负相关,总体来讲,Cd^2+/Pb2+与Cd^2+处理之间酶活性与生化特征的关系存在明显差异;同时Pb^2+/Cd^2+处理下磷酸酶、转化酶和脲酶活性与土壤微生物数量之间的相关性特点与Cd^2+处理下也明显不同。  相似文献   

叶志伟  贝尔  汪隽  张晓健  陈超 《环境化学》2021,40(1):185-194
天然含氮有机物是水环境中的重要组成部分,其在天然水体中的形态及分布对环境质量有显著影响.本文围绕水中天然含氮有机物在氮循环中的地位、迁移转化以及其在国内主要水域中的分布情况,对天然含氮有机物的研究现状进行了梳理.我国不同水域中溶解性含氮有机物(DON)浓度相差较大;其中水体中DON浓度一般在1.0 mg?L-1以下;沉...  相似文献   

为评价二氯喹啉酸在水稻及其土壤中的安全性,建立其在水稻上的使用规范,于2008、2009年在杭州、济南和铁力三地进行田间试验,研究了二氯喹啉酸在水稻、土壤和田水中消解动态及最终残留量。建立了二氯喹啉酸在水稻、土壤和田水中残留量的超高效液相色谱串联质谱测定方法。在添加水平5~100μg.kg-1范围内,二氯喹啉酸的平均回收率在81.6%~105.7%之间,相对标准偏差均低于17.9%。残留试验结果表明,二氯喹啉酸在植株、土壤和田水中消解均符合一级动力学方程,消解半衰期分别为16.4~18.6、16.6~21.9和15.4~16.9 d;二氯喹啉酸在植株、土壤、糙米和稻壳中最终残留量均未检出(<5μg.kg-1)。若二氯喹啉酸在水稻中的最高残留限量推荐值为0.5 mg.kg-1,建议每年以有效成分25 g.mu-1的剂量,于水稻移栽后10 d喷施1次,用于防治水稻田中稗草。  相似文献   

为评价二氯喹啉酸在水稻及其土壤中的安全性,建立其在水稻上的使用规范,于2008、2009年在杭州、济南和铁力三地进行田间试验,研究了二氯喹啉酸在水稻、土壤和田水中消解动态及最终残留量。建立了二氯喹啉酸在水稻、土壤和田水中残留量的超高效液相色谱串联质谱测定方法。在添加水平5~100μg.kg-1范围内,二氯喹啉酸的平均回收率在81.6%~105.7%之间,相对标准偏差均低于17.9%。残留试验结果表明,二氯喹啉酸在植株、土壤和田水中消解均符合一级动力学方程,消解半衰期分别为16.4~18.6、16.6~21.9和15.4~16.9 d;二氯喹啉酸在植株、土壤、糙米和稻壳中最终残留量均未检出(〈5μg.kg-1)。若二氯喹啉酸在水稻中的最高残留限量推荐值为0.5 mg.kg-1,建议每年以有效成分25 g.mu-1的剂量,于水稻移栽后10 d喷施1次,用于防治水稻田中稗草。  相似文献   

We studied distribution of heavy metals [lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn)] in surface soil at an electronic-waste (e-waste) recycling workshop near Metro Manila in the Philippines to evaluate the pollution size (spot size, small area or the entire workshop), as well as to assess heavy metal transport into the surrounding soil environment. On-site length-of-stride-scale (~70 cm) measurements were performed at each surface soil point using field-portable X-ray fluorescence (FP-XRF). The surface soil at the e-waste recycling workshop was polluted with Cu, Zn and Pb, which were distributed discretely in surface soil. The site was divided into five areas based on the distance from an entrance gate (y-axis) of the e-waste recycling workshop. The three heavy metals showed similar concentration gradients in the y-axis direction. Zn, Pb and Cu concentrations were estimated to decrease to half of their maximum concentrations at ~3, 7 and 7 m from the pollution spot, respectively, inside the informal e-waste recycling workshop. Distance from an entrance may play an important role in heavy metal transport at the soil surface. Using on-site FP-XRF, we evaluated the metal ratio to characterise pollution features of the solid surface. Variability analysis of heavy metals revealed vanishing surficial autocorrelation over metre ranges. Also, the possibility of concentration prediction at unmeasured points using geostatistical kriging was evaluated, and heavy metals had a relative “small” pollution scales and remained inside the original workshop compared with toxic organohalogen compounds. Thus, exposure to heavy metals may directly influence the health of e-waste workers at the original site rather than the surrounding habitat and environmental media.  相似文献   

Vertical distribution of both the concentration and composition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in ten profiles in Beijing has been investigated. The results showed that PAH concentrations and compositions in topsoil from different sampling sites were different. PAH concentrations were much higher in topsoil of the investigated urban area, industrial region, and paddy field with wastewater irrigation than in other areas. Moreover, PAH concentrations in topsoil were much higher than those at greater depth, where the concentrations were relatively consistent in most soil profiles. The fingerprints of PAHs in the samples from topsoil (0–30 cm) in the same profiles were similar and were obviously different from those at greater depth, suggesting that PAH sources were consistent in topsoil samples and were discriminating between topsoil and deeper soils. PAHs in topsoil mainly arose from mixed sources of combustion of liquid fuel, coal, and/or wood, as well as wastewater irrigation, while those at greater depth were derived from soil genesis and the process of soil formation.  相似文献   

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