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Environmental Geochemistry and Health - The composition and distribution of airborne particles in different locations in a salt mine were determined in terms of their origin, the distance from the...  相似文献   


A southern Italian area that is characterized by large outcrops of rocks that are rich in titanium oxide (TiO2) phases were investigated to determine the mineralogical risk induced by the natural dispersion of TiO2 minerals. Rock, sediment and surface water samples were collected to determine the physicochemical and mineralogical factors (i.e., size distribution, morphology and alteration) indicative of potential TiO2 toxicity. X-ray diffraction data suggested that titanium oxides were present as rutile and anatase. Scanning electron microscopy images showed elongated TiO2 morphologies; fibres were found as either isolated or embedded/enclosed in flake-like phyllosilicates. The concentration of fibres in stream water ranged from 1.7 to 4.6 million fibres per litre. The highest fibre amounts in the sediments were in the <8-µm fraction, while single fibres were primarily concentrated in the <2-µm fraction. The results indicate that titanium oxide minerals represent a natural source of environmental risk and that the geomineralogical characterization of rich TiO2 areas is indispensable for understanding their geoavailability, dispersion and distribution.


Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Most waste sites in Zimbabwe are not sanitary landfills but open dumps that indiscriminately receive waste from municipalities, industries, commercial...  相似文献   

Dissolved nutrients, Chl-a and primary productivity were measured from seven transects along the coastal waters of the southeastern Arabian Sea during northeast monsoon. Ten major estuaries were chosen to study the influence of estuarine discharge on the nutrient dynamics in the coastal waters. The mean water discharge of the estuaries in the north (64.8?±?18?×?105?m3?d?1) was found to be higher than those in the south (30.6?±?21.4?×?105?m3?d?1), whereas the nutrient concentrations were found to be higher in the estuaries of the south. The results from the offshore waters were discussed in accordance with the depth contour classification, that is, shelf (depth?≤?30?m) and slope waters (depth?≥?30?m). Our results suggest that the estuarine discharge plays a major role in the nutrient distribution in near shore shelf waters, whereas in shelf and slope waters, it was mainly controlled by in situ biological processes. The inorganic form of N to P ratios were found to be higher than Redfield ratio in slope waters when compared with shelf waters, suggesting that PO43? (<0.15?µmol?L?1) is a limiting nutrient for primary production. The multivariate statistical analysis revealed that the nutrient dynamics in the coastal waters was controlled by both biological and physical processes.  相似文献   

Individuals under stress and those of intrinsically low quality may have insufficient resources to invest in developing equally on both sides. Such individuals may thus display higher levels of fluctuating asymmetry (FA)—small, random departures from perfect bilateral symmetry. These small deviations from symmetry are often less than 1 % of trait size, similar to variation in symmetry generated by measurement error. Studies regarding FA must thoroughly assess measurement error if reliable conclusions regarding FA and fitness parameters are to be drawn. Although many studies regarding facial symmetry in humans have been conducted, few have been carried out on non-human primates. The primary aim of this study was to assess whether facial FA in a non-human primate, the olive baboon (Papio anubis) can be reliably measured from digital photographs. Facial FA was measured in three sets of bilaterally symmetrical landmarks from digital images of 35 olive baboons at Gashaka-Gumti National Park, Nigeria. Measurement error was found to be low indicating a high level of reliability based on comparisons of values from two photos of the same individual (r?=?0.85). Measurement error was found to be related to the size of the face. This suggests that orientation error increases in large faces and could potentially influence FA scores. These findings highlight the need for FA studies to measure and control error caused by orientation and position of subjects if FA is to be of utility to behavioural ecology and conservation (e.g. if FA reflects whether individuals in a population are suffering from environmental or genetic stress).  相似文献   

In Sri Lanka, the total demand for sand is about 12,000,000 m3 per year with a demand growth projected to increase by 10 % every year. However, Sri Lanka’s construction industry seems to face a shortage of sand if offshore sand mining is not promoted as a viable alternative and over-exploitation of river sand may lead to more significant damage to rivers (which is presently a serious issue). This article discusses the suitability or otherwise of the unexplored south-eastern, east and north-western offshore areas for exploration and mining works. This study was conducted by consulting several government organizations and universities dealing with coastal resources management, literature reviews and Key Informants’ Interviews held with Fisher Folk Societies and Divers’ Organizations in the study areas. The east and north-western offshore locations are not ideal considering the bathymetry (most locations in the east coast have water depths >20 m, hence mining is not commercially viable; in the north-western offshore areas depth is <15 m; mining is prohibited in Sri Lanka at depths ≤15 m and <2 km offshore) and the occurrence of critical habitats. In the south-eastern offshore areas the complex wave climate resulting in significant coastal/shoreline stability variations is a concern and the sea is very deep (>20 m beyond 2 km offshore). Therefore, by considering the views expressed by the Divers’ Organizations and Fisher Folk societies it would be ideal to undertake exploration studies in the offshore areas in the north-eastern stretch.  相似文献   

Dicentrarchus labrax is a major finfish of interest in Mediterranean aquaculture. As the development of its hatchery production had gone with an increase of its larval rearing temperature, we studied the effect of a constant high (20°C) and two lower (13 and 15°C) temperatures on its early white muscle growth, with developmental and allometric approaches. D. labrax, sampled at hatching and at three developmental stages corresponding to main events in fish early life (first exogenous feeding, notochord flexion and completion of fin ray counts), were histologically processed in order to follow changes in the white myotomal muscle size, cellularity and localisation of proliferative nuclei. Morphometric analyses showed that, for 13, 15 and 20°C incubated/reared D. labrax, the total cross-sectional area of white muscle increased slowly in eleutheroembryos shorter than 5.2 mm, and four times faster in longer fish (free-swimming larvae). White muscle growth occurred both by hypertrophy (increase in muscle fibre size) and hyperplasia (increase in total number of muscle fibres) in all sampled fish, but both processes were higher in free-swimming larvae than in eleutheroembryos. The morphometric establishment of a higher hyperplastic growth of white muscle in free-swimming larvae was confirmed at immunological level by a high occurrence of proliferative nuclei. Early thermal environment was demonstrated to affect the growth process of white muscle on a different way in eleutheroembryos and free-swimming larvae: in the former, white muscle hypertrophy was stimulated at 20°C and hyperplasia at lower temperature, whereas in the latter, both white muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia were more stimulated at 20°C than at lower temperatures. This was verified at once when the fish length and the white muscle total cross-sectional area were used as explicative variables.  相似文献   

From an international view, several papers have analysed how sustainability themes are integrated into the university curricula. In Spain, few studies to date have examined the extent to which universities are incorporating sustainability themes into their curricula. In view of such considerations, this article examines the extent to which sustainability themes are being incorporated into the curricula of a Spanish public university strongly committed to signing sustainability policies and declarations. In addition, this study analyses the main barriers to the incorporation of sustainability themes into the curricula of this university. To accomplish this task, this article uses different methodological instruments over three phases through a case study approach. The findings of this study suggest how the university examined has many difficulties in incorporating, holistically or separately, sustainability themes in its formal courses despite having so many policies, regulations and a commitment to sustainability.  相似文献   

We investigate the influence of a tradable credits scheme (TCS) on travel demand and vehicle emissions, based on the vehicle miles travelled (VMT). With a microeconomic quantitative analysis scheme, a constant elasticity of substitution (CES) function is used as an approach to model the annual mileage for different travel purposes. An illustration is given for the effects of a TCS on emission mitigation based on historical data for Great Britain. A scenario analysis demonstrates that a TCS can achieve a target for reducing the number of private trips. Besides a movement of trips from the private car mode to public modes, there is also some trip restraint, with individuals choosing not to take some trips. Compared with Fowkes et al.’s research on road pricing in London, the research illustrates that a TCS can be designed to have similar effects to a road pricing scheme. We also demonstrate that a TCS could bring emission changes arising from changes in VMT.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the concentrations of ten trace elements (Cu, Zn, Mn, Se, Ni, Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg, and As) and their trophodynamics in a benthic food chain of Deer Island, Northern Yellow Sea. The concentrations of Cu, Zn, Mn, Se, Ni, Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg, and As in the food chain ranged from 3.2 to 23.2, from 71 to 227, from 7.4 to 45.6, from 0.44 to 5.80, from 0.73 to 7.60, from 0.14 to 1.65, from 0.68 to 6.70, from 0.08 to 1.86, from 0.08 to 1.18, and from 0.24 to 3.92 mg kg?1 dry weight, respectively. Among these trace elements, the linear regression between the log-transformed concentrations of Hg and Cd and δ15N values showed statistically significant increase (p<0.05) with the slopes of 0.134 and 0.144, indicating biomagnification of Hg and Cd occurred in the benthic food chain of Deer Island. While the linear regression for other eight trace elements (Cu, Zn, Mn, Se, Ni, Cr, Pb and As) were characterised by extensive scatter with non-significant correlation coefficients (R 2=0.002–0.235) and slopes (p=0.079–0.875), indicating there were not biomagnified or biodiluted of these trace elements.  相似文献   

The Sands of Forvie, National Nature Reserve, Scotland is a complex coastal sand dune system which is associated with the dynamic estuary of the River Ythan. The dune system has developed over more than 5000 years. The south partis a peninsula of dunes, sandhills, sand arcs, erosion and deflation surfaces. The north part is superimposed on a rock plateau with a cliff coastline. This plateau is covered in glacial deposits and is essentially an upland heath landscape. Some of the best examples of large active parabolic dunes in Britain are found in North Forvie. The sequence of geomorphic development is described. As a nature reserve with a rich ecology it has been managed for conservational purposes since 1960s. As such it is an excellent case study of how conservational management has changed to become more flexible and more aware of the importance of dynamic processes.  相似文献   

The Sands of Forvie, National Nature Reserve, Scotland is a complex coastal sand dune system which is associated with the dynamic estuary of the River Ythan. The dune system has developed over more than 5000 years. The south part is a peninsula of dunes, sand hills, sand arcs, erosion and deflation surfaces. The north part is superimposed on a rock plateau with a cliff coastline. This plateau is covered in glacial deposits and is essentially an upland heath landscape. Some of the best examples of large active parabolic dunes in Britain are found in North Forvie. The sequence of geomorphic development is described. As a nature reserve with a rich ecology it has been managed for conservational purposes since 1960s. As such it is an excellent case study of how conservational management has changed to become more flexible and more aware of the importance of dynamic processes.  相似文献   

Wood charcoal production provides affordable energy in many developing countries and has substantially contributed to the economy through the provision of rural incomes. In several countries, charcoal production leads to overexploitation of forests due to inefficiencies in processing. This study was undertaken in central Laos to (1) examine and document traditional charcoal production systems; (2) investigate the production capacity, recovery efficiencies and economic gains of existing traditional charcoal production methods; (3) characterize the chemical properties of wood charcoal and investigate the potential for soil restoration and (4) investigate local charcoal producers' perception on forest degradation and their species preferences. Through a socio-economic survey, a cost-based method for economic valuation was undertaken on a range of charcoal production methods currently being used. Laboratory chemical analyses were performed on wood charcoal samples. Results indicated that the traditional mud charcoal mound was used by the majority (82%) of charcoal producers. Total charcoal production per production cycle varied between 400 (produced from 2.7 m3 of wood) and 1600 kg (produced from 18 m3 of wood), with a mean of 938 kg (±120) for traditional mud charcoal mounds. The volume of the traditional mud charcoal mounds correlated positively and significantly with total charcoal production (R 2 = 0.45, p?=?0.03), whereas correlated negatively and significantly with the recovery efficiency (R 2 = 0.58, p?=?0.01). On average, the local producers receive a total net benefit of 457,272 Lao kip (USD 57.2) in 17 days. We also identified a rice husk mound method of charcoal production, which may not encourage further deforestation while producing rice husk biochar that can be used for soil restoration. Furthermore, we found that there are significant differences (p < 0.05) between the sampled wood charcoals in chemical properties, indicating that the potential of using wood charcoal for the restoration of degraded soils varies from charcoal to charcoal.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the only source of water in the Gaza Strip. The results of a 10-year monitoring program revealed that more than 90% of the available water is not suitable for drinking purposes as a result of elevated chemical contaminants as well as microbiological organisms. The archives of the local hospitals showed catastrophic records on diseases caused by water directly and indirectly. Methemoglobinemia and dental fluorosis are well-known diseases caused by elevated nitrate and fluoride, respectively. Water-borne diseases are currently high and will increase if water, sanitation, and food-control services are not restored, or are allowed to deteriorate further. Heavy use and misuse of banned and prohibited pesticides may show other hard diseases in the near future. Geography, politics, and war combine to make the Gaza Strip a worst-case scenario for water-resource planners. Urgent alternative water resources should be secured and the human health should be given the highest priority.  相似文献   

The Channel of Santa Cruz is a mangrove area in northeastern Brasil 40 km north of Recife. Until 1991 a chlor-alkali factory discharged large amounts of mercury into the main tributary of the channel, the Rio Botafogo. The objective of this study was to assess the potential of the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae as a bioindicator for mercury in this area and to examine the influence of condition on mercury concentrations in the oysters. The investigation was carried out in the late rainy season (July to September) 1993, in the rainy season (April to June) 1994 and in the dry season (November/December) 1994. At 11 stations in the channel, mangrove oysters, surface sediments and suspended matter were sampled, representing different compartments of the system. The distribution of mercury in the Channel of Santa Cruz exhibited for all compartments the same distinct spatial pattern with maxima in the Rio Botafogo. Seasonal variations were small and revealed no clear tendencies. In addition, mangrove oysters were transplanted from more contaminated stations to less contaminated stations and vice versa. These experiments were designed to study the oysters' capability to adjust their mercury concentrations to a changing bioavailability of mercury. The transplantation experiments suggest that the oysters are capable to adjust to changing ambient mercury availability within a few months. The transplantation experiments also revealed the importance of condition changes on the mercury concentration of the oysters. This factor should not be ignored during pollution studies. However, condition had apparently no strong influence on the spatial or seasonal mercury variations of the oysters. The mangrove oyster is a suitable bioindicator for long-term changes in mercury availability. Received: 20 August 1997 / Accepted: 15 January 1998  相似文献   

To exploit resources in their environment, odontocete cetaceans have evolved sophisticated diving abilities to allow effective foraging. However, data on the diving behaviour and underwater foraging behaviour remains limited. This study made use of echolocation clicks and other calls to study the diving behaviour of bottlenose dolphins. Dolphins used the full water column and consistently dived to depths of around 50 m, close to the seabed. However, the majority of their time appeared to be spent within the surface layers of the water column. In addition, by localising calls that have been associated with prey capture events (Janik, Proc R Soc Lond Ser B 267:923–927, 2000a), it appeared that certain forms of feeding behaviour occurred primarily at depths of between 20 and 30 m. Furthermore, data on the depth of clicks made before and after these feeding calls suggested that during the minute before the calls, dolphins were consistently diving from the surface to depths close to the seabed, and were subsequently returning to the surface after the calls. This passive acoustic technique proved an accurate method for studying the depth distribution of dolphin vocalisations. By exploiting the natural sounds made by these wild odontocetes, this investigation provided a previously unavailable perspective on the the 3D nature of bottlenose dolphins foraging behaviour. It confirmed that while the dolphins spent the majority of time close to the surface, the full water column was exploited during foraging events.  相似文献   

Information on physiological rates and tolerances helps one gain a cause-and-effect understanding of the role that some environmental (bottom–up) factors play in regulating the seasonality and productivity of key species. We combined the results of laboratory experiments on reproductive success and field time series data on adult abundance to explore factors controlling the seasonality of Acartia spp., Eurytemora affinis and Temora longicornis, key copepods of brackish, coastal and temperate environments. Patterns in laboratory and field data were discussed using a metabolic framework that included the effects of ‘controlling’, ‘masking’ and ‘directive’ environmental factors. Over a 5-year period, changes in adult abundance within two south-west Baltic field sites (Kiel Fjord Pier, 54°19′89N, 10°09′06E, 12–21 psu, and North/Baltic Sea Canal NOK, 54°20′45N, 9°57′02E, 4–10 psu) were evaluated with respect to changes in temperature, salinity, day length and chlorophyll a concentration. Acartia spp. dominated the copepod assemblage at both sites (up to 16,764 and 21,771 females m?3 at NOK and Pier) and was 4 to 10 times more abundant than E. affinis (to 2,939?m?3 at NOK) and T. longicornis (to 1,959?m?3 at Pier), respectively. Species-specific salinity tolerance explains differences in adult abundance between sampling sites whereas phenological differences among species are best explained by the influence of species-specific thermal windows and prey requirements supporting survival and egg production. Multiple intrinsic and extrinsic (environmental) factors influence the production of different egg types (normal and resting), regulate life-history strategies and influence match–mismatch dynamics.  相似文献   

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