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Gravity waves are prominent physical features that play a fundamental role in transport processes of stratified aquatic ecosystems. In a two-layer stratified basin, the equations of motion for the first vertical mode are equivalent to the linearised shallow water equations for a homogeneous fluid. We adopted this framework to examine the spatiotemporal structure of gravity wavefields weakly affected by the background rotation of a single-layer system of equivalent thickness \(h_{\ell }\), via laboratory experiments performed in a cylindrical basin mounted on a turntable. The wavefield was generated by the release of a diametral linear tilt of the air–water interface, \(\eta _{\ell }\), inducing a basin-scale perturbation that evolved in response to the horizontal pressure gradient and the rotation-induced acceleration. The basin-scale wave response was controlled by an initial perturbation parameter, \({\mathcal{A}}_{*} = \eta _{0}/h_{\ell }\), where \(\eta _{0}\) was the initial displacement of the air–water interface, and by the strength of the background rotation controlled by the Burger number, \({\mathcal{S}}\). We set the experiments to explore a transitional regime from moderate- to weak-rotational environments, \(0.65\le {\mathcal{S}} \le 2\), for a wide range of initial perturbations, \(0.05\le {\mathcal{A}}_{*}\le 1.0\). The evolution of \(\eta _{\ell }\) was registered over a diametral plane by recording a laser-induced optical fluorescence sheet and using a capacitive sensor located near the lateral boundary. The evolution of the gravity wavefields showed substantial variability as a function of the rotational regimes and the radial position. The results demonstrate that the strength of rotation and nonlinearities control the bulk decay rate of the basin-scale gravity waves. The ratio between the experimentally estimated damping timescale, \(T_{d}\), and the seiche period of the basin, \(T_{g}\), has a median value of \(T_{d}/T_{g}\approx 11\), a maximum value of \(T_{d}/T_{g}\approx 10^{3}\) and a minimum value of \(T_{d}/T_{g}\approx 5\). The results of this study are significant for the understanding the dynamics of gravity waves in waterbodies weakly affected by Coriolis acceleration, such as mid- to small-size lakes.  相似文献   

An experimental study was conducted to investigate the penetration of a convective mixed layer into an overlying stably (solutally) stratified layer contained in a narrow, tall vessel when the fluid is subjected to a destabilizing heat flux from below. The interest was the evolution of the bottom mixed-layer height (\(h\)) with time (\(t\)) in the presence of side-wall effects, but without the formation of conventional double-diffusive layers. The side-wall effects are expected at small mixed-layer aspect ratios, \(\varGamma_{h} = (W/h)\), where \(W\) is the container width. This case has not been studied hitherto, although there are important environmental and industrial applications. The mixed-layer growth laws for low aspect ratio convection were formulated by assuming a balance between the vertical kinetic energy flux at the interface and the rate of change of potential energy of the fluid system due to turbulent entrainment. The effects of sidewalls were considered using similarity arguments, by taking characteristic rms velocities to be a function of \(\varGamma_{h}\), in addition to buoyancy flux (\(q_{0}\)) and \(h\). In all stages of evolution, the similarity variables \(\xi = h/W\) and \(t^{\prime } = Nt/A\), where \(A = N^{3} W^{2} /4q_{0}\) and \(N\) is the buoyancy frequency, scaled the mixed-layer evolution data remarkably well. Significant wall effects were noted when \(\varGamma_{h} < 1\), and for this case the interfacial vertical turbulent velocity and length scales were identified via scaling arguments and experimental data.  相似文献   

We consider the propagation of a high-Reynolds-number gravity current in a horizontal channel with general cross-section whose width is \(f(z), 0 \le z\le H\), and the gravity acceleration g acts in \(-z\) direction. (The classical rectangular cross-section is covered by the particular case \(f(z) =\) const.) We assume a two-layer system of homogeneous fluids of constant densities \(\rho _{c}\) (current, of height \(h < H \)) and smaller \(\rho _{a}\) (ambient, filling the remaining part of the channel). We focus attention on the calculation and assessment of the nose Froude-number condition \(Fr = U/(g' h)^{1/2}\); here U is the speed of propagation of the current and \(g' = (\rho _{c}/\rho _{a}-1) g\) is the reduced gravity. We first revisit the steady-state current, and derive compact insightful expressions of Fr and energy dissipation as a function of \(\varphi \) (\(=\) area fraction occupied by the current in the cross-section). We show that the head loss \(\delta _0\) on the stagnation line is formally a degree of freedom in the determination of \(Fr(\varphi )\), and we clarify the strong connections with the head loss \(\delta \) in the ambient fluid, and with the overall rate of dissipation \(\dot{{\mathcal{D}}}\). We demonstrate that the closure \(\delta _0 = 0\) [suggested by Benjamin (J Fluid Mech 31, 209–248, 1968) for the rectangular cross-section] produces in general the smallest Fr for a given \(\varphi \); the results are valid for a significant range \([0, \varphi _{\max }]\), in which the current is dissipative, except for the point \(\varphi _{\max }\) where \(\delta = \dot{{\mathcal{D}}} = 0\). We show that imposing the closure \(\delta = \dot{{\mathcal{D}}} = 0\), which corresponds to an energy-conserving or non-dissipative current, produces in general unacceptable restrictions of the range of validity, and large values of Fr; in particular, deep currents (\(\varphi < 0.3\) say) must be excluded because they are inherently dissipative. On the other hand, the compromise closure \(\delta (\varphi ) =\delta _0(\varphi )\) produces the simple \(Fr(\varphi ) = \sqrt{2}(1 - \varphi )\) formula whose values and dissipation properties are very close, and the range of validity is identical, to these obtained with Benjamin’s closure (moreover, we show that this corresponds to circulation-conservation solutions). The results are illustrated for practical cross-section geometries (rectangle, \(\Delta \) and \(\nabla \) triangle, circle, and the general power-law \(f(z) = b z ^\alpha \) (\(b>0, \alpha \ge 0, 0< z \le H\)). Next, we investigate the connection of the steady-state results with the time-dependent current, and show that in a lock-released current the rate of dissipation of the system is equal to, or larger than, that obtained for Fr corresponding to the conditions at the nose of the current. The results and insights of this study cover a wide range of cross-section geometry and apply to both Boussinesq and non-Boussinesq systems; they reveal a remarkable robustness of Fr as a function of \(\varphi \).  相似文献   

Over the past years, the health impact of airborne particulate matter \(\mathrm{PM}_{10}\) has become a very topical subject. Thereby, a lot of research effort in the environmental sciences goes towards the modeling and the prediction of ambient \(\mathrm{PM}_{10}\) concentrations. In this paper, we are interested in the statistical classification of the daily mean \(\mathrm{PM}_{10}\) concentration in Tunisia according to the authority regulation. We consider two monitoring stations: a big industrial station and a traffic station. The main goal of this work is to determine the pertinent predictors of \(\mathrm{PM}_{10}\) concentration within a nonlinear multiclass framework. To do this, we used two popular statistical learning methods; the support vector machines (SVM) and the random forests (RF). The statistical results obtained on the real datasets, show that RF outperform SVM for the purpose of variable selection even with a reduced number of observations compared to the number of explicative variables. It was also demonstrated that the \(\mathrm{PM}_{10}\) concentration measured yesterday is the most relevant predictor of its present-day value. Moreover, we found that the more delayed values of \(\mathrm{PM}_{10}\) concentration may be crucial to get an accurate prediction.  相似文献   

In this study, the flow dynamics of intrusive gravity currents past a bottom-mounted obstacle were investigated using highly resolved numerical simulations. The propagation dynamics of a classic intrusive gravity current was first simulated in order to validate the numerical model with previous laboratory experiments. A bottom-mounted obstacle with a varying non-dimensional height of \(\tilde{D}=D/H\), where D is the obstacle height and H is the total flow depth, was then added to the problem in order to study the downstream flow pattern of the intrusive gravity current. For short obstacles, the intrusion re-established itself downstream without much distortion. However, for tall obstacles, the downstream flow was found to be a joint effect of horizontal advection, overshoot-springback phenomenon, and associated Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities. Analysis of the numerical results show that the relationship between the downstream propagation speed and the obstacle height can be subdivided into three regimes: (1) a retarding regime (\(\tilde{D}\) \(\approx \) 0–0.3) where a 30 % increase in obstacle height leads to a 20 % reduction in propagation speed, simply due to the obstacle’s retarding effect; (2) an impounding regime (\(\tilde{D}\) \(\approx \) 0.3–0.6) where the additional 30 % increase in obstacle height only leads to a further (negligible) 5 % reduction in propagation speed, due to the accelerating effect of upstream impoundment and downstream enhanced mixing; and (3) a choking regime (\(\tilde{D}\) \(\approx \) 0.6–1.0) where the propagation speed is dramatically reduced due to the dominance of the obstacle’s blocking effect. The obstacle thickness was found to be irrelevant in determining the downstream propagation speed at least for the parameter range explored in this study. The present work highlights the significance of topographic effects in stratified flows with horizontal pressure forcing.  相似文献   

Modeling empirical distributions of repeated counts with parametric probability distributions is a frequent problem when studying species abundance. One must choose a family of distributions which is flexible enough to take into account very diverse patterns and possess parameters with clear biological/ecological interpretations. The negative binomial distribution fulfills these criteria and was selected for modeling counts of marine fish and invertebrates. This distribution depends on a vector \(\left( K,\mathfrak {P}\right) \) of parameters, and ranges from the Poisson distribution (when \(K\rightarrow +\infty \)) to Fisher’s log-series, when \(K\rightarrow 0\). Moreover, these parameters have biological/ecological interpretations which are detailed in the literature and in this study. We compared three estimators of K, \(\mathfrak {P}\) and the parameter \(\alpha \) of Fisher’s log-series, following the work of Rao CR (Statistical ecology. Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, 1971) on a three-parameter unstandardized variant of the negative binomial distribution. We further investigated the coherence underlying parameter values resulting from the different estimators, using both real count data collected in the Mauritanian Exclusive Economic Zone (MEEZ) during the period 1987–2010 and realistic simulations of these data. In the case of the MEEZ, we first built homogeneous lists of counts (replicates), by gathering observations of each species with respect to “typical environments” obtained by clustering the sampled stations. The best estimation of \(\left( K,\mathfrak {P}\right) \) was generally obtained by penalized minimum Hellinger distance estimation. Interestingly, the parameters of most of the correctly sampled species seem compatible with the classical birth-and-dead model of population growth with immigration by Kendall (Biometrika 35:6–15, 1948).  相似文献   

This paper presents the spatio-temporal variations in bed elevations and the near-bed turbulence statistics over the deformed bed generated around the submerged cylindrical piers embedded vertically on loose sediment bed at a constant flow discharge. Experiments were carried out in a laboratory flume for three blockage ratios in the range of 0.04–0.06 using three different sizes of submerged cylinders individually placed vertically at the centerline of the flume. Clear-water experimental conditions were maintained over the smooth sediment bed surface with a constant flow discharge (\(Q = 0.015\,{\rm m}^3/{\rm sec}\)), thereby giving three different cylinder Reynolds numbers \(Re_{D_c} = \frac{U_mD_c}{\nu }\) (=10200, 12750, 15300) away from the cylinder locations, where \(U_m\) is the maximum mean velocity, \(D_c\) is the cylinder diameter and \(\nu\) is the kinematic viscosity of fluid. Instantaneous sand bed elevations around the cylinders were recorded using a SeaTek 5MHz ultrasonic ranging system of net 24 transducers to estimate bed form migration, and the near-bed velocity data at transducer locations over the stable deformed bed around the pier-like structures were collected using down-looking three-dimensional (3D) Micro-acoustic Doppler velocimeter to estimate the bottom Reynolds shear stresses and the contributions of bursting events to the dominant shear stress component. The flow perturbation generated due to relatively lower flow blockage ratio favored to achieve the stable bed condition more rapidly than the others, and larger upstream scour-depth and deformed areas were noticed for greater flow blockage ratio due to larger cylinder diameter. For larger blockage ratio in the upstream of scour-hole near the bed, occurrences of probabilities of both boundary-ward interactions (Q1 and Q3) were the dominant; whereas in the downstream of the scoured region, occurrences of probabilities of second and third quadrant events (Q2 and Q4) were dominant. On the other hand, for the lower blockage ratio, quadrant (Q2) was dominant over Q4 in the downstream of scour-hole, and in the upstream of scour-hole, quadrant Q4 was the dominant.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood estimator for estimating proportions by group testing is biased. An expression for the approximate bias has been previously presented, which enables the creation of a less biased estimator by removing the term of \(O(n^{-1})\). However, in this previous work the term of \(O(n^{-2})\) was incorrectly derived. This note gives a correct derivation, and examines the relative contribution of the two terms.  相似文献   

Fine particulate matter (\(\hbox {PM}_{2.5}\)) events negatively affect the health of numerous persons globally each year. Previous works have described the association between air pollution and surface-level meteorological conditions; however, there has been less focus on the task of linking air pollution events with meteorological conditions at higher levels of the atmosphere. Working within the functional data framework, we develop a penalized functional quantile regression (PFQR) procedure to model conditional quantiles of a continuous response based on a functional covariate, with the ability to penalize selected derivatives of the estimated coefficient function. Our aim is to investigate the relationship between atmospheric profile variables (APVs), assumed to be functional, and key quantiles of the conditional distribution of surface-level \(\hbox {PM}_{2.5}\). Via a simulation study, we find that the performance of our PFQR procedure compares favorably to other related approaches. We conclude with an analysis of \(\hbox {PM}_{2.5}\) data at two Southeastern US locations, Columbia, SC and Tampa, FL, where we estimate the coefficient functions for the APVs corresponding to both ‘typical’ and ‘high’ \(\hbox {PM}_{2.5}\) events. As we believe that the true coefficient functions are smooth and may be exactly zero over subsets of their domains, we impose penalties on the 0th and 2nd derivatives. Our analysis indicates that the corresponding atmospheric conditions differ between the two locations, and that the conditions differ seasonally within location.  相似文献   

We present a brief review of the recent investigations on gravity currents in horizontal channels with non-rectangular cross-section area (such as triangle, \(\bigvee \)-valley, circle/semi-circle, trapezoid) which occur in nature (e.g., rivers) and constructed environment (tunnels, reservoirs, canals). To be specific, we discuss the propagation of a gravity current (GC) in a horizontal channel along the horizontal coordinate x, with gravity g acting in the \(-z\) direction, and y the horizontal–lateral coordinate. The bottom and top of the channel are at \(z=0,H\). The “standard” problem is concerned with 2D flow in a channel with rectangular (or laterally unbounded) cross-section area (CSA). Recent investigations have successfully extended the standard knowledge to the channels of CSA given by the quite general \(-f_1(z)\le y \le f_2(z)\) for \(0 \le z \le H\). This includes the practical \(\bigvee \)-valley, triangle, circle/semi-circle and trapezoid; these geometries may be in “up” or “down” setting with respect to gravity, e.g., \(\bigtriangleup \) and \(\bigtriangledown \). The major objective of the extended theory is to predict the height of the interface \(z=h(x,t)\) and the velocity (averaged over the CSA) u(xt), where t is time; the prediction includes the speed and position of the nose \(u_N(t), x_N(t)\). We show that the motion is governed by a set of simplified equations, called “model,” that provides versatile and insightful solutions and trends. The emphasis in on a high-Reynolds-number current whose motion is dominated by buoyancy–inertia balance; in particular a GC released from a lock, which also contains general effects such as front and internal jumps (shocks), and reflected bore. We discuss two-layer, one-layer, and box models; Boussinesq and non-Boussinesq systems; compositional and particle-driven cases; and the effect of stratification of the ambient fluid. The models are self-contained, and admit realistic initial and boundary conditions. The governing equations are amenable to analytical solutions in some special circumstances. Some salient features of the buoyancy-viscous regime, and the estimate for the length at which transition to this regime takes place, are also presented. Some experimental support to the theory, and open questions for further investigations, are also mentioned. The major conclusions are (1) The CSA geometry has significant influence on the motion of the GC; and (2) The new theory is a useful, very significant, extension of the standard two-dimensional GC problem. The standard current is just a particular case, \(f_{1,2} =\) constants, among many other covered by the new theory.  相似文献   

Flows in a compound open-channel (two-stage geometry with a main channel and adjacent floodplains) with a longitudinal transition in roughness over the floodplains are experimentally investigated in an 18 m long and 3 m wide flume. Transitions from submerged dense vegetation (meadow) to emergent rigid vegetation (wood) and vice versa are modelled using plastic grass and vertical wooden cylinders. For a given roughness transition, the upstream discharge distribution between main channel and floodplain (called subsections) is also varied, keeping the total flow rate constant. The flows with a roughness transition are compared to flows with a uniformly distributed roughness over the whole length of the flume. Besides the influence of the downstream boundary condition, the longitudinal profiles of water depth are controlled by the upstream discharge distribution. The latter also strongly influences the magnitude of the lateral net mass exchanges between subsections, especially upstream from the roughness transition. Irrespective of flow conditions, the inflection point in the mean velocity profile across the mixing layer is always observed at the interface between subsections. The longitudinal velocity at the main channel/floodplain interface, denoted \(U_{int}\), appeared to be a key parameter for characterising the flows. First, the mean velocity profiles across the mixing layer, normalised using \(U_{int}\), are superimposed irrespective of downstream position, flow depth, floodplain roughness type and lateral mass transfers. However, the profiles of turbulence quantities do not coincide, indicating that the flows are not fully self-similar and that the eddy viscosity assumption is not valid in this case. Second, the depth-averaged turbulent intensities and Reynolds stresses, when scaled by the depth-averaged velocity \(U_{d,int}\) exhibit two plateau values, each related to a roughness type, meadow or wood. Lastly, the same results hold when scaling by \(U_{d,int}\) the depth-averaged lateral flux of momentum due to secondary currents. Turbulence production and magnitude of secondary currents are increased by the presence of emergent rigid elements over the floodplains. The autocorrelation functions show that the length of the coherent structures scales with the mixing layer width for all flow cases. It is suggested that coherent structures tend to a state where the magnitude of velocity fluctuations (of both horizontal vortices and secondary currents) and the spatial extension of the structures are in equilibrium.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of buoyancy on the small-scale aspects of turbulent entrainment by performing direct numerical simulation of a gravity current and a wall jet. In both flows, we detect the turbulent/nonturbulent interface separating turbulent from irrotational ambient flow regions using a range of enstrophy iso-levels spanning many orders of magnitude. Conform to expectation, the relative enstrophy isosurface velocity \(v_n\) in the viscous superlayer scales with the Kolmogorov velocity for both flow cases. We connect the integral entrainment coefficient E to the small-scale entrainment and observe excellent agreement between the two estimates throughout the viscous superlayer. The contribution of baroclinic torque to \(v_n\) is negligible, and we show that the primary reason for reduced entrainment in the gravity current as compared to the wall-jet are 1) the reduction of \(v_n\) relative to the integral velocity scale \(u_T\); and 2) the reduction in the surface area of the isosurfaces.  相似文献   

The development of industry in Beijing, the capital of China, particularly in last decades, has caused severe environmental pollution including particulate matter (PM), dust–haze, and photochemical smog, which has already caused considerable harm to local ecological environment. Thus, in this study, air particle samples were continuously collected in August and December, 2014. And elements (Si, Al, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo, Cd, Ba, Pb and Ti) and ions (\({\text{NO}}_{3}^{-}\), \({\text{SO}}_{4}^{2-}\), F?, Cl?, Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+ and \({\text{NH}}_{4}^{+}\)) were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer and ion chromatography. According to seasonal changes, discuss the various pollution situations in order to find possible particulate matter sources and then propose appropriate control strategies to local government. The results indicated serious PM and metallic pollution in some sampling days, especially in December. Chemical Mass Balance model revealed central heating activities, road dust and vehicles contribute as main sources, account for 5.84–32.05 % differently to the summer and winter air pollution in 2014.  相似文献   

This paper investigates flows around a free surface piercing cylinder with Froude number F > 0.5 and Reynolds number around Re = 50,000. The aim of this work is to gain a better understanding of the flow behaviour in environmental systems such as fishways. The advances are based upon experimental and numerical results. Several flow discharges and slopes are tested to obtain both subcritical and supercritical flows. The drag force exerted on the cylinder is measured with the help of a torque gauge while the velocity field is obtained using particle velocimetry. For the numerical part, two URANS turbulence models are tested, the k-\(\omega\) SST and the RNG k-\(\varepsilon\) models using the OpenFOAM software suite for subcritical cases, and then compared with the corresponding experimental results. With fishways applications in mind, the changes in drag coefficient \(C_d\) versus Froude number and water depth are studied and experimental correlations proposed. We conclude that the most suitable URANS turbulence model for reproducing this kind of flow is the k-\(\omega\) SST model.  相似文献   

In this work we address the role of turbulence on mixing of clear layer of fluid with sediment-laden layer of fluid at a sediment concentration interface. This process can be conceived as the entrainment of sediment-free fluid into the sediment-laden layer, or alternatively, as the transport of sediment into the top sediment-free flow. This process is governed by four parameters—Reynolds number of the flow \(Re_\tau\), non-dimensional settling velocity of the sediment (proxy for sediment size) \(\tilde{V}\), Richardson number \(Ri_\tau\) and Schmidt number Sc. For this work we have performed direct numerical simulations for fixed Reynolds and Schmidt numbers while varying the values of Richardson number and particle settling velocity. In the simple model considered here, the flow’s momentum and turbulence pre-exists over the entire layer of fluid, while the sediment is initially confined to a layer close to the bed. Mixing of sediment-free fluid with the sediment-laden layer is associated primarily with upward transport of sediment and buoyancy. There is no simultaneous upward transport of fluid momentum and turbulence into the sediment-free fluid layer, which is already in motion and turbulent. The analysis performed shows that the ability of the flow to transport a given sediment size decreases with the distance from the bottom, and thus only fine enough sediment particles are transported across the sediment concentration interface. For these cases, the concentration profiles evolve to a final steady state in good agreement with the well-known Rouse profile. The approach towards the Rouse profile happens through a transient self-similar state. This behavior of the flow is not seen for larger particles. Detailed analysis of the three dimensional structure of the sediment concentration interface shows the mechanisms by which sediment particles are lifted up by tongues of sediment-laden fluid with positive correlation between vertical velocity and sediment concentration. Finally, the mixing ability of the flow is addressed by monitoring the time evolution of the center of mass of the sediment-laden layer and the vertical location of the sediment-free/sediment-laden interface.  相似文献   

Drag coefficient has been commonly used as a quantifying parameter to represent the vegetative drag, i.e., resistance to the flow by vegetation. In this study, the measured data on the drag coefficient for rigid vegetation in subcritical open-channel flow reported in previous studies are collected and preprocessed for multi-parameter analysis. The effect of Froude number (Fr) on the drag coefficient for rigid vegetation in subcritical flow cannot be ignored, especially when \(Fr < 0.12\). The drag coefficient is observed to exponentially decrease with the stem Reynolds number (R d ) and logarithmically decreased with the vegetation density (λ) when \(0.012 < \lambda < 0.12\). The relative submergence (h * ) has a significant effect on the drag coefficient, and a positive logarithmic relationship is summarized. A simplified three-stage empirical formula is obtained based on the divisions of Fr. Laboratory tests (with \(Fr < 0.02\)) prove that the present empirical model has higher precision compared with existing models.  相似文献   

The junction area of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan provinces is the heaviest coal-burning endemic fluorosis zones in China. To better understand the pathogenicity of endemic fluorosis in this area, 87 coal samples from the late Permian outcrop or semi-outcrop coal seams were collected in eight counties of the junction area of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan provinces. The total fluorine and sulfate content, etc. in the coal was determined using combustion-hydrolysis/fluoride-ion-selective electrode method and ion chromatography, respectively. The results show that the total fluorine concentrations in the samples ranged from 44 to 382 µg g?1, with an average of 127 µg g?1. The average pH of the coals is 5.03 (1.86–8.62), and the sulfate content varied from 249 to 64,706 µg g?1 (average 7127 µg g?1). In addition, the coals were medium- and high-sulfur coals, with sulfur mass fraction ranging from 0.08 to 13.41%. By heating the outcrop coals, HF release from the coal was verified quantitatively without exception, while simulated combustion directly confirmed the release of sulfuric acid (H2SO4). The acid in coal may be in the form of acidic sulfate (\({\text{HSO}}_{4}^{ - }\)/H2SO4) because of a positive relationship between pH and \(p\left( {{\text{SO}}_{4}^{2 - } } \right)\) in the acidic coal. The possible reaction mechanism would be that a chemical reaction between the acid (H2SO4 or \({\text{HSO}}_{4}^{ - }\)) and fluorine in the coal occurred, thereby producing hydrogen fluoride (HF), which would be the chemical form of fluorine released from coal under relatively mild conditions. The unique chemical and physical property of HF may bring new insight into the pathogenic mechanism of coal-burning endemic fluorosis. The phenomenon of coal-burning fluorosis is not limited to the study area, but is common in southwest China and elsewhere. Further investigation is needed to determine whether other endemic fluorosis areas are affected by this phenomenon.  相似文献   

The behaviour of a discharge of warm water upwards into a homogeneous body of cold fresh water was investigated by means of a numerical model. The discharge has a parabolic velocity profile, with Reynolds number \(Re=50\), Prandtl number \(Pr=7\) and Froude number varied over the range \(0.2 \le {\rm Fr} \le 2.5\). Water density is taken to be a quadratic function of temperature, so that an initially positively buoyant discharge will experience buoyancy reversal as it mixes with an ambient below the temperature of maximum density. The resulting plume has some similarities to a fountain resulting from injection of negatively buoyant fluid upward into a less dense ambient. The plume is initially symmetric, but then its head detaches as it approaches its maximum height. The detached head is denser than the fluid in the plume below it, and the interaction between the sinking head and the rising plume causes a sideways deflection; as this cycle is repeated, the plume displays side-to-side flapping motion and vertical bobbing. As Froude number is increased (i.e. buoyancy reduced) the growth of the plume becomes slower, but the plume eventually reaches a greater height. We obtain empirical power-law scalings for maximum height and time taken to reach that height as functions of Froude number; these scalings are simlar to those for fountains with a linear dependence of density on temperature in the very weak regime.  相似文献   

In this study, a newly developed direct numerical simulation (DNS) solver is utilized for the simulations of numerous stably stratified open-channel flows with bulk Reynolds number (Re b ) spanning 3400–16,900. Overall, the simulated bulk Richardson number (\(Ri_b\)) ranges from 0.08 (weakly stable) to 0.49 (very stable). Thus, both continuously turbulent and (globally) intermittently turbulent cases are represented in the DNS database. Using this comprehensive database, various flux-based and gradient-based similarity relationships for energy dissipation rate (ε) and temperature structure parameter (\(C_T^2\)) are developed. Interestingly, these relationships exhibit only minor dependency on Re b . In order to further probe into this Re b -effect, similarity relationships are also estimated from a large-eddy simulation (LES) run of an idealized atmospheric boundary layer (very high Re b ) case study. Despite the fundamental differences in the estimation of ε and \(C_T^2\) from the DNS- and the LES-generated data, the resulting similarity relationships, especially the gradient-based ones, from these numerical approaches are found to be remarkably similar. More importantly, these simulated relationships are also comparable, at least qualitatively, to the traditional observational data-based ones. Since these simulated similarity relationships do not require Taylor’s hypothesis and do not suffer from mesoscale disturbances and/or measurement noise, they have the potential to complement the existing similarity relationships.  相似文献   

Species reproduction is an important determinant of population dynamics. As such, this is an important parameter in environmental risk assessment. The closure principle computational approach test (CPCAT) was recently proposed as a method to derive a NOEC/LOEC for reproduction count data such as the number of juvenile Daphnia. The Poisson distribution used by CPCAT can be too restrictive as a model of the data-generating process. In practice, the generalized Poisson distribution could be more appropriate, as it allows for inequality of the population mean \(\mu\) and the population variance \(\sigma ^2\). It is of fundamental interest to explore the statistical power of CPCAT and the probability of determining a regulatory relevant effect correctly. Using a simulation, we varied between Poisson distribution (\(\mu =\sigma ^2\)) and generalized Poisson distribution allowing for over-dispersion (\(\mu <\sigma ^2\)) and under-dispersion (\(\mu >\sigma ^2\)). The results indicated that the probability of detecting the LOEC/NOEC correctly was \(\ge 0.8\) provided the effect was at least 20% above or below the mean level of the control group and mean reproduction of the control was at least 50 individuals while over-dispersion was missing. Specifically, under-dispersion increased, whereas over-dispersion reduced the statistical power of the CPCAT. Using the well-known Hampel identifier, we propose a simple and straight forward method to assess whether the data-generating process of real data could be over- or under-dispersed.  相似文献   

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