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为确定胞外聚合物(EPS)中蛋白质(PN)对好氧颗粒污泥(AGS)形成的影响,研究了好氧污泥颗粒化过程,污泥EPS变化规律及其与污泥表面特性的相关性,分析了AGS和接种污泥EPS组分和相关官能团的差异并确定了EPS分布情况.结果 表明,在好氧污泥颗粒化期间,EPS中PN含量由13.98 mg·g-1增加到41.86 m...  相似文献   

The extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) extracted from waste activated sludge (WAS) after short-time aerobic digestion was investigated to be used as a novel biosorbent for Cu2+ removal from water. The EPS consisted of protein (52.6 %, w/w), polysaccharide (30.7 %, w/w), and nucleic acid (16.7 %, w/w). Short-time aerobic digestion process of WAS for about 4 h promoted the productivity growth of the EPS for about 10 %. With a molecular weight of about 1.9?×?106 Da, the EPS showed a linear structure with long chains, and contained carboxyl, hydroxyl, and amino groups. The sorption kinetics was well fit for the pseudo-second-order model, and the maximum sorption capacity of the EPS (700.3 mg Cu2+/g EPS) was markedly greater than those of the reported biosorbents. Both Langmuir model and Freundlich model commendably described the sorption isotherm. The Gibbs free energy analysis of the adsorption showed that the sorption process was feasible and spontaneous. According to the complex results of multiple analytical techniques, including scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, etc., the adsorption process took place via both physical and chemical sorption, but the electrostatic interaction between sorption sites with the functional groups and Cu2+ is the major mechanism.  相似文献   

为评价超声波预处理对城市污泥好氧/缺氧消化效果的影响,将超声波-好氧/缺氧消化工艺与传统的好氧/缺氧消化工艺进行了对比研究。结果表明,经25 d消化处理,引进超声波后的好氧/缺氧消化效果显著提高,污泥的VSS去除率达到51.98%,高于传统好氧/缺氧消化的42.98%。2种工艺消化的污泥TCOD以及污泥上清液中的SCOD、TP和NH3-N的变化趋势相似;而经超声波-好氧/缺氧消化的污泥上清液中硝态氮和亚硝态氮浓度较传统好氧/缺氧的高,说明经超声波处理后的污泥中的硝化细菌的活性增强,硝化反应加快。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) formed in aerobic and anaerobic digestion of waste-activated sludge (WAS) after ozone...  相似文献   

本研究将超声波预处理引入城市生活污泥缺氧/好氧消化工艺中,自主设计了容积为30 L的生活污泥超声波-缺氧/好氧消化中试系统并用以实验研究。超声波预处理的参数为超声频率28 kHz,声能密度0.15 W/mL,超声时间10 min,超声间隔12 h,污泥超声比例30%。结果表明,引入超声预处理后,缩短了污泥的稳定时间,提高了污泥的消化效率。污泥消化10 d就已经达到了稳定标准,比未引入超声预处理时缩短了12 d,而MLVSS最大去除率提高了11%,达到了55.10%。超声波的引入,对污泥缺氧/好氧消化系统中污泥上清液溶解性COD(SCOD)的变化趋势影响比较明显,而对上清液的pH、氨氮和TP的变化趋势没有明显影响。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are to examine the phosphorus release in aerobic sludge digestion and to better understand its governing mechanisms. In this study, phosphorus release was examined using the secondary sludge from both conventional and biological nutrient removal processes. The experiments were carried out at room temperature (22 +/- 2 degrees C), with or without automatic control of pH (4.5 to 7.8), and under three aeration schemes: fully aerobic (dissolved oxygen [DO] at 3 to 4 mg/L), low DO (0.2 to 0.8 mg/L), and cyclic (with alternate on/off aeration). The released phosphorus concentrations were 20 to 80 mg/L for the conventional sludge and 60 to 130 mg/L for the biophosphorus sludge. Higher phosphorus release also occurred at low pH (<6.0). As for the effect of DO, fully aerobic digestion caused higher phosphorus release than the low-DO and cyclic operations. For better understanding, the solid phosphorus in sludge was conceptually categorized into three forms: inorganic phosphorus precipitates, organic cellular phosphorus, and polyphosphate (poly-P) in polyphosphate-accumulating organisms. Dissolution of inorganic phosphorus precipitates is controlled by physical and chemical conditions, with pH being the most important in this study. Lowering the pH to 4 to 6 clearly promoted the release of inorganic phosphorus. Polyphosphate hydrolysis, on the other hand, was found to be regulated biologically (sensitive to occurrence of anaerobic conditions) and was insignificant in the glutaraldehyde-fixed sludge. Phosphorus release from organic phosphorus should correlate with the volatile solid (VS) digestion, which lyses the cells and frees the phosphorus covalently bonded with the organic matters. The amounts of phosphorus released per unit VS digested (deltaP/deltaVS) were therefore calculated for experiments with long periods of constant pH (to minimize interferences from dissolution/precipitation of inorganic phosphorus). The results suggested that some poly-P was hydrolyzed and released accompanying the aerobic VS digestion, but at rates far lower than those under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of a thermo-oxidative co-treatment placed between the two reactors of two-stage anaerobic digestion of excess municipal sludge was studied. The oxidant used was hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and moderate temperatures below the boiling point of water were considered. The first experiment was to elucidate the effect of two different temperatures (65 and 90 degrees C) of oxidation using a constant oxidant dose of 1.0 g H2O2/g influent volatile suspended solids (VSSinfluent). The use of thermo-oxidative co-treatment increased overall solids destruction by 24.9 and 33.5%, respectively, when operating at 65 and 90 degrees C, respectively. Because of this significant effect of temperature on the performance of the process, a second experiment was conducted using the higher temperature of 90 degrees C while decreasing the hydrogen peroxide dosage to 0.5, 0.25, and 0.1 g H2O2/g VSSinfluent. An increase in solids destruction of 13.9, 18.9, and 25.6% was observed when the thermo-oxidative co-treatment was used using oxidant dosages of 0.1, 0.25, and 0.5 g H2O2/g VSSinfluent, respectively.  相似文献   

活性污泥胞外聚合物提取方法优化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
试验对比了不同离子交换树脂(CER)含量和pH条件下胞外聚合物(EPS)的提取效果差异。结果表明,EPS各组分提取浓度均随离子交换树脂用量增加而增加,但各组分趋势不同。TOC的最佳树脂剂量为100 g CER/g VSS,而蛋白质、多糖和DNA的最佳树脂剂量约为70 g CER/g VSS。pH值对TOC、DNA和多糖的提取浓度影响较小,但对蛋白质影响比较大。各提取条件下,EPS各组分提取浓度随时间的变化过程可以分为平稳增长期、快速增长期及稳定期。  相似文献   

好氧/缺氧消化降解污泥特征分析   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
为考察好氧/缺氧消化过程中污泥降解的特征,利用2个反应器进行对比试验,研究好氧/缺氧和好氧消化2个过程中VS的去除,pH和碱度变化,消化上清液中COD和氮元素变化等情况。试验结果表明:好氧/缺氧消化能够满足污泥稳定的要求,在常温条件下,消化16 d VS去除率即可达到38.2%,同时比好氧消化节约曝气能耗。好氧/缺氧消化对污泥中总氮的去除率高于传统的好氧消化,达到了36.4%,而且能够降低消化污泥上清液中的氨氮和硝态氮浓度。  相似文献   

污泥自热式高温好氧消化(ATAD)具有反应速率快,停留时间短,病原微生物灭活效果好等优点,特别适合于小规模污水处理厂污泥的处理,在北美和欧洲已有较多的应用实例.系统总结了ATAD系统各方面的研究进展,包括AT-AD系统中微生物的种类与特性,ATAD污泥处理过程中微生物细胞、有机碳以及氮磷的转化规律,ATAD反应器运行控制参数,以及改善ATAD处理后污泥脱水性能的方法,并介绍了基于ATAD技术的新型污水及污泥处理工艺研究开发现状.  相似文献   

污泥自热式高温好氧消化(ATAD)具有反应速率快,停留时间短,病原微生物灭活效果好等优点,特别适合于小规模污水处理厂污泥的处理,在北美和欧洲已有较多的应用实例.系统总结了ATAD系统各方面的研究进展,包括AT-AD系统中微生物的种类与特性,ATAD污泥处理过程中微生物细胞、有机碳以及氮磷的转化规律,ATAD反应器运行控制参数,以及改善ATAD处理后污泥脱水性能的方法,并介绍了基于ATAD技术的新型污水及污泥处理工艺研究开发现状.  相似文献   

High-solids anaerobic digestion can consistently achieve 55 to 60% volatile solids destruction after thermal hydrolysis pretreatment, which reduces its viscosity and increases the fraction of soluble organic matter. For feed sludge with total solids concentrations between 6.8 and 8.2%, the process is stable at hydraulic retention times of 9 to 12 days, significantly increasing the treatment capacity of existing digesters or, in treatment plants without spare capacity, helping to postpone, reduce, or even avoid costly infrastructure investments. Process stability is related to the high concentration of soluble organic matter in the digesters. High-solids temperature-phased digestion appears to be superior to high-solids mesophilic digestion, with respect to process flexibility and stability, biosolids stabilization, and biogas generation, although ammonia inhibition may have occurred. Implementation of high-solids digestion could significantly reduce operation and maintenance costs of solids-handling operations.  相似文献   

采用电化学方法对含固宰为2%(质量分数)的污泥进行预处理.不仅可去除污泥中10.5%的挥发性悬浮固体(VSS),而且还可使后续的污泥好氧消化时间由20 d缩短为16 d.为了探讨电化学预处理提高污泥好氧消化性能的机制,对预处理前后的污泥性质进行了研究,发现污泥经电化学预处理后,上清液中可溶性有机物(SCOD)、TN、T...  相似文献   

研究了污泥返混对自热高温好氧消化(ATAD)效果的影响.通过对二沉池污泥稳定化效果的考察,研究了间歇式ATAD过程中有机物、氮、磷等的变化情况.结果表明,有10%(质量分数)的消化污泥返混时,在消化15d时污泥挥发固体(VS)去除率达到38.5%;而无消化污泥返混时,污泥VS的去除率仅为33.4%;在消化21d后,前者和后者的VS去除率分别为40.1%和39.9%,均达到污泥稳定化的要求.研究发现,两个反应器污泥ATAD过程中溶解性COD(SCOD)、氨氮含量均呈现消化初期快速上升、消化中期在一定范围内波动、消化后期下降的趋势;TP、TN含量呈现出消化初期快速上升,消化中后期在一定范围内波动的趋势.  相似文献   

为探讨脉冲曝气活性污泥胞外聚合物(EPS)的产生特性及其与脱氮效率的关系,研究了在脉冲曝气装置中曝气时间5 min及停曝时间10 min的条件下,松散结合型胞外聚合物(LB-EPS)与紧密结合型胞外聚合物(TB-EPS)的变化规律,并分析EPS与脱氮效率之间的关系。结果表明:脉冲曝气活性污泥LB-EPS的含量低于TB-EPS含量,且随着脉冲驯化的进行,EPS的含量持续增长。三维荧光图谱(3D-EEM)分析表明脉冲曝气的LB-EPS的色氨酸荧光峰产生红移,TB-EPS的色氨酸荧光强度增大,说明了脉冲曝气驯化过程导致了活性污泥胞外聚合物中色氨酸蛋白类物质含量呈增加趋势。对比研究表明:脉冲曝气氨氮(NH4+-N)去除率在80%左右,与连续曝气相近;而总氮(TN)去除率在50%左右,高于连续曝气20%。脉冲曝气下,EPS对于脱氮有抑制作用,EPS与NH4+-N及TN的去除率之间呈负相关的关系,LB-EPS与TN去除率之间负相关;TB-EPS与NH4+-N去除率负相关且关系显著。  相似文献   

平行运行3组等工作体积推流式进水的序批式反应器,分别采用100% NaAc(R1)、60% NaAc+40%胰蛋白胨(R2)、60%可溶性淀粉+40%胰蛋白胨(R3)为碳源模拟生活污水,考察了大分子有机物作用下胞外聚合物(EPS)对除磷污泥颗粒化的影响。三维荧光光谱分析结果表明,大分子碳源使污泥疏松型EPS(LB-EPS)的组分更加丰富,R1系统污泥LB-EPS中含有芳香类蛋白物质Ⅱ、色氨酸类蛋白质和其他蛋白质类物质,R2、R3系统污泥LB-EPS中还增加了类腐殖酸物质。碳源的差异未对紧密型EPS(TB-EPS)的组分造成影响。随着大分子有机物含量的增加,LB-EPS和TB-EPS中多糖(PS)、LB-EPS中蛋白质(PN)含量依次减少,不利于污泥的聚集和颗粒化;TB-EPS中PN含量与污泥颗粒化间无显著相关性。随着大分子有机物占比的增加,TB-EPS Zeta电位的中位数依次降低,分别为−9.27、−12.32、−14.06 mV,大分子有机物使污泥聚集体内部斥力增大,导致污泥颗粒密实度降低。与之相反,LB-EPS Zeta电位的中位数依次升高,分别为−14.57、−12.57、−10.61 mV,大分子有机物使各污泥聚集体之间的斥力减弱,多个小聚集体相互融合,从而形成结构疏松并有多个核心的除磷颗粒污泥。此外,提出了大分子有机物作用下基于EPS的除磷污泥颗粒化模型。  相似文献   

电化学预处理提高剩余污泥好氧消化性能研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
采用电化学方法对好氧消化处理前的剩余污泥(以下简称污泥)进行预处理,考察了不同预处理条件对污泥有机物(以MLVSS来表征)的去除效果,探讨了电化学预处理对污泥好氧消化效率的影响。结果表明,以网状钛涂钌电极板为电极,在pH为11.00,极板间距为2.0cm,工作电压为15V,气体搅拌作用下电解30min后,污泥(初始质量浓度为20.04g/L)的MLVSS去除率达9.7%。污泥经过电化学预处理后,在自然温度(10~15℃)下进行好氧消化处理,14d后MLVSS去除率达40.1%,而同期未经预处理的污泥MLVSS去除率为33.2%,并于20d后达40.2%。经电化学预处理后污泥的好氧消化效率显著提高,大大缩短了污泥好氧消化的时间。  相似文献   

为考察调节pH值对剩余污泥好氧消化效果的影响,采用2个反应器,在不调节pH值与加入NaHC03调节pH≈7两种条件下进行好氧消化对比试验.监测消化过程中污泥TSS、TVSS、SOUR、沉降性及比阻的变化情况,结果表明:在两种条件下污泥均能达到稳定,消化30 d TVSS去除率分别为47.1%和49.2%.消化过程中调节pH≈7,TSS、TVSS去除率略有提高,上清液的浊度和COD降低,并且污泥的沉降、脱水性能改善,因而更有利于后续的处理.  相似文献   

The effects of alkali-enhanced microwave (MW; 50–175 °C) and ultrasonic (US) (0.75 W/mL, 15–60 min) pretreatments, on solubilisation and subsequent anaerobic digestion efficiency of pulp and paper mill waste-activated sludge, were investigated. Improvements in total chemical oxygen demand and volatile suspended solids (VSS) solubilisation were limited to 33 and 39 % in MW pretreatment only (175 °C). It reached 78 and 66 % in combined MW–alkali pretreatment (pH 12?+?175 °C), respectively. Similarly, chemical oxygen demand and VSS solubilisation were 58 and 37 % in US pretreatment alone (60 min) and it improved by 66 and 49 % after US–alkali pretreatment (pH 12?+?60 min), respectively. The biogas yield for US 60 min–alkali (pH 12)-pretreated sludge was significantly improved by 47 and 20 % over the control and US 60 reactors, respectively. The biogas generation for MW (150 °C)–alkali (pH 12)-pretreated sludge was only 6.3 % higher than control; however, it was 8.3 % lower than the MW (150 °C) reactor, which was due to the inhibition of anaerobic activity under harsh thermal–alkali treatment condition.  相似文献   

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