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Chen H  Chen S  Quan X  Zhao H  Zhang Y 《Chemosphere》2008,73(11):1832-1837
Sorption of nonpolar (phenanthrene and butylate) and polar (atrazine and diuron) organic chemicals to oil-contaminated soil was examined to investigate oil effects on sorption of organic chemicals and to derive oil–water distribution coefficients (Koil). The resulting oil-contaminated soil–water distribution coefficients (Kd) for phenanthrene demonstrated sorption-enhancing effects at both lower and higher oil concentrations (Coil) but sorption-reducing (competitive) effects at intermediate Coil (approximately 1 g kg−1). Rationalization of the different dominant effects was attempted in terms of the relative aliphatic carbon content which determines the accessibility of the aromatic cores to phenanthrene. Little or no competitive effect occurred for butylate because its sorption was dominated by partitioning. For atrazine and diuron, the changes in Kd at Coil above approximately 1 g kg−1 were negligible, indicating that the presently investigated oil has little or no effect on the two tested compounds even though the polarity of the oil is much less than soil organic matter (SOM). Therefore, specific interactions with the active groups (aromatic and polar domains) are dominantly responsible for the sorption of polar sorbates, and thus their sorption is controlled by available sorption sites. This study showed that the oil has the potential to be a dominant sorptive phase for nonpolar pollutants when compared to SOM, but hardly so for polar compounds. The results may aid in a better understanding of the role of the aliphatic and aromatic domains in sorption of nonpolar and polar organic pollutants.  相似文献   

Sorption of nonpolar (phenanthrene and butylate) and polar (atrazine and diuron) organic chemicals to oil-contaminated soil was examined to investigate oil effects on sorption of organic chemicals and to derive oil–water distribution coefficients (Koil). The resulting oil-contaminated soil–water distribution coefficients (Kd) for phenanthrene demonstrated sorption-enhancing effects at both lower and higher oil concentrations (Coil) but sorption-reducing (competitive) effects at intermediate Coil (approximately 1 g kg−1). Rationalization of the different dominant effects was attempted in terms of the relative aliphatic carbon content which determines the accessibility of the aromatic cores to phenanthrene. Little or no competitive effect occurred for butylate because its sorption was dominated by partitioning. For atrazine and diuron, the changes in Kd at Coil above approximately 1 g kg−1 were negligible, indicating that the presently investigated oil has little or no effect on the two tested compounds even though the polarity of the oil is much less than soil organic matter (SOM). Therefore, specific interactions with the active groups (aromatic and polar domains) are dominantly responsible for the sorption of polar sorbates, and thus their sorption is controlled by available sorption sites. This study showed that the oil has the potential to be a dominant sorptive phase for nonpolar pollutants when compared to SOM, but hardly so for polar compounds. The results may aid in a better understanding of the role of the aliphatic and aromatic domains in sorption of nonpolar and polar organic pollutants.  相似文献   

Sorption capability of bedrock components from a fractured chalk province was evaluated using ametryn, phenanthrene, m-xylene, 2,4,6-tribromophenol, and 1,2-dichloroethane. Sorption isotherms for the four aromatic compounds were nonlinear on gray (unoxidized) chalk. Over the studied solution ranges, the distribution coefficient decreased by factor of 3 for phenanthrene and m-xylene, a factor 4 for ametryn, and by an order of magnitude for 2,4,6-tribromophenol. In contrast, 1,2-dichloroethane displayed a linear isotherm. The importance of polar interactions for ametryn sorption was evaluated by normalizing sorption to an "inert" solvent, n-hexane. n-Hexane-normalized sorption of ametryn was much greater than that of phenanthrene, presumably due to ametryn participation in hydrogen bonding interactions. In sharp contrast to sorption to gray chalk, sorption to white (oxidized) chalk is 100- to 1000-fold lower at any given solution concentration. The much greater sorption on gray chalk cannot be explained by specific surface area, clay content, or organic matter content; thus, the nature of the organic matter is considered to control sorption in the chalk samples. Gray chalk sorption capacity estimates for ametryn and 2,4,6-tribromophenol are similar, which, together with evidence of competition for sorption sites, suggests that the limited capacity sorption domain for both compounds is similar.  相似文献   

Ran Y  Xiao B  Fu J  Sheng G 《Chemosphere》2003,50(10):1365-1376
Sorption and desorption hysteresis of 1,2-dichlorobenzene, 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene, naphthalene, and phenanthrene were investigated for the Borden aquifer material with total organic carbon of 0.021% and the isolated natural organic matter (NOM). The isolated NOM is a kerogen type of organic matter with relatively low maturation degree and contained many different types of organic matters including vitrinite particles. The modified Freundlich sorption capacities (logKf and logKfoc) are very close for the sorption of the four solutes by the isolated NOM and the original sand, respectively. Isotherm non-linearity (n value) and hysteric behaviors are related to solute molecular properties (e.g. Kow and molecular size). Kerogen encapsulated by inorganic matrices in the original aquifer may not be accessed fully by solutes. The larger the hydrophobic organic chemical (HOC) (hydrophobic organic contaminant) molecule is, the lower accessibility of the HOC to kerogen. This study disputes widely held hypothesis that sorption to mineral surfaces may play a major role in the overall sorption by low TOC (e.g. 0.1% by mass) geomaterials such as Borden sand. It also demonstrates the importance of the condensed NOM domain, even at very low contents, in the sorption and desorption hysteresis of HOCs in groundwater systems.  相似文献   

Sorption of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene, o-chlorotoluene and dimethylphthalate to a series of subsurface samples collected with depth is reported. Desorption of sorbate from the sorbent matrix provides better precision than conventional solution phase concentration differences when sorption is low. Clay mineral content influences sorption on low carbon sorbents.  相似文献   

Yu Z  Huang W  Song J  Qian Y  Peng P 《Chemosphere》2006,65(11):2493-2501
The objective of this study was to quantify sorption properties for kerogen/black carbon (BC)-bearing sediments. Single-solute sorption isotherms were measured for five pristine marine sediments using phenanthrene, naphthalene, 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene, and 1,4-dichlorobenzene as the sorbates. The results showed that the sorption isotherms were nonlinear and that the organic carbon normalized single point KOC values were comparable to those reported in the literature for the purified keorgen and BC, but are much higher than the data reported for HA and kerogen/BC-containing terrestrial soils and sediments. It is likely that koergen and BC associated with these pristine marine sediments may not be encapsulated with humic acids or Fe and Mn oxides and hydroxides as often do in terrestrial soils and sediments. As a result, they may be fully accessible to sorbing molecules, exhibiting higher sorption capacities. The study suggests that competition from background HOCs and reduced accessibility when kerogen and BC are associated with terrestrial sediments may dramatically increase variability of sorption reactivities of geosorbents. Such variability may lead to large uncertainties in the prediction of sorption from the contents of kerogen and/or BC along with TOC.  相似文献   

Single- and bi-solute sorption of organic compounds [1,3-dichlorbenzene (DCB), 1,3-dinitrobenzene (DNB) and 2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP)] on ground tire rubber and its chars was studied. The chars were prepared by pyrolyzing tire rubber at different temperatures (200-800 °C). Their surface area, aromaticity and hydrophobicity increase greatly with pyrolytic temperature, and the polymeric phase is partly converted into a condensed phase. The sorption of DNB and DCP increases with pyrolytic temperature and is characterized by a transition from a partition dominant to an adsorption dominant process. However, the sorption of DCB linearly decreases with the pyrolytic temperature. The enhanced adsorption of DNB and DCP on carbonized phase is primarily attributed to nonhydrophobic interactions such as π-π electron-donor-acceptor interactions and/or H bonding. The higher partition of DCB to polymeric phase is attributed to its high hydrophobicity. Competitive sorption between DCB and DCP on the tire chars is highly dependent on dissociation of the latter.  相似文献   

Control of hazardous organic micropollutants is a challenging water quality issue. Dissolved humic organic matter (DOM) isolated from oxyhumolite coal mined in Bohemia was investigated as a complexation agent to remove polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and functionalized phenols from water by a two-stage process involving complexation and flocculation. After the formation of humic-contaminant complexes, ferric salts were added resulting in the precipitation and flocculation of the DOM and the associated pollutants. Flocculation experiments with ferric ion coagulants indicated that precipitation of oxyhumolite DOM together with the complexed contaminants occurred at lower ferric ion concentrations than with the reference DOM in acidic environments (pH approximately 3.5). The complexation-flocculation removal rates for non-reactive PAHs characterized by small localization energies of pi-electrons correlated well with the complexation constants. On the other hand, the combined complexation-flocculation removal rates for activated PAHs including trans-stilbene, anthracene and 9-methyl anthracene, as well as functionalized polar phenols, were higher than predicted from the complexation coefficients. Methodological studies revealed for the first time that the ferric ion coagulant contributed to enhanced removal rates, most probably due to ferric ion-catalyzed pollutant degradation resulting in oxidized products.  相似文献   

王东  王小东  朱引  沈斐  李激  王硕 《环境工程学报》2018,12(7):1907-1916
利用生物吸附(biological absorption,AB)-多级缺氧/好氧(anaerobic/oxic,A/O)-活性焦滤池组合工艺对城市污水进行处理研究。结果表明:该组合工艺出水COD、TN、TP平均浓度为20、8.5、0.25 mg·L-1,对COD、TN、TP平均去除率为95%、76.5%、80%,3个工艺段对有机污染物的平均去除率分别为55%、26%、14%。其中生物吸附段主要去除粒径较大的颗粒态有机物,多级A/O段可以去除进水中53%左右溶解性有机物;活性焦滤池利用活性焦丰富的中孔结构有效吸附多级A/O出水中难生物降解的芳香类及环烷类有机物。该组合工艺能实现高标准出水、高效脱氮除磷、能源节约、资源回收,是具有良好应用前景的污水处理工艺。  相似文献   

Atrazine and phenanthrene (Phen) sorption by nonhydrolyzable carbon (NHC), black carbon (BC), humic acid (HA) and whole sediment and soil samples was examined. Atrazine sorption isotherms were nearly linear. The single-point organic carbon (OC)-normalized distribution coefficients (KOC) of atrazine for the isolated HA1, NHC1 and BC1 from sediment 1 (ST1) were 36, 550, and 1470 times greater than that of ST1, respectively, indicating the importance of sediment organic matter, particularly the condensed fractions (NHC and BC). Similar sorption capacity of atrazine and Phen by NHC but different isotherm nonlinearity indicated different sorption domains due to their different structure and hydrophobicity. The positive relationship between (O + N)/C ratios of NHC and atrazine log KOC at low concentration suggests H-bonding interactions. This study shows that sediment is probably a less effective sorbent for atrazine than Phen, implying that atrazine applied in sediments or soils may be likely to leach into groundwater.  相似文献   

Hellou J  Mackay D  Banoub J 《Chemosphere》1999,38(2):457-473
As part of a program to investigate the levels, fate and bioaccumulation of organic contaminants in a polluted marine harbor, organochlorine compounds including the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dichloro diphenyltrichloroethane and metabolites (DDTs), chlordanes, dibenzo-p-dioxins (Ds) and dibenzofurans (Fs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and sulphur hetero cycles were analysed in sediments spiked with St. John's Harbor sludge. Winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) were exposed to these sediments containing six levels of harbor sludge during four winter months. Following exposure, sediments were reanalysed to investigate the persistence of the contaminants. The primary contaminants detected were PAHs (approximately 5000 ng/g), predominantly alkylated phenanthrenes, fluoranthene and pyrene; PCBs with a predominance of Aroclor 1260 signature (approximately 64 ng/g), DDTs (approximately 5 ng/g), hepta and octachloro dioxins and furans (approximately 0.5 ng/g) with very low levels of less chlorinated congeners. The PAHs degraded with an estimated half life of 2 to 3 months, while no significant degradation could be attributed to the other compounds. Bioaccumulation to muscle showed the potential uptake of contaminants in biota inhabiting the harbor. A dose-response relationship was observed between spiked sediments and the concentrations of PCB congener 153 and unresolved congeners 138/163/164 in muscle. Of the dioxins and furans, only 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorofuran was detectable in muscle and at a similar concentration in all exposures indicating a similar bioavailability independent of the fraction of sludge in sediments. Of the PAHs, only naphthalene and methyl naphthalenes were detected in muscle, but did not display a dose-response. One bile metabolite of pyrene was quantified and demonstrates metabolism. Biota-sediment accumulation factors were of 0.2 to 7 indicating that equilibrium was approached, with the exception of the hepta and octachloro dioxins and furans which were not significantly bioaccumulated.  相似文献   


Background and purpose

Regeneration of spent activated carbon assumes paramount importance in view of its economic reuse during adsorptive removal of organic contaminants. Classical thermal, chemical, or electrochemical regeneration methods are constrained with several limitations. Microbial regeneration of spent activated carbon provides a synergic combination of adsorption and biodegradation.


Microorganisms regenerate the surface of activated carbon using sorbed organic substrate as a source of food and energy. Aromatic hydrocarbons, particularly phenols, including their chlorinated derivatives and industrial waste water containing synthetic organic compounds and explosives-contaminated ground water are the major removal targets in adsorption?Cbioregeneration process. Popular mechanisms of bioregeneration include exoenzymatic hypothesis and biodegradation following desorption. Efficiency of bioregeneration can be quantified using direct determination of the substrate content on the adsorbent, the indirect measurement of substrate consumption by measuring the carbon dioxide production and the measurement of oxygen uptake. Modeling of bioregeneration involves the kinetics of adsorption/desorption and microbial growth followed by solute degradation. Some modeling aspects based on various simplifying assumptions for mass transport resistance, microbial kinetics and biofilm thickness, are briefly exposed.


Kinetic parameters from various representative bioregeneration models and their solution procedure are briefly summarized. The models would be useful in predicting the mass transfer driving forces, microbial growth, substrate degradation as well as the extent of bioregeneration.


Intraparticle mass transfer resistance, incomplete regeneration, and microbial fouling are some of the problems needed to be addressed adequately. A detailed techno-economic evaluation is also required to assess the commercial aspects of bioregeneration.  相似文献   

I G Dubus  E Barriuso  R Calvet 《Chemosphere》2001,45(6-7):767-774
The sorption behaviour of a new wheat hybridising agent (clofencet, 2-4-(chlorophenyl)-3-ethyl-2,5-dihydro-5-oxopyridazine-4-carboxylic acid) was investigated in batch equilibrium experiments and compared to that of two other organic acids (2,4-D and salicylic acid). Sorption coefficients Kd for the three compounds were determined in 18 Cambisols and Ferralsols. Kd values for clofencet were 0.3-9.4 l/kg for Cambisols and 2.1-68 l/kg for Ferralsols. Sorption of clofencet was strongly related statistically to that of salicylic acid. Sorption of clofencet and salicylic acid decreased exponentially with increasing solution pH in Cambisols whereas a bell-shaped curve was obtained for the sorption of salicylic acid in Ferralsols. Sorption of 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) was not statistically related to the pH of the different soils. Positively charged oxide surfaces were shown to play a significant role in the sorption of clofencet and salicylic acid. The use of simple correlation and multiple linear regressions suggested that the main sorption mechanisms of clofencet in soils were likely to be ligand exchange on oxide surfaces and, to a lesser extent, cation bridging. Differences in the sorption behaviour of clofencet/salicylic acid and 2,4-D might be attributed to the possibility of the two former compounds forming bidentate complexes with metals.  相似文献   

Ma  Lixuan  Li  Kai  Wang  Chi  Liu  Bo  Peng  Hongbo  Mei  Yi  Ning  Ping 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2020,27(7):7309-7317
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The relatively low surface area and micropore volume of graphene nanosheets (GNS) limit their potential application as effective adsorbents for...  相似文献   

The contributions of organic matter and the mineral surface to the overall sorption of six nonpolar neutral organic compounds (1,2,4-trichlorobenzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, chlorobenzene, m-xylene, toluene, benzene) by five humic acid (HA)-coated sands with different fractions of organic carbon (f(oc)) ranging from 0.024% to 0.154% were evaluated on the basis of measured data and four different sorption models. Sorption of all six sorbates to both uncoated and heated sands was nearly linear due to the coverage of hydrophilic mineral surface with the ordered vicinal water region. Sorption of all six sorbates to the HA-coated sands was also essentially linear, and resulted from a combination of sorption to both organic matter and the mineral surface, with the dominance of either contribution depending on the properties of the sorbents (e.g., f(oc)) and the sorbates (e.g., K(ow)). A proposed two-component model for sorption including blocking effect was appropriate for quantifying the contributions of organic matter and the mineral surface to the overall sorption. However, conventional sorption models considering the contributions of both organic matter and the mineral surface provided essentially as good agreement between predicted and measured distribution coefficients as the more complicated, two-component model for sorption that takes into account mineral surface blocking by HA.  相似文献   

Sorption and cosorption of organic contaminant on surfactant-modified soils   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Gao B  Wang X  Zhao J  Sheng G 《Chemosphere》2001,43(8):1095-1102
Three kinds of soils were modified with the cationic surfactants, hexadecyltrimethylammonium (HDTMA) bromide and tetramethylammonium (TMA) bromide to increase their sorptive capabilities. Sorption of chlorobenzene in simulated groundwater by these soils was investigated. HDTMA-modified soil has a higher ability to sorb chlorobenzene from simulated groundwater than unmodified soil. TMA-modified soil did not show the superiority. HDTMA thus can be used to modify soil to improve its sorption capability. Cosorption of chlorobenzene in simulated groundwater in the absence or presence of nitrobenzene and dichloromethane on HDTMA-modified soil was also investigated. Nitrobenzene facilitated sorption of chlorobenzene on all HDTMA-modified soil. Dichloromethane did not influence the sorption of chlorobenzene by HDTMA-modified soil. The results suggest that HDTMA-modified soil is a highly effective sorbent for chlorobenzene and multiple organic compounds did not impede the uptake of chlorobenzene.  相似文献   

China’s rapid economic growth has been accompanied by increasing environmental pollution. Mangrove ecosystems are now facing greater pollution pressures due to elevated chemical discharges from various land-based sources. Data on the levels of heavy metals and organic pollutants in mangrove compartments (sediments, plants, zoobenthos, and fish) in China over the past 20 years have been summarized to evaluate the current pollution status of the mangrove ecosystem. Overall, the Pearl River and Jiulong River estuaries were severely polluted spots. Concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in mangrove sediments of Guangdong, Fujian, and Hong Kong were higher than those from Guangxi and Hainan. The pollution status was closely linked to industrialization and urbanization. The highest concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were found in mangrove sediments from Hong Kong, followed by Fujian and Guangdong. Mangrove plants tend to have low-enriched ability for heavy metals and organic pollutants. Much higher levels of Pb, Cd, and Hg were observed in mollusks.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to systematically study the effect of low concentrations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on the bioconcentration of organic contaminants, in order to show whether the phenomenon of enhanced bioconcentration factors (BCFs), that has been reported in the literature, is generally found at low levels of DOM or if BCF enhancements are more likely due to a random scatter in the experimental data. The first part of the study tested the hypothesis that low levels of DOM affect the uptake kinetics of organic contaminants, leading to transient enhancements of BCFs, relative to DOM-free controls, which could have been reported as BCF enhancements in short-term studies. We found that the presence of low concentrations of two different types of DOM consistently decreased the bioconcentration of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) in the water flea Daphnia magna at all exposure times (1-24 h), and that no transient BCF enhancements occurred. The second part of the study systematically investigated if low concentrations of DOM from a wide range of different aquatic systems can cause enhancements in the bioconcentration of organic contaminants. Water fleas were exposed to combinations of four different organic contaminants (BaP, tetrachlorobiphenyl, pentachlorophenol and naphthalene) with low concentrations of 12 different types of DOM that had been collected from various regions throughout Europe. In several of the DOM treatments, we found mean BCFs being higher than mean BCFs in the controls (especially for naphthalene). This shows that the experimental setup used in this study (and similarly in previous studies) can produce seeming BCF enhancements at low concentrations of DOM. However, statistical analyses showed that treatment means were not significantly different from control means. Thus, this systematic study suggests that the BCF enhancements that have been reported in the literature are more likely the result of random, experimental variations than the result of a systematic enhancement of bioconcentration.  相似文献   

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