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The feeding structures or houses of the giant larvacean Bathochordaeus sp. serve as both habitat and food for the calanoid copepod Scopalatum vorax. Gut contents of S. vorax include both microbial and metazoan associates of larvacean houses, and possibly the house-mucus matrix itself. Copepods were observed and collected from larvacean houses between 100 and 500 m in Monterey Bay, California, using a submersible ROV (remotely operated vehicle) from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. Gut contents were compared to potential food items on the houses and in the open water (not associated with the house). Copepods were generalist feeders, with amorphous detritus, diatoms, and copepods or other crustacean parts dominating gut contents. Protozoans and algae other than diatoms were rarer in guts. Houses contained a diverse assemblage of microplankton and metazoans, both intact specimens and detrital remains of these. Numbers of diatoms and fecal pellets were enriched by 1 to 3 orders of magnitude on houses compared to numbers in surrounding water. Many of the abundant species of diatoms and copepods on houses occurred in S. vorax guts. This observation coupled with S. vorax feeding habits observed in situ and in the laboratory provide evidence for feeding on houses. S. vorax appears to possess special adaptations to living in a resource-limited environment, such as gorging as a feeding adaptation, chemosensory structures to help locate houses, and the ability to change feeding modes. Consumption of detritus at depth by S. vorax provides evidence that metazoans contribute to remineralization of particulate organic carbon in the mesopelagic zone.  相似文献   

Large (>64 µm) protozooplankton (radiolarians, thecate dinoflagellates, foraminiferans, and tintinnid ciliates) and copepod nauplii were sampled at six stations located in sea-ice-covered waters, using a multinet at five depth intervals between the surface and 1000 m depth during a late winter expedition of R.V. Polarstern on a west-east transect across the Weddell Sea in 1989. Large (>400 µm) phaeodarian radiolarians contributed more than 98% of the carbon in the large protozooplankton fraction; large protozooplankton represented ca. 38% of the total protozooplankton carbon during late winter under the close pack ice in the upper 250 m. Large protozooplankton may therefore be an important food source for small particle-feeding zooplankton in the upper 250 m, and a modest food source down to 1000 m. Phaeodarian species distributions showed a distinct vertical pattern. Except for spumellarian and nassellarian radiolarians all other protozooplankton (foraminiferans, thecate dinoflagellates, tintinnids) were most abundant in the upper 250 m. The horizontal variation showed a western, central and eastern pattern most probably due to the differing regional hydrography. Feeding ecology of the dominant species of phaeodarians was examined using transmission electron microscopy of contents of feeding vacuoles. The 58 specimens were trophic generalists. The predominance of silica fragments and amorphous material in vacuoles and the similarity of vacuole contents of specimens from three depth zones suggest that phaeodarians in late winter may have fed on organic aggregates.Publication no. 469 of the Alfred-Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research  相似文献   

The extent of the nocturnal vertical migration of Mysis mixta Lilljeborg varied between early July and late October (of 1985 and 1986) in a coastal area of the Baltic Sea. Migration was more restricted in early July and late October. Seasonal changes in surface light levels and transparency were sufficient to explain the observed differences. Mysids avoided light levels above 10-4 lux throughout the study period. Smaller juveniles migrated higher up than larger juveniles and adults. A two-layered distribution with part of the population close to the bottom was observed at night. Zooplankton were more abundant in water layers above the main concentration of mysids. M. mixta fed on phytoplankton, detritus, copepods, cladocerans, rotifers and tintinnids. Diel changes in gut fluorescence indicated a higher intake of phytoplankton at night, but levels were low compared to primarily herbivorous zooplankton. Comparisons of stomach contents of mysids caught at the bottom in the evening and in the water column at night showed a higher ingestion of zooplankton at night and of detritus during the day. Mysids caught at the bottom at night had an intermediate diet. Copepods and cladocerans constituted between 90 and 100% of ingested material by weight in all mysid groups.  相似文献   

Sinking rates of natural copepod fecal pellets   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Many pure samples of natural fecal pellets have been collected from mixed small copepods and from the pontellid copepod Anomalocera patersoni in the Ligurian Sea, using a specially designed pellet collection device. Sinking rates of fresh pellets and pellets aged up to 33 days have been determined at 14°C, the mean temperature of the essentially isothermal water column in the Ligurian Sea. Sinking rates of pellets collected during calm sea states increased with increasing pellet volume, but sinking rates of pellets collected during rough sea (Beaufort scale 6) showed little correlation with pellet size. Much of the variability in the sinking rate-pellet size relationships was the result of different pellet composition and compaction, but not pellet age. Pellets produced from laboratory diets of phytoplankton and phytoplankton-sediment mixes showed the expected wide variability in sinking rates, with sediment-ballasted pellets sinking much faster than pellets produced from pure algal diets; thus determination of vertical material fluxes in the sea using laboratory-derived fecal pellet sinking rates is unwarranted. Natural pellet sinking data for small copepods and A. patersoni have been combined with similar data for euphausiids, to yield sinking rates of roughly two orders of magnitude over three orders of magnitude in pellet volume. Pellets from small copepods sank at speeds too slow to be of much consequence to rapid material flux to the deep sea, but they undoubtedly help determine upper water distribution of materials. Recalculation of fecal pellet mass flux estimates from the literature, using our sinking rate data for natural small copepod pellets, yielded estimates about half those of previously published values. Earlier studies had concluded that small fecal pellets were of lesser significance to total material flux than fecal matter; our recalculation strengthens that conclusion. Pellets from large copepods and euphausiids, however, have the capability to transport materials to great depths, and probably do not substantially recycle materials near the surface. The fact that the majority of pellets which had previously been collected in deep traps by other workers were of a size comparable to pellets from our large copepods supports the contention that these larger pellets are the main ones involved in vertical flux.  相似文献   

Predation rates and prey selection of the pelagic mysid shrimp, Mysis mixta, were studied experimentally in the northern Baltic Sea in 1998 during their most intensive growth period, from June to October. Functional responses during 5 months were determined by providing the mysids with a natural zooplankton assemblage, diluted to several different concentrations. The results show that ingestion rate increased, along with mysid growth, from early summer to autumn and that saturation level was reached between 400 and 500 μg C l−1. Ingestion rates increased with increasing prey concentration, and sigmoidal curves explained mostly the variation in ingestion rates (explanatory levels of 86–97%). Prey selection was evident in June, July and August, though weaker during the latter 2 months. Selection differed between the studied months but, generally, copepods were more positively selected than cladocerans. Rotifers were the main prey during June and July, when mysids were small, while larger mysids fed on copepods and cladocerans. Of the copepods, Eurytemora affinis was a truly selected species. This study shows that mysids feed on many zooplankton taxa and that they undergo ontogenetic diet shifts. Received: 19 July 2000 / Accepted: 19 October 2000  相似文献   

An experimental technique for measuring the feeding behavior of copepods on small time scales is important because grazer/micro-patch interactions in the ocean are probably short (minutes to hours). By placing copepods with empty guts into a known food concentration and monitoring the rate of increase in gut contents until defecation begins, usually 20 to 100 min, the volume of water swept clear of particles per min can be calculated. This process is easily quantified by using phytoplankton as food and measuring the gut contents by fluorometry. The utility of this technique is demonstrated in the laboratory and at sea.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton xanthophylls in the gut contents of the copepods Calanus pacificus, Corycaeus anglicus, and Paracalanus parvus, collected from 5 stations off San Onofre, California, in June 1982, were measured by reverse phase, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The dinoflagellate pigment, peridinin, was usually the most abundant xanthophyll in the guts of all three species of copepods. Evidently, feeding was principally on dinoflagellates (which dominated the phytoplankton biomass). The level of feeding activity, rather than the class of phytoplankton ingested, seemed to differentiate the behaviors of the copepods. Xanthophyll content per unit copepod wet weight was higher in Corycaeus anglicus and Paracalanus parvus than in Calanus pacificus. Chlorophyll a fluorescence of the copepod gut contents was measured in conjunction with the analysis of gut xanthophylls. The xanthophyll content of the gut varied directly with the concentration of chlorophyll a in the gut. Xanthophyll content was not related to the concentration of pheopigments in the gut. Apparently, the xanthophylls that were detected were due to the presence of recently ingested phytoplankton biomass.  相似文献   

The dietary habits of the pelagic mysid Mysismixta were studied during its growing season at an open sea location in the Gulf of Finland, the northern Baltic Sea. Stomach samples were taken twice a month from June to September 1997. The most abundant phytoplankton taxa in the stomachs were diatoms and dinoflagellates, and copepods and cladocerans were the most abundant zooplankton identified. A clear change was found in the diets during the study period. Small mysids (3 to 6 mm) fed on sedimented phytoplankton in the early summer (90% benthic particles in June) but shifted gradually to a more pelagic and carnivorous diet (>40% pelagic particles, consisting of ca. 60% zooplankton in September). Seasonal changes in mysid capture ability as well as food availability were suggested to affect the diet composition of mysids during their growth. The ratio of pelagic and benthic food particles could – irrespective of the season – be explained by mysid size, whereas the zooplankton:phytoplankton ratio was better explained by season. The stomach analysis suggests that the mysids needed to attain a threshold size of 8 to 11 mm to initiate feeding on the more evasive copepods. Mysids also started to grow faster at the same time as the proportion of copepods increased in the diet, which suggests that copepods are an important energy source for M. mixta in late summer. Finally, a comparison was made between the M. mixta diet and that of the less abundant M. relicta. The diets of the two pelagic mysid species overlapped by 75% (Schoener's index). The main difference was due to M. mixta eating more zooplankton and pelagic material than M. relicta. Received: 15 September 1999 / Accepted: 18 January 2000  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal feeding patterns (determined from an index of gut fullness) are described for 10 typical species of calanoid copepods collected from the North Pacific central gyre (September 1968 to June 1977), an area where the zooplankton is food limited and there were a-priori reasons to suspect that feeding and competition for food were important in regulating zooplankton community structure. Over 100 samples from 11 cruises to the eastern part of the gyre were examined, and patterns of gut fullness were related to environmental variables and the copepod species structure. The copepods studied all tended to be omnivores and food generalists. Males had lower indices of gut fullness than females but both males and females of a species had similar spatial and temporal feeding patterns. Guts were usually fuller at night than during the day, even in nonmigrating species; however, within nighttime depth distributions, no depths were preferred for feeding. There were also differences between species in mean gut fullness, but different species tended to have similar spatial and temporal feeding patterns. There was considerable spatial variability, and locales could be identified in which most species had higher indices of gut fullness. The copepods were not necessarily more abundant in these locales, nor did these tend to be areas of above average chlorophyll concentration. These patterns were consistent with relatively nonselective feeding, and there was no evidence that these species separate their niches by feeding at differing places or times.  相似文献   

Morphometric measurements of the gut cells of the marine calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa were made over a 24 h diel cycle to test the hypothesis that feeding rhythms in this copepod are limited by the cycles of blishter-like cells (B-cells) in the gut. Copepods were collected from Long Island Sound, New York, USA, in June 1991. Experimental treatments included low (1 g chlorophyll al-1) and high (10 g chlorophyll al-1) food concentrations. Copepods were fixed and embedded in Epon at six time intervals over the 24 h period, and semi-thin sections through the length of Midgut Zone II were analyzed for gut-cell area and vacuole area, with area measurements integrated to yield estimates of gut-cell volume and vacuole volume. Concurrent measurements of gut fluorescence, a measure of gut fullness, and digestive enzyme activities also were made. A diel cycle in gut fluorescence was observed, most notably in the low-food treatment, which exhibited a 3-fold increase in gut pigments. There was little consistent change in digestive enzyme activities over this time span. Gaps in the gut wall indicative of spent B-cells were observed in 17 of 39 copepods, with no trend over time or food treatment. Generally, only a single gap was seen in any one copepod. B-cells were vacuolated throughout the 24 h period. Morphometric analyses revealed a correlation between gut fluorescence and both maximum vacuole area and vacuole volume, as well as percent vacuolated cell volume, in the low-food treatment. The high-food treatment, which had a relatively smaller increase in gut fluorescence (1.5-fold) during the night cycle, showed no significant increase in vacuole size. B-cells appear to have a life-cycle greater than the diel feeding period, and while B-cell vacuoles respond to the ingested food during the diel cycle, production of B-cells does not appear to be a limiting factor in A. tonsa's feeding cycle.  相似文献   

Branchiostoma senegalense Webb spawns from April to June off the coast of the Spanish Sahara between 23° and 26°N. The larvae drift in a southerly direction, and occur in large numbers off Cap Blanc (20° 55N; 17° 22W) from June to December. The gut contents of 3,300 larvae taken from 22 samples were investigated. There was no food in the gut of 18% of these larvae. Phytoplankton (Thalassiosira gravida, Nitzschia seriata, Coscinodiscus eccentricus, Dinophysis acuminata etc.) were found in the gut of the remaining 82%. The guts of three larvae also contained crustaceans (a cyclopoid, a harpacticoid, and an isopod). Since all three crustaceans showed no signs of having been digested, the authors conclude that they actively penetrated into the larvae and were not eaten. Plankton samples were taken from various depths (55 to 25 m and 25 to 0 m) daily (7.30, 12.30, 19.00, 0.15 hrs) at an anchor station, over a period of 10 days. There was no evidence of a diurnal vertical migration of B. senegalense larvae. The larvae were found in various numbers at all depths. No larvae were found on the bottom itself. The larvae of B. senegalense are, thus, genuine plankton organisms.  相似文献   

To determine differences in fish assemblage structures between beach morphodynamic types on an exposed sandy shore, three beach types (reflective, intermediate, and dissipative) were sampled at Fukiagehama Beach, Kyushu Island, southern Japan, in May, August, and November 2006 and 2007. Distinct differences in physical conditions and the amount of major prey invertebrates, such as copepods, mysids, and amphipods, were recognized between the three beach types. The reflective beach was characterized mainly by turbulent swashes, coarse sediment, and a low abundance of major prey invertebrates. In contrast, the dissipative beach was characterized mostly by benign swashes, fine sediment, and a high abundance of prey invertebrates. The intermediate beach tended toward an intermediate condition between the reflective and dissipative beaches. The fish assemblage structures also differed clearly between the three beach types, with species and individual numbers being greatest on the dissipative beach and lowest on the reflective beach. A similarity index indicated differences in species composition of the assemblages between the beach types. Such differences arose primarily from the differential distributions of two dominant trophic groups, zooplankton (mostly copepods) and epibenthic crustacean (mainly mysids and amphipods) feeders, between the beach types, both groups tending to increase in species and individual numbers from the reflective beach to the dissipative beach. In addition, the mean standard length of all fish collected in each month tended to decrease toward the dissipative beach. These results suggested that beach types strongly influence sandy beach fish assemblage structures.  相似文献   

Winter and summer zooplankton maxima were observed on both near-reef and offshore sampling sites in the northern part of the Gulf of Aqaba, with summer maxima smaller than those of winter and more characterized by larval forms. Near-reef zooplankton biomass was generally several times greater than that observed 2 km offshore. During 1987, a near-reef maximum of 155 ind. or 12.2 g wet biomass m–3 was observed in March, while 103 ind. or 8.5 g wet biomass m–3 was observed in July. In the same year, 2 km offshore a maximum of 53 ind. or 2.5 g wet biomass m–3 was observed in February, while a maximum of 33 ind. or 0.5 g wet biomass m–3 was noted in July. The following year, 1988, the near-reef zooplankton abundances were little changed, but offshore zooplankton abundances were much higher (317 m–3). During 1987, the dominant winter (March) forms near the reef were gammarid amphipods, at maximum concentrations of 100 ind. m–3, where the summer (July) maximum was composed primarily of mysids (34 m–3), gammarid amphipods (30 m–3), and fish eggs (24 m–3). The offshore winter zooplankton fauna was characterized by copepods and appendicularians, each at a maximum concentrations of ca 13 ind. m–3, while the summer maximum was dominated by brachyuran zoea (31 m–3). Though the 1988, winter near-reef zooplankton community compositions were similar to those of 1987, the offshore zooplankton fauna was dominated by ostracods, which were relatively rare in previous years. Preliminary data suggests that holoplanktonic forms like chaetognaths, copepods and appendicularians, at an offshore site exhibit different patterns of vertical migration than those near the reef. This different behavior may result from different species compositions of these taxa or from high concentrations of pseudoplanktonic bentho-neritic peracarid crustaceans.Please address correspondence and reprint requests to T. Echelman, Marine Science Research Center, State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York 11794-5000, USA  相似文献   

Stomach contents and intestinal parasite faunas of 471 individuals of demersal fishes in 14 species were examined from the Carson Canyon region (Lat. 45°30N; Long. 48°40W) of the upper continental slope of the Grand Banks off Newfoundland, Canada. Individual species tended to feed either on benthic or on pelagic/benthopelagic organisms, but pelagic prey assumed the greatest importance overall. Data from stomach contents were supported by the parasite information. Prevalence of parasites was higher in benthic feeders (53.1%) than in pelagic feeders (28.9%), and relative abundance by major group was: Digenetic Trematoda 5.8% benthic vs 27.8% pelagic, Nematoda 53.1% vs 72.2%, and Acanthocephala 40.9% vs 0%. Of the dominant fishes, there were more species of benthic feeders (5) than pelagic feeders (3), but pelagic feeders were numerically more abundant (pelagic 70.9%, benthic 20.5%). Benthic feeders were on average larger (=270.6g) than pelagic ones (=130.6g), but pelagic feeders represented a larger proportion of the biomass (pelagic 43.3%, benthic 25.9%). The results of this study combined with those from other areas suggest that feeding from the pelagial by demersal fishes at upper continental slope depths is probably the general rule.  相似文献   

Gut-evacuation rates were compared for feeding and non-feeding Calanus marshallae collected near Yaquina Bay, Oregon (44°37N; 124°04W) from June 1986 through May 1987. Evacuation rates were measured at four concentrations of Thalassiosira weissflogii from the decline of gut-pigment fluorescence following transfer of copepods to filtered seawater and from the loss of cells labelled with 68-germanium, a radioactive analog of silicon. There was no significant difference between gut-evacuation rates of feeding and non-feeding copepods over both short-term (20 min) and long-term (90 min) evacuation times. Furthermore there was no difference between rates obtained using either pigment or 68Ge as tracers of gut food-passage. These results are discussed in the light of possible dilution of tracer in the guts of feeding copepods due to mixing with unlabelled food. Gut-evacuation rates measured at food concentrations ranging from 500 to 4000 cells ml-1 were not significantly different, regardless of the technique employed.  相似文献   

E. J. H. Head 《Marine Biology》1992,112(4):583-592
The results presented here were obtained at six locations during three cruises in 1985 (off the coast of Labrador), 1986 (at the eastern end of Viscount Melbourne Sound) and 1988 (off the coast of Labrador). In situ chlorophyll maximum concentrations were >7 gl-1 at depths of between 0 and 30 m in all sampling areas. In feeding experiments copepods attained higher gut pigment concentrations the longer they had been previously starved and higher concentrations when fed in the dark than when fed in the light. Community ingestion rates calculated from changes in particulate chlorophyll were higher than estimates derived from gut pigment data except when copepods had been starved for 24 h. Differences between estimates by the two methods suggested pigment destruction. In feeding experiments pigment: biogenic silica ratios in food and faecal pellets suggested that the length of starvation period affected the degree of pigment destruction differently at different stations and that feeding in the light greatly increased pigment destruction. A comparison of pigment: silica ratios in the water column, and in faecal pellets collected from copepods which had fed there, suggested that pigment destruction may occur in situ sometimes and that the degree to which it occurs may be affected by feeding history, light, diel feeding behaviour and species composition.  相似文献   

Gut contents of 234 leptocephali comprising eight species of eels were examined from five families (Congridae, Muraenidae, Muraenesocidae, Nettastomatidae, and Ophichthidae). The larvae belonged to developing leptocephalus (215 specimens) and the early metamorphic stage (19 specimens). Visible gut contents were recognized in 111 individuals among the eight species, regardless of developmental stage. Two kinds of visible objects, transparent (0.4 to 1.2 mm) and opaque (20 to 380 m), were found in the gut of leptocephali. From their morphological characteristics, the former and the latter were identified as larvacean houses and zooplankton fecal pellets, respectively. Furthermore, most fecal pellets in the gut were identified as oikopleurid larvacean's fecal pellets. No trace of the many other phytoplankton or zooplankton, which were found with leptocephali in the ambient waters and could be suitable-size food, was found in the gut of any leptocephalus. On the basis of the importance of larvecean houses in the diet of several species of leptocephalus larvae, it is proposed that the peculiar, large, fang-like teeth of leptocephali are used for feeding, and evolved to pierce and grasp the mucous houses of larvaceans.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of lanternfish Benthosema pterotum (Alcock) from the north Arabian Sea, Mozambique and the Bay of Bengal was studied. Samples were collected on cruises carried out by R.V. Dr. Fridtjof Nansen during the period 1978 to 1983. A wide variety of zooplankton organisms were identified in the diet of B. pterotum with crustanceans dominating the diet. Copepods constituted ca. 40 to 90% of the diet. Dry weight analyses of the stomach contents from the Gulf of Oman in February 1983 showed copepods to be 35 to 55% in weight (average in samples). Ontogenetic differences were observed in the diet. Prey size increased as the fish length increased, but the largest fish did not exclude the smaller prey organisms from their diet. Regional variation in diet was also shown in B. pterotum. The degree of filling and the state of digestion of stomach contents revealed that this species feeds intensively at night in the epipelagic layer. All copepods indentified were epipelagic species, providing additional evidence of diurnal pattern in the feeding chronology of B. pterotum. Identification of copepods from the Gulf of Oman in February 1983, revealed that herbivorous species dominated in biomass. Quantitative analyses show that B. pterotum probably have a daily food intake of ca. 4.5% of the body weight.  相似文献   

Scyphomedusae collected from Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia, between 1984 and 1986, consumed a variety of zooplankton. The percentage composition of gut contents of Cyanea capillata (Linné) in order of decreasing importance was larvaceans 31%, cladocerans 29%, fish eggs 14%, copepods 11%, hydromedusae 9%, and ascidian tadpoles 3%. The percentage composition of gut contents of Pseudorhiza haeckeli Haacke was fish eggs 41%, copepods 33%, larvaceans 8%, cladocerans 4%, crab zoea 4%, and decapod larvae 1%. Both species of scyphomedusae showed strong positive selection for fish eggs and yolk-sac larvae, and negative selection for other prey items. When fish eggs were omitted from the selectivity analyses, C. capillata showed positive selection for amphipods, decapods, crab zoea, Podon spp., larvaceans and ascidian tadpoles, and negative selection for Evadne spp. and all copepod taxa. Pseudorhiza haeckeli showed positive selection for amphipods, decapod larvae, crab zoea and cladocerans, and negative selection for cirripede larvae, larvaceans and hydromedusae. Amongst copepods, P. haeckeli showed positive selection for calanoid and harpacticoid copepods and negative selection for cyclopoid copepods.  相似文献   

Zooplankton fisheries of the world: A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M. Omori 《Marine Biology》1978,48(3):199-205
About 20 species of zooplankters (copepods, mysids, euphausiids, sergestids, and Scyphomedusae) are commercially fished and utilised as food or feed today. The annual world catch of crustacean zooplankton is probably a little less than 210,000 tons and accounts for 11% of the total crustacean catch in the world. The present status of plankton harvesting in various parts of the world is described. Problems in development of plankton fisheries are discussed.  相似文献   

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