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高校实验室是教学科研的基地,也是对外科技服务的基地,要完成高水平、高质量、有一定规模和有较大影响的科研项目,是离不开实验室的,而实验室的环境条件、设备和实验室人员的技术都是非常重要的。这样,提出大型精密仪器规范化安全管理和安全使用,充分发挥人才和仪器的优势,才能更好地配合学校的教学,为科研提供实验条件或进行分析测试服务,笔杆从实验室工作多年,并参观一些大型精密仪器先进单位,结合多年工作中对仪器安全管理和安全使用谈谈自己的体会。一、实验室工作人员要树立高度的安全责任感精密仪器价值昂贵,实验室人员必…  相似文献   

网络化管理是指通过先进的现代化设备将原本分散开来的单体通过技术手段组建成一个网络来进行管理的一种管理模式。把网络化管理引入环境监管,实现了环境保护工作的统一管理,形成了齐抓共管的环境保护工作新格局。  相似文献   

详细介绍了仪征原油库区自动消防灭火系统的组成、软硬件配置、系统功能。对缆式定温火灾检测器、SL-M312工业消防网络化主站、网络化多媒体监控系统、电视监控系统的应用进行深入的讨论。认为要提高大型原油库区的消防能力,引入自动消防灭火系统是切实可行和十分必要的。  相似文献   

高精度低浊度仪是一种测量生活用水,医用水、饮料用水浊度的精密仪器.低浊度的测定是生产管理、科学研究、水处理试验上的重要项目.目前国内生产的几种浊度  相似文献   

本文结合实际应用 ,介绍了GIS—IMS技术的基本原理及在流域环境管理中的应用 ,并提出了网络化是地理信息系统发展和应用的必由之路  相似文献   

结合地市级环境监测站大型仪器设备使用与管理情况,分析了大型仪器在环境监测站的重要性及现存问题,提出了地市级环境监测站大型仪器设备科学管理模式。  相似文献   

以现代信息系统为依托强化危险废物管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹培锋  闫虹 《环境保护》2013,41(15):63-64
危险废物管理作为固体废物管理的重中之重,对环保部门的管理模式、支撑手段、监管效能等提出了新挑战。面对这一局面,环保部推进了以危险废物管理为核心的"固体废物管理信息系统",以期实现管理手段的科学化、智能化、网络化,进一步提升工作水平。危险废物管理模块的逻辑架构和业务流程自2008年起,环保部开始着手建  相似文献   

为了提高大型环保项目工程管理的有效性,优化大型环保项目的资本结构,降低项目的风险投资因素,进行大型环保项目中工程管理模型优化设计,提出基于博弈策略和收益均衡的大型环保项目工程管理模型。构建大型环保项目的成本-收益-社会效益的均衡博弈模型,采用变量相关性分析方法进行项目工程管理的资产优化配比,结合市场化效益因素进行项目资本内部结构优化,实现工程管理的资本结构和资源分配的优化重组。  相似文献   

气挟真菌是大气污染物中的重要部分,在一定条件下影响人群健康.迄今已确认某些真菌为过敏原,此外在精密仪器的制造、管理及使用上对无菌无尘的要求也日益引起重视. 大气环境中诸因素(气温、湿度、日照、风速及降雨量等)对气挟真菌种类及数量有  相似文献   

随着网络化、大数据、云计算等信息化手段逐渐得到应用,高校面向教师和学生提供科研信息融合服务的需求不断增大,建设一套功能强大的网络化科研信息化管理和服务系统可以满足高校对国家各级各类科研管理工作的要求。剖析高校科研信息化现状及存在的问题,厘清新时期高校科研信息化建设的总体思路,明确高校科研信息化建设的具体内容,可以为高校科研信息化管理和服务系统建设提供帮助。  相似文献   

文中以芯片生产为例分析微电子行业的生产过程,发现该行业资源、能源消耗量大,使用的原料和排放废弃物中有毒有害物质含量较高,对社会环境潜在的压力很大;提出了在该行业推行节约化、清洁化生产的解决措施企业生产管理措施,法规手段,经济手段和信息措施;呼吁在我国大力发展微电子产业时,要吸取发达国家的经验教训,实施清洁生产,避免对环境造成严重的破坏。  相似文献   

环境管理经济手段能否充分有效地发挥效果对于环境保护的有效开展具有重要的作用。通过论述环境管理经济手段的特点和实际应用的状况,分析了经济手段在环境保护中发挥的作用和存在的问题,提出了加强经济手段有效性的相应对策措施。  相似文献   

基于WebGIS的污染源动态管理信息系统构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对构建污染源空间数据库和采用Web GIS技术实现污染源动态管理进行了研究,提出了具体的思路和实现方法,旨在议更加直观、科学的手段,为环保工作的开展和领导决策提供服务。  相似文献   

There are increasing pressures being put on firms, from a number of different sources, such as governmental regulation, community participation and market demand, to engage firms in environmental initiatives. These factors play different roles at various development periods. Government regulation was the major pressure, initially. However, community participation and market demand have become more and more important. Thus a better understanding of the determinant factors that play a role in engaging firms to take environmental management initiatives may help policy makers develop more effective environmental policies. Using data collected from 89 firms in Wujin county of Jiangsu Province, China, this paper developed an index system to evaluate the corporate environmental management performance. Furthermore, we used econometric methodology to identify the main factors that probably shape corporate environmental management performance, including both external pressures and firm characteristics. The results showed that pressures from supply chain, customers, and communities played positive roles in engaging firms to improve environmental management performance. However, the pressure from the regulatory system did not implicate positive effect on environmental management performance when basic compliance is not an issue in the region anymore. The results also showed that firms with larger scale will be more active in engaging in environmental management initiatives. Finally, our results suggest that: (a) regulation's stimulation may be reduced as long as firms have complied with requirements of local environmental standards and other environmental laws; (b) policy makers should pay more attention to market and information instruments; (c) more financial and technical support should be provided to encourage small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to improve environmental performance.  相似文献   

针对现有消防系统存在的问题,利用开放式的消防远程联网软件平台及协议传输设备将不同厂家、不同类型、相对分散的火灾自动报警系统整合为一体。利用现有资源完成了机关办公区域的消防"一体化"管理,实现了消防报警系统信息的互联互通,提高了消防快速反应能力,有效保证了消防报警系统信息传递的及时性、准确性,达到了"一键式消防监控"管理的目的。  相似文献   

新型库房温、湿度监测分析管理系统设计研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
阐述了库房温、湿度监测管理的重要性,分析了现有温、湿度监测设备的主要特点,设计了新型库房温、湿度监测分析管理系统的功能与结构;重点对组成系统的数字式温、湿度监测仪器、数据采集器和管理分析软件3个主要模块设计进行了详细阐述,为规范仓库温、湿度监控作业,确保库存物资的储存质量提供了新型技术手段和设备。  相似文献   

Atmospheric environmental policies have changed considerably over the last several decades. Clearly the relative importance of the various issues has changed over half a century, for example from smoke, sulphur dioxide and photochemical smog being the top priorities to greenhouse gases being the major priority.The traditional policy instrument to control emissions to the atmosphere has been command and control regulation. In many countries this was successful in reducing emissions from point sources, the first generation issues, and to a lesser extent, emissions from mobile and area sources, the second generation issues, although challenges remain in many jurisdictions. However once the simpler, easier, cheaper and obvious targets had been at least partially controlled this form of regulation became less effective. It has been complemented by other instruments including economic instruments, self-regulation, voluntarism and information instruments to address more complex issues including climate change, a third generation issue.Policy approaches to atmospheric environmental issues have become more complex. Policies that directly focus on atmospheric issues have been partially replaced by more integrated approaches that consider multimedia (water, land, etc.) and sustainability issues.Pressures from stakeholders for inclusion, greater transparency and better communication have grown and non-government stakeholders have become increasingly important participants in governance.The scale of the issues has evolved from a local to national, regional and global scales. Consequently the approaches to atmospheric environmental policy have also been amended. The international dimensions of atmospheric issues have grown in prominence and challenge governance and politics with pressures for international cooperation and harmonisation of policies. This is reducing the policy flexibility of national governments.Partially in response to these changes, to manage environmental risks and protect their brands, leaders in the corporate sector have generally found it beneficial to increase responsibility and accountability, including establishing corporate environmental policies, environmental management systems, risk management, sustainability reporting and other measures.This analysis clearly identifies that these changes are inter-related. Acting together they have transformed the way that atmospheric issues are governed in the last several decades in developed countries. Together they have led to governments in many developed countries vacating leadership roles and becoming increasingly managers of the policy process. As the leadership role of governments has been partially eroded, governments are more reliant on persuasion and diplomacy in their relations with stakeholders. As a consequence, governance arrangements have become more complex, multilevel and polycentric.  相似文献   

在环境政策领域中,市场方法正迅速得到一些政府(尤其是美国)环境部门的重视和采纳.本文首先分析了该方法与传统管制手段的关系,然后介绍了各种市场方法的应用情况,最后对市场手段设计的技术原则进行了探讨.随着我国市场取向的经济体制改革的深入,市场方法将为我国的环境管理制度变革提供一项新的备选手段.   相似文献   

环境信息公开作为有效环境管理模式的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环境信息公开是继指令性控制手段和经济手段之后,一种新的环境管理模式和发展方向。环境信息公开能加强环境管理的公众参与和监督,使社会各群体和个人改善其环境行为,从而达到环境保护的目的。通过对环境信息的含义、来源的阐释,介绍环境信息公开的应用理论;结合国外实践,将环境信息公开与环境管制手段、经济手段进行了比较;分析公众参与起到的传递、交流信息与监督作用。  相似文献   

我国环境管理中经济手段的应用现状和发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
市场经济条件下,在环境管理中采用经济手段的重要作用日显突出,分析目前环境管理经济手段在我国的应用现状以及存在的问题,提出我国实施环境经济手段应具备的条件和应用发展对策。  相似文献   

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