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本文根据恶臭污染的特殊性和我国重点工业城市沈阳市的恶臭污染状况,提出了尽快制定地方恶臭环境标准的必要性,重点阐述了制定恶臭标准中控制指标和重点恶臭污染物的选择、环境质量标准和污染源排放标准的制定及标准监测方法的制定等有关原则、方法及注意事项。  相似文献   

加强环境标准建设 提升环境管理内涵   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境标准在国家环保工作中起着举足轻重的作用,科学地应用环境标准,进一步发挥环境标准在环境保护中的技术法规作用,将会有效地保持和改善环境质量,控制环境污染。因此,就目前国家环境标准建设的现状及存在的问题与原因分析及其在环境管理工作中的作用作了探讨。  相似文献   

环境容量这一概念,大约于七十年代引用到环境科学领域。当时,环境污染主要是通过制定的一些环境标准来控制。但是,由于对环境的治理未考虑生态循环和区域平衡,缺乏环境容量的设想和防止污染的总体对策,因此,相继提出了环境容量和总量控制的设想,并主要在日本得到发展和应用。  相似文献   

加拿大环境标准制定程序及对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境标准在环境管理、环境执法等方面有着重要的作用.加拿大实行由议会和省众议院制定环境标准框架,政府即内阁制定细节性的管理规定、行政长官颁发排放许可或行政命令和法院作出有关环境标准的判例的环境标准制定模式.通过设定环境目标、确定环境基准,建立环境质量标准和制定排放标准4个步骤制定环境标准.在环境标准制定过程中,加拿大充分...  相似文献   

浙江省太湖流域水环境管理思路研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评估了水环境质量现状、剖析了水环境管理中存在的主要问题;系统分析了总量控制政策实施以来取得的成效,并从面源污染控制、总量分配技术、总量控制因子和环境管理政策体系方面分析了总量控制实施中存在的问题;提出了浙江省太湖流域未来水环境管理的总体思路和重点任务:初步设计了总量分配方案的制定、评估与优化技术;明确提出了氮磷污染控制的建议,以期能为"十二五"期间浙江省制定重点流域水污染防治规划和水环境管理战略提供技术支撑和参考.  相似文献   

“九五”以来,浙江省环境保护事业进入了一个 崭新的发展时期,可持续发展作为一项重大战略。贯穿于经济和社会发展的各个领域。以解决流域、区域和城市环境问题为重点的大规模污染防治工作面全展开;结合经济结合调整,淘汰了一大批 技术落后、资源浪费、污染环境的小型企业 ;“ 一控制双达标”各项任务的完成,为全省实施“碧水、蓝天、绿色”三大环保工程打下了坚实的基础;生态示范区的建设促进了各地经济和社会的发展。经过5年努力,全省环境污染和生态破坏坏加剧的趋势得到了基本控制,部分城市和地区的环境质量有所改善,全省环境质量在经济总量年均增长10%以上的情况下总体上保持稳定,环境保护 工作取得了较大进展,实现了“九五”环境保护 计划所确定的主要目标任务,为全省经济持续、快速、健康发展作出了积极的贡献。同时,我们还要看到环境形势 依据严峻,工作中仍有不足之处。工业结构性污染未根本解决,生活和农业农村面源污染突出,局部区域和流域污染严重,城市环境基础设施建设滞后,环境保护机构薄弱,环保投入仍然不足,一些地方领导和干部的思想观点落后,不能适应形势和生产力发展的要求。  相似文献   

环境影响评价中部分标准存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境标准是环境影响评价的准则.结合环境影响评价的实际,探讨中国主要环境标准在执行中存在的3大问题,即环境标准中控制的环境因子数远远小于企业实际生产中排放的污染因子数,简单引用《工业企业设计卫生标准》(TJ 36-79)不适合中国国情,部分因子的标准限值没有日均浓度等.针对这些问题,笔者提出利用美国环保局多介质环境模型,或根据《大气污染物综合排放标准》(GB 16297-1996)、TJ 36-79和《环境影响评价技术导则大气环境》(HJ/T 2.2-93)进行计算或推导的对策.  相似文献   

本文主要研究人口增长、经济增长、技术变化三大因素对环境质量变化的影响。作者提出环境变迁曲线,与人口转变曲线、工业化过程相联系,并划分了环境变迁四个阶段。根据环境变迁过程以及动因,在国际比较范围内,进一步说明了中国环境变迁的特点。作者认为,强化减少污染型技术因素是改善环境质量的主要途径,与此同时,坚持控制人口增长,以减少环境压力。  相似文献   

环境标准是环境保护法的执法依据,是新兴的环境管理的技术基础,是国家和地方的环境规划目标和方向,是我国环境保护方针政策的具体体现.当前,环境问题已列为世界四大危机(环境、能源与人口)之一.  相似文献   

研究铬在土壤中的自然背景及其分布,对于评价土壤环境质量,确定环境容量,制定环境标准有着重要的意义。本文针对近年来我国部分地区不同土类有关铬的背景值的  相似文献   

介绍浙江省及省会城市杭州的电磁辐射环境污染源概况。浙江省现有各类污染源9324个,总功率4242kW;高压线(缆)513条,总长11606km;变电站304座;无轨电车3条。杭州市有各类污染源4210个,总功率2366kW;高压线(缆)88条,长度1726km;变电站55座。分析了各类污染源的发展趋势。  相似文献   

土壤有机物污染控制标准制订的方法学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指出了中国现行土壤环境质量标准存在的问题.对日本和美国等发达国家的有机物污染土壤质量控制标准进行了分析.从土壤环境质量基准制订的方法学和污染控制标准的确定原则上,提出了制订中国土壤有机物污染控制标准的建议.  相似文献   

浙江省畜牧业发展的生态环境问题及其控制对策   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
系统地论述了浙江省畜牧业发展的生态环境问题,分析了畜禽污染的现状和趋势,提出了一整套消除畜牧公害,促进畜牧业可持续发展的对策和措施 。  相似文献   


Background and purpose

China's environmental problems and pollution control have global implications. China??s water pollution has been increasing with its urbanization and industrialization. Although great efforts have been taken to keep its wastewater discharge standards in pace with the water pollution development and technological advances, many challenges remain. A summary of the past achievements and lessons as well as the current problems in water pollution may provide a basis for future improvements in China and a reference for other countries.


Statistical data are summarized to reveal the evolution of China??s population, wastewater discharge and corresponding discharge standards over the past four decades. In particular, the specific control indexes and number of controlled items are discussed in details. The present water pollution situation is clearly illustrated by the water pollution map and the water quality distribution diagram. A comparison between China??s present wastewater discharge standards and those in the USA and the EU are also presented to find the possibilities for future improvement.


The historical origins, major challenges and future perspectives of China??s wastewater discharge standards are overviewed. The barriers and ongoing efforts for standards formulation and implementation are highlighted. Some suggestions for future endeavors are given.


China??s wastewater discharge standard system has seen significant improvement over the past decades, but it still has many defects and limitations. Nonetheless, unprecedented great efforts are underway to address all these challenges. More stringent standards and subsequently a cleaner water environment in China can be expected in the near future.  相似文献   

固体废物污染与其它环境污染不同,具有综合性、长期性和潜在性。固体废物管理更为强调综合利用和全过程管理,必须通过立法建立科学完善的法律制度来加强固体废物的管理。有关固体废物污染防治的法律、法规、部门规章、地方法规和环境技术标准构成了固体废物法规体系的基本框架。在系统分析现有固体废物法规中存在的问题的基础上,对固体废物管理的法规框架进行了探讨。通过立法,以“统一协调,分工负责”的原则规范各部门对固体废物的管理职能。还强调通过立法、健全监督机制、从法律上限制个人对行政权的滥用、制订技术政策与环境技术标准。除了行政责任外,论文还着重强调了环境违法者的民事责任和刑事责任。  相似文献   

ISO14000环境管理系列标准是国际标准化组织制定的关于环境管理体系的国际通用标准。目的在于激发企业自觉采取预防措施和持续性改善措施来改善环境。推行ISO14000认证不仅可以规范环境管理行为,而且提高绿色管理水平和资源利用效率,从而促进中国经济发展。需要政府进一步采取积极措施推广ISO14000环境管理体系认证。  相似文献   

3种典型地区农村污水排放特征调查分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
目前,我国农村污水的处理率很低,农村污染问题日益受到关注。为了深入了解我国农村污水特征,在北京、浙江和云南等地分别选择水库水源地保护区、河网地区和风景旅游区内的村庄进行农村污水排放特征的调查研究,以期为农村污水治理提供准确的基础数据。调查方法包括资料调研、入户调查和现场采样监测。结果表明,生活污水和畜禽养殖污水与粪便是村落的主要点污染源,不同区域农村用水习惯不同,污水排放规律差异较大;河网地区的村落对河浜污染状况非常严重,成为隐性污染源;旅游风景区内村庄污水特征受季节影响显著。  相似文献   

The body of information presented in this paper is directed to those individuals concerned with cost-effective enforcement of environmental standards. Its aim is twofold. One is to determine some of the differing impacts upon firm behavior of legal enforcement, of economic incentive enforcement, and of mixed legal-economic enforcement. A second objective is to initiate identification of enforcement systems which are most likely to minimize resource costs to firms and enforcement agencies of meeting environmental standards. A computerized model is used to simulate enforcement of the new source particu-late matter discharge standard for coal-fired power plants. Under current legal enforcement it is found that most plants will violate the standard, that small plants will control to higher removal levels than large plants and that firms will install relatively costly pollution control technology. Three enforcement alternatives are considered for overcoming these shortcomings: more stringent legal enforcement, economic incentive enforcement using effluent taxes, and a mixed system which uses device certification tests and effluent taxes. It is found that each of the alternatives can lead to the standard being met and tc more-or-less equal sharing in control burden across plant size. But it is only the two systems which use effluent taxes that give incentive for choosing least costly control technology. It is concluded that the two enforcement systems which use effluent taxes probably would encourage adoption of least cost control technology. This is likely to be a desirable outcome since it may lead to minimum resource costs to power plants and pollution control agencies of meeting fty ash standards. The general applicability of this conclusion to other enforcement situations is discussed.  相似文献   

解决中国农村环境保护信息非对称性的方法探索   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
基于对世界银行项目——“中国乡镇工业企业环境行为研究”的子项目“乡镇工业企业污染控制报告制度研究”在江苏省丹阳市的实施过程的研究,发现污染控制报告会在乡镇环境管理中有着良好的社会效益、经济效益和环境效益,不失为一种解决农村环境保护信息非对称性的优选方法。  相似文献   

Currently, according to Taiwan’s Water Pollution Control Act, the environmental control of waterbodies and water quality depends on the effluent standards and the standard of water quality in the rivers. The Act demands that each stationary pollution source comply with the effluent standard before being discharged into the rivers, and that the overall water quality in the river shall not exceed the declared standard of water quality. To improve the condition of the waterbodies and water quality of the rivers, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in Taiwan has made stricter regulations concerning the discharge standard. Such regulations will help to reduce the weight of individual pollutants discharged; the discharged wastewater, however, will still gradually worsen the water quality of the rivers even after complying with the effluent standard since some of the pollutant dischargers may decrease the concentration of pollutants by diluting the water before discharging; thus, the total weight of metals discharged in the rivers will not be reduced, and the water quality in the areas where the pollutant sources are concentrated will not thereby be significantly improved. To protect the irrigation water and farmlands from being polluted by discharged heavy metals in industrial wastewater, the EPA started controlling the sources in accordance with the total quantity control (TQC) as defined in the Water Pollution Control Act, in the hope of perfecting the environmental protection of waterbodies and water quality, as well as ensuring clean water sources without any pollution for the rivers, land, and people.  相似文献   

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