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Nitrous oxide emission from UK agriculture was estimated, using the IPCC default values of all emission factors and parameters, to be 87 Gg N2O–N in both 1990 and 1995. This estimate was shown, however, to have an overall uncertainty of 62%. The largest component of the emission (54%) was from the direct (soil) sector. Two of the three emission factors applied within the soil sector, EF1 (direct emission from soil) and EF3PRP (emission from pasture range and paddock) were amongst the most influential on the total estimate, producing a ±31 and +11% to −17% change in emissions, respectively, when varied through the IPCC range from the default value. The indirect sector (from leached N and deposited ammonia) contributed 29% of the total emission, and had the largest uncertainty (126%). The factors determining the fraction of N leached (FracLEACH) and emissions from it (EF5), were the two most influential. These parameters are poorly specified and there is great potential to improve the emission estimate for this component. Use of mathematical models (NCYCLE and SUNDIAL) to predict FracLEACH suggested that the IPCC default value for this parameter may be too high for most situations in the UK.Comparison with other UK-derived inventories suggests that the IPCC methodology may overestimate emission. Although the IPCC approach includes additional components to the other inventories (most notably emission from indirect sources), estimates for the common components (i.e. fertiliser and animals), and emission factors used, are higher than those of other inventories. Whilst it is recognised that the IPCC approach is generalised in order to allow widespread applicability, sufficient data are available to specify at least two of the most influential parameters, i.e. EF1 and FracLEACH, more accurately, and so provide an improved estimate of nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture.  相似文献   

Lu Y  Huang Y  Zou J  Zheng X 《Chemosphere》2006,65(11):1915-1924
Fertilized agricultural soils are a major anthropogenic source of atmospheric N2O. A credible national inventory of agricultural N2O emission would benefit its global strength estimate. We compiled a worldwide database of N2O emissions from fertilized fields that were consecutively measured for more than or close to one year. Both nitrogen input (N) and precipitation (P) were found to be largely responsible for temporal and spatial variabilities in annual N2O fluxes (N2O–N). Thus, we established an empirical model (N2O–N = 1.49 P + 0.0186 P · N), in which both emission factor and background emission for N2O were rectified by precipitation. In this model, annual N2O emission consists of a background emission of 1.49 P and a fertilizer-induced emission of 0.0186 P · N. We used this model to develop a spatial inventory at the 10 × 10 km scale of direct N2O emissions from agriculture in China. N2O emissions from rice paddies were separately quantified using a cropping-specific emission factor. Annual fertilizer-induced N2O emissions amounted to 198.89 Gg N2O–N in 1997, consisting of 18.50 Gg N2O–N from rice paddies and 180.39 Gg N2O–N from fertilized uplands. Annual background emissions and total emissions of N2O from agriculture were estimated to be 92.78 Gg N2O–N and 291.67 Gg N2O–N, respectively. The annual direct N2O emission accounted for 0.92% of the applied N with an uncertainty of 29%. The highest N2O fluxes occurred in East China as compared with the least fluxes in West China.  相似文献   

Ammonia (NH3) emission from land application of manure is typically measured using the integrated horizontal flux (IHF) micrometeorological method. However, there are some situations in which alternative techniques (such as an inverse dispersion modelling technique) might be preferable, for example when measuring from large or irregularly shaped source areas. In this study, an inverse dispersion technique using the backward Lagrangian stochastic (bLS) model, with 2 different experimental configurations, was compared with the Integrated Horizontal Flux method (i.e. IHF), which was used as reference technique. Pig slurry was surface-applied at 125 kg N ha?1 to bare soil on a large plot (80 × 125 m). Cumulative emissions were 19.3, 21.2 and 18.4 kg N ha?1 from the IHF and the bLS technique (experimental configurations I and II), respectively. Mean flux within each sampling period as estimated by the two techniques compared extremely well, with a slope not significantly different from 1 and r2 of 0.99. Although limited in extent, this dataset agree with a previous study in demonstrating the use of the bLS technique with longer period time-averaged concentration measurements.  相似文献   

为控制水泥脱硝工程产生的氨排放问题,中国发布《水泥工业大气污染物排放标准》(GB 4915—2013)对水泥企业氨排放限值提出明确要求。但水泥脱硝设施同步配套的氨在线检测仪记录数据表明,多数水泥厂脱硝后的氨排放浓度远超过标准限值。为此,对照火电厂相关标准和技术规范,指出了水泥工业氨排放标准和技术规范文件中存在的问题。结合实际检测数据和国外相关文献,确认水泥工业存在"本底氨"排放,水泥原料、协同处理废弃物、生产工况变化是导致本底氨排放的主要原因。选择性非催化还原(SNCR)脱硝设施产生的氨逃逸将增加氨排放浓度,反应温度窗口、停留时间、氨/氮摩尔比(NSR)、喷射方案等均会影响氨逃逸浓度。优化水泥生产工艺、SNCR脱硝工艺或配套选择性催化还原(SCR)脱硝系统等方式可有效控制水泥厂本底氨及氨逃逸。  相似文献   

A highly resolved temporal and spatial Pearl River Delta (PRD) regional emission inventory for the year 2006 was developed with the use of best available domestic emission factors and activity data. The inventory covers major emission sources in the region and a bottom–up approach was adopted to compile the inventory for those sources where possible. The results show that the estimates for SO2, NOx, CO, PM10, PM2.5 and VOC emissions in the PRD region for the year 2006 are 711.4 kt, 891.9 kt, 3840.6 kt, 418.4 kt, 204.6 kt, and 1180.1 kt, respectively. About 91.4% of SO2 emissions were from power plant and industrial sources, and 87.2% of NOx emissions were from power plant and mobile sources. The industrial, mobile and power plant sources are major contributors to PM10 and PM2.5 emissions, accounting for 97.7% of the total PM10 and 97.2% of PM2.5 emissions, respectively. Mobile, biogenic and VOC product-related sources are responsible for 90.5% of the total VOC emissions. The emissions are spatially allocated onto grid cells with a resolution of 3 km × 3 km, showing that anthropogenic air pollutant emissions are mainly distributed over PRD central-southern city cluster areas. The preliminary temporal profiles were established for the power plant, industrial and on-road mobile sources. There is relatively low uncertainty in SO2 emission estimates with a range of −16% to +21% from power plant sources, medium to high uncertainty for the NOx emissions, and high uncertainties in the VOC, PM2.5, PM10 and CO emissions.  相似文献   

Emission projections are important for environmental policy, both to evaluate the effectiveness of abatement strategies and to determine legislation compliance in the future. Moreover, including uncertainty is an essential added value for decision makers. In this work, projection values and their associated uncertainty are computed for pollutant emissions corresponding to the most significant activities from the national atmospheric emission inventory in Spain. Till now, projections had been calculated under three main scenarios: “without measures” (WoM), “with measures” (WM) and “with additional measures” (WAM). For the first one, regression techniques had been applied, which are inadequate for time-dependent data. For the other scenarios, values had been computed taking into account expected activity growth, as well as policies and measures. However, only point forecasts had been computed. In this work statistical methodology has been applied for: a) Inclusion of projection intervals for future time points, where the width of the intervals is a measure of uncertainty. b) For the WoM scenario, ARIMA models are applied to model the dynamics of the processes. c) In the WM scenario, bootstrap is applied as an additional non-parametric tool, which does not rely on distributional assumptions and is thus more general. The advantages of using ARIMA models for the WoM scenario including uncertainty are shown. Moreover, presenting the WM scenario allows observing if projected emission values fall within the intervals, thus showing if the measures to be taken to reach the scenario imply a significant improvement. Results also show how bootstrap techniques incorporate stochastic modelling to produce forecast intervals for the WM scenario.  相似文献   

An agricultural ammonia (NH3) emission inventory in the North China Plain (NCP) on a prefecture level for the year 2004, and a 5 × 5 km2 resolution spatial distribution map, has been calculated for the first time. The census database from China's statistics datasets, and emission factors re-calculated by the RAINS model supported total emissions of 3071 kt NH3-N yr−1 for the NCP, accounting for 27% of the total emissions in China. NH3 emission from mineral fertilizer application contributed 1620 kt NH3-N yr−1, 54% of the total emission, while livestock emissions accounted for the remaining 46% of the total emissions, including 7%, 27%, 7% and 5% from cattle, pigs, sheep and goats, and poultry, respectively. A high-resolution spatial NH3 emissions map was developed based on 1 × 1 km land use database and aggregated to a 5 × 5 km grid resolution. The highest emission density value was 198 kg N ha−1 yr−1.  相似文献   

为全面、准确地获得成都市餐饮源大气污染物排放清单,针对成都市社会餐饮、家庭餐饮和食堂餐饮分别选择监测对象进行细颗粒物(PM2.5)、非甲烷总烃(NMHCs)、油烟、氮氧化物(NOx)、SO2和CO 6种大气污染物排放浓度监测.分别按照用油量、就餐人次和灶头风量3种核算依据计算了6种大气污染物的排放因子,并计算成都市餐饮...  相似文献   

Currently, legislation is being considered to reduce NH3 emissions in the UK. The major sources of NH3 and their relative contributions are well known, however, the processes that control the rates of emission are still poorly defined. A series of wind-tunnel experiments has been carried out to determine the effects of various management practices on NH3 losses. The tunnels were modified to enable NH3 emission and subsequent deposition to the adjacent swards in the field to be measured. The wind-tunnels were used to examine the effects of herbage length, cutting and N status on rates of NH3 fluxes, which together with the prevailing environmental conditions affected the rates of NH3 emission and deposition. Results showed that between 20 and 60% of the NH3 emitted was deposited within 2 m. Compensation points of between 1.0 and 2.3 μg m−3 were calculated for the grass sward.  相似文献   

This paper presents an evaluation of the consistency of an urban state-of-the-art hydrocarbon (HC) emission inventory. The evaluation was conducted through the comparison of this inventory with hourly HC measurements during two summer months in the centre of Marseille, on the Mediterranean French coast. Factors of under or overestimation could be calculated for each compound on the basis of a systematic HC to HC ratio analysis. These results, associated with a deep analysis of the speciation profiles, show that most of the common and highly concentrated hydrocarbons (such as butanes) are too much predominant in the emission speciation, while the heavy and less common species (branched alkanes, substituted aromatics) are under-represented in the inventory. The urban diffuse sources appear here as one critical point of the inventories. The disagreements were shown to have a strong incidence on the representation of the air mass reactivity. In a last step, the identified uncertainties in emissions were implemented in an air-quality model for sensitivity studies. It was shown that the observed biases in the inventory could affect the regional ozone production, with a probable impact on ozone peaks of 2–10 ppbv over the area.  相似文献   

In the frame of the international SOILSAMP project, funded and coordinated by the National Environmental Protection Agency of Italy (APAT), uncertainties due to field soil sampling were assessed. Three different sampling devices were applied in an agricultural area using the same sampling protocol. Cr, Sc and Zn mass fractions in the collected soil samples were measured by k(0)-instrumental neutron activation analysis (k(0)-INAA). For each element-device combination the experimental variograms were calculated using geostatistical tools. The variogram parameters were used to estimate the standard uncertainty arising from sampling. The sampling component represents the dominant contribution of the measurement uncertainty with a sampling uncertainty to measurement uncertainty ratio ranging between 0.6 and 0.9. The approach based on the use of variogram parameters leads to uncertainty values of the sampling component in agreement with those estimated by replicate sampling approach.  相似文献   

In the vicinity of a large ammonia emission area, dry and wet deposition of acidifying and eutrophying compounds onto Douglas Fir forests was studied by sampling throughfall, stemflow and bulk precipitation. Deposition amounts of NH(4)(+) and SO(4)(2-) were recognised to be among the highest of Central Europe, resulting in extremely high inputs of (potential) acid to the forest soils (13.1 kEq ha(-1) year(-1)). The contribution of NH(3) emissions from agriculture to the total acid deposition to the forests was 52%. The total nitrogen deposition amounted to 115.0 kg ha(-1) year(-1), 83% originating from NH(3) emissions and 17% from NO(x) emissions. Calculated mean dry deposition velocities of NH(3) and SO(2) were much larger than reported in the literature. A synergistic effect between NH(3) and SO(2) in the process of dry deposition is suggested and evidence for this effect is discussed. When deposition models do not take this interaction into account, they will underestimate NH(3) and SO(2) deposition amounts in areas with intensive animal husbandry.  相似文献   

Land-use regression models have increasingly been applied for air pollution mapping at typically the city level. Though models generally predict spatial variability well, the structure of models differs widely between studies. The observed differences in the models may be due to artefacts of data and methodology or underlying differences in source or dispersion characteristics. If the former, more standardised methods using common data sets could be beneficial. We compared land-use regression models for NO2 and PM10, developed with a consistent protocol in Great Britain (GB) and the Netherlands (NL).Models were constructed on the basis of 2001 annual mean concentrations from the national air quality networks. Predictor variables used for modelling related to traffic, population, land use and topography. Four sets of models were developed for each country. First, predictor variables derived from data sets common to both countries were used in a pooled analysis, including an indicator for country and interaction terms between country and the identified predictor variables. Second, the common data sets were used to develop individual baseline models for each country. Third, the country-specific baseline models were applied after calibration in the other country to explore transferability. The fourth model was developed using the best possible predictor variables for each country.A common model for GB and NL explained NO2 concentrations well (adjusted R2 0.64), with no significant differences in intercept and slopes between the two countries. The country-specific model developed on common variables for NL but not GB improved the prediction.The performance of models based upon common data was only slightly worse than models optimised with local data. Models transferred to the other country performed substantially worse than the country-specific models. In conclusion, care is needed both in transferring models across different study areas, and in developing large inter-regional LUR models.  相似文献   

基于机动车排放因子(MOVES)模型和地理信息系统(ArcGIS)技术,建立了西安市2017年分辨率为1km×1km的机动车污染物排放清单。结果显示:2017年西安市机动车污染物PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)、NO_x(NO+NO_2)、NO、NO_2、N_2O和挥发性有机物(VOCs)的年排放总量分别为126.1×10~4、138.2×10~4、2 884.2×10~4、2 577.8×10~4、306.4×10~4、27.9×10~4、1 281.2×10~4 kg;柴油车是PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)和NO_x排放的主要来源,贡献率分别为80.2%、79.5%和75.8%;VOCs和N_2O则主要来自汽油车,贡献率分别为74.2%、89.7%;总体看来,研究区域内不同污染物的空间分布规律相似,这与西安市公路分布有关,PM_(2.5)和NO_x的排放主要集中在主城区及周边县区的高速路和国道,而VOCs的排放主要集中在主城区二环及环内。  相似文献   

Alcock RE  Gemmill R  Jones KC 《Chemosphere》1999,38(4):759-770
PCDD/F data are presented from 75 samples of primary emissions sampled between 1995-97 as part of the compliance monitoring survey undertaken by the UK Environment Agency. Municipal solid waste (MSW), chemical waste and clinical waste incinerators, cement kilns, sinter plants and sewage sludge incinerators were the source categories monitored and reported here. Based on this monitoring programme, the previous national UK emission estimates by Eduljee and Dyke (1) of 560-1100 g I-TEQ a(-1) for 1993 have been revised downwards to 220-660 g I-TEQ a(-1). Despite source reduction measures, MSW incinerators remain a significant source of PCDD/Fs to the atmosphere, contributing between 30-50% of the EPCDD/F I-TEQ emission, rather than the approximately 80% they were estimated to contribute in 1993. 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD/F congener profile data are presented for some of the source categories and generally support the view that differences in the mixtures ('fingerprints') of PCDD/Fs emitted from different sources are observed. New data on the dioxin-like PCB emissions are presented for cement kilns and sinter plants. These show that TEQ-rated PCBs can make an important contribution to the I-TEQ emitted from certain combustion sources. High concentrations of a full range of PCB congeners/homologues have been measured in the atmosphere close to sintering strands, although the precise source of PCBs from this process remains unclear.  相似文献   

The method used to produce a critical load map of acidity for soils in Great Britain is described. Critical loads were assigned to the dominant soil in each 1 km grid square of the UK national grid. Mineral soils were assigned a critical load based on mineralogy and chemistry, using approaches appropriate to UK conditions. Critical loads for peat soils are based primarily on a maximum acceptable reduction of peat pH, and results from laboratory equilibration studies. The map shows that soils with small critical loads (<0.5 kmolc ha−1 year−1) i.e. highly sensitive to acidic deposition, dominate in the north and west of Britain; the south and east are dominated by soils with large critical loads, with small areas of more sensitive soils associated with sandy soil-forming materials. A modified critical load map illustrates the potential impact of agricultural liming on soil critical loads.  相似文献   

利用本地化修正的MOVES模型模拟确定了关中地区不同类型车辆的颗粒物排放因子,结合实地调研的保有量和行驶里程数据测算了该地区的机动车颗粒物年排放总量,并从季节、城市、车型和燃油等多个角度详细分析了颗粒物的排放分担率。结果表明:关中地区2012年的机动车颗粒物排放总量分别为PM2.5 4.06×103 t,PM10 5.52×103 t;关中五市一区中西安市的颗粒物排放量最高,PM2.5和PM10排放分别占到该地区的46.53%和48.39%;不同类型车辆中,重型货车的排放分担率最高,其次为中型货车,二者之和占到颗粒物总排放的50%以上;不同燃油车辆中,柴油车的排放分担率远远高于汽油车,是颗粒物的主要贡献者;因此中型和重型柴油货车是关中地区控制颗粒物排放污染的重点车型。  相似文献   

针对氨法脱硫工艺实践过程中出口硫酸铵颗粒物浓度高的现象,通过测试某氨法脱硫塔结构优化前、后不同运行条件下净烟气硫酸铵浓度,分析烟气处理量、浆液含固量、烟气温度、工艺水淋洗等因素对其浓度变化的影响规律,提出了氨法脱硫工艺改造的新思路。结果表明:硫酸铵能穿透采样的滤膜与滤筒;优化前、后出口硫酸铵浓度随锅炉负荷的增长而加速增长,随浆液含固量的增加(由5%增加至45%)先加速增长,然后(由45%增加至55%)增长速度逐渐减小,随喷淋水量的增加而降低;浆液含固量与烟气温度是影响硫酸铵析出量,导致出口硫酸铵逃逸的关键因素。因此,降低烟气温度与缩短浆液含固量高条件下的运行时间能是氨法脱硫改造的新思路。  相似文献   

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