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This study compared the growth and lipid accumulation properties of two oleaginous microalgae, namely, Scenedesmus sp. LX1 and Chlorella sp. HQ, under different nutrient conditions. Both algal species obtained the highest biomass, lipid content and lipid yield under low-nutrient conditions (mBGll medium). The biomass, lipid content and lipid yield of Scenedesmus sp. LX1 were 0.42g·L^-1, 22.5% and 93.8mg·L^-1, respectively. These values were relatively higher than those of Chlorella sp. HQ (0.30g·L^-1, 17.1% and 51.3mg·L^-1, respectively). These algae were then cultivated in an SE medium that contained more nutrients; as a result, the biomass and lipid yield of Scenedesmus sp. LX1 reduced more significantly than those of Chlorella sp. HQ. Opposite results were observed in lipid and triacylglycerols (TAGs) contents. The cell sizes of both algal species under low-nutrient conditions were larger than those under high-nutrient conditions. Chlorella sp. HQ cells did not aggregate, but Scenedesmus sp. LX1 cells flocculated easily, particularly under low-nutrient conditions. In summary, low-nutrient conditions favour the growth and lipid production of both algae, but Scenedesmus sp. LX1 outperforms Chlorella sp. HQ.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2006,190(1-2):15-40
Models aiming to simulate growth under salinity stress and varied climatic conditions must rely on accurate methods for predicting transpiration and photosynthesis. Traditionally, models have described salinity stress as a decrease in water uptake caused by a low osmotic potential in the soil; however, many physiological studies suggest that reduced plant growth observed under saline conditions could be caused by increased respiration. Explicit calculation of photosynthesis and respiration enables both approaches to be tested and compared in a simulation model. We used an integrated ecosystems model (the CoupModel) to simulate photosynthesis and transpiration over a range of salinities. The model was calibrated and tested on two sets of data (two different seasons) on saline water, drip-irrigated tomato from lysimeter trials in the Arava Valley, Israel. Yields for the spring season were significantly lower than during the first autumn season even though transpiration was higher. As a result, water use efficiency differed by a factor of two between seasons. The model was successful in capturing this large variation, which was caused primarily by high levels of radiation and vapour pressure deficits during spring. For autumn the salinity stress approach in which water uptake was reduced performed well, whereas during spring the increased respiration approach correlated better with measurements. The concept of water use efficiency was found to be a useful tool for interpreting the accumulated effects of climatic and environmental conditions on particular agricultural systems. An attempt to simulate tomatoes grown in production beds indicated that the model set-up was also able to describe conventional cropping systems.  相似文献   

Diadromous fish often enter freshwater directly from seawater via fish ladders or channels built in estuarine dams. The oxygen consumption rates (OCR) of glass eel, Anguilla japonica, were determined using an automatic intermittent flow respirometer under various salinity and temperature regimes to physiologically explain this direct movement. The endogenous rhythm of the OCR in wild glass eels, freshly collected from estuaries, was nearly synchronous with the tidal pattern at the estuarine collection site. When the salinity was changed from 20 psu (12°C) at a constant temperature to that of freshwater, the OCR of the glass eels decreased by 21.6±7.0% (mean ± SD) (P<0.05), showing a dampened rhythm for about 48 h. After this period of impediment, the glass eels resumed normal metabolic activity. Direct migration from seawater to freshwater under constant temperature would result in a severe physiological stress for these glass eels for about two days. When the glass eels were exposed to a cyclic change in water temperature of 2°C 26 h−1, as they encounter in estuaries, and then were introduced to freshwater abruptly, the OCR rhythm corresponded to the cyclic changes in water temperature after exposure to freshwater. Under these conditions, the mean OCR of the glass eels had a small difference before and after exposure to freshwater. These data explained how glass eels can directly move from sea water into the freshwater without any apparent metabolic stress in the estuaries showing cyclic change in water temperature (Δt=2°C).  相似文献   

Survival and growth of bivalve larvae under heavy-metal stress   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In a study of the toxicity of mercury, silver, copper, nickel, and zinc to larvae of the American oyster Crassostrea virginica and hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria, the concentrations at which 5% (LC5), 50% (LC50), and 95% (LC95) of the larvae died were determined, as well as growth at the LC5 and LC50 values. The order of toxicity for oyster larvae was Hg>Ag>Cu>Ni, and for clam larvae Hg>Cu>Ag>Zn>Ni. Growth of larvae of both species, with the exception of clam larvae in nickel-treated water, was not reduced at the LC5 values, but was markedly reduced at the LC50 values.  相似文献   

The mobility of phenanthrene (PHE) in soils depends on its sorption and is influenced by either the existing soil humus or exogenous humic substances. Exogenous humic acids (HAs) were added to soil to enhance the amount of soil organic carbon (SOC) by 2.5, 5.0, and 10.0 g kg−1. PHE desorption of the treated soils was determined at two pH levels (3.0 and 6.0) and temperatures (15 and 25 °C). Soil PHE adsorption was related to pH and the type and quantity of added HAs. Humic acid (HA) and fulvic acid (FA) derived from peat had different effects on adsorption of PHE. Adsorption increased at first and then decreased with increasing quantity of exogenous FA. When the soil solution pH (in 0.005 M CaCl2) was 4.5 or 3.0, the turning points were 2.5 g FA kg−1 at pH 3.0 and 5 g FA kg−1 at pH 4.5. When soil solution pH was 6, the amount of adsorbed PHE was enhanced with increasing exogenous HAs (HA or FA) and amount of adsorption by soil treated with FA was higher than with HA. Adsorption of PHE in the FA treatment at 10.0 g kg−1 was lower than the controls (untreated soil or treatment with HAs at 0 g kg−1) when the soil solution pH was 3.0. This suggests that FA adsorbed by soil was desorbed at low pH and would then increase PHE solubility, and PHE then combined with FA. PHE adsorption was usually higher under lower pH and/or lower temperature conditions. PHE sorption fitted the Freundlich isotherm, indicating that exogenous humic substances influenced adsorption of phenanthrene, which in turn was affected by environmental conditions such as pH and temperature. Thus, exogenous humic substances can be used to control the mobility of soil PAHs under appropriate conditions to decrease PAH contamination.  相似文献   

The time periods from exhausion of the yolk to the age of irreversible starvation for Pacific herring Clupea harengus pallasi larvae were 8.5, 7.0 and 6.0 d at 6°, 8° and 10°C, respectively. These periods are within the range perviously measured for Atlantic herring larvae and other temperature zone fish species; they are long compared to the periods for tropical species. The variation in the length of this period is due almost entirely to temperature; the natural logarithm of the time period from fertilization to irreversible starvation is highly correlated (r=0.91) with the mean rearing temperature for 25 species of pelagic marine fish larvae. The rates of growth and mortality, measured for 26 experimental populations of Pacific herring larvae reared at 6°, 8° and 10°C and ten ages of delayed first feeding, decreased and increased, respectively with increasing age of first feeding and increasing temperature. These rates, adjusted for the effects of rearing conditions, were compared with the rates for natural populations of herring larvae. Growth is generally faster in the sea than in experimental enclosures. Two of the eleven estimates of natural mortality rate were high enough to indicate possible catastrophic mass starvation. This is consistent with Hjort's critical period concept of year class formation and it suggests that mass starvation occurs in 18 to 36% of the natural populations of first feeding herring larvae.  相似文献   

E. D. Houde 《Marine Biology》1977,43(4):333-341
Bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) eggs were stocked at densities from 0.5 to 32.0 l-1 and larvae were fed on wild plankton (copepod nauplii) in concentrations that ranged from 50 to 5000 prey l-1. Lined sole (Achirus lineatus) eggs were stocked at 0.5 to 16.0 l-1 and larvae were fed wild plankton at concentrations from 50 to 1000 prey l-1. Some larvae of each species survived at all stock and food levels to the transformation stage at 16 days after hatching. Survival rates for both species exceeded 40% when food concentration was 1000 l-1 or higher. Growth and dry weight yields also increased significantly at the higher food concentrations. Effects of initial stocking density were not well defined, but both survival and growth decreased at the highest stocking rates. Standardized culture of bay anchovy and lined sole larvae can be based on a food concentration of 1000 copepod nauplii l-1 to routinely produce healthy larvae.  相似文献   

Following the observation of periodic high concentrations of zinc in estuarine waters used in the White Fish Authority's oyster hatchery at Conway, North Wales, two beaker trials were conducted to study the effect of zinc, over the range recorded, on the young stages of larvae of Crassostrea gigas. Zinc, added to sea water both as zinc sulphate and as a natural mine-adit water, was applied for a period of 5 days, after which larvae were maintained for a further 5 days in sea water alone. Increasing concentrations over the range 125 to 500 g/l Zn resulted in decreasing growth, and increasing incidence of abnormality and larval mortality. A second trial with zinc sulphate showed 50 g/l Zn to have little effect on larval development, a progressive decrease in growth at 100 and 150 g/l, and no growth at 200 g/l. It is suggested that the deleterious effect of short-term exposure to zinc may well have contributed to the intermittent failure of larvae and irregular productivity previously recorded at the hatchery. It is also possible that zinc contamination in estuaries may affect natural oyster breeding, and may have to be considered in the future siting of hatcheries for seed production.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - The phenanthrene (PHE) adsorption on soils from the Yangtze River Delta region under different pH and temperature conditions was studied in the laboratory....  相似文献   

Controlled laboratory experiments were conducted to examine how photosynthesis and growth occur in Potamogeton wrightii Morong under different photoperiods and nutrient conditions. The experiment was based on a 3×2 factorial design with three photoperiods (16, 12 and 8 h) of 200 μE · m?2·s?1 irradiance and two nutrient conditions, high (90 μmol N · L?1·d?1 and 9 μmol P · L?1·d?1) and low (30 μmol N L?1·d?1 and 3 μmol P · L?1·d?1). After 14, 28, 56 and 70 days of growth, plants were harvested to determine net photosynthesis rate and various growth parameters. Above- and below-ground biomass were investigated on days 56 and 70 only. Plants under low nutrient conditions had greater leaf area, more chlorophyll a, a higher rate of net photosynthesis and accumulated more above- and below-ground biomass than plants in the high nutrient condition. Plants with an 8 h photoperiod in the low nutrient condition had a significantly higher rate of net photosynthesis, whereas 8 h photoperiod plants in the high nutrient condition had a lower rate of net photosynthesis and their photosynthetic capacity collapsed on day 70. We conclude that P. wrightii has the photosynthetic plasticity to overcome the effects of a shorter photoperiod under a tolerable nutrient state.  相似文献   

During early development, oviparous fish species must use finite lipid and fatty acid (FA) reserves for both catabolism and structural components. In cold environments, developing fish have the additional constraint of maintaining membrane fluidity for metabolic efficiency (homeoviscous adaptation), resulting in further demand on lower melting point FAs like n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). To examine whether marine fish embryos physiologically adapt to changing temperature environments, we incubated Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) eggs at 5 temperatures (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 °C) in the laboratory and sampled them repeatedly during development to measure changes in lipid/FA composition. Pacific cod embryos increased n-3 PUFA content during the egg stage in all temperature treatments, with the possible exception of 0 °C, where poor survival and hatch success limited our ability for continued sampling. At the beginning of the hatch cycle, free-swimming embryos shifted from lipogenesis to lipid catabolism. The rates of lipogenesis and catabolism were temperature dependent, and the distinct increase in unsaturated fatty acids at temperatures <8 °C was consistent with homeoviscous adaptation theory. However, with the possible exception of embryos at 0 °C, the relative amounts of essential fatty acids (e.g., EPA, DHA, AA) were conserved in a similar manner across incubation temperatures. Collectively, these data suggest Pacific cod are capable of homeoviscous adaptation but cannot tolerate temperatures approaching 0 °C despite their possible ability to biosynthesize PUFAs from other energetic sources.  相似文献   

西域旌节花在不同环境下生长发育及某些生物学现象   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
观察和调查了西域旌节花Stachyurus himalaicus在不同环境下的生长发育和开花结果状况,并对某些生物学现象作初步探讨,发现不同环境下的西域旌节花从腋芽的出现到枝叶的生长以及开花结果等在时间的先后和过程的长短上有所不同,植株在秋冬季落叶与否很大程度上取决于植株本身的高矮和大小以当地的荫蔽条件和水分状况等。西域旌节花表面上为两性花,实质为假两性花,对于某一具体植株来说,要么雌蕊能育,要么雄能育,但不可能两者兼之。尽管每一棵植株都有雌蕊和雄蕊。当雌蕊能育时,雄蕊却不育(无花粉);当雄蕊能育(有花粉)时,雌蕊则不育,花开过之后整个脱落,不同环境下植株结果的比例也不同,差异较大,西域旌节花的落果情况非常严重,原因有待于进一步的观察和实验,图版1表1参8。  相似文献   

Planktonic larvae of six genera of labrid and pomacentrid reef fishes were captured in march 1985 in the eastern Pacific Ocean several hundred kilometers from the nearest reefs. The larvae were identified to genus by fin-ray counts as well as by comparison of their larval otolith morphology with that of known species. The larval otolith morphologies of known species were derived from measurements of the larval otolith embedded within the otoliths of settled juveniles (as delineated by the daily otolith-increment marks corresponding to the late larval period). The body morphology and melanophore patterns of the eastern Pacific labird and pomacentrid larvae closely matched those of congeneric larvae described from other oceans. Growth rates of larvae less than about 70 d old were similar between taxa (from 0.13 to 0.19 mm d-1). After about 70 d in the plankton, labrid larvae grew much more slowly (0.06 mm d-1 in Xyrichtys sp.). Labrid larvae had long larval durations (up to 131 d in Xyrichtys sp.), while the larval lives of the pomacentrids appeared to be shorter and much less variable. Larvae of many different ages occurred within the same water mass, and young cohorts of larvae appeared continuously over the sampling period. Some larvae were as young as 21 d, indicating that reef-fish larvae are capable of rapid long-distance dispersal (at least 18 km d-1).  相似文献   

A study was conducted on the Babylon snail (Babylonia areolata) to examine the effects of copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn) on different life stages of this gastropod. Metal toxicity significantly varied according to the life stage of the snail. The different LC50 values obtained were 0.51, 5.49, 0.31, and 0.2 ppm for Cu, Zn, Cd, and Ni for the larval stage and 4.98, 15.19, 0.91, and 1.21 ppm at the juvenile stage and 8.54, 17.52, 1.14, and 1.44 ppm in the adult stage. Studies were also conducted on the effects of dual metal concentrations and experiments were repeated with temperature as a variable. Results demonstrated that metal toxicity values were altered depending on the metals involved in the combination as well as temperature under which the experiment was conducted.  相似文献   

Ranina ranina larvae were reared at 29°C from hatching to the megalopa stage to measure daily changes in body weight, water content and elemental composition. Energy, estimated from carbon content, was also examined. The water content was 85 to 92% of body weight immediately after ecdysis but decreased with days after ecdysis. Gains in body weight, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and energy during each instar ranged from 52 to 245% and increased with instar after instar II (body weight and carbon), instar III (hydrogen and energy), and instar IV (nitrogen). Cumulative gains of these elements from hatching to 2 d before metamorphosis into megalopa ranged from 11 567% (carbon) to 12 209% (energy). Most cumulative gains (57 to 59%) in elemental composition were contributed by instar VII. Carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen content in body weight decreased to a minimum on the day of ecdysis and increased on the subsequent days. C:N ratios after instar IV were lowest on the day after ecdysis and reached a plateau by the second day. Energy, estimated as J mg-1 dry weight (DW), decreased with instar and within a molt cycle, and was at a minimum on the day after ecdysis. Gains in elemental composition could be described by an exponential function of days after hatching and by a quadratic function in each instar.  相似文献   

Poleck  T. P.  Denys  C. J. 《Marine Biology》1982,70(3):255-265
The effect of temperature on molting, growth, and maturation rates was studied on laboratory-maintained Euphausia superba. The length of intermolt periods (IMP's) was inversely proportional to temperature (20.10 d, SD=1.60, at 0.12°C; 16.87 d, SD=1.68, at 0.97°C; and 12.48 d, SD=0.90, at 4.48°C), and directly proportional to krill size at 0.12°C and 0.97°C. For individually maintained krill the maximum growth rate at 4.48°C (0.068 mm d-1) was nearly twice that at 0.68°C (0.037 mm d-1). There was no observable temperature effect on maturation rates. The maturation changes of juveniles at all temperatures indicated that more than two years are probably required to reach maturity. Mature males and females regressed to immature forms, suggesting that E. superba may reproduce in successive years. These results and previously reported field and laboratory data for E. superba and other euphausiid species suggest a 4+ year life span for this species.This work was supported by NSF grant DPP 76-23437  相似文献   

The relationship between otolith length and body length (total length) was examined in walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas), collected from Pacific Ocean waters adjacent to Hokkaido, Japan, and in larvae reared from fertilized eggs. A linear relationship was found between log-transformed body length and otolith length data with two inflection points at ca. 11 mm and 100 mm total length. This relationship was found to be applicable also to samples from the Japan Sea, Bering Sea and Okhotsk Sea. The early growth pattern estimated by back-calculation of otolith increments of 1-yr fish from Funka (Uchiura) Bay (Hokkaido) accorded with that obtained from size-at-age data of 0 yr fish collected in the preceding year. Differences were found in comparisons of the back-calculated early growth pattern between samples from waters adjacent to Hokkaido, the Pacific Ocean, the Japan Sea and the Okhotsk Sea. The growth curve of the Okhotsk samples was markedly different from others, showing rapid initial growth up to about 100 d after hatching and attaining a small body size in the first year.  相似文献   

Allometry was used for monitoring aboveground growth of the marine angiosperm Zostera marina L. Dry weight was regressed with leaf length and width, allowing estimation of aboveground net productivity and biomass of individual plants. At the termination of the experiment, rhizome productivity of the same plants was determined by harvesting. Plants in shaded and unshaded seawater tanks were monitored from June until September, 1976; in situ plants were also monitored at Point Judith Pond, Rhode Island, USA. Unshaded plants had shorter leaves, a lower net productivity, lower biomass, and a lower aboveground-torhizome productivity ratio than shaded plants. Unshaded plants had a higher rate of rhizome branching and the resulting new shoot formation than in situ plants.  相似文献   

The relationship between somatic growth and growth of otoliths of sea bass larvae, postlarvae and juveniles under relatively steady temperature conditions was studied. Larvae were incubated at the constant ambient temperature of 13.5°C, whereas postlarvae and juveniles were reared at a comparatively steady temperature ranging from 18.6 to 20.4°C, with a mean of 19.67°C. The patterns of both somatic and otolith growth were found to be similar. Differentiated data on larvae length and otolith diameters indicated three periods of change in their growth rates. Since temperature was kept relatively steady during the experiment, and larvae fed ad libitum, these periods could be attributed with relative certainty to intrinsic changes which occur during stage-specific periods of growth. The third period of change in both growth rates indicates a specific phase of growth during metamorphosis. The changes in growth rates, as well as the raw time series of the growth of both larval lengths and otolith diameters, may be described by higher order polynomials with a high degree of probability levels. A non-linear relationship between body length and otolith diameters was established, indicating positive allometric growth of otoliths. It was also observed that the coefficient of allometric growth changed at the time estimated for the end of metamorphosis. Thus, a non-linear relationship and changes in the coefficients of allometry should be borne in mind when back-calculating somatic growth from the growth of otoliths.  相似文献   

Methods are described for the successful rearing of northern anchovy larvae (Engraulis mordax Girard) on cultured foods. Larvae were fed successively on the unarmored dinoflagellate Gymnodinium splendens, the veliger of the gastropod Bulla gouldiana, and nauplii of the brine shrimp Artemia salina. Rearing containers ranging in capacity from 4.5 to 510 l were tested; the smaller ones were found to be most useful for laboratory experimentation. Irreversible starvation occurred when E. mordax were denied food for more than 1.5 days after yolk absorption. Growth rates of larval anchovies fed different diets were compared. Larvae fed G. splendens grew for 1 week at the same rate as animals fed wild plankton, but did not maintain this rate. Laboratory survival of E. mordax larvae on a diet of G. splendens alone, did not differ significantly when veligers supplemented the diet. However, when G. splendens and veligers were fed simultaneously to E. mordax larvae, growth rate was greatly improved, although still not matching the growth attained on a diet of wild plankton. Length (L) versus weight (W) analyses were made for all larvae at all diets. The results showed that weight could be calculated most accurately from length by the relationship log W=3.3237 log L-3.8205, regardless of diet.  相似文献   

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