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植物与昆虫是森林生态系统的重要组成成分,两者通过长期的协同进化形成了密切的相互关系,在森林生态系统中发挥着承上启下的作用,连接了初级生产和高级消费,是森林生态系统中重要的动态中心。植物叶片的虫食特征是植物与昆虫相互作用关系的重要表征。选取福建梅花山和浙江天童两地76种常绿阔叶林植物为研究对象,采用野外调查与室内统计分析相结合的方式对植物叶片的虫食率和虫食频度进行了研究,以期了解亚热带常绿阔叶林植物叶片所面临的食叶昆虫取食压力。结果表明:76种植物平均虫食率为7.21%,虫食频度为32.95%。多数植物的叶片虫食率低于10%,叶片虫食频度主要分布在10%-60%之间。乔木种与灌木种、优势植物与伴生植物之间的叶片虫食率和虫食频度均不存在显著差异(P>0.05)。超过60%的叶片虫食率和虫食频度发生在展叶期。福建梅花山常绿阔叶林植物的叶片虫食率(P=0.012)和虫食频度(P=0.74)均高于浙江天童。植物幼叶的虫食率随着海拔的升高而下降。以上结果表明,常绿阔叶林植物的叶片虫食强度介于热带雨林(11.1%)和温带森林(7.1%)之间,展叶期是叶片虫食发生的主要阶段,表现出过渡性特征;叶片的虫食在不同生活型和优势程度的植物间存在差异;叶片虫食率随纬度的升高和海拔的上升而降低。  相似文献   

湖南野生鹿角杜鹃资源的园林应用价值开发初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在简述鹿角杜鹃的生长、生态习性及自然分布的基础上,针对目前湖南野生鹿角杜鹃资源的种质资源开发、引种驯化、栽培繁殖现状,重点阐述野生鹿角杜鹃资源在园林应用上的开发利用措施,旨在保护野生资源、合理开发利用,以期增加园林植物多样性.参12.  相似文献   

为理解植物—土壤之间的养分联系,采用凋落物分解袋法,研究季节性降雨期间常绿阔叶林区最具代表性的马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、柳杉(Cryptomeria fortunei)、杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)、香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)、红椿(Toona ciliata)、麻栎(Quercus acutissima)等6种凋落叶第一年不同雨热季节分解中氮(N)、磷(P)动态及释放与富集特征.结果显示,凋落叶的N浓度随雨季的变化动态取决于树种,但除红椿以外的其它5种凋落叶在分解初期N浓度变化不明显,在雨季时期显著升高(P<0.05);6种凋落叶P浓度动态比较一致,表现为分解初期P浓度稍微下降,在雨季时期显著升高(P<0.05).历经一年的分解,红椿N、P释放率最大(分别为81.79%、54.19%),香樟N富集率最大(131.45%),马尾松的P富集率最高(268.75%),且6种凋落叶N、P释放/富集率动态均在雨季最明显.凋落叶分解过程中C/N、C/P呈现下降趋势,而N/P变化规律不一致.这些结果均表明,季节性降雨显著(P<0.05)影响凋落叶N、P动态,雨季温湿度的改变可影响N、P释放过程.  相似文献   

广州帽峰山林区空气负离子动态及与环境因子的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用定位连续观测方法,研究了广州帽峰山森林公园负离子含量近5年的年、季、月变化及不同天气的变化规律,并以此对帽峰山森林公园的空气质量进行了计量评价.分析了空气负离子含量与环境因子的相关关系.结果表明:林区不同观测区的负离子含量差异较大,山下瀑布空间负离子含量最高.平均水平达达2l 729 ions.cm-3;林内负离子含量年间及月间变化不大,沟谷小溪和山中部瀑布空间由于人为干扰,负离子含量年动态呈现降低趋势,山下瀑布空间年负离子含量维持在20000 iotis·cm-3左右;负离子含量的季节差异显著,春夏季大于冬秋季,夏季最高、冬季最低.空气质量评价系数CI的最低在2月份、最高在8月份.不同天气条件下负离子含量大小顺序为下雨>晴天>阴天.负离子含量与空气温度呈正相关,与空气湿度呈正相关.与空气气压呈负相关.  相似文献   

溢油污染对近岸生态系统的平衡与稳定危害极大。本研究以石油水溶性成分(water-accommodated fraction,WAF)为目标,研究其对海洋浮游动物褶皱臂尾轮虫(Brachionus plicatilis)生殖、发育和种群动态变化的影响,以期为阐明或评估海洋溢油污染的潜在威胁提供依据。研究结果表明,(1) WAF抑制褶皱臂尾轮虫的种群增长,随着胁迫时间的延长抑制作用不断增强,呈现显著剂量-毒性效应的正相关,其48、72和96 h的半数有效抑制浓度(EC_(50))分别为5.42、4.81和4.39 mg·L~(-1)。(2)WAF能显著影响褶皱臂尾轮虫的生殖和发育过程,缩短轮虫的平均寿命和生殖周期,使得进入生殖期的时间滞后,个体发育延迟;基于生命表的研究发现,其内禀增长率(r_m)、周限增长率(λ)、净生殖率(R_0)和生命期望(E_0)显著降低,世代周期(T)延长,其中r_m、λ和R_0变化较其他指标明显,可作为灵敏指示褶皱臂尾轮虫响应WAF胁迫的指示指标。  相似文献   

In coastal foredunes marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) is used to stabilize windblown sand. The development of traditionally plantedAmmophila into a more natural foredune vegetation may take 5 – 10 yr. For economic reasons, traditional planting may be replaced by alternative techniques such as planting seeds or disk-harrowing rhizome fragments. In this paper, we compare the initial vegetation development of traditionally planted stands with stands established from seeds and from rhizomes. The experiments were conducted on an artificial foredune originating from dredged sea sand. The total experimental area covered more than 100 ha and the vegetation development was studied for 6 yr. The data were analysed bya priori grouping of plant species according to their ecology, as well as by Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Redundancy Analysis (RA) of the percentage ground cover per plant species. Comparing ecological groups of plants showed that all planting methods delivered equal numbers of plant species that are indicative for coastal dunes. PCA and RA showed that methods based on the use of rhizome material resulted in a higher percentage cover of clonal perennials (Calammophila baltica, Festuca rubra ssp.arenaria, Carex arenaria andCirsium arvense) than the traditionally planted stands and the stands obtained from seeds. The latter two were characterized by the dominance of annuals, bi-annuals and (mostly nonrhizomatous) perennials. Initially, the rates of succession were highest in the stands obtained from rhizomes. However, after 3 – 6 yr there were no differences between the various stands. During the first four years, the percentage cover by rhizomatous foredune plants developed faster than that of annuals, bi-annuals and perennials. After 6 yr, the latter contributed almost as much to the percentage cover as the clonal species. Nomenclature: van der Meijden et al. (1990) for plant species. The plant species were classified into ecological groups according to van der Meijden et al. (1991) and Mennema et al. (1980).  相似文献   

In coastal foredunes marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) is used to stabilize windblown sand. The development of traditionally plantedAmmophila into a more natural foredune vegetation may take 5–10 yr. For economic reasons, traditional planting may be replaced by alternative techniques such as planting seeds or disk-harrowing rhizome fragments. In this paper, we compare the initial vegetation development of traditionally planted stands with stands established from seeds and from rhizomes. The experiments were conducted on an artificial foredune originating from dredged sea sand. The total experimental area covered more than 100 ha and the vegetation development was studied for 6 yr. The data were analysed bya priori grouping of plant species according to their ecology, as well as by Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Redundancy Analysis (RA) of the percentage ground cover per plant species. Comparing ecological groups of plants showed that all planting methods delivered equal numbers of plant species that are indicative for coastal dunes. PCA and RA showed that methods based on the use of rhizome material resulted in a higher percentage cover of clonal perennials (Calammophila baltica, Festuca rubra ssp.arenaria, Carex arenaria andCirsium arvense) than the traditionally planted stands and the stands obtained from seeds. The latter two were characterized by the dominance of annuals, bi-annuals and (mostly nonrhizomatous) perennials. Initially, the rates of succession were highest in the stands obtained from rhizomes. However, after 3–6 yr there were no differences between the various stands. During the first four years, the percentage cover by rhizomatous foredune plants developed faster than that of annuals, bi-annuals and perennials. After 6 yr, the latter contributed almost as much to the percentage cover as the clonal species.  相似文献   

Instantaneous relative growth rates, (d-1), were measured for juveniles of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera transplanted to study sites in Southern California kelp forests between 1978 and 1982. Growth rates ranged from negative values (indicating loss of tissue) to 0.03 (doubling of total frond length every 19 d). Multiple regression analysis of growth versus irradiation, temperature, nitrogen concentration and amount of fouling revealed that all these factors had significant effects, together accounting for about 50% of the total variance. Elevated irradiation and nitrogen levels had strongly stimulatory effects (tissue nitrogen may have been more critical than ambient nitrogen for growth), while high temperature and fouling had strongly inhibitory effects. Irradiation was the most important factor influencing growth in 6 of the 8 transplant experiments. During these 6 experiments, the compensating irradiation level (below which there was no growth) was between 0.4 and 0.7 E m-2 d-1, and saturating irradiation was between 2 and 3 E m-2 d-1. During two of the experiments, growth was apparently limited by extremely high temperatures or low nitrogen levels. Quantum irradiation levels in the kelp forest were generally between the compensation and saturation levels. However, irradiation levels occasionally dropped below the compensation point for several months. Irradiation was occasionally low enough to limit the distribution of juvenile kelp by inhibiting growth, especially in the deeper portions of the kelp forest and under dense canopies formed by adult plants.  相似文献   

Larvae of Clyde spring-spawning Clupea harengus L. and hatchery-produced Scophthalmus maximus (L.) were reared from hatching through metamorphosis in 1980 and 1981 in laboratory tanks and in large enclosures under various light, temperature, and feeding regimes in order to study otolith ring deposition and growth under different conditions. Ring deposition and growth rates were significantly affected by rearing conditions in both species. The ring deposition rates observed under the conditions tested ranged from 0.34 to 0.92 rings d-1 in herring larvae, and from 0.07 to 1.0 rings d-1 in turbot larvae. Growth rates ranged from 0.11 to 0.42 mm d-1 in herring and from 0.05 to 0.27 mm d-1 in turbot. The number of otolith rings was dependent on the growth rate of the individual larva. At the population level, higher ring deposition rates were observed in faster growing populations. In herring larvae, the relationship between average growth rate and average ring deposition rate was logarthmic, reaching an asymptote at 1 ring d-1 for growth rates approaching 0.40 mm d-1. The relationship was linear for turbot larvae for the range of growth rates observed.  相似文献   

I. Bryceson  P. Fay 《Marine Biology》1981,61(2-3):159-166
Planktonic populations of Oscillatoria (Trichodesmium) erythraea are abundant in the coastal waters of Tanzania (East Africa) during the northern monsoon period. The floating trichomes are either solitary or matted in bundles; the proportion of trichomes assembled in bundles can vary between 25 and 75%. Bundledness is inversely related to wind speed. Nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction), which is directly related to bundledness, is high in the morning, declines by midday, and is measurable throughout the night. The trichomes display a clearly perceptible morphological differentiation into granulated and nongranulated regions, due apparently to the presence or absence of carboxysomes (polyhedral bodies) in the corresponding cells. Reducing conditions (tetrazolium reduction) are marked in the non-granulated region, particularly in cells which lie close to the granulated region of the trichome. Rod-shaped bacteria, which were invariably observed in the bundles, are more numerous around the non-granulated region of the trichome. Incorporation of 15N-nitrogen, following exposure to 15N2, was significantly higher in the O. erythraea fraction than in any associated particulate fractions. The results vouch for nitrogen fixation by O. erythraea and are consistent with the concept of segregation of photosynthetic and nitrogen-fixing activities along trichomes.  相似文献   

Blood sugars of the crustacean Emerita asiatica were studied during the moult cycle to examine their possible role in the synthesis of chitin, which takes place at the time of moulting. Blood sugars occur both in free state as well as bound with proteins, and show quantitative fluctuations in different phases of the moult cycle. The values of sugars were estimated in relation to total blood volume, to obviate the effects o absorption of water and consequent dilution of blood taking place during moulting. The data obtained suggest that the presence of glucosamine only during premoult stage may be due to resorption of chitin preparatory to the shedding of the cuticle. The fluctuations in the protein-bound blood sugars appear significant in the context of the synthesis of chitin, in view of the correlation seen between these and the chitin content. The above suggestion is supported by the observation that they are not involved in the nutritive metabolism of the crustacean. The protein-bound sugars do not appear to undergo further changes in the blood, as may be inferred by the absence of uridine diphosphate, and uridine diphosphate acetylglucosamine compounds, which have been suggested to be the more immediate precursors of chitin during the moult cycle of insects. It is suggested that protein-bound sugars may be transported, as such, to the epidermis, which may be the site of the final steps in chitin synthesis.  相似文献   

A culture of juvenile Sepia officinalis L. was kept during summer 1985 in the aquaria of the Station Marine, Wimereux, France. During the first four months of juvenile development, oxygen consumption under increasing hypoxia was measured with a closed respirometer. The experiments revealed a high regulatory capacity of juvenile S. officinalis. The critical oxygen concentrations were calculated and their ontogenetical evolution was studied. The critical oxygen concentration increased with increasing development. A linear relationship emerged between the critical oxygen concentration and the logarithm of the wet weight [COc (mg O2 l-1)=-0.393+0.893×log10(W w )]. The decreasing regulatory capacity of growing S. officinalis is most probably related to adaptations to a changing ecological environment during development. Another possibility is a physiological change, most probably related to the shift from embryonic to adult hemocyanin.  相似文献   

Burrowing mechanisms of the scalpellid barnacle Lithotrya dorsalis collected from Indian Key, Florida, USA and Fort Point, Jamaica, West Indies, in the fall and spring of 1983 and 1984 were investigated. Calcite spicules covering the peduncule of this animal mechanically abrade carbonate substratum and are described by light and scanning electron microscopy. These spicules undergo a morphological transformation during the molt cycle. Initial observations on the burrowing habit of L. dorsalis indicate that it also employs a chemical agent during bioerosion. Characteristic etching patterns on both optically pure calcite (Iceland spar) and shell material lend further support to this contention. Possible sources of this chemical agent are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The spatial dispersion of singing male bushcrickets (Tettigonia viridissima) in a marshland habitat was found to be significantly clumped. Males clustered in patches of taller vegetation, buth within such clusters, males were regularly spaced with a mean distance of 6 m between nearest-neighbours. Males occupied perches on plants that were, on average, 0.3 m above the top of surrounding vegetation. Physical and acoustical interactions between males were observed more frequently when males were singing from higher sites. Excess attenuation of the male song was found to increase with frequency but decreased markedly with increasing elevation of the singing male above the ground. The maximum detection range of the song, realized when the insect was singing > 1 m above the surrounding vegetation, was estimated as 60 m for the fundamental frequency (10 kHz), 38 m for the 1st harmonic (20 kHz) and 14 m for the second harmonic (30 kHz). By contrast, when males sang from the middle of dense reed beds, the estimated detection distance was only 8 m, 6 m and 4 m for each frequency band, respectively. Males could have increased the detection range of their songs almost three fold by singing from higher positions than those usually observed in the field. This suggests that there may be a cost of singing at higher elevations such as an increased risk of predation and/or increased aggression from neighbours. We suggest the spacing strategy adopted by males reflects a compromise between maximizing the range over which their songs can be detected and accurately localized by females and minimizing interference from competing males. Offprint requests to: T. Eiriksson  相似文献   

Ovarian development in Labeo dyocheilus was assessed during active reproductive phase under ambient environmental conditions in captivity and wild. Increasing day length and water temperature seemed favourable for ovarian development in female L. dyocheilus under both conditions. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) was lower in May and higher in July in captivity (6.168 and 13.366) and wild (5.798 and 16.166) respectively Ovarian development started little bit in advance in captivity with late yolk vesicle stage oocyte in May when yolk globule stage oocytes were prominent in wild. Fully grown oocytes with germinal vesicle migration (GVM) and germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) stages were observed in July in both conditions. Degree of transformation of developing oogonials into advance stage oocytes was observed to be better in wild fish compared to captivity reared ones. The histophysiological changes in liver corresponded well to the progression of ovarian development. Successive granulation and vacuolization of hepatocyte cytoplasm were indicative of augmented synthetic activity and probably mobilization of energy content for oocyte growth. These observations indicated that normal ovarian development of L. dyocheilus under captivity in Tarai region of Uttarakhand would be useful for success of its seed production in captivity for stock augmentation in wild or species diversification in aquaculture.  相似文献   

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