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An Integrated Approach to the Ecology and Management of Plant Invasions   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Plant invasions are a serious threat to natural and managed ecosystems worldwide. The number of species involved and the extent of existing invasions renders the problem virtually intractable, and it is likely to worsen as more species are introduced to new habitats and more existing invaders move into a phase of rapid spread. We contend that current research and management approaches are inadequate to tackle the problem. The current focus is mostly on the characteristics and control of individual invading species. Much can be gained, however, by considering other important components of the invasion problem. Patterns of weed spread indicate that many species have a long lag phase following introduction before they spread explosively. Early detection and treatment of invasions before explosive spread occurs will prevent many future problems. Similarly, a focus on the invaded ecosystem and its management, rather than on the invader, is likely to be more effective. Identification of the causal factors enhancing ecosystem invasibility should lead to more-effective integrated control programs. An assessment of the value of particular sites and their degree of disturbance would allow the setting of management priorities for protection and control. Socioeconomic factors frequently play a larger part than ecological factors in plant invasions. Changes in human activities in terms of plant introduction and use, land use, and timing of control measures are all required before the plant invasion problem can be tackled adequately. Dealing with plant invasions is an urgent task that will require difficult decisions about land use and management priorities. These decisions have to be made if we want to conserve biodiversity worldwide.  相似文献   

Plant–insect interactions, which are strongly mediated by chemical defenses, have the potential to shape invasion dynamics. Despite this, few studies have quantified natural variation in key defensive compounds of invasive plant populations, or how those defenses relate to levels of herbivory. Here, we evaluated variation in the iridoid glycosides aucubin and catalpol in rosette plants of naturally occurring, introduced populations of the North American invader, Verbascum thapsus L. (common mullein; Scrophulariaceae). We examined two scales that are likely to structure interactions with insect herbivores—among populations and within plant tissues (i.e., between young and old leaves). We additionally estimated the severity of damage incurred at these scales due to insect chewing herbivores (predominantly grasshoppers and caterpillars), and evaluated the relationship between iridoid glycoside content and leaf damage. We found significant variation in iridoid glycoside concentrations among populations and between young and old leaves, with levels of herbivory strongly tracking leaf-level investment in defense. Specifically, across populations, young leaves were highly defended by iridoids (averaging 6.5× the concentration present in old leaves, and containing higher proportions of the potentially more toxic iridoid, catalpol) and suffered only minimal damage from generalist herbivores. In contrast, old leaves were significantly less defended and accordingly more substantially utilized. These findings reveal that quantitative variation in iridoid glycosides is a key feature explaining patterns of herbivory in an introduced plant. In particular, these data support the hypothesis that defenses limit the ability of generalists to feed on mullein’s well-defended young leaves, resulting in minimal losses of high-quality tissue, and increasing performance of this introduced species.  相似文献   

The Role of Roadsides in Plant Invasions: a Demographic Approach   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract:  Non-native plant species are common along roadsides, but presence does not necessarily indicate spread along the road axis. Roadsides may serve merely as habitat for a species spreading independently of roads. The potential conduit function of roads depends on the habitat specificity of the spreading species, its dispersal range relative to the spacing of roads in the landscape, and the relative importance of long- and short-range dispersal. We describe a demographic model of the road × species interaction and suggest methods of assessing conduit function in the field based on the model results. A species limited to roadside habitat will be constrained to spread along the road axis unless its long-range dispersal is sufficient to carry it across the intervening unfavorable area to another road. It will propagate along a road corridor at a rate determined by the scale of short-range dispersal. Effective management of an invasion requires distinguishing between the habitat and conduit functions, a distinction difficult to make with only snapshot data. Invasions can be reconstructed by several methods, but none is totally satisfactory. We suggest comparing stem distributions on transects parallel and perpendicular to the road axis, and beside the road, and away from it, with an idealized Gaussian curve. Such comparisons would allow discrimination between pattern determined by habitat suitability and pattern reflecting random and facilitated dispersal.  相似文献   

Abstract: Bioclimatic envelope models of species’ responses to climate change are used to predict how species will respond to increasing temperatures. These models are frequently based on the assumption that the northern and southern boundaries of a species’ range define its thermal niche. However, this assumption may be violated if populations are adapted to local temperature regimes and have evolved population‐specific thermal optima. Considering the prevalence of local adaptation, the assumption of a species‐wide thermal optimum may be violated for many species. We used spatially and temporally extensive demographic data for American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.) to examine range‐wide variation in response of population growth rate (λ) to climatic factors. Our results suggest adaptation to local temperature, but not precipitation. For each population, λ was maximized when annual temperatures were similar to site‐specific, long‐term mean temperatures. Populations from disparate climatic zones responded differently to temperature variation, and there was a linear relation between population‐level thermal optima and the 30‐year mean temperature at each site. For species that are locally adapted to temperature, bioclimatic envelope models may underestimate the extent to which increasing temperatures will decrease population growth rate. Because any directional change from long‐term mean temperatures will decrease population growth rates, all populations throughout a species’ range will be adversely affected by temperature increase, not just populations at southern and low‐elevation boundaries. Additionally, when a species’ local thermal niche is narrower than its range‐wide thermal niche, a smaller temperature increase than would be predicted by bioclimatic envelope approaches may be sufficient to decrease population growth.  相似文献   

武夷山自然保护区在处理自然保护与社区发展之间的关系以及推动社区参与保护区管理方面已取得了一些成功的经验。但是,从当地现有的社区参与管理的模式来看,不仅社区参与程度较低,而且在某种程度上处于被动参与状态,保护区缺少一种激励机制来引导群众自觉参与保护。作者提出了在保护区建立旅游股份合作制公司的构想,并阐述了其运行机制。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The physical, economic, and sociocultural displacement of local peoples from protected areas generates intense discussion among scholars and policy makers. To foster greater precision and clarity in these discussions, we used a conceptual framework from the political economy literature to examine different forms of human displacement from protected areas. Using marine protected areas (MPAs) to ground our analysis, we characterized the 5 types of property rights that are reallocated (lost, secured, and gained) through the establishment of protected areas. All forms of MPA "displacement" involve reallocation of property rights, but the specific types and bundles of rights lost, secured, and gained dramatically shape the magnitude, extent, and equity of MPA impacts—positive and negative—on governance, economic well-being, health, education, social capital, and culture. The impacts of reallocating rights to MPA resources vary within and among social groups, inducing changes in society, in patterns of resource use, and in the environment. To create more environmentally sustainable and socially just conservation practice, a critical next step in conservation social science research is to document and explain variation in the social impacts of protected areas.  相似文献   

Lake Victoria until recently harbored the world's second richest lacustrine fish assemblage, but it is now experiencing a mass extinction. Here we report on the current status of the endemic cichlid fishes from a preliminary biotic inventory conducted as part of limnological reconnaissance in Kenyan and Ugandan waters during 1989–1992. Sixty-two haplochromine taxa were recovered, half of them new. Some are local endemics, while others are more widely distributed, based on review of earlier collections. Comparison with data from 1982–1984 and 1988 suggests that some shoreline assemblages have been locally stable over the past decade. In addition to littoral rock and vegetation, four kinds of refugia for indigenous fishes are recognized: (1) schools of Rastrineobola , (2) benthic microbial mats in deep water, (3) satellite lakes, (4) the oxycline. Reconnaissance by remote operated vehicle (ROV) documented fish kills due to deoxygenation of the water column, indicating the risk of using the oxycline as a refugium. Several species formerly abundant in Lake Victoria were found only in satellite lakes, revealing the importance of these lakes in the conservation of indigenous species. Recent events in Lake Victoria shed light on mechanisms of speciation and mass extinction, insights relevant to conservation planning for the valuable remnants of the lake's indigenous fauna.  相似文献   

Abstract: Disruption of gene flow among demes after landscape fragmentation can facilitate local adaptation but increase the effect of genetic drift and inbreeding. The joint effects of these conflicting forces on the mean fitness of individuals in a population are unknown. Through simulations, we explored the effect of increased isolation on the evolution of genetic load over the short and long term when fitness depends in part on local adaptation. We ignored genetic effects on demography. We modeled complex genomes, where a subset of the loci were under divergent selection in different localities. When a fraction of the loci were under heterogeneous selection, isolation increased mean fitness in larger demes made up of hundreds of individuals because of improved local adaptation. In smaller demes of tens of individuals, increased isolation improved local adaptation very little and reduced overall fitness. Short‐term improvement of mean fitness after fragmentation may not be indicative of the long‐term evolution of fitness. Whatever the deme size and potential for local adaptation, migration of one or two individuals per generation minimized the genetic load in general. The slow dynamics of mean fitness following fragmentation suggests that conservation measures should be implemented before the consequences of isolation on the genetic load become of concern.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A promising shortcut for quantifying species patterns is to use genera and families as surrogates of species. At large spatial scales, concurrence between patterns of richness, rarity, and composition of species and higher taxa is generally high. Only a few researchers, however, have examined this relationship at the local scale, which is frequently the relevant scale in land-use conflicts. We investigated the reliability of the higher-taxon approach in assessing patterns of species richness, rarity, and composition at the local scale. We studied diversity patterns of three commonly used surrogate taxa: vascular plants, ground-dwelling beetles, and moths. We conducted year-round field surveys for these taxa in the Jerusalem Mountains and the Judean foothills, Israel. Richness and composition of species were highly correlated with richness and composition of genera for all taxa. At the family level, correlations with richness and composition of species were much lower. Excluding monotypic genera and families did not affect these relations. Rarity representation based on higher taxa varied considerably depending on the taxon, and rarity scale and was weaker compared with richness and composition representation. Cumulative richness curves of species and genera showed similar patterns, leveling off at equivalent sampling efforts. Genus-level assessments were a reliable surrogate for local patterns of species richness, rarity, and composition, but family-level assessments performed poorly. The advantage of using coarse taxonomic scales in local diversity surveys is that it may decrease identification time and the need for experts, but it will not reduce sampling effort.  相似文献   

La reorganización de una gran cantidad de organismos marinos en los Sultimos 5 siglos se debe a actividades humanus, especialmente a desplazamientos globales de organismos asociados con embarcaciones marinus y con productos pesqueros comerciales La mayoría de encuestas biológicas posfechan dichos eventos de transportación, y por consecuencia se intetpreta la distribución de muchas de estas especies, hoy cosmopolitas, como resultado de pcesos naturales, subestimando el rol humano en la alteración de la diversidad natural y en la distribución de organismos marinos en los márgenes costeros del mundo.
Se ilustran percepciones sobre el estado natural de algunos sistemas versus su reciente alteración ecológica en el "NATIONAL ESTUARINE RESERVE RESEARCH SYSTEM," dentro del cual muchos santuarios "naturales" han sido fuertemente alterados por especies exóticas Debido a la falta de comunicación entre los cientificos que trabajan con diferentes grupos de organismos, habitats y regiones, es drficil reconocer la escala y tasa de las invasiones recientes en los océanos, causados por actividades humanas. Evidencias disponibles sugíeren que las introducciones continúan en gran escala en todo el mundo.
A pesar que desde 1973 se han establecido numerosas convenciones internacionales con el motivo de controlar el desplazamiento de otganismos exóticos marinos, un control adecuado sólo ocurre en los niveles locales y regionales.  相似文献   

Abstract: European earthworms (Lumbricus spp.) are spreading into previously earthworm‐free forests in the United States and Canada and causing substantial changes, including homogenization of soil structure, removal of the litter layer, and reduction in arthropod abundance and species richness of understory plants. Whether these changes affect songbirds that nest and forage on the forest floor is unknown. In stands with and without earthworms in the Chequamegon‐Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin (U.S.A.), we surveyed for, monitored nests of, and measured attributes of habitat of Ovenbirds (Seiurus aurocapillus) and Hermit Thrushes (Catharus guttatus), both ground‐dwelling songbirds, and we sampled earthworms at survey points and nests. Bird surveys indicated significantly lower densities of Ovenbirds and Hermit Thrushes in relation to Lumbricus invasions at survey point and stand extents (3.1 and 15–20 ha, respectively). Modeling of Ovenbird nest survival (i.e., the probability that nestlings successfully fledge) indicated that lower survival probabilities were associated with increased sedge cover and decreased litter depth, factors that are related to Lumbricus invasions, possibly due to reduced nest concealment or arthropod abundance. Our findings provide compelling evidence that earthworm invasions may be associated with local declines of forest songbird populations.  相似文献   

Mytilus edulis L. were exposed to abrupt (3015 and 1530) and fluctuating (sinusoidal 12 h cycles of 301530) changes in salinity, and the changes in the total osmoconcentration of the haemolymph were recorded. The response of nitrogen metabolism to the altered extracellular osmotic concentrations was investigated in terms of the concentrations of the total NPS (ninhydrin-positive substances) pool and the individual amino acids of the tissues, the concentration of the amino acids of the haemolymph, and the rates of excretion of ammonia and amino acids by whole individuals. The haemolymph became isosmotic with the seawater with abrupt changes in salinity, but with fluctuating salinity was slightly hyperosmotic as the salinity decreased and then slightly hypo-osmotic as the salinity increased. This resulted in a reduction in the extent of the extracellular osmotic change compared to the change in fluctuating salinity to which it was exposed. Total NPS of the tissues decreased with an abrupt decrease in salinity and increased with an abrupt increase in salinity, but a seasonal dependence of the response was indicated. The short-term response of tissue NPS to fluctuating salinity was equivocal, but with long-term exposure the concentration declined. Ammonia and amino acid excretion increased with both an abrupt decrease in salinity and fluctuating salinity and decreased with an abrupt increase in salinity. Haemolymph amino acids increased with an abrupt decrease in salinity. The increased rates of nitrogen excretion accounted for the reductions in the NPS concentrations of the tissues except in the early stages of fluctuating salinity. Taurine, aspartate, threonine, serine, glycine and arginine declined with an abrupt decrease in salinity while alanine and glutamate increased slightly. With an abrupt increase in salinity, alanine and ammonia accumulated in the tissues and then declined while the other amino acids increased slowly over a longer time-course. Similar individual amino acid responses were seen with long-term exposure to fluctuating salinity, except for taurine which did not decrease in concentration. On the basis of the changes in tissue amino acids and ammonia, it is suggested that the alanine dehydrogenase reaction is the primary nitrogen-fixing reaction in marine bivalves such as M. edulis.  相似文献   

气候变化对生物多样性的影响:脆弱性和适应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
气候变化对生物多样性影响及其适应直接关系着未来生物多样性的保护.气候变化对生物多样性影响、生物多样性在气候变化影响下的脆弱性、生物多样性适应气候变化方面进行了总结分析,对存在的问题进行了讨论,对今后研究提出了一些建议.过去的气候变化已使物种物候、分布和丰富度等改变,使一些物种灭绝、部分有害生物危害强度和频率增加,使一些生物入侵范围扩大、生态系统结构与功能改变等.未来的气候变化仍将使物种物候和行为、分布和丰富度等改变,使一些物种灭绝、使有害生物爆发频率和强度增加,并将可能使生态系统结构与功能发生改变等.生物多样性适应气候变化包括了自然适应和人为适应两个方面,自然适应体现在物种适应性进化、迁移、生态系统稳定性和弹性等,人为适应体现在种质基因保存、物种异地保护、自然保护区规划设计、生态系统适应性管理、生态恢复和气候灾害防御等.目前,生物多样性对气候变化影响的脆弱性、生物多样性自然适应和人为适应气候变化方面的研究都还不系统深入,需要加强生物多样性自然适应和人为适应气候变化方面的研究.  相似文献   

Education, Careers, and Callings: the Practice of Conservation Biology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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